~ BLUE FOR TWO ~ is now listed on Ebay…

Well, my big chance to see what happens is happening now! I just listed the doll dress I have been showing on my blog all last week, the aqua print dress for the Disney Animators doll, Tinker Bell. I mentioned in my listing that I’m hoping it will be received by both doll lovers… the people who love the Disney Animators dolls and the ones who have the My Meadows 15″ Moppets. I don’t think I have to worry so much about the dress and pantalettes. The measurements for both dolls are pretty much the same in the chest, waist and hips… it’s the hat and shoes I want to see on a My Meadows Moppet doll. Time will tell, I guess.

You can click the picture of Tinker Bell on the right side of my blog post, or you can click HERE to be taken to Ebay and view it.

Welcome to the SIX new subscribers to my blog! I’m so happy to have you join us! Thanks so much!

Well, sorry, I’m heading to bed. Sorry no pictures today! Just go to Ebay and get your sweetness overload!
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “~ BLUE FOR TWO ~ is now listed on Ebay…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I just took a quick look thru your listing, Jeanne, and I think it is great. (the outfit as well as the listing) You explained very clearly about the similarities between the two dolls, and how it should fit both. It’s very generous to offer allow a return on this, too. I would probably change one very small detail. You write “…I have drafted a pattern that should fit both dolls and this is my first attempt at selling anything.” I think I would add “for these dolls” at the end, just to clarify. Picky picky, I know….and most of us know exactly what you mean, but…

    Joy commented on my coming doll Sandy’s adorable outfit, and to tell the truth, that is what tipped the balance for me! That dress she comes in is just amazing, with all the seams and the inset piece on the bodice, etc. I don’t have a Lot of these dolls (okay, maybe Sort of a lot–9!!–but, particularly in the special editions, I have been so impressed with the clothes. Amazing attention to detail and precise sewing. Did you know that, on Russell’s plaid shirt, the plaids Match?!! EVERYwhere!! (Some of you know I am a sewer, and have been for many years, and I am a Picky sewer!!)

    Welcome to the new members on the sofa!!

    1. I adore your comment. Lucky you to have such sweet dolls.
      I am a “sewer” too, I make quilts and just about anything.
      Anyway, I call myself a Sewist. I think it is a more deserving title for you too. 🥰

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Thank you, Rosemary. Actually, I don’t much care for the term “sewist”–I guess I’m just too old (78) to be rebranded!! I prefer sewer, seamstress or dressmaker, but really seamstress is about my favorite of the three, as I make a lot more than just dresses (although I make those, too!).

  2. This dress will sell quickly. the fabric is so attractive.
    You put a lot of work into this one, Jeanne

  3. Joy in northern CA

    I see that there is a bid for the latest accomplishment. Go Jeanne. I’m sure that there will be many more as well.
    Back to the blackberry tangle area in the yard yesterday. And a big yay to our neighbors below who finally were able to pull the blackberry off of the fence and in their yard somewhat. That’s where the mess here originated. 🙁
    I wasn’t able to devise any special ruse to get my latest girl inside yesterday. Mail was late. Our regular carrier out. When we came home from an errand, there was the undisguisable doll box sitting right on the porch in front of the mail box. Horrors. Other person rolled his eyes and said not another one. Ugh.
    It’s going to heat up the next few days around here. Hopefully, staying inside will give me time to work on my dress for the Sew Along. I resized the pattern and hope it will fit one of my Ruby Red girls. Still trying to figure out fabric though. Too much around here from which to choose. Wish me luck.

    1. Oh no !!!! Sorry Other saw your package!!! The Mission Impossible music turned into several loud slow drum beats. 😳

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      Oops! Well I guess you can’t win them all but sure did miss another episode of “Dolls of Our Lives”. Which doll was this? I found the pattern from JenWren and thought I might give it a try. I’ve never done a sew-along before. I hope to make it for my AGAT doll. The pattern seems easy, but like you I’ve got a large stash and sometimes it overwhelms me when trying to pick out just the right fabric for an outfit. A friend once mentioned that I should give some of it away. I gave her “the look”. And she sews. But she is so disciplined that she makes up her fabric as she buys it – or maybe just doesn’t overdo the purchasing. I used to do that BC (before children) and all that goes with that. Over the years I accumulated more and more fabric and I did make up a lot of it. But I do enjoy going into my sewing room and being greeted by all the lovely colors and patterns, so I guess I’m not really that motivated to perform a serious reduction. It might take an intervention at some point.

  4. Nice pictures to display Tinker Bell in her cute outfit. And a bid! Yay!
    And welcome to your new subscribers! We have room on the sofa!

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    I checked out the auction. Great pictures! Tinkerbell is wearing such a fetching ensemble that I know things will go well. Does Tink know the drill? Wonder if she’s thought of putting in a bid herself so she can keep the adorable outfit. I know the dolly girls around would bid to win if I didn’t give them a limit.

    Got a notice yesterday that my L’il Dreamer, Kayci, should be arriving today. Can’t wait. Don’t have to smuggle this one in. Kayci is my Mother’s Day gift. Attaching my doll purchases to certain events usually makes it easier on me. I guess my new LD Julia Helene could be considered an early Christmas or birthday present when she arrives a few months from now.

  6. Marti Wulfow Garner

    WooHoo, I won the Blue for two outfit. I have Moana Animator and I have a My Meadows Moppet. I will share pictures of the outfit on both dolls.

    1. Thank you So much Marti! I just finished boxing it up and adding the shipping label to it. I’m about as excited as you are to see it on your dolls!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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