Introducing my “Chocolate” Twinkle, by My Meadow Dolls…

So this is the “rest of the story” that really should have gone first, but I was too anxious to show you yesterday’s post about making the doll wigs for the Twinkles. (HERE)

Back in June, 2021, a preorder for the tiny little Twinkle (6″) Bailey dolls came up…I already had a Dumpling (11″) Bailey and thought I’d like her to have a “matching” little sister. Bailey is one of the most popular face sculpts. The pre order was offering Bailey in the Honey color or the Chocolate color. I thought the Honey was too light looking and the Chocolate looked like it was a nice choice, so I ordered chocolate.

There was a wait from June till the beginning of February for the dolls to be painted and then shipped. I received my chocolate Bailey close to Valentine’s Day a few weeks ago. She was cute but when I saw her next to the bigger Bailey I already have, I realized I really should have gone with the lighter colored doll. I laid her next to my Bailey and Navi joined in as well. When I saw my pictures I knew there was no sense in keeping her… I wanted the lighter colored doll and should have trusted my gut from the start.

Here are a few pictures of the day she arrived…

Navi was quite intrigued with her… no clothes, no wig, no eyes put in yet… who was this???

I put her itty bitty green eyes in…

Here is a group picture of Navi, Bailey, and chocolate Bailey… (Looking at this picture…I’m going to redo Bailey’s eyelashes…)

Here are some more pictures of Twinkle Chocolate Bailey…

Here is my 11″ Bailey with the Chocolate Bailey and the one I found on Facebook… She is the one I showed you yesterday… I am very happy with her…and see how she goes with my bigger doll?

SO…now I have to sell the Chocolate Bailey doll… I see lots of ladies selling dolls nude, but since I sew, I’m going to include an outfit, a pair of my little leather shoes, a new wig I made for her, and an extra pair of eyes for her…(I think they are gray, but they may be just a darker green than the pictures of her laying on her pink wrapper.) The pictures of her in the dress I’ve started are with the “other” eyes I am including…

Here are some of the pictures I took of what we accomplished today… I am using a pretty blue and peach print for her dress… (Obviously, I didn’t get it finished… but that’s because I was working on a wig for her.) I made her wig in the bob style that so many of your seemed to like best.
Her wig was fashioned from a porcelain doll’s wig that only had a partial cap to it, and while this new wig for Bailey has body to it, and doesn’t look thin in the back, if you separate the wig, you’ll see the elastic that I stitched it to. There was nothing to attach any more hair too, so I just had to make it like this. As long as you don’t separate it, it will work fine… I curled it so the heat should keep the ends curled under. It was really just a wig for her so she didn’t have to be sold bald!

See, the strands of hair have to hang down from the net circle in the top section of the wig…

Here are the extra eyes… the ones she has on in these pictures with the navy bodice…

I just cut out a bow from a piece of fabric… but I plan to make one for her dress, which HOPEFULLY will be finished Wednesday.

Okay, so here’s the rest of the story… I am going to see if anyone on my blog would like her first before I put her on a doll forum or list her on Ebay. I am hoping to make my money back on her… to pay off my Honey Bailey…

I am asking $575 for her, which will include Chocolate Bailey, her certificate of authenticity, 2 sets of oval glass eyes, a wig, a dress, some undies, a pair of leather shoes, a hair bow, her pink wrapper and she will be sent Priority, with signature confirmation. Shipping and insurance will be Free. I’m sorry, but this is just for my readers in the lower 48 United States, and I’m not able to do a layaway at this time…

Let me know by an email (use the Contact Me tab at the top) if you are interested… and I will send you an invoice through Paypal. I will let this offer stand until Friday, and if she hasn’t been scooped up, I will assume I should put her on a doll forum…

Thanks everyone…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

8 thoughts on “Introducing my “Chocolate” Twinkle, by My Meadow Dolls…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, wow, she is SOOOO cute (and I am Sooo tempted)!! I just love that picture of Navi looking down at her! You really know how to pose your dolls!!

    I can see why you preferred the honey toned one to go with your bigger Bailey–they are a better “match”–but I do like this “chocolate” color, too. In fact, maybe I prefer it; the jury is still out!

    Barbara, regarding your comment about this being the first baby in our church in 12 years–our church is very small; we average about 25 or so on a good Sunday. In the last few years a number of the elderly members (and one who was younger) have passed away, but others have come. We now also have a family with two younger children–a 4th grader and a 2nd grader–who are in my SS class, and an engaged couple have attended on a semi-regular basis for a while, also, so we are hopeful that our demographic will be changing somewhat! And our pastor has said that many churches are getting away from doing Sunday School for children, which is sad. It also means it’s getting harder to get good SS materials! Our church is part of the General Assembly of Regular Baptist Churches, one of the most conservative of the Baptist churches.

    Yes, I will send Jeanne a picture of the baby outfit I knitted. I may have a couple more pictures for her soon, too!! 😉

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Chocolate Bailey looks like a spunky little girl with that cute wig, Jeanne! I am clueless about what to do with a doll that comes with no hair, eyes or clothes!!! I cannot figure out how you make eyes “stick” in place or how to even get them in there! Ha, ha! Actually, I do like the Chocolate Bailey with the other dolls, since she gives a more diverse look, but if they are supposed to be sisters, well, then yes, the lighter one is the better pick.

    And, yes, the slip arrived yesterday, finally! It would have gotten here faster if you drove it here, not that I would expect that, but boy, the post office is sure slipping!!!!! Emmy can’t wait to put it on with her new Easter dress! Thank you so much Jeanne!

    By the way, Joy, I will send a couple of pictures to Jeanne of my tin dollhouse, front and back for you to see. Maybe it is the same thing you have and could give you some ideas of furniture.

  3. Joy in northern CA

    I love chocolate Bailey’s coloring. I think the Twinkles here would love her too, but don’t think that is in the cards. So hope one of Jeanne’s readers can give her a home. I’m sure she will be very very good. 🙂

  4. I love the chocolate skin tone! So much personality in those little faces. My hubby’s nephews little girl is a doppelgänger for Bailey. I’ll have to send Jeanne a pic…you will get a kick out of her….She is Emma and lives in the country and loves animals.

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, chocolate Bailey is adorable. I am sure that she will find a nice home. These dolls are definitely sought out.

    I am glad you are making an outfit for her. I hate to see dolls “travel” without wearing any clothing. I think they will be terribly cold (chuckle).

  6. Marilyn in Colorado

    What a cute little doll — she looks so cheerful and happy. With hair, eyes, a dress, and shoes, she’s going to be a real treasure for someone — and that someone will be another potential buyer for more IDOJM outfits — a win for the buyer, the seller, and that cute doll.

    Snow tonight and tomorrow and then we’ll send it your way. I’m looking forward to Omacathie’s promised picture.

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love your Chocolate Bailey but have two dolls in the offing at the moment (Evianna and another LD from Magalie), and since I did end up charging Evianna because of time constraints, something I usually don’t allow myself to do I need to pay her off before I can even think about getting another. But your offer is so tempting, and I’ve often wished I had a Twinkle when I see the adorable clothes you make for them. Hopefully one of my sofa sisters will give her a good home so we can hear more about her in the future.

    After a springlike weekend using A/C we are once again back to warm weather clothes and turning up the heat. David has a clock that shows the outside temperature but I forgot to look when I came through the living room. Considering it was cold last night and it’s overcast I imagine it hasn’t warmed up much. But since each of these cold spells could be our last, I’m trying to relish them. I just wish it was sunny and not so gloomy.

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