It’s my birthday, but you’ll have to wait for more…

Today is my birthday and I’m now sixty six
How can this be… it must be a trick!
I’m not really fretting, I’ve got a wonderful life
My hubby, who loves me, says I’m his “favorite” wife! :o)
My kids are both healthy and love coming home
When I miss them too much, there’s always the phone
I love what I do and you know, that’s to sew!
But more than just that, it’s the friendships I sow!
All of you, each of you, every single one
Make my world special and so very fun!
I thank the Lord daily, for the friends I have made
Wouldn’t it be great to have a friendship parade?

Yep, it’s my birthday…my 66th and I can’t believe it! I was just 40 a few years ago… :o) How did I get so many years added on so quickly?

I was actually going to do a birthday post and see where it took me, but my daughter, Rebecca, and her new hubby, came to visit and so that will have to wait… stay tuned…

However…a few days ago Miss Barbara sent me some pictures of her dolls in their new dresses and they will be in the lime light today… this was her email to me…

Hi, Jeanne,
Don’t know if you need these or not, probably would have been better last week, but it you need something while Rebecca and Karn are visiting, here are the descriptions.

#1 Greer Adele at her schools Spring Fling.

#2 Greer Adele elected Spring Fling Princess wearing her Liberty of London Tana Lawn dress, pattern by Petite Princess Designs.

#3 Mini Maru Chloe Danielle, Greer Adele and Cleo Patrice at the Spring Fling. Lovely ladies all.

#4 Hanna, Stella, Naomi Ruth, Bella and Kendall (seated) in clothes by Kathy Anne Designs (all except Stella’s shirt). I pulled Hanna’s shirt up a little so her cute shorts can be seen. I love the rompers on Naomi Ruth and Bella. One of my favorite patterns.

#5 Chloe Danielle, L’il Dreamer Evianna Lea and Siblie Sydney in their “bow shoulder dresses” by Kathy Anne Designs. Love this pattern. So summery.

#6 Little Charming Jade dropped by on her bicycle to visit with her friends – and get her picture taken. She is wearing her adorable summer outfit by I Dream of Jeanne Marie, including the sweet hat and too cute shoes.

Hope this will help you out. Have a great birthday and family visit.

Thanks Barbara! It DID help and was such an adorable group of girls and pretty dresses, how could anything be sweeter? I appreciate your pictures very much!

See everyone tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

44 thoughts on “It’s my birthday, but you’ll have to wait for more…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    🎵Happy birthday, to you! 🎶
    🎶Happy birthday to you! 🎵
    🎵Happy birthday, dear Jeanne,🎶
    🎶Happy birthday to you!🎵

    (I still have almost 10 years on you, girl! I don’t think 66 sounds old at all!!)

    I hope you are having a wonderful time with your family, and celebrating as much as possible!!

    Barbara, thanks for sharing your pictures. Congratulations to Greer Adele for being elected Spring Fling Princess!! She looks lovely in her pretty dress, and with her flowers. All of your girls look just darling in their pretty dresses and summery play outfits. The backdrops you have are really nice, too. Wherever did you find that wonderful bicycle for Little Charming Jade?! It’s just perfect!

    1. Happy Birthday Jeanne!! I hope your day is filled with happiness and joy!! Glad you are having fun with your family. Your poem was entertaining and very clever…Jeanne, you have so many talents!
      Don’t worry about the age, you are as young as you feel!! You’ve always had such energy!

      Barbara, it was nice to see your girls in their pretty outfits enjoying their spring fling and Jade looks so cute on her bike. Nice background too. Scenery boards are hard to find.

      I have enjoyed seeing all the pictures everyone has sent in this summer. I read Jeanne’s posts every morning but then I’m off doing chores, errands and much needed projects. This has been one of the most busiest summers for me and I guess that’s why the summer went so fast for me this year.
      Happy Monday everyone!

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks, Charlotte. The backdrops are “My Life As”. I have six of them – actually three but they’re two-sided. They are less expensive than some of the other backdrops I’ve seen and they seem to work well. The bicycle is actually for Blythe but it seems to fit the 8″ dolls much better. It is amazing. I got it from a shop on Etsy called Marinas Doll House. It’s in Canada. It comes in several colors. I also bought a cute mini dollhouse from there. The shop has a lot of wonderful things. I’ll pass your congrats on to Greer Adele. She was quite humbled.

