Blue dolly shoes…white dolly shoes… you’ll have to wait and see which ones get chosen!

REMINDER: “Chartreuse Fantasy” ends this evening on Ebay. It’s the bright green dress at the right side bar… if you have missed seeing it or want to just check it out, or even just cheer on the bidding as it gets closer to the finish ( :o) ) you can click on the picture, or you can click HERE.

I had a busy day and didn’t even make it into my sewing room until after 5:00, so I didn’t get as much done as I was hoping to, but I wanted to show you what I was working on…

Yep, it’s another pair of shoes again… this time I was trying to make a pair of more dainty white shoes… I wanted them to fit closer to her foot, so I opted to use her foot for the molding of them… instead of my doll shoe lasts, which work for boots and more chunkier shoes.

I drew around her bare foot and started there… it didn’t take too many steps to get a prototype going…

…then I cut a pair from some white leather I had…

…and stitched them with white waxed thread…

Here they are with the dress, pinned up a little higher so you can see them…

I might put a little strap across them so they aren’t just plain slip-ons.

I wet the inside of my leather and slipped them on her feet before putting them back on my shoe lasts…

The shoe lasts are slightly bigger than her foot, to make the shoes a little roomy… like for boots. But since I wanted a closer fitting shoe to her foot shape, the last was too tight. I did manage to get the tip of the last into the toe section of these shoes. I’ll let it dry over night and see how it looks tomorrow and hopefully finish them.

Well, this isn’t the most exiting post, but it’s one step closer to getting this blue cutie pie ready for Ebay!

Thanks everyone,
Blessings, Jeanne

8 thoughts on “Blue dolly shoes…white dolly shoes… you’ll have to wait and see which ones get chosen!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I can already see that these will me a little “daintier” shoe. I’m wondering if you will embellish them in any way?

    Five bids on Chartreuse Fantasy already–woohoo!!

    Ron is coming home tomorrow from respite care! He can hardly wait. (I can Always use “a little more time”…but I do miss him, too.) He did agree to spend two extra days there so I could get some additional things done here at the house. The main thing is that the old couch is gone and the newer one (from my folks’ house; it’s been waiting in the garage for years!) is in its place. Lots of vacuuming and dusting, sorting and pitching and putting away of miscellaneous stuff that has been gathering (and, I think, multiplying all on its own! 😂), so that things are looking a bit better. I am not the most organized person in the world, that is for sure, and now I am paying for it! I think I’ll put the heating pad on my back tonight.

    1. HI Charlotte,
      Yes, the white shoes ARE a little more stylish… I just finished them…
      In a few minutes Chartreuse Fantasy ends… I’m excited to see who wins it!
      Congratulations to Ron and you on getting back together… I hope everything goes smoothly and hope he loves the new/used couch! I love a change in furniture… how you will too!
      See you tomorrow,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    These white shoes just might be the thing, Jeanne, for this dress! Maybe some tiny blue flowers from your stash to embellish them? Like I said yesterday, I’m just waiting for you to weave your magic, like you always do!

    Glad your hubby will be home with you again, Charlotte! I guess it was nice to be able to get some things done that needed to be done without interruptions, but I am sure you and Ron will be happy to be together again!

    Ingrid, I looked at the place you mentioned yesterday, and wow, for it’s age, it has been very well kept up! Very pretty too, with all the snow!

    1. HI Linda,
      Well, I just finished the white shoes and I decided to keep them all white… so they could be worn with any colors… I did embellish them and you’ll see them tomorrow… I’m trying to finish her dress too.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings ,Jeanne

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Hum, I guess I like a more traditional Mary Jane look to go with this dress. I think the blue shoes with frilly socks or lace tights would be my favorite.
    Loved seeing Ingrid’s maybe house and left a comment yesterday. Pretty exciting to think of a move.
    Can’t believe it. It is clear as a bell this morning. No clouds at all, and it looks like we’ll have nice weather for at least a couple of days. Maybe we can dry out a bit and cheer on the daffodils. 🙂

    1. HI Joy,
      Well, the new white shoes are definitely Mary Janes but we’ll have to see how they are received… I’m not sure I can get thigh highs on with the white ones… they are snug on her bare feet…
      I saw Ingrid’s house too… LOTS of space in there.
      Glad you got a reprieve on the rain for a day or two… We had cold cold weather last night but I haven’t heard if it affected the peach crop around here… one year the frost wiped the entire crop out.
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. I really enjoy seeing the steps of shoe construction. The closer fitting shoes will be nice and blue trim ?
    Glad you got a new to you couch Charlotte🥹 It will make that room feel so different.
    Will you ever get warm weather again in California?
    My girls are coming today . We have plans to make for my sister coming.

    1. HI Kathie,
      Well, I debated about blue trim on the shoes, but in the end, decided to leave them completely white… you’ll see them tomorrow,
      Oh, I hope you have LOTS of fun with your girls… I bet you will… I’m missing my sisters, but we talked to Rebecca today and they are coming on March 31st… I can’t wait for Christmas! :o)
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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