Just a few things today…

The dress set I made for all the Kaye Wiggs MSD dolls out there is ending tonight on Ebay. If you need a fun, bright and colorful dress for your doll, this one is perfect! You can see it by clicking the picture of her at the right side bar, or you can click HERE.

Also, my Chocolate Twinkle Bailey doll was scooped up by some new mommy who can’t wait to see her! She has been packed up and shipped off from the Post Office. Farewell Bailey.. .enjoy your new life! :o)

I have received a few emails from some readers… first up is Susette.
Here a picture of the FAO Schwartz tea set I referred to on the blog. It’s too big for the AG dolls but would be great for granddaughters. It’s $19.99 at Target if you can find it but more at FAO. No sugar or creamer but what would be served wouldn’t need it anyway. It’s ceramic, not plastic.

I like the gold on the handles and along the edges of the saucers! Very pretty!

Next up is something from Linda… she and Susette were chatting back and forth…

Here are three pictures of the tea set. It is small, like a child’s set, not doll size. What would the piece with the little serving spoon be for? Jelly or Jam? Doesn’t this remind you of Love Shack Fancy?
I originally thought it was a service for 12, but that was wrong. It also has plates, so I guess I was counting saucers and plates! Anyway, I’m so glad I have it! I used to have it on display after Jennifer went to college in her room, but put it away when the grandchildren started arriving!

Also…It is over 100 years old and was played with by Michael’s aunt when she was a girl. Amazing that not one piece was ever broken! It is from Germany.

Bonus picture! Kaya!! You don’t see her very often, so here she is!

Then Linda had 2 pictures to add of a doll house… remember that was a hot topic last week..and still is…

Here are a couple of pictures of my tin dollhouse that I had as a child in the 40’s. This is not the ACTUAL dollhouse I received, but it is exactly like it. I got it with no furniture and filled it with Renwal furniture off Ebay little by little. It is a Playsteel Dollhouse, and this one is the colonial version.

My day was filled with lots of different things as well as the roofing boss came back to see if he could figure out the reason my roof was leaking in my sewing room. He pulled away some flashing and caulked behind it and told us he wasn’t sure if that was the problem, but if it doesn’t work, give them a call again…

Then we went out with some friends for my hubby’s birthday (early) because of our busy lives. We had a nice time!

Rebecca was texting me quite a bit about ideas for his birthday too.

He upgraded from a flip phone to a new smart phone and he’s L.O.S.T. with it… so I’ve been trying to help him… along with Kristoffer. There is quite the learning curve going on.

I intended to find out who will be the next girl up to model a dress, but that didn’t happen! Maybe tomorrow…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

19 thoughts on “Just a few things today…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    First, congrats on finding a new home for your chocolate Bailey; I’m sure her new mommy will be thrilled, as she’s such a cute doll!

    I would have loved to have had a tea set like that FAO Schwartz one, when I was a child! I did have a tea set, but it was very old (given to me by my grandmother’s best friend–it had been hers), and I played with it (as attested to the glued-together lid to the teapot!), but the cups were really tiny. I may have to get it out and take a picture of it one of these days. It just has 3 cups and saucers, which makes me wonder if “Aunt” Ruth might have broken one when she was a child.

    The floral tea set is just beautiful! My first thought was that the container with the spoon is the sugar bowl, since it’s closer in size/shape to the creamer, but…it only has one handle, AND….the decorations are different from the rest of the set, so perhaps it’s an “orphan” piece that joined the rest somewhere along the way? Also, the other lidded container has the same shape handles (as well as decorations) as the creamer does, so that’s probably the “official” sugar bowl to this set.

    Love seeing Kaya! And…Linda, your dollhouse is rather similar to the one I had, except I think mine had a garage off to the side. I sure loved playing with it! But we moved 2000 miles, and couldn’t take everything with us, so I suppose some other little girl got to enjoy it. I have no idea if it went to my cousin or some neighbors, though.

    We still have flip phones; mine is the upgraded one; we have a similar one for Ron, but I have to go online and find out how to switch from his old to his new….

    Panties discussion: Linda, I don’t remember having them with days of the week (mom probably thought they would be too impractical, or maybe too fancy…) but I do remember cotton panties with little flowers or hearts on them!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    That’s wonderful that you were able to sell your little Chocolate Bailey to someone that is going to love and cherish her, Jeanne! I remember buying some outfit for one of my dolls, and the seller wrote back to me saying that she was glad it was going to a “good Christian home”!! So funny!

    And so George is now officially “lost” with his new phone! I would be too, for sure! What do they put in kids brains now that allow them to automatically “know” how to work these devices?? Happy Early Birthday to George!

    Thank you, Charlotte for your kind words about the toy china set, dollhouse and Kaya. That one piece that you say might be an “orphan ” piece does actually come with the set, and must be the jam or jelly container. It is exactly like the other pieces, all stamped with “Made in Germany” on the bottom, although the flowers are arranged a bit differently due to the shape of the container. Susette’s set is right up my alley now! I love the simplified sets that work out better in my home!

