April 22, is American Girl, Molly’s birthday, and she’s having a party!!

HI everyone,
I am having too much fun with Rebecca and Friday is my last day…they are heading home Saturday morning… boo hoo! :o(
So we are trying to make the most of our time as best we can… We hit a few more thrift shops and she found some things to sell on her Poshmark site. That’s what she likes to do. We all have our talents! Hers is buying and reselling… and she’s pretty good at it!
I have been working on Sara’s dress and am almost finished… I sure didn’t get the Easter dresses churned out like I had hoped, but I guess that’s okay… I’ll be back to sewing before you know it!

April 22 (1934) is American Girl Molly’s birthday…it’s also my niece, Molly’s, birthday too! When she was a young girl, my sister Deb, bought Molly her very own Molly doll.

AND it just so happens Linda put together a birthday party for Molly! It’s a sweet party too… you’ll see in the pictures below…

This is what Linda shared with me in an email…

Here are some pictures of the party setup I had for Molly. Her “official” birthday is around the time Easter will be this year, and I don’t have time to have a birthday party and Easter so close together, so she had her birthday party early.

First, the party table, ready to go. I used a few items from Kit’s birthday party set, too, and added those pretty pink glass sherbet dishes that came from Ebay.

Second picture is of the girls playing party games, from Molly’s birthday set. I put the Pin the Tail on the donkey on an Easel, and Betsy is trying her hand at dropping Clothespins in the Bottle. Both of those games were what I remember the most when I went to birthday parties.

The third picture is of the girls singing Happy birthday to Molly around the table. Notice Betsy on the piano bench! My parents used our piano bench too, when we had “extra” kids to sit around the table!

I hope this helps! Just use them whenever you need to. (thank you so much Linda… our day was full and I was wondering what I was going to write about!)

Love to you, Linda

See everyone tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

21 thoughts on “April 22, is American Girl, Molly’s birthday, and she’s having a party!!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, Jeanne…enjoy your “last” day with the kids, and don’t worry about us; we’ll just sit here on the sofa and chat!

    Linda, I love your Molly’s birthday party pictures, and what memories they evoke for me! Molly was the first AG doll I bought, since she sort of represented “my” era (I was born in 1946, and her stories are set in 1944).

    I remember having little “nut cups” (as we called them) for birthday parties in the mid 1950s; they were always so special. I think we only got pastel ones, though, not the nice bright colors that yours are. Salted nuts (probably peanuts) and tiny pastel mints were what I had in the ones at my parties, usually.

    In the second picture, I do remember dropping clothespins into a milk bottle at at least one of my birthday parties, only mom had us each kneel on a chair and lean over the back, which made it a little harder! I’m not sure we ever played Pin the Tail on the Donkey, though.

    And, yup, our piano bench was sometimes pressed into service if we had a lot of guests for dinner! Good times.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Charlotte! Your memories are just what I was going for! It’s fun to remember the pleasant times we had as children, and it certainly brings us together!

      1. Linda G. from MN

        How fun, Linda! I remember doing all those Birthday things…. usually after-school parties, wearing our school dresses. We had the same Pin-the-Tail donkey and used a flour sack dish towel for a blindfold! (Sometimes it slipped!) Glass milk bottles were plentiful, as were the wooden clothes pins and we had to kneel on the chair too! Actually my grandkids did the same kind of party one year! And they still sit on my piano bench when the whole family is here!

        Charlotte, you were lucky to get nut cups! They were only for grown-up parties in my life! And frequently turned into something to fit the “theme” of the event.

        I never got Molly because I still had my 1952 Sweet Sue doll. She was willing to share her 50’s clothes with Kirsten and Kit! But I loved Molly’s collection. I appreciate your thoughtful photography and attention to detail! Thanks for sharing with Jeanne.

        1. Linda in St. Louis

          Oh my goodness, Linda, I never saw your comment until Saturday morning! Thank you so much for the compliments and I’m so glad my pictures reminded you of the good times you had as a child! I also had a Sweet Sue doll! Those piano benches sure did get a lot of use, didn’t they?

  2. Sylvia from NH

    Jeanne, you have had a couple of fun family weeks, that is the best. Good memories! Have enjoyed your posts as well. Love your shadow box and Linda’s today. I do hope it stops raining for Sally. What a wonderful trip! We are in the rain today as well! Have a good day!

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    Enjoy your last day with Rebecca and Karn, Jeanne! I was hoping to give you a little time “off” to spend more time with them, and I guess it worked out!

    I do have dolls that go way back in time, like Kaya, Felicity, Josefina, Kirsten and Cecile, but I I have the most fun with Molly and her friends from the 40’s, mainly because they have the experiences that I remember the most from my childhood. Molly goes to birthday parties like I remember, she dances, ice skates, goes to camp and plays the piano, just like I did. I can’t exactly say that Kaya, or Felicity did those things! Also, the clothes are right down my alley, and I know what we wore and I try to have Molly, Susan and Ruthie wear them, not clothes that children wear now. That’s for the modern girls I have. So Molly gets the furniture, the activities and a lot of my attention! However, all my other dolls are very special to me, and each was bought for a reason. Don’t worry about them!

