A new doll arrived at my house, but not the one I really wanted!

Hi everyone,
I hope Charlotte and Ron are still enjoying the feelings of celebrating their 50th Anniversary and hope LOTS of friends and family doted on them all weekend! Congratulations to you both!

Congratulations to the winner of the Bee’s Knees 20’s dress shown on Violette! Thank you VERY much! :o)

Also, Kathie’s husband passed away Thursday, so their children are grieving once again… first for their mother and now for their dad. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

My weekend was busy… the Food Pantry Friday, a Saturday morning “Ladies Day Out” where we visited some Amish grocery stores, some gift/boutique shops, a fun family run diner, a “junk” store, and had great fellowship in the cars. Saturday night was a high school graduation ceremony for Barry, (Sarah, my webmaster’s son), Sunday morning was church and we had visiting Missionary friends that I have been friends with since I was probably 20. Then we went to lunch with them and some friends. We got home and I was ready for a nap, but couldn’t fall asleep. But now it’s midnight and I’m READY!

So I’ll have to show you something I’m not “certain” will work but including shipping, she only cost $31.00 so I’m not out too much if she fails.

There was a pre-order ONE FINAL TIME for a My Meadows doll named Mae. She is probably the most sought after and desired doll Miroslava has ever made. She’s a cute little 15″ articulated doll with a very sweet face. I really wanted her, but just couldn’t swing it. Here is just one picture of her for the pre-order… this was her in the sunkissed skin tone.

I may have become a little obsessed and was imagining how much fun it would be to dress this sweet little girl in all kinds of girlie doll dresses with all the accessories to go with them. I even had some fabrics set aside I thought would look darling on her. But… alas… that was just a dream… so I started investigating her size and DISCOVERED there was another doll who was ALMOST the same size as she was. I mean ALMOST IDENTICAL in size… now this doll isn’t articulated, so you can’t pose her in those cuddly poses, but I decided to see what I could do with her…

My plan was to see if I could make her something, paying close attention to my pattern markings, possibly send that dress/outfit to Joy or Sissy or Debbie, and maybe someone else who has a Mae and have them tell me how the outfit fits on Mae and do any adjustments from their observations. Then as long as I stuck closely to my pattern seam allowances and sizes, it should fit any Mae out there.

So who is this mystery doll?

It’s Tinker Bell… one of the Disney Animator dolls. When I discovered the very close similarities in size to Mae, I began looking at the Thrift shops and on Facebook Marketplace, but didn’t find one with the short chubby legs and pudgy tummy that Tinker Bell and a few of the other dolls have, so I bought her off Ebay. She arrived a few days ago and she’s in very nice condition. She has a few marks on her arms and legs, but I think I can get them off.

Her hair is very soft and I haven’t had a chance to see what she looks like with it out of the high ponytail. Some of the dolls have something sprayed on the hair and it’s molded-like and as hard as a rock. Tinker Bell’s isn’t.

I love her little turned up nose.

I have seen LOTS of videos where the eyes on these dolls are repainted with a much softer look. I’m debating about trying that, but my first outfit for Tinker Bell might be with the eyes as they are. Who knows, maybe I’ll be a seller of Disney Animator doll clothes, if the Mae thing doesn’t work out.

So that’s my doll… now let’s see what I can do with her to dress her as cute as sweet Mae! It’s not going to be easy, and I’m not sure if I can show anything on the doll forums for Mae, using a Disney Animator doll, but I’ll check into it. Anyway, I wanted to give it a try and see what happens. Call me crazy… I just might be! :o)

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

17 thoughts on “A new doll arrived at my house, but not the one I really wanted!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Thank you, Jeanne, for the lovely card and letter you sent; we appreciated it so much! And thanks to everyone for their good wishes for our anniversary. We had a fairly quiet one, taking our pastor and his wife out to lunch at a favorite restaurant. I had made reservations because they only have one or two tables with Chairs, everything else is booths, as chairs are just easier for Ron with his walker. I had mentioned it was our 50th anniversary, so after we had finished our lunch, they came with a piece of pie and a piece of cheesecake (along with extra plates), which we shared with our guests. Then Ron and I stopped on the way home and I got him a piece of strawberry-rhubarb pie for later on, and a couple of really yummy cookies for me (I’m much more a cookie person than any other kind of dessert).

    However, later that night, I started getting sick, some kind of tummy bug I am guessing, so stayed home and in bed most of today (Sunday)!! First time I’ve missed church since I don’t know when!! I didn’t even go to see Ron, although I talked to him on the phone a couple of times.

    Congratulations on your very successful auction, Jeanne, and to whoever won that fabulous outfit!

    Yes, I saw on Facebook that Kathie’s husband had died. That’s two big losses for that family in a relatively short time. I am keeping them in my prayers.

    I like some of those My Meadows dolls, too, and thought about ordering one, but they are really out of my price range, so just enjoy looking at the pictures!! I think your idea of getting another doll with a similar body is a good one, so you can start making clothes for them, and perhaps some day have one of your own!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      So glad you and Ron had a nice 50th Anniversary. I realize now that we should have made a bigger deal out of our 25th because as we’re coming up to our 50th anniversary in a few years I can see that any kind of major traveling could be out of the question for the things we would like to do. But I have been reading about the Mississippi River cruises, some on paddlewheels. They leave from New Orleans and that’s not a bad drive from here. Nearly everything else requires air travel (which I don’t do) or crowded cruise ships (which we both don’t do). The river cruises use smaller boats. If we would do that I think I would make us some costumes from back in the days of paddlewheel travel and really get into the spirit.

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, I am so happy that you had a nice celebration! I am sorry that you got a stomach bug. I hope you are better now.

