My hubby’s redneck sidewalk railing…

I managed to get Ten Ping’s dress set scheduled for Ebay… it will go on Thursday evening… I’ll put a link to it when it goes live and also put a picture at the right side bar so you can click on that to be taken to it.

We still have a VERY slippery path to the garage… I doesn’t look like it, but it’s just like a skating rink when you open the front door… My hubby did chisel the ice off the 3 steps down to the brick walkway, but the walkway is very treacherous. He can’t get it chipped off without tearing up the bricks underneath, so we will have to wait until it melts. I haven’t been anywhere since Monday morning and don’t plan on going anywhere until all this is GONE!

Anyway, he had a doctor’s appointment today, so he very carefully went down the steps, and slowly walked in the grass instead of the brick walkway, and made it safely there and back. Our driveway slopes downhill, so if you get out to end of our driveway and slide, you just might slide into someone driving by… we kind of have a blind spot where people don’t see us coming out of our driveway… so we always roll down our window and listen for cars before pulling out.

But, what I wanted to show you was my hubby’s idea of a sidewalk railing…

He tied a rope from the tailgate of his truck to the steps… I’m not sure it will work and I’m not going to try it out, but he used the same principle as they did in the old westerns when they tied a rope from the house to the barn, so they wouldn’t get lost in the blizzards! *Silly Man!*

It was a perfect day to make a big pot of vegetable soup in the crock pot and let it simmer all day… then we had biscuits with it! Yummy!

We had Christmas with Kristoffer and his girlfriend tonight… it seemed kind of weird at the beginning, but then once we got going it was fine. We had a nice visit and then he worked on my computer a little bit. My computer hadn’t been connecting to my printer for about a week and it was driving me crazy… not being able to print shipping labels. He managed to get it fixed, and said he’ll be back soon to do the overhaul on my computer. Oh boy! He even gave me a homemade coupon for “computer services!” In the bottom corner he wrote, “Coupon value – Priceless!” :o)

Kristoffer fell on the ice 5 times today at work… the first time he fell was when he was going to work. There is a porch camera on his house, and it showed him going out the door at 5:30 Wednesday morning, with a cup of coffee in his hand and his work bag in the other. You can see his back as he heads across the porch, and goes down about 2 steps, then whammy… he slips, and hits the next 4 or 5 steps on his behind… and then slides out onto the sidewalk… he spills his coffee and his bag goes flying… you can see him gather himself up, pick up his spilled coffee cup and bag and then he kind of looks back at the sidewalk with a puzzled look on his face, like “What just happened?” We laughed but it looked (and he said, it was) painful!

Charlotte sent an email to me on December 26th, that I totally missed… so here it is… I had never heard of this company or about the idea of getting a box with 25 gifts-to-make inside… that must have been really fun to receive. Tell Ron, “Good Job!” :o)

Hi Jeanne
Here are pictures of a couple of my pre-Christmas projects, made from kits that were in the Countdown to Christmas Box that I got from the Missouri Star Quilt Co. You order the box ahead of time (they have three times of the year when they make them available) and the box arrives sometime in November. This year, when I found out about it in October, I suggested to Ron that it could be his “big” gift to me, and he wouldn’t have to worry about getting out to shop, as he usually does. He’s become so frail, it is a major event to just go out for dinner sometimes, much less have him try to go into the mall! So that’s what we did, and overall I was very pleased with all the things I got in the box, which has 25 numbered gifts in it. Items include things like fabrics (a 1-yard cut, or a “layer cake” of precuts, etc.), kits to make things, sewing tools, quilting or sewing-related gift items, etc. The idea is, you open one gift each day from Dec. 1-25. Jenny does an “opening” video each day, too, showing what the item is and how it is used. Sometimes there is a tutorial for a project.

The first picture shows the redwork trees I made from a kit that was in my box. It included stamped white fabric, plain red fabric, some red embroidery floss, and some dowels and round “tinkertoy-like” things to stick the dowels in. There are directions for some basic embroidery stitches, and the idea is to use a variety of stitches, but you can also add things like bits of lace and vintage buttons for embellishment. After you have that done, you stitch the white to the red, turn them right side out, and slip one over each dowel. Also pictured with the trees are one of my Annalee figures, and a ceramic tree that my aunt made for my folks years ago.