      1. Ingrid B in Western N Y

        Hi Barbara,
        Your girls are just lovely.. they all are dressed so sweetly! I love the little girl dresses, my favorite for my dolls too. Greer Adele is beautiful and makes the prettiest princess! Thanks for sharing
        I need to scoot, little man wants to swim and I promised we’d swim all day! yikes

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Happy, Happy Birthday, Jeanne, with all the bells and whistles! I too, have a good ten plus years on you, so sixty-six doesn’t sound old at all! You have every reason to look back and be hapy and proud of the life you have lived so far! This week should be a good one for you, and I hope you have a wonderful day today!

    Barbara, your dolls are darling and such a treat for us today! Greer Adele looks so pretty in her dress, and the background just sparkles! That dress is the perfect one for a spring fling princess!!

    The next picture looks like your darling crew took on the big city! What a fun day they must have had at the local playground!

    Those bow shoulder dresses are adorable and yes, look so cool and summery!
    Little Jade just HAS to steal the show with her darling outfit and that shiny bicycle! Darling find! Thanks for sending these to Jeanne!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks, Linda. Yes it was a very busy day for the girls. A couple of them said they just could not be on their feet any longer and were happy to collapse on the grass. I love the pattern for Greer Adele’s dress and that Tana Lawn fabric is a dream to sew with. I thought it was going to be more fragile but it just looks that way so the dresses made from it seem to float but sewing with it was very easy. The bicycle is from Etsy shop Marinas Doll House. It comes in several colors.

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Oh, Barbara, you MADE the bow dresses? We’re they hard? Betsy and Emmy would love to have one too! Hmmm…..

        1. Barbara in SE Texas

          The only hard part of making the bow dresses is making sure the bow is positioned just right. What just right means I’m not totally sure but I sort of eyeballed it and the placement on each size dress ended up being a little different. One of them, can’t remember which one, I took the bow off four times before I felt it was in the right place. The pattern is at KathyAnneDesigns on Etsy. I love her patterns. So cute and they are easy to understand. I

  3. Alors :” Bon anniversaire “, depuis la France. Demain,j’ ai 77ans,Le temps passe de plus en plus vite et c’est parce que nous sommes occupées avec notre famille et nos poupées. Je vous souhaite une belle journée. Georgina.

    1. I translated Georgina’s comments…

      So: “Happy birthday”, from France. Tomorrow, I’m 77, Time is going faster and faster and that’s because we’re busy with our family and our dolls. I wish you a nice day. Georgina.

    2. Ingrid B in Western N Y

      Bonjour Georgina, bienvenue ! Nous aimons notre Jeanne et je suis ravie que vous vous soyez jointe pour lui souhaiter un joyeux anniversaire.

  4. Karen from Kentucky

    Hope you have a very wonderful 66th Birthday, Jeanne!! Have a great time with your kids! Today is my niece Mercedes’ birthday, too. I think she is 14. She lives in California. It is the last day of summer vacation here for the girls. Tomorrow is Lucia’s first day of Kindergarten. Marion wishes you a Dolltastic birthday and Rose wishes you a Dogtastic birthday! Hehe. On Saturday we got to go to a doll show in Ohio. Found some cheap American girl doll clothes. Had fun thrift storing. Fun to see the doll pictures! Thank you for sharing!

  5. Happy birthday, Jeanne! 66 never looked so good:) Doing what we love keeps us young.
    Wishing you a wonderful day filled with everything you love!🌹🎂❤️🌟

  6. Happy Birthday, Dear Jeanne, I know you will have a wonderful one with your family. I can barely remember 66!! Still, I am blessed to be as active as I am at 83! Barbara’s girls are a sweet treat, the outfits are so lovely! Great morning fun!

  7. Theresa in Indiana

    Happy Birthday to my one-year-older-than-me twin! 🙂 It’s the big 65 for me today. Hope you have a great day with your family. I’m having lunch with my two sisters today, then tomorrow evening my hubby is taking me to dinner. I didn’t want to do two big meals in one day!

