Day TWO of my American Girl Online Yard Sale

I have some more things to show you today and hopefully you’ll find something you and your doll can’t live without.

I’ll copy the directions from yesterday and then we’ll see what I have to show you today…


I will list 8 items each day that will run ONE DAY… each starting at $5.00. They will run ONE day, the day they are shown, until midnight that night.(Central Time Zone) You can bid on any of the items below by emailing me at Jeanne Wiedlocher email with the name of the item you want to bid on and the amount you want to bid.

The winner of each item will be the person who has the highest bid in BEFORE midnight… I’ll keep track of the bidding, and if necessary in case of the same amount bid, I’ll use the time stamp to see who put their bid in first. That person will win that item.

I will run 3 days of listings, Thursday, Friday and Saturday and each day I’ll keep track of each person’s bids and put the items allotted to each person in a pile. At the end of Saturday night, at midnight, I will add up all the winning bids and add ONLY $5.00 for shipping to each total. I will email that person for a total due for the items won. (ie. Someone may be the high bidder on 2 items on Thursday for a total of $15.50, and then win a few items on Friday for $18.50, and then on Saturday, they may be the high bidder with $8.50… I will add those totals up… $15.50, $18.50 and $8.50 = $42.50…then I’ll add a one time shipping fee to that total for $47.50.)

Remember to make your bids unusual amounts, like $8.88 or $10.67, or $19.32… to make it easier for you to see if you are in the lead when I update the bidding on my blog post. As new bids come in, I will post the new amounts on this blog post… It may change several times in the course of the day, so come back to this post to see if you are in the lead.

I am NOT an expert with American Girl items, but to my knowledge I assume these are legitimate American Girl outfits.

I hope this works… let’s begin…

All of the pictures will enlarge if you click on them…

These are today’s offerings… with a starting bid of $5.00.

Warm Winter Accessories Set Starting bid $5.00

This is the accessory set that went with the Warm Winter outfit, released back in 2015. It includes the fun purple quilted vest, lined in a lavender fleece, a pair of colorful fingerless gloves and a hat perfect for those days when your doll wants to go skiing. :o)

Truly Me Sparkle Jumper AND Wrap Around Towel and flip Flops set starting bid $5.00

I put 2 outfits together for this listing… It includes the sparkly knit, zip front jumper and the terrycloth wrap around towel and a pair of hot pink flip flops. Both are in good condition and would make any little girl happy! (or big girl!)

Well, that’s it for day 2… I’ll see what I can find for Day Three, on Saturday, and then I’ll add up the totals for what you’ve won.
Hope you find more today!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “Day TWO of my American Girl Online Yard Sale”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, my, what cute things you have to offer today, Jeanne! It’s a good thing these are AG sized, because I’m sure Gigi would notice there’s a fair bit of PINK amongst the items! (Of course, April Eleanore likes all pastel colors, and she IS an AG!)

    Had a nice dinner out with my brother and sister-in-law tonight. We hadn’t seen them in over a year (over two years for Ron) because of Covid restrictions, etc. They live far enough away that we normally don’t get together very often anyway–close to an hour away. We had a good visit, and it was all in all a pleasant time. (They did notice a big change in how Ron is doing–it’s been such a long time since they last saw him. He was still pretty spry two years ago.)

    My brother (my “little” brother!) will be 75 the end of this month, and she is planning a get-together for that. I don’t know if Ron will be able to attend, but I am hoping I can get there, even though it Is on a Sunday. It’s in the afternoon, so I should be okay.

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      Poor Gigi….nothing in her size…
      I’m glad you had a nice visit with your brother… I haven’t seen my brother in quite a while….and he lives about 5 hours from here. Your visit makes me want to see him…
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, how wonderful to spend time with family! How wonderful to have a little brother! I hope you are able to make it to the party.

      1. Lauren From The Land of Lincoln

        Hi Dorothy,
        I wanted to say how cute 😊 your comment was about dollies staring at the computer screens asking their mommas to buy things for them!

        1. Dorothy in PA and the World

          Dear Lauren, thank you for your nice words. My dollies do this all of the time. I try to resist but they usually get their way (smile).

  2. Li da in St. Louis

    You do have some really nice things today, Jeanne! Sometimes I have to think about what I need or want or whatever, so it takes me awhile to figure it out! What happens if time runs out and you haven’t decided, but then decide you wanted something from the day before that doesn’t have any bids?

    At the moment, a storm is ready to go through here. It is awfully dark and windy, so I had better close before we lose power!

    1. Hi Linda
      If you are something from yesterday, just let me know… I did take out the carrying case and am going to list it on Ebay…

      We have rain coming in a little while but have already gotten sprinkles this morning. George has an early morning PT session so I’m waiting for him.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Marilyn in Colorado

    One thing about these pictures — your dolls look so cute.

    I already have most of these things. The bomber jacket is one of my favorites — it looks good on everyone and the hat fits nicely — not true of all AG hats. I like Julie’s meet outfit best without the overblouse. The first time she wore it that way, I could feel the 70s again. Easy to remember — but feeling that era again was a surprise.

    The cosy pink sweater outfit fits older dolls well — it came out before the era of everything being skin tight. Lindsay wears it here — it’s another universally becoming outfit.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Lots of goodies available today and great photos. 🙂
    Still waiting for a delivery update for RRFF Daphne. Must be a very long flight from China via the South Pole, over the Panama Canal, and maybe Machu Picchu, before her arrival in the U.S. Maybe there will be an update today. 🙂

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Joy, it sounds like she is on some kind of UN “goodwill tour” (smile). I am sure that she will have many stories to share when she arrives home.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        It sounds like most everyone who received the UPS with delivery day has had it changed to “they’ll let us know when they have an update.” So, unless there is a flight today, probably won’t be a delivery until next week. Must prepare something for other person to do. 🙂

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, here’s to another great sales day for you! The items look lovely.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Waiting for Jaiden and Skyy to show up for the day so I thought I’d quickly say hey. I’m going to check with Jaiden to see if she sees anything in the auction today she might want. My girls Gracie and Natalie don’t need anything, but Jaiden’s doll does so I’m playing doting grandmother and bidding on things for her.

    Still no rain in sight here. It’s been so long my bathroom door is sticking. It will probably rain next Tuesday when they are supposed to pour the concrete for our driveway, addition building pad and David wants his grilling porch floor repoured. It’s hard to schedule time with the concrete people they are so busy so, even though we desperately need the rain, we don’t need a postponement of the pour. I want my driveway back and the guys are chomping at the bit to get onto building the addition for the laundry room and second bathroom.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Wow, sounds like it is going to be busy at your place. Hope the weather changes to dry on pour day for you. 🙂

  7. I checked out all the items…really cute . I can see how adult collectors like your dresses best though. All of the manufactured clothes are so simple and don’t have the detail and terrific fabric you use…but for a little girl I suppose the simpler the better. Yes, that American Girl jacket is awesome!
    Good luck!

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