The second picture shows a close-up of the trees. I used some vintage mother-of-pearl buttons (although the tiny hearts are actually beads) and some bits of lace from my stash. I even learned a new embroidery stitch from one of my embroidery books, called the Pearl stitch–you can see it above the leaf buttons on the left-hand tree.

The third picture is a leather coin purse–a kit that was one of the gifts in my box. I haven’t done leather work in years, so this was quite fun! I sent it to my granddaughter when I finished, as yellow is her favorite color.

It turned out that this box was a good thing for me, in other ways, too–it came just a couple of days after I broke my arm, and during Dec., when I couldn’t do a lot of other, “normal” things, it gave me something to look forward to each day. I saved the last few gifts to open Christmas morning, when Ron opened his gifts (most of which I had to order, since I wasn’t able to drive or get out much until after Christmas!).

Well, that’s it for me today… I was working on getting my listing ready when Kristoffer called and said they were coming over… so I wasn’t able to get anything else done, after Christmas, dinner, working on the printer, then I had to finish my listing and find something to write about…

I think I’m going to bed…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

20 thoughts on “My hubby’s redneck sidewalk railing…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I sure don’t envy you your ice, Jeanne! We had bad ice back in December, and that one time our neighbor took me to the post office so I could mail my granddaughter’s Christmas stuff, he took my hand and walked me to the car and in and out of the post office, and back up to the house again, and I was certainly thankful. Our driveway is on a slope, and if I’d gone down, I’d probably have slid to the bottom–and it wouldn’t have done my broken arm any good!!

    Well, hey, if that rope helps keep George on his feet, good for him! I’d want something a little more stable, I think, but of course I’m a few years older than ye is!!

    I’m glad you had a nice belated Christmas with Kristoffer and his girlfriend. And how great, that he got your computer “talking” to your printer again! Yay for him!! (Did Rebecca and Karm ever make it? Maybe I missed that post, or am forgetting something here. It’s been not a great day…)

    Thanks for sharing my post-Christmas pictures. If you click on the close-up of the trees, the laces and buttons really show up well, I’m glad to see. Yeah, even though Ron really only said, “go ahead” when I suggested the countdown box, he gets a big yay for that! (Afterwards he told me I could have ordered it anyway. He’s a good guy.)

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Oh, good grief, that should have been “older than HE is”!! (second paragraph) So much for my proofreading skills!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Well, George’s idea of a railing probably won’t make it to Better Homes and Gardens for a project, but hey, if it works, that’s all that matters! The question is, if he needs that to get to the truck or porch, how did he do that in the first place without falling down? Good for you, that you will wait for things to melt! Our front sidewalk faces the south and STILL has ice on it. When is the melting going to get going here? We do put down Ice Melt, but you have to be careful not to use too much, which is not good for the sidewalk or grass next to it. Well, it is Groundhog Day, so we will see what is coming up soon!

    My granddaughter goes to school in Cape Girardeau, and the university has been closed all week due to ice! That never happened when I was going there.

    Poor Kristoffer, falling 5 times in one day! I hope he isn’t too banged up to get to work today! How wonderful that he helps you with your computer! I could use my son for that too, but he lives in Denver, unfortunately!

    Charlotte, that is a wonderful idea that Ron had to give you that wonderful set for Christmas, even though you are the one who told him to! What a great thing to look forward to each day, especially when you can’t get out. Your trees are darling and you did an excellent job! I can use trees around here for decorating any day, especially for Christmas!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you, Linda. I actually did the ordering, too (he doesn’t do computers), but it was really a win for both of us–he didn’t have to shop, and I got something I really enjoyed. I’m seriously thinking of ordering it again next year (each year is different, and the items are specially chosen, brand-new items just for that year’s box.

      Thanks for the compliments on the trees, too–they were fun to make!

  3. Joy Lynne Carter

    Great post! I’m sure Ten Pings ‘year of the rabbit’ outfit will be gone before your post even ‘crosses the river’!🤗 hoping and praying no ‘after effects’ from your son’s icy tumble.