    My doll house is special to me, and I spent many days playing with it when I was small. I too, have no idea what happened to mine when we moved. Since I am older than you, most of the dollhouses you now see that were made in the 50’s had garages or rec rooms. This one is older.

    The “Days of the Week” theme was played out in different things, like hankies, panties and even dishtowels, which my mother-in-law embroidered for me when I got married. I still have a few of them, but they are no longer in use after 55 years!

  3. Marilyn in Colorado

    Days of the week dishtowels. I have 2 sets, both embroidered by me — I like them far too much to use them. One set was embroidered while I had a truly dreadful cold that lasted a month. It was right after I started teaching for a new school — college actually, so I didn’t have to go in every day. I taught, then came home and went to bed — for a month. It was miserable. I did lesson plans and corrections in bed.

    My mom often babysat grandkids, and the one who gave me the horrible cold was especially determined to see me. My dad explained that my room was full of bad germs that would give him the same bad cold. Nevertheless, in he came, happily proclaiming, “The win-ked evil germs can not get me because I am keeping my mouth tightly closed.”

    I am so pleased that the chocolate doll has found a home. She’s darling, and her rosy cheeks compliment her sun-kissed coloring perfectly. Now you both have what you wanted — a sister for Bailey for you, and an eyes-in, hair-on, dressed , shoed, hair-bowed, dog-owning, super cute doll for her. It’s so nice when things work out.

    1. I will also add, glad to hear your chocolate doll found a home, Jeanne. That was quick.

      It was really neat seeing the tea set pictures from Susette and Linda. I have a weakness for tea sets- I have many because I can’t resist them. Some are mine for serving tea and the others are different sizes for my dolls and I have a few that are child size just because I like them on display in my doll room. One of my favorites is the set for one child from Harrods in England. I wish it had more pieces and I’m sure if I look on EBay I could add to it.
      I also have a favorite silver tea pot from England that had been my mothers and my special tea set for one is from the Queen Mary ship in Long Beach, Ca. It was purchased maybe back in 2009? The ship had a little shop that carried a few pieces of items from the ship ( it’s no longer there) and I was able to purchase a tea pot and a few other pieces. It was very expensive but historically important in my mind. It’s not necessarily the choice I would have chosen for a grand ship although it is Art Deco in design which was big back in those days.

      Linda, is your Kaya new? I didn’t realize you had one.

      The doll house is wonderful to see. It looks like it’s in excellent shape. I believe a friend of mine had one similar but it wasn’t made out of tin. More like a type of particle board but the same in color as yours.
      I had a modern ranch which I played with a lot. Don’t recall what happened to it but years later I found the exact one with all its furniture and I also have a two story a friend gave me with its furniture. Not sure who made it. Those house certainly were entertaining to play with.

      Everyone, have a nice day. I’m off to have a root canal! Such fun!

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Paula, no, Kaya is not new. I have had her for about 8 years now. I got her here at the St. Louis store when we had a store, and she shares a space with Josefina in my family room. I have never taken down her braids, that’s why they look so good!

        Thank you for the compliments on my dollhouse!

      2. Joy in northern CA

        Wishing you success on the root canal. Hope it is pain free. I would love to see a pic of your Queen Mary tea items. Sounds wonderful.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Very glad to hear that Twinkle Bailey has a new home. I’m sure the new owner will be delighted. 🙂
    That FAO tea set would be a wonderful addition for any child. Love the colors and the gold trim. Thanks for sharing that Susette.
    Linda’s German tea set for six is amazing to have survived. Glad those grands didn’t cause any damage. 🙂 It really is a wonder to behold. 🙂
    Fun seeing Kayla in her lovely outfit. Her hair is beautiful.
    And thank you Linda for the great interior/exterior photos of your Playsteel house. I’ve been on a tin dollhouse kick lately. I too have one I found some time ago that is almost like the one I had as a child. Took me awhile to remember that mine also had a rec/family room as well, and the one here does not. The graphics on your house are so pretty and each room is spacious. Most houses have rooms a bit smaller that I’ve seen. So nice that you can fit the washer and ironing board in the bathroom and the sewing machine in the kitchen. I can see the station wagon and the great outdoor fun too. My original house had a garage and terrace. I had most of the Renwal pieces you have as a child. I still have the sewing machine and a buggy, but the rest is sadly missing. Loved seeing your fabulous house. 🙂
    Thanks Jeanne for sharing the photo.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Joy, I’m glad you got to see the dollhouse and compare it with yours. By far, most of the dollhouses out there are made by Marx. They are a slightly smaller scale and although Renwal furniture does fit, it is really too big for the Marx houses. Other brands are a better fit to tell you the truth.
      Yes, I do have a patio on the side of the house with a driveway too! You should send a picture of your house to Jeanne so we can see it!

