A bird in the bush… and Ten Ping news…

First up, I wanted to let you know I took Ten Ping outside this afternoon and we got some nice pictures. It was breezy but not too windy for pictures. Then I actually got the set listed on Ebay… in between cooking fish and veggies for dinner. Who says I can’t multitask?

Anyway, you can see the listing by clicking the picture at the right side bar, or you can click HERE.

(Don’t forget… I have 2 other listings on Ebay as well…) you can click on their pictures at the right side bar too.)

Here are a few of my outside pictures…

Okay, now about that “bird in the bush” I mentioned in my title…

Today I was helping my hubby in the yard. He was trimming all the holly and various bushes around our house and I was the raker… getting all those pieces and sprigs out from under the bushes and onto the grass, so he could put them in a garden wagon and haul them off to the back of the yard.

Here is a picture of some of the bushes… but you can’t tell too much because the sprigs he was trimming off are almost the same color as the grass right now…

Anyway, we have one of these big holly bushes on the east side of the house, that can be seen outside my kitchen window. My hubby was trimming it when he heard a bird flitter down in the bush…

Do you see anything?

How about now?

Aha… almost at the top of the bush, we found this…

The tiniest little eggs about as big as a marble…

And then this afternoon, I went back out there to take a peek… hoping we hadn’t disturbed the mama too much… one had hatched…

We don’t know what kind of bird it is… but we’ll keep an eye on them and let you know… We’ve never had any nests in our holly bushes before… at least that we knew of…

Well, have a wonderful Friday!
I’ll see you tomorrow!
Blessings, Jeanne

9 thoughts on “A bird in the bush… and Ten Ping news…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Good for you, Jeanne, getting Ten Ping’s outfit listed on eBay! She looks just darling in it. I think I’m going to have to try sewing for my Gigi one of these days. When I think of the things I made for my 8″ Madame Alexander travel dolls (I have three that I used alternately as travel dolls–one even went to Africa with me!), I surely should be able to sew for Gigi! I may get out some of their clothes and try them on her for size.

    Oh how wonderful, having that bird’s nest where you can keep an eye on the eggs–and now one has hatched! That is great. When my aunt and uncle lived in AZ, they used to get a momma bird building a nest in their window box every spring, and it was right under the kitchen window, so they had a prime viewing spot! I don’t remember for sure, but I think it might have been a mourning dove that bult the nest there (they had a lot of those where they lived).

    Ingrid, I will keep you in prayer; that is so disconcerting, to have a problem with your eye!! You could call your eye doctor’s office back and ask them to tell you again what it was; if your doctor gives you and office summary (like some of ours do, although not our eye doctor, I think), it might be on that, also. Then, when you have the name of whatever it is, you can always go to a medical web site and learn more about it. (I do that with Everything, but then I’m very interested in all things medical, so that’s just me!)

    1. Thank you Charlotte,
      Sewing for the little ones will come back to you… after all you are a JUDGE! So I know you can do it… just like Gigi has probably already been telling you.

      I was just looking out the kitchen window to see if there is any movement in the holly bush, but so far, nothing. I haven’t peeked on the babies today…
      We have the doves walking around under the feeder every evening and I LOVE seeing them. I think we have 6.

      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Marilyn in Colorado

    Two Ten Ping outfits at once on Ebay. Wow. And that second one is very original and came together so fast. The fringed flower in her hat is perfect — the whole outfit is very appealing and came together so fast. Is this the second recent outfit that evolved because you tried out a new shoe pattern and it worked so well that you couldn’t bear to waste it?

    The outdoor pictures are wonderful. I’m glad the light, the lawn, and the weather cooperated.

    Congratulations on the baby birds. It’s going to be fun to find out what kind they are — then just as they turn cute, they’ll fly away. There is a fair chance that someone here will be able to identify them.

    It looks like a good year for the clematis. The snow didn’t help the iris, but the flowers I got were beautiful. With a garden, you have to be grateful for what you get. The roses and the radishes look promising.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I KNOW… 2 outfits at once AND for the same doll… doesn’t seem quite fair, but that’s just the way it worked out this time. Those shoes get me every time! :o)

      I was determined to get some outside pictures and I was so pleased at how they turned out… I saw that Joy and Laura both liked the picture of Ten Ping on the rock, so since I didn’t have any bids yet, I changed my gallery picture to that one.
      I “almost” picked it, but thought in my mind, maybe I should pick one that shows her standing up… guess not… :o)

      It might be a good year for YOUR clematis, but mine is at a standstill right now… not sure what’s going on. It’s not dying, but it’s not really growing either… hmmm…

      I keep hoping to get a glimpse of the mama bird heading into the holly bush, but so far no action that I’ve seen.

      Thanks Marilyn,
      blessings, Jeanne

  3. Joy in northern CA

    What an absolutely fabulous photographer you’ve become. That pic of Ten on the rock has perfect lighting and composure. Those ferns behind make it appear that someone has decided to take a Hawaiian vacation. So lush.
    So sorry that the birds nest was disturbed. Hope it still has enough cover to protect it from rain and predators. The holly tree at my in laws home always had a nest. The prickles kept predators away. 🙂 Looks like you will have a bug free yard this year with mom/dad feeding the littles. 🙂

    1. Thanks for the compliments, Joy, on my photography of Ten Ping on the rock. I was so inspired by your comment and then Laura’s below, that I went and revised my Gallery picture on Ebay to that one… I almost picked it but thought I’d use one that showed her whole outfit better… The more I look at the rock picture, the more I like it… Thanks for mentioning it.

      I assume mom and dad knew what they were doing when they built the nest where they did, so I’m not touching it. My hubby also told me there is another nest in the top section of our Holly tree around on the north side of the house. it’s at eye level if I look at the window by the computer, so I’ll be able to keep an eye on who’s living there and when any babies are in there.

      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Laura in Ohio

    How wonderful to have baby birds in your yard. That is a Northern Mockingbird’s nest. Hopefully you can put something across it to protect them from the sun, rain, and predators. 😞😢 They really had picked a perfect spot. That it one main reason I do no trimming of shrubs after March until fall. We have sweet sparrows up in the gutter crotch, robins in one of the arborvitae that is a hedge on one side of the house, and cardinals in the pear tree. There were always bird’s nests in my grandparent’s holly. One year we also had a robin build her nest in the middle of my faux daisy wreath on the porch wall and i wren in the fuchsia.

    Ten Ping’s outfit is cute and she looks great sitting on the rock.

    1. HI Laura,
      It is fun to have tiny little birds in the bushes… and we’ll see who the mama is soon. Now that I know where the nest is, I can keep an eye out when I’m doing my dishes and see who is flying in and out…

      My hubby was behind on his trimming but wanted to get it done before his knee surgery… and was just glad the nest was down far enough that he didn’t disturb the actual nest itself.

      Thanks for mentioning the rock picture like Joy did… I changed my Gallery picture on Ebay to that one because of you both said. :o)
      Thanks Laura,
      blessings, Jeanne

    2. Joy in northern CA

      I too thought it was a nest of Mockingbird eggs. 🙂 Not my favorite birdie since they sing every tune under the sun all night long. We’ve had one chasing us on our walks as we pass by “their” tree. Ha ha.

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