  4. Charlotte, I really love your trees. The embroidery is lovely and it is fun finding all the little pieces you added. I would love to have a gift like that and will look for it next year. Peyton would be happy to order it for me.

    For several years I sent Simone an advent gift of 25 gifts. It was a “rope” with 25 numbered pockets in different Christmas shapes. I filled the pockets with little fun things and added a larger pocket on the 7th which is her birthday. My son said it helped get her out of bed for school, which, like her dad as a kid, was a real work out. She is 11 now and has outgrown the advent thing.

    I hope your wonderful son is ok, that sounds like a terrible fall! Also hope you two stay safe.

    We are up in Helen, GA in the north GA mountains for two weeks. Last year it snowed, but this year just rain. I always bring my sewing machine and we love just having a peaceful time here. We put seed out on the balcony for the birds and really enjoy the show. There is an indoor pool here, water is warm, so we are able to get our twice a week water exercise as we do at the Y at home. This is our major vacation every year.

    Happy Ground Hog Day, we hope!


    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you so much, Sissy! I’m glad you enjoyed looking for all the bits on my trees. They were such fun to do!

      If you are on Facebook, Missouri Star Quilt Co. has a FB page; or you can go to their web site and sign up for their emails; that way you will get the announcements for the pre-orders of the Countdown boxes. I understand each year’s box is different, and items are specially chosen (and even specially made–this year there were several accessories that coordinated!), premium-quality items.

      I have been to Helen, GA! It’s a lovely part of the world, My girlfriend used to live in the Atlanta area, and when I went to visit her, first we went to Babyland (home of the Cabbage Patch Kids) in Cleveland, and then to Helen, to look around. It was a fun day!! (And, yes, I did adopt a CPK Original baby who I saw being born from the mother cabbage!!)

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Oh no, the Ground Hog saw his shadow, so six more weeks of winter. 🙁
    Sorry to hear that Kristoffer took a tumble. I’m sure the video will be viewed a lot. Guess you guys in the ice zone should be wearing helmets when venturing outside. I know I would be making an ice rink and pulling out the skates. That is if I still had them. 🙂
    The rope safety line to the garage is genius. Reminds me of the old rope tows of the 50’s that we used to get up the slopes to ski. 🙂
    Question? Can a heat gun be used to melt ice? Like on steps? Just wondered. Have no idea.
    Charlotte’s handiwork is lovely. What a great display too. That vintage tree is a collectors dream. I belong to a vintage Xmas group and many report when they have found one at a garage sale of thrift store. It is so sweet.
    Guess you’ll be taking down the Christmas tree now that it is February. Did R & K ever make it down? If not, maybe you and George can take a trip north and visit them. Might be a fun vacation after the cold is gone.
    Received some more fabric in the mail. 🙂 Guess I will have another project to work on. Not that I haven’t many here already. 🙂
    And on to February. 🙂

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Joy, I don’t think a heat gun would work well, unless you would also like to get an electric shock! Plus it would take forever with thick ice!

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you so much, Joy. I’m glad you liked both the handwork and the total display. I never thought of the tree being “vintage” but I’m sure it is, because my aunt made it for my folks, probably 40 years or so. After all, it was back in the 70s, I think, that we were “all” doing ceramics (yup, I did them, too).

      Oh, yes, the tree and all are down now–I sent the pictures right after Christmas. We’ve had birthday cards up recently–first Ron’s, then mine–and soon it’ll be time for Valentine things.

      I got to thinking, Jeanne, my friend Annette lives up in the mountains where they get a LOT of snow, and she had heated stair treads. She keeps them on the steps all winter long, and when they get snow or ice, she turns them on and they heat up and melt the ice/snow safely!! You might do an internet search, or I can ask her for info, if you’d like.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Charlotte your little trees are charming. And I love the way you’ve embellished them. What a great gift from Ron. I know I would love it. I used to belong to a project of the month club and many of the items made nice little gifts for people. I just joined the Annie’s fat quarter of the month club. Not that I need any more fat quarters but I couldn’t resist. They come with a project, and I was curious to see what those projects were. It’s not like I need anything else to do at the moment since I am making the curtains for my new laundry room and bathroom and machine embroidering and making pillows for the settee on my breezeway, but maybe they’ll be something I can do while I watch TV.