  5. Glad little Bailey has a new home. My friend was excited about her so if she hadn’t sold to a blog member she would have loved her too😊
    My sister and I had tea sets…the one we played with looked like a pastel version of Fiesta ware. It had very few pieces left so it went on eBay to fill out someone else’s set😉l
    I have a tin doll house…probably from the 50’s that any of you could just have ….but the shipping would be so $$ not sure it would be worth it? Message me on Facebook if you want it.
    Happy early BD to George too!

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I would love the doll house and would pay whatever the shipping might be. I don’t know how to Message you on FB as I don’t know how to find you. I’m on there too.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    I was so glad to hear that Chocolate Bailey found a forever home so quickly. She is adorable. Maybe someday we’ll get to know the identity of her new mommy. Since Chocolate Bailey sold so quickly, I know it has to be one of my sofa sisters. Lucky lady!

    The FAO Schwartz tea set is so pretty. Sadly my granddaughter is not into tea parties. Linda has a wonderful tea set. If the set had come from England the piece with the serving spoon might have been for clotted cream. Maybe they serve that at tea in Germany too.

    I’m enjoying all the talk about dollhouses. I remember my friend having one of the metal dollhouses with a garage and a terrace above that sounds like the one Joy mentioned.

    Further on undies, never had “days of the week”. My mother thought they were impractical. My one stepdaughter bought only those for my granddaughter the whole time she was growing up. My young granddaughter has to have things like “Frozen” and Disney Princess. Someone asked about the Spanky Pants. They were by Carter’s and my mother bought them at Penney’s. This was back in the 1950s. There’s still Carter’s but I don’t think they’ve made the Spanky Pants for years.

    “Dolls” magazine this month has a wonderful article about Dianna Effner’s L’il Dreamers. She was in the middle of this project and had already done the sculpt when she passed away. Geri Uribe and Dianna’s youngest sibling and her husband picked up the project and are bringing Dianna’s dream to fruition. It’s a wonderful article.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Barbara for the nice comments about my tea set! I do enjoy it and am so glad to have it. You just don’t see sets like that anymore.

      And here we are, still talking about panties! I got my “Days of the Week “ panties from my grandparents for my birthday!☺️

  7. That’s a cute tea set, Susette, and so much nicer for a child to use than plastic.
    Your tea set is just lovely, Linda, and it fantastic that every single piece survived play. What a beautiful and delicate pattern of flowers it has as well. I love tea sets also and have a English one as well as couple inherited ones. Unfortunately the one that was my great-grandparents everyday one came to us with only two cups and saucers remaining out of whatever service it was for first.
    Kaya looks very sweet. Nice to see her as well.
    Love seeing your dollhouse again and the Renwal furniture. You have many of the same pieces in the same colors my mom does although she had far less and it was in a dollhouse my grandfather made. She does fortunately still have it all. My dollhouse was a metal one from the 1970’s that I filled with my FP Little People. I still have the Little People/ furniture. and sets like the village, school, and circus train, but the dollhouse went to my cousins.
    Happy Birthday to George. I also preferred my flip phone to the smart one, but I’ve figured it out.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you,Laura for the comments about my tea set! Michael’s aunt was a very careful little girl, who grew up and entered the convent. She was as sweet as could be and always so meticulous about everything she did. I m so honored to have the set!

      So you are of the Little People world, as was my daughter! So glad that you are able to have your mother’s dollhouse in the family! The fact that her dollhouse was made by her father makes it doubly precious!

  8. Jeanne, I am so glad Cute Chocolate Bailey is traveling to her new home.
    Linda, I really love your German tea Set and it is incredible that it is over 100 years old and not one piece has ever broken.
    I really enjoyed your pictures Linda.
    Susette, the Tea party ceramic set is a wonderful idea for a birthday gift.
    Paula, I hope you feel better after the root canal procedure.
    I hope everyone have a very nice day.

  9. Linda in St. Louis

    Angela, thank you for your compliments on my pictures! Yes, I too, can’t believe that nothing has been broken in that tea set, but it has been taken care of very well! I’m not 100 years old, but I can’t say that I am in that good of shape!😊

  10. Karen from Kentucky

    Congratulations on finding a home for your little doll! That is nice it didn’t take a long time.

    That is a beautiful tea set! The flowers are lovely.

    Kaya looks beautiful and in excellent condition. Nice to see her 🙂

  11. Karen from Kentucky

    I forgot to mention that one summer my Grandma and two of my younger sisters embroidered day of the week Native American dish towels for me. Grandma wanted me to use them, but I knew if I did, they wouldn’t ever be as clean as they were, so I just treasure them. She said they could make more, but she is in her 90’s now and Rachel, my sister, is getting married. Time marches on…

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