~ Seventies Style ~ is now listed on Ebay… PLUS MORE…

I somehow managed to get pictures outside and then get the set for Julie listed on Ebay. YAY! The sun wasn’t shining too brightly, so my pictures turned out pretty well. I combined inside and outside pictures so you could see it all the various lights…

If you want to see the listing, you can see it by clicking the picture at the right side bar, or you can click HERE.

Here are a few outside pics…just to entice you to check out the listing… :o)

NOW… want to see some Easter pictures from Linda? We saw the pictures of Molly’s birthday party, but NOT Linda’s Easter pictures… until NOW…

This, from Linda…

First the modern dolls, and that’s Emmy with her new dress and the slip underneath, which you can’t see! It holds her dress out perfectly!

Then Kirsten, and Cecile with their Easter baskets. Felicity is in the same room with them but over by her table.

Then the 40’s dolls with their Easter baskets. Betsy is wearing a dress from the same Etsy seller as Emmy. It is the same basic pattern, but Betsy’s has little bunnies all over it. They are tiny, and hard to see in the pictures. I included a close up of the dress so you can see them, hopefully.

I included Molly’s table with what the Easter bunny brought them, and also my hutch decorated for Easter in my dining area.

Love to you,

Thanks Linda,
You just gave a whole bunch of people their first smile of the day! Your girls look absolutely adorable…as they always do!

Thanks everyone,
Blessings, Jeanne

17 thoughts on “~ Seventies Style ~ is now listed on Ebay… PLUS MORE…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    It’s great to have just the right amount of sunshine when taking outdoor pictures–too much, and colors wash out. Not enough, and the pictures are dark. Your pictures turned out great, Jeanne! Now to see what happens in the auction!

    Linda, thanks for sharing your Easter pictures. the girls all look just beautiful, and their dresses are so festive! I especially like Kirsten’s polka-dotted dress and Felicity’s pale green one. Yes, I could see the tiny bunnies in Betsy’s dress!

    Who is the tiny cloth doll behind Cecile’s head? So cute–I love cloth dolls! And your Madame Alexanders, too…another favorite.

    Looks like Molly had better watch out–the doggy is about to sample some of the Easter candy on her table!

    I like the decorations on your hutch, too. Even your green-rimmed dishes seem to echo an Eastery theme! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh Jeanne, that first picture is just wonderful! The colors are just right, the background is perfect, and Julie looks like a 70’s flower child in that adorable dress! Yes, I see that lighting is really important! Good luck with this one, although I don’t think you will need it!

    To answer Charlotte, that little cloth doll is Addy’s doll, Ida Bean, made by AG. Since I don’t have Addy, Cecile gets a lot of her things. I thought a little black girl should have a little black doll, so there she is! Kirsten is modeling her own Summer dress, and Felicity is wearing her own dress, but the name escapes me now at 4:52 in the morning!

    Thank you Jeanne, for showing my pictures, and to you Charlotte, for the compliments. I do enjoy decorating for Easter, or really any holiday that anyone can decorate for! For us, Easter is a season that doesn’t end until Pentecost Sunday, but I won’t have my things up that long.

    Those green rimmed dishes are my china, and yes, they go with just about every season. I like things to do double, triple or more, duty!

    Looks like a really warm day here, and for once, no rain! I have no idea how long that will last!

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Oh, goodness, I made a mistake with what Felicity was wearing! It belongs to her friend Elizabeth, and is her Summer dress! Since I don’t have Elizabeth, Felicity has and wears all of Elizabeth’s clothes. I just knew Laura would get after me on that if I didn’t correct it!😊

      Also, when looking at Felicity, I see that I took the picture before I put her fingerless lace gloves on her! Sorry about that Jeanne, but they are on her now!😊

      1. Hi Linda, no, I wouldn’t have corrected you because my Felicity collection is almost entirely PC ending with her Town Fair outfit. The only PC outfit I’m missing is her work gown as I didn’t want it. her Riding breeches are technically AG (1998)and I didn’t want those either. My Felicity is a little lady. Then I bought the Traveling Gown version that was the one with her short story. I stuck entirely to the PC versions of her accessories though.The only Elizabeth item I have are her meet shoes.
        I knew it had to be either an AG Felicity outfit or Elizabeth’s though by the style

        1. Linda in St. Louis

          Laura, lucky you to have the Towne Fair dress! It is very hard to find, and almost impossible to afford! I do have her Work Dress, and I must say that I didn’t want it either, but when I saw the dress alone at a very good price, I bought it, and made the apron and the fichu. It is adorable on her with the little cap too! She looks like a real Colonial girl in it. When she wears it, she is holding a broom and bucket, so cute!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Thanks so much Linda for sharing the girls in their Easter finery. Each photo has something special upon which to feast the eyes. The baskets are filled with wonderful things and the special decorating and their shapes are amazing. Betsy’s little bunny basket is my favorite. 🙂 All of the Easter decorations come together with your special touch. Love the goblets filled with Easter grass and eggs in the hutch. Such a grand idea. Thanks to Jeanne too for including the photos today. 🙂
    Love Julie’s photo with the green grass behind. So nice and springy. We’ve had just a few sprinkles which gives another day of reprieve from fire season. 🙂

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Joy! I love to decorate, and it is nice to see that it is noticed! My dolls have all they need to make the holidays fun for them……..and me! I have had those green goblets forever, and most of the others have broken, but I still keep those for this display. I have over 12 bunnies in my kitchen/dining area alone, they must be multiplying when I’m not looking!☺️🐇

  4. Loved seeing all the pictures today! I sure a Julie lover will be do happy with your 70’s outfit- perfect for Julie’s era. The purse is great and I like how you added the band in her hair.
    Linda, it’s always such a treat to see your girls and the scenery you create throughout the year. The detail of accessories is fabulous and all your girls looked so sweet and feminine in their pretty Easter outfits. We all enjoy seeing your creations and your lovely dolls. Thank you!