    Sissy mentioned that her granddaughter had outgrown Advent Calendars. She is the same age as my granddaughter so I thought I would mention what my daughter-in-law did for Advent Calendars this year. Skyy got one that contained Legos which he loves. Azure’s contained toy trucks and cars. Jaiden was over the moon with hers. She got to make a couple adorable charm bracelets. The first day she got the blank bracelet and each day she added a charm. Around the middle of the month she got another blank bracelet and the charms after that were Christmas themed. They are really very pretty.

    Still raining here. We haven’t seen the sun for over a week now. And it’s cold. The high for the day has not reached 40 for days. I would totally enjoy the temps if they did not include the rain. Have we heard from Anne in New Zealand lately? I’ve been absent from the blog a few times so I may have missed her. I was wondering how her sleep-out project was coming and I’d like to know that all is well with her.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you so much, Barbara. Aside from printed guidelines on each tree (dividing it into thirds), whatever I did was totally up to me, and I really enjoyed it.

      The Advent calendars for your grandchildren sound really interesting, and fitting the interests of each child! I remember when I was a kid, our Advent calendars just had little doors, which you opened and found a Bible verse and/or a little picture of something. Not quite the same as the modern ones!!

  7. Such a busy group today😉 Charlotte those trees are done so well! What a fun kit and your stitching is so well done. That is a wonderful gift!
    Not sure the ground hog goes by the same rules here. Over the years every time he foes not see his shadow I get excited for spring and it is just the goes on forever…but if he does see his shadow then by mid March we do see signs of Spring…so crazy🌷🌱
    Keep sewing and don’t go out on the ice Jeanne❄️🥶

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you so much for the compliment, Kathie. I really do enjoy projects like that, and yes, it was a wonderful gift!

  8. Happy Candlemas Day! Happy Groundhog Day! Bright sun today so Buckeye Chuck would have seen his shadow had he even come out of his burrow. He apparently did not.
    I think the rope is practical. Anything to avoid falling. Hope Kristoffer is okay. Thankfully, our snow has melted, and we have no ice, bright sunshine instead. YAY!! Safe Paw Ice Melt does a great job and is animal safe.
    Charlotte, your redwork trees are really cute and can even stay up through February. I love the little chick coin purse. My great aunt had a very similar little ceramic Christmas tree.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Oh, no! It can’t be Candlemas already. Now I really feel I need to take my Christmas tree and village down. Problem is, I still can’t get to the area where I store them because of all the construction items still in the garage. Guess I’ll just have to enjoy them a little longer. With luck I’ll have them down by Easter.

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you so much, Laura. I hadn’t thought about leaving them up for Valentine’s Day, but you’re right, they would work, depending on what other decorations I put with them. Thanks for the idea!

  9. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    How annoying, just spent 30 mins writing a long comment to make up for not being in contact for so long and it all disappeared!. Sorry folks haven’t time to repeat it all!
    Love the outfits Jeanne. Why don’t you sprinkle salt on the ice? Not good for the ground but better than falling on it.
    Barbara the sleepouts are finished and the kids love the privacy. Ashley and her mum can now have separate rooms and both are keeping them tidier than they ever did.
    Charlotte your gift from Ron was awesome and I love your trees and the little purse.
    Sissy Sam buys lego advent calendars still for her 3 and Ashley also has about three other more permanent ones so they haven’t outgrown them yet. They are 20,17 and 12!
    Very hot here 32 yesterday and 30 today so they tell us (Celcius that is!) Also very dry so danger of scrub fires. Had only one significant rainfall since before Christmas. Not so up north. Auckland has had really terrible flooding and landslips. If we could find a way to tip the North Island up a bit it might even the water out a bit.
    Have great day and stay safe

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Anne, great to hear from you and that all is well. I’m sure having more space and privacy is working well for everyone. Better watch what you wish for. You might have another earthquake that will do as you wish.

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you so much, Anne–yes, I thought it was a pretty awesome gift!! Some days it took all my willpower not to “peek”!!

      I’m glad to hear the sleepouts are finished and everyone is settled in. Big sighs of relief all around, I should imagine!!

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