  2. Karen from Kentucky

    Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary, Charlotte and Ron!! That is great you got to celebrate it together! My parents’ had their 45th Anniversary yesterday.

    Thank you for letting us know about Kathie’s husband, Jeanne. This must be so hard for their family. We will pray for him and them all.

    The Meadow doll sure looks sweet. I don’t really care for Tinker Bell’s big eyes, but it is nice that her size is close to the Meadow’s one.

    Have been busy here. Rose received Confirmation. Lucia has done her First Confession and is getting ready for First Holy Communion on June 2nd. Marion had to stay overnight at the school for several days on a retreat preparing for something called Solemn Communion, when they renewed their Baptismal promises and gave themselves to Jesus and Mary. I need to leave to drive to the midwife. The due date is July 28th. Marion and Rose have the day off and are going fishing with J. Hope you have a great day!

    1. Joy in northern CA

      So glad all is going well at your place. I couldn’t remember when the baby was due, so July 28th. Take care.

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      Your parents have been married just a bit longer than David and I have. We will celebrate our 45th in January. Glad all is going well at your place and your girls have received and will be receiving some truly momentous occasions in their life. I was looking at my Confirmation pictures the other day. It is so good to have them since it includes some wonderful pictures of my beloved maternal grandparents. But it’s hard to believe I was ever that young.

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Jeanne’s new animator really does remind me of Meadow Mae. So cute. I even like Tinkerbell’s outfit and wings. Mae’s seem to pop up for sale now and then. I suppose if you purchased one on the Meadow fb site, it would eliminate Ebay fees? And it would be a business expense as well either way. 🙂 In the mean time, this one will be great to show off sweet outfits. I’d love to see a cute sailor dress. or a dress with smocking. Dresses without a waist, would fit either doll I believe. or how about a cute summer romper? Lots of ideas here. 🙂
    Been battling allergies. Interesting, but what I usually take isn’t helping and actually making it worse. Must be my age. Old.

  4. Barbara in SE Texas

    I finally broke down and bought an Animator doll – Cinderella. I bought Animator patterns a few years ago thinking they would fit one of my dolls but they didn’t without a whole lot of alterations. Then I did find patterns for the 16″ doll I had. I still have the Animator patterns so I found an Animator doll on eBay for a very good price and in very good condition. I thought it was interesting that one person was selling a Rapunzel for $200.00 and the same doll in a never-opened box was selling for $50.00. One thing for sure on eBay is that you need to check out all the options before purchasing. Leaves less money on the table I find.

    I only have one Meadow doll, 11″ Dumpling Lolla. They are pretty pricey, especially in the larger sizes. But they are all so cute – Mae is adorable. I would love to have more Meadows, but I can never save enough “dolly bucks” to buy one since I always seem to find another doll that I can’t live without.

    Hopefully Tinker Bell will work out for you in making clothes for 15″ Meadow dolls. If not, well I know some of us out here have Animator dolls and they need clothes too.

    Sean and Dionne got their electricity back on yesterday. It was on when they returned from church. But when Sean started up his A/C he ran into two problems. Fortunately that is his field of expertise so it wasn’t too long before it was up and running and the house was cooling off. Thursday and Friday were fairly cool nights but Saturday night was very hot and not good for sleeping without A/C. Sunday night would have been worse. So glad things are back to normal for them. And, since I had volunteered to do some laundry for them, it’s something off my to-do list.

  5. Susette from Southern California

    Congratulations, Charlotte and Ron, on your 50th wedding anniversary! So glad you were able to celebrate with friends. Ron likes my favorite kind of pie which is hard to find.

    I’m sure , Jeanne , that you’ll be able to do something about those eyes! Hope you can solve the fitting problem quickly. You are so talented to be able to sew for such a variety of sizes and different styles of dolls.

    Glad you are doing well, Karen. You certainly have your hands full taking care of your growing family. Take good care of yourself. Glad the girls are doing so well and growing up so fast.

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am so happy that the auction went well! I am sure Violette is a little blue now that she has to give up the lovely outfit.

    What sad news about Kathie’s husband. Blessings and prayers for the family.

    I am anxious to see your new little dolly when she arrives.

  7. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, I am so sorry I did not get to comment yesterday, but I acccidently erased the whole comment I had written on my iPad, because that thing is so “touchy”, and I usually write it on my desktop earllier, which is MUCH more reliable, and just didn’t get around to doing it over.

    So here we go again! Charlotte, I glad you had a nice, quiet anniversary celebration, which is how I like them too, and I hope you tummy is doing better now.

    I was so sorry to hear about Kathie’s husband, and know how nice her family is, since they had sent me a very thoughtful thank you when she had passed away and I sent a sympathy card. I’m sure they had no idea of who I was! Such a sad tome for them without both of their parents to be with now.

    Karen, it was so heartwarming to see that you and your husband are raising your daughters in the Church and giving them a good path with their devotion to Jesus and Mary. Now to do the same with your soon to be little boy!

    Ok, I think I am caught up with yesterday, now on to the doll! Well, yes, her eyes are a bit big {!}, and I don’t really do character dolls or care to collect them, but I think she is a cute, impish looking little doll, and with your expertise, you can make her look even cuter with a new outfit, Jeanne. You have already to wonders to her hair! I do think the doll you were wanting in the first place is really a cute one, so maybe one day you will find one to your liking. You can’t be tied down to one or two kinds of dolls if you are making clothes for a variety of doll owners. I see with the popularity of the AG Disney dolls, so you may be onto something there with Tinkerbell!

    Oh no, I wrote on yesteday’s blog, and it is meant for Tuesday!! Senior moment here!

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