    1. Sally from Colorado

      Happy birthday, Theresa. It’s always a good plan to spread out the fun, especially the older we get, and it makes each occasion stand out more. Enjoy your lunch and dinner. 🎂🍨🎉

    2. Happy Birthday, Theresa! I hope you have a wonderful day. I agree with Sally, two celebrations are better than one.

    3. Debbie in North Carolina

      A very Happy Birthday to you too Theresa. I hope you enjoy your outings and the moments in between!

    4. Barbara in SE Texas

      Happy birthday to you Theresa. Oh to be 65 years young again. I guess I could add and know what I know now. LOL Coming up on my 76th.

    5. Charlotte Trayer

      Happy birthday, Theresa! Hope you had a wonderful lunch out with your sisters, and then tomorrow, dinner with your husband. It’s great to spread the celebrating out a bit!!

  8. Sally from Colorado

    Jeanne, 66 and still the dynamo!! Long may you wave, sweet lady, and have a super dandy day. 🎂🎉🍨😘🎈🎈🎈🥰

    Barbara, your girls look just wonderful in their outfits. That Liberty Lawn dress is so pretty. Don’t you just love the feel of Liberty? I sure do. And that kiddo on the bike with an outfit from Jeanne that closely mirrors the outfit I recently got that my Anna is wearing. She sends a hug to your little Jade.

    I, too, like that pattern of that dress with the bow on the shoulder. Very feminine. ALL of these outfits are truly special. Does your new server arrive this week or next? Woohoo! Thanks ever so much for sending these pictures. Everyone’s pictures of their “kids” are SO much fun.

    Everyone, have a super day. Jeanne, enjoy your day…maybe a peanut Buster parfait at DQ? For breakfast?? 😈😁

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I do love the Tana Lawn fabric. I’ve actually been planning on ordering some more but I just can’t make up my mind there are so many beautiful choices. I was actually going to buy a piece to make me a blouse but they were sold out of the one I wanted. Waiting for another to speak to me. I have that bow shoulder dress in every size Kathy has patterns for. She was not going to do one for the 18″ dolls because she thought people would not buy it because of the AG dolls fabric upper body. But I told her my MA 18″ dolls do not have cloth upper bodies so I’m hoping she’ll change her mind. Hopefully my new serger will be here this week. When it arrives I will have to take a couple classes and I know there will be a learning curve. But just being able to thread the loopers with the touch of a button and the tensions basically setting themselves like my sewing machine, learning all the other stuff should be fun. There are 87 stitch combinations.

  9. Joy in northern CA

    Hope the birthday girl has some mighty plans to celebrate today. You’re only young once. 🙂
    So fun to see Barbara’s girls and their fabulous attire. Great scenes as well. And the girls all are wearing appropriate shoes. Getting everyone dressed with their matching shoes is such a feat! Thanks so much Barbara and Jeanne for sharing.
    Two dollies from RRFF are headed this way in separate packages from a new delivery service. What will I do without UPS follow the truck? 🙂
    Have fun today Jeanne!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks, Joy. Isn’t it all about the shoes? I was a little annoyed though when Kendall went to put on her pretty sandals. They are supposed to have white daisies with yellow centers on the front to match her outfit, but when she put them on the daisies fell off in her hands – both of them. I will put them back on, just haven’t got around to it yet. The scenes this time were pretty easy. Just the backgrounds, the grass or table top and the dolls. The “My Life As” backgrounds are nice and inexpensive too.

  10. Ingrid B in Western N Y

    Happy Birthday Jeanne! Hope you have the best birthday ever!!! I know you’ll be celebrating with the kids and enjoying their visit. Have a ball this week.
    love you

  11. Barbara in SE Texas

    Happy Birthday, Jeanne. And what a nice present that Rebecca and Karn are here to share it with you and will be staying a few days. I haven’t seen my daughter in person for close to four years. For us Duo calls have to suffice. Better than a letter though like in the old days.

    Thanks for publishing the girls’ pictures. They’ve been wanting to change clothes for weeks now but I told them they had to wait until after the photo shoot. They were getting very impatient.

    Have a wonderful and relaxing week. You definitely deserve it. Maybe when you’re not thinking too hard about the dress an idea will pop into your head and solve your dilemma. I have had that happen myself.