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Paula for the kind words! It’s nice to be able to share my pictures with people who appreciate them. I always wonder if it is a bit too much of “Linda’s pictures” on Jeanne’s blog. Just let me know when you think so!

  5. Julie looks so pretty.standing by your fountain, Jeanne. it really is an ideal backdrop for doll photos.
    Linda, as always your dolls are perfectly dressed for the occasion with all the sweetest accessories.
    Emmy and Betsy are so cute in their little dresses. I did see the tiny white bunnies.Betsy’s needlepoint bunny basket is darling. Cecile looks lovely in Nellie’s hat (see, I’m super good at identifying things I also own).
    Of course, your 1940’s girls are dressed to the nines and have those adorable ducklings. I see they have a lovely party planned.
    You hutch is lovely with all the bunnies. I like the pastel bunnies hanging from the knobs.
    Thank you for sharing your sweet scenes.

  6. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you, Laura! Yes, I ‘new you would recognize Nellie’s hat! Of course, not having Nellie does not mean I wouldn’t own it! It is such a pretty hat and Cecile loves it! And you probably know that she is wearing Addy’s Sunday Bestl dress too!
    I actually got those tiny metal bunnies that you mentioned from Hobby Lobby!They were supposed to be ornaments for an Easter tree, but I like them where they are. I love all the cute Easter decorations and can never have enough!

    1. No, absolutely no reason not to own a piece or more of a collection just because you don’t have the doll. I have a lot of Kirsten, Addy, and Kit things, but they all belong to different dolls.
      Thanks about the bunnies. We don’t have a Hobby Lobby close by. The best I can do is Michael’s about ten miles from me.

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    I’m glad I read all Linda’s comments before I replied. Linda, we can never get too much of your wonderful pictures for all seasons. All your girls look so beautiful and I really like your hutch all decorated so pretty. I have always wanted one but there has always been something in the space where it would need to go. My Betsy can’t wait for you to post pictures so she can see what your Betsy is wearing. I do believe I have that pattern or one like it so I’ll probably be “encouraged” to make Betsy one similar. Sadly I have no tiny bunny fabric. I also ordered a pattern for a new Betsy dress and slip from I think the shop is called Perfect Patterns on Etsy. Can’t wait to make that one up. It’s really pretty.

    Jeanne, I always love seeing the pictures you post with your auctions. I’ve been pretty busy today so I haven’t checked them out yet but I definitely will. I love browns and when I think back I seem to always have.

    I will be a little later than planned sending my Easter pictures and they may arrive at the same time as my Maypole pictures. I ordered a wonderful backdrop today that I want to use for both and I’m not sure when exactly it will arrive. I think it’s sometime between April 28 and May 4.

    I’m working on my LD Greer Adele’s boater hat for her Easter outfit. It’s made using plastic canvas and raffia yarn. I’ve never worked like this with raffia before and it’s a bit of a challenge, especially if you have to remove stitches. I haven’t done plastic canvas in a few years so I’m having to relearn the stitches. Hopefully the learning curve is almost over.

    The bathroom vanity, flooring and finish work in the bathroom is now done and now the guys are starting the forming for the slab for the utility room and bathroom we’re adding. Next they will grade and form up for the driveway. David has a friend in the concrete business so within a couple weeks we will have all that poured. Thankfully David and the boys can do all the prep work which will save us a lot of money. David’s bulldozer is laser controlled so all the concrete work will be spot on. They use the laser controlled equipment when doing things like parking lots and tennis courts because it’s such a perfect grade that after a rain there is no standing water. But it does cost more to have it done that way so it has taken a long time to convince some contractors it’s the way to go. What they spend on the dozer work they actually get back in concrete costs. We had hoped to have all this done by now but with David’s knee surgeries and recuperation we are behind schedule. Now they’re trying to beat the advent of summer heat since the last remaining item to do will be the roof. They have to at least do the exterior of the addition before they put on the new roof. Once they have the addition dried in and the roofing finished then they can add the A/C and spend the summer doing the interior work in comfort.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I would love to see a pic of your finished bathroom. I bet you are happy. 🙂 And another bath and utility room, great.
      So, the raffia hat on plastic canvas. Sounds fun. Can’t wait to see that as well. 🙂

  8. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you, Barbara! Oh, you have that pattern? If you ever do make the dress for your Betsy, please show us! I think it is a cute little dress, and Betsy loves it too!

    So you ordered a background for you Maypole scene? I can’t wait to see it! Sounds fancy! I will have a Maypole scene too, but no background that I am aware of.

    Thank you for allowing me to send pictures to Jeanne to show everyone. I hope it gives people some fun things to look at to brighten their day!

  9. Jeanne the outside pictures of Julie are so good! The color is right on and that closeup of her face is just beautiful! Good luck with the auction 👏👏 The colors show up just right.
    Linda your Easter pictures are just wonderful! You have such a knack with arranging your dolls for their photos! I do love the eggs in your goblets too. The dresses are so Springy. They lift ones spirits just looking at them. Have a good weekend everyone😉

  10. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you Kathie! I have fun fixing up my dolls for Easter, and the house too!

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