    We have yet another wet morning with raindrops mixed in with snow! April is sure playing tricks on us!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Linda, thanks for inviting us to Molly’s birthday party. I only have Addy, from American Girl, but I have about 8 other 18-inch dolls. We all enjoyed attending the party virtually. What fun!

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Thank you, Dorothy! Sorry I ran out of favors and cake for everyone here, but the Dollie’s had fun!☺️

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Glad to hear that Jeanne was able to do some shopping with Rebecca. Always fun. We haven’t heard how Reuben reacted to seeing Rebecca. Probably lots of wiggles.
    What a wonderful birthday party for Molly. The table is delightful. Love those pink sherbet dishes. Betsy on the piano bench is wearing particularly lovely party attire. Such a sweetie. The party games bring back so many memories. I hadn’t thought about dropping clothes pins in a milk bottle in years. Finding a bottle for milk now days puts them in the vintage collectible category. 🙂 Your little bottle must have been for cream. 🙂 So fun seeing everything. Linda gets the “Party Planner of the Year Award!” 🙂
    Well, we hit 92 yesterday. However, southern CA was warmer I think. Wonder how hot it was for Susette?

    1. Hi Joy, Actually, you can find Molly’s (and any other historical doll’s birthday party stuff or other collection pieces) on eBay or Etsy. I just checked and some of Molly’s original PC birthday treats are there now. It’s just a matter of being patient, making sure what you are getting is authentic and complete if you want a complete set of something and finding things at a price you are willing to pay. I bought the stuff for my daughter and then in 2013 began my own collections of must-haves for Samantha, Felicity, Josefina, Kirsten, Addy, and Kit with a piece or two of Caroline, Rebecca, and Julie’s yellow phone. Some things are for those actual dolls and some are for others that I have “live” in those eras. It took me from then until about a month ago to get everything I wanted. Kirsten’s Skating outfit was my final purchase.A number of things have a original and a second version and you have to know the difference depending on what matters to you.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        We have a lot of AG items here, but hadn’t seen the birthday party. So glad you have such a great collection because so many things are way out of my price range now. Now, I’m looking for things for the vintage 50’s dollhouse set. Some of that is also pretty pricy. 🙂
        Last week, I gave the OG Vet set to some little girls that live nearby. They have been having a great time with all of the little accessories like cat/dog food in tiny cans etc. So, sets like that are still fun for the younger set. 🙂

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, it sounds like you have had another week of family fun! You definitely deserve it.

    How is the “house manager,” Mr. Reuben doing? I bet he was over the moon to see the newlyweds.

  6. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you, Joy! I’m not sure if you collect AG dolls or not, but each of the historical dolls actually had birthday party collections, and I have most of them. Molly’s birthday collection included the Pin the Tail on the Donkey game, and Drop the Clothespins in the bottle, with the tiny clothespins and the glass bottle included. Just try to find those things on the secondary market now! Impossible! Betsy says thank you for commenting on her party dress too! I had a lot of fun putting it all together!

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Should have known your party games were authentic. 🙂 So many great AG things. 🙂

  7. Charlottes Birthday Party memories and Linda’s pictures made for some lovely trips back in time. Hadn’t thought about the “clothes pin game”or “nut cups” in years! Our nut cups were plastic and got re used many times☺️
    We each had a “friend” birthday party or two as kids but not every year. Your scene is just so detailed I can look and look at it and still see something different each time. The little a-line red and white dress on your blonde AG doll is just adorable and Betsy always is the best little sister.
    Glad Rebecca and Karn had a week to spend at home. All the things you got to do made it even better. 🥰

  8. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you Kathie! I too, have many fond memories of birthday parties of long ago! They certainly weren’t the full blown versions that they have now, but we had fun! That is Kit’s Reporter dress that Susan, the blonde doll, is wearing. She is the one who wears all of Kit’s clothes at my house.

  9. Glad you’re having a wonderful week, Jeanne.

    Linda, Molly’s birthday party scene looks like a lot of fun. I see the mixer from the cake baking is still on the counter, really cute!!
    I remember Pin the Tail on the Donkey from the 1970’s and actually the game “Donkey Party” originated in 1887, so Samantha and Kit would have played it. I, too remember the piano bench being used if they were too many guests at a party or dinner. Thanks so much for sharing, Linda.

  10. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you, Laura! Yes, I got that mixer off EBay, and it reminds me of the one my mother had. The ones AG makes are too modern for me! I do believe we played Pin the Tail on the donkey at my daughter’s birthday parties too, in the 70’s! It must have been a popular game!

    Oh yes, the piano bench really helped when we had too many kids at the table and not enough chairs! I notice a lot of table and chairs sets now come with benches too.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Laura, I was trying to remember the brand of mixer my mother had, while I was writing my reply to you, but couldn’t. Then when I pressed Post Comment, it came to me, Sunbeam Mixmaster!

      1. Laura in Ohio

        We have a yellow Sunbeam Mixmaster hand mixer that worked until a couple of years ago. It was used when I was a child and I used it for years when I made cakes, I’m saving it regardless because it looks cute on my kitchen shelf and maybe it can be repaired.

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