    Construction still proceeding here. The guys are about to put the roof on the addition. Once they do that and put in the windows and the A/C it will be cooler for them to work. Of course we’ll probably start having cool fronts and they won’t need the A/C they can just open the windows. It has been a very hot summer for working on a project like this and only being able to work part of the day has slowed things down, but they are progressing.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Barbara, thanks for sharing photos of your girls. They are adorable in their lovely outfits.

      I didn’t realize you had so many Dianna Effner sculpted children. Thanks for posting photos on the Little Darling ning site!

  12. Happy Birthday, Jeanne. I hope you have a fabulous birthday and God’s blessings to you. I’m sure George and Rebecca have many fun things planned.

    So nice to see your lovely girls, Barbara. Greer Adele is just lovely with her sweet dress and bouquet. All of your dolls look so pretty and those bow on the shoulder dresses are darling. Little jade on her tricycle is just too cute. Thank you so much for sharing them.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks, Laura. It is so tempting to buy more of those bicycles for my 8″ dolls so they can go biking together, and maybe find a place to picnic. I searched forever but never hoped to find such a perfect replica. of a bicycle. I was over the moon when I found the site.

  13. 🎂❤️👏 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEANNE! Sixty-six isn’t so bad….unless all the fixing and repairing at the dorm made you feel your age.😵‍💫 All the awesome things you do for your church and home keep you young! Have fun with your family this week.
    Barbara…thank you for the fun pictures! The backgrounds make them look so professional and their dresses fit their personalities perfectly. Greer is a knockout. Leo has hat happy expression and that dress is so cute on her. The dresses with the now are fantastic and you did a great job on them!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks, Kathie. The bow dresses are fun to make and always come out well. I did not hem the flounce ruffle on the bottom but faced it with tulle, something I learned from Jeanne. It makes for less “stitching” in a small space and makes the bottom stand out without a slip. Those backgrounds are fun to use and make setting up and taking down the displays pretty easy. I don’t like to be partial when it comes to my dolly girls, but Greer Adele (by Magalie) is probably at the top of my list of accomplishments. When you decide on the coloring, hairstyle, etc., you never know for sure what the doll will look like in the end. Not the least of whether her name will fit her. I love every decision I made on her. My Fallon is a sculpt two and I’m still trying to find the right look for her and I’ve had her for a few years. I’ve seen others of that sculpt that are just amazing, but Fallon and I are still trying and we’ll get there.

  14. Lauren From The Land of Lincoln

    Happy Birthday 🎁🎊🎉🎈🎂 Jeanne! I hope that you hav a great one and a WONDERFUL year to follow!😊

    Your dolls were a pleasure to look at Barbara! You have a wonderful collection with lots of variety!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks Lauren, I think my hubby thinks sometimes I have too much of a variety. I told him yesterday that I am not responsible for any dolly boxes showing up in the next couple months. I usually blame things on his dolly daughters but he’s sure it’s not their choice to keep adding sisters and friends. I’ve got a Siblie Bailey, a Mini Maru named Joy, a sculpt 3 LD coming from Magalie and another L’il Dreamer I’m sure I will order as soon as they are introduced on the way, all within the next six weeks or so. Early Christmas presents?

  15. Debbie in North Carolina

    Barbara, so great to see your dolls all dressed for a summer night or a day in the park. Their summer outfits are so happy and colorful. I am wondering if you made all of them except those you mentioned. No wonder you needed a new machine, you have been very busy!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks, Debbie. Yes I did make all the wearing attire this time. I was on a sewing roll. But I’m kind of like Jeanne right now. Everything I’ve started lately just isn’t working for me. I usually don’t have that problem but it’s becoming annoying since I can’t seem to make any progress and my girls need back-to-school. They don’t start until the day after Labor Day but that’s only a week away. What’s a dolly mother to do?!

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        I should have said all the wearing attire except the outfit Jeanne did. I love that little outfit and it looks so cute on Jade.

  16. Elaine M. Hoffman

    Happy 66th Birthday Jeanne Marie! I am so happy for you that your daughter and son-in-law will be with George, Rueben and You for your birthday celebration.

  17. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, here is a birthday poem from the Sofa:

    The sisters have gathered around you to say
    we are wishing you joy on this your birthday

    and to thank you so much for this sofa space
    where we share who we are in this marvelous place

    Happy Birthday!

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