Making wigs for the Twinkles dolls from My Meadow, using cheap dolls from Goodwill…

Okay, first up, Joy wanted a picture of an American Girl doll, my Nyssa and the Ruby Red Fashion Friends dolls standing together so she could see the difference in their sizes. So here you go. I do have a ruler behind Rebecca and Nyssa… They are both right around 18″… Sara is 14.5″ tall.

I do have another Kaye Wiggs doll, who spends more time in the box they share, than Nyssa does. This is Hope… she was a limited edition from Kaye too, who was raising money and sending it to Nepal (I think) to help stop Human Trafficking. Hope is an Aboriginal doll but can be changed to look quite different by a faceup… I have always wanted to give her one, but just haven’t yet…

Okay, now there is a part of this story that will have to be continued tomorrow and it actually should go first, but we’re just starting with this today…

Meet my new doll, a tiny little 6″ My Meadow doll, who is the same size as Navi… She came with some eyes that had to be put in, no wig and no clothes. She is the color “Honey” and matches my 11″ Dumpling Bailey. I might have to think of a new name for her since they share the same name…

She came with teeny tiny 6mm glass eyes, but they were too small to suit me, so I robbed the blue glass eyes from Navi and put them in Bailey… at least for now… Her eyebrows are a bit bushy to suit me, but I can do a faceup on her if I get to the point where I can’t stand them…

Okay, so she came without a wig and I needed a wig before I wanted to show her to you, but DOLL WIGS ARE EXPENSIVE… so a couple of days ago I was in our Goodwill and I spotted these porcelain dolls by Russ… they were actually Birthday dolls… each one representing a different month.

I picked one of them up and looked at her wig, wondering if it might fit Bailey’s head, which is a tiny 4-5″ around. Her head is even smaller than Navi’s, whose is 5-6″ around. I decided to buy one for $2 and see what I could do with it. Their outfits were all spotted and stiff and I just used scissors and cut them off the dolls. (I only bought one the first time, but went back and got 3 more later.)

The wigs on the dolls were glued on and I thought if I could pull them off, I might be able to make a wig for Bailey from them. The thing was they weren’t nicely styled wigs… they were all over the place and kind of had a mind of their own… flipping out and curls that would NOT calm down with a brush… Let me show you what I mean…

So I got the wig off and it was just flat with a mesh circle that was glued to the dolls head.

I thought maybe I could use a ceramic flat iron on the lowest temperature to see about calming the wigs down… but first I had to see how I could get this flat portion of hair to fit my dolls round head.

I decided to use elastic and make a little frame that fit over her head. She does have these “prong” kind of things in the back to hold on her wigs and one lip in the front. I custom fit my elastic to her head… like this…

Then I looked to see how far down the bangs needed to go and began stitching the mesh circle to the elastic along the front edge… Then I tacked it at her ears and left if loose in the back to catch on those prongs…

The plan was going pretty well… now I had to see if my ceramic flat iron would get all those kinks and curls out… it did… on the low temp with lots of brushing with a wig brush.

When I got the wig pretty smooth, I had to find some way to stabilize Bailey so I could give her a hair cut. I found a heavy glass goblet and wrapped her up in some soft scarf scraps and she was all snug in there and couldn’t move on me.

I smoothed out her hair over the lip of the glass and keeping her head straight, it just happened to be the right height all the way around to cut most of the scraggly ends of the wig off…

A few times around the rim of the glass, straightening and snipping, and it was pretty decent… She was happy!

From this…

To this… I was happy too!

(After I did this wig, I went back to the Goodwill and bought the other 3 dolls…)

I thought if I could make a wig for $2.00, I better do it! So I got 2 more auburn ones and one black one…

This is what the black one turned out like…after it was straightened…and trimmed… it was quite flippy! :o)

…and this is what I did with one of the other auburn ones… a little bob for Bailey…

But I had seen a little wig with a braid on top, so I used the 3rd auburn wig for a piece that I braided and put on the top of her head like this… I actually had to make the piece in 2 sections as the strands weren’t long enough for one single piece… you can see where I glued the 2 pieces together and then tied ribbons over the glued area…

So here is the finished look…It just sits on her head and the ribbons can be changed if I want…

Well, you won’t want to miss tomorrow… when I tell the rest of the story…

See you then,
Blessings, Jeanne

30 thoughts on “Making wigs for the Twinkles dolls from My Meadow, using cheap dolls from Goodwill…”

  1. Susette from Southern California

    Well, Iā€™ll go first for the first time if I hurry. This is absolutely genius! I can just stop there. I wonder who else among us or anywhere would think to do this. Itā€™s amazing! Thanks for sharing this wonderful process with us. You are the Mistress of Doll Repair. GO, Jeanne!

    1. Thank you Susette!
      I appreciate your kind words about my doll wigs! It’s just part of loving dolls, I guess… wanting to do more for them if I can.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    So you have now added “wig maker” to your many talents! I love how those wigs turned out. I think the short bob is my favorite, but they’re all cute! And your new Bailey is adorable!

    Now, as to name….if you are wanting something similar, yet different, I would suggest Belinda or Blair or even Blossom!

    I got some more done on my jacket this afternoon and evening. And the new baby (along with her mom, dad, and grandma) was in church this morning, so I got to give them the knitted outfit I had made. All I had to do yesterday was sew ribbons on the hat, and a label in the sweater, and then wrap them up. (There are also little mittens.) In addition, I had a wonderful little book for her, God Made Us You, which I included. Little Rowan has darkish red hair–it may end up to be auburn, but we shall see. She’s beautiful!! She’s the first baby born into our congregation in over 12 years, so everyone is pretty excited!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      What wonderful gifts for the newborn. First baby in twelve years. Hopefully there will be others coming along soon. When we first joined our current church, Skyy and Jaiden were the only two babies in the nursery and practically the only young children at all. Sean and Dionne were thinking they might have to change churches in order for them to have a Sunday School experience. Then we got a new priest (Episcopal) with a young family and people with young children joined in droves. He moved on, COVID came and now we’re back nearly to square one.

    2. Hi Charlotte,
      I haven’t thought of a name yet, but I do like the idea of a name starting with a B too!
      I hope you’ll send me a picture of the baby’s outfit you knitted…if you took one…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, thank you for that picture comparing the three dolls sizes! I had no idea Nyssa was so tall!

    My goodness, what a champion hairdresser and wig maker you are! They all are adorable, but I do like the shorter hair on her. Those tiny dolls can get lost in longer hair, I think! Also, the bangs cover up those large eyebrows very well! I never saw a little girl with eyebrows like that! Maybe for a boy? That last picture just makes my heart melt!!ā¤ļø

    1. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

      Linda, my daughter and my niece both had eyebrows like that but darker lol. They didn’t get them from me mine are nearly non-existent

    2. HI Linda,
      When my hubby saw Bailey for the first time, he said, “man, she’s got some bushy eyebrows, doesn’t she?” and I haven’t been able to get his words out of my head. I’m sure I’ll be redoing them… and I want to add some teeny tiny eyelashes to her as well.
      Glad you slip finally made it to St. Louis… silly mail trucks! :o)
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Can’t thank you enough for doing the size comparison of the girls. I thought Nyssa was taller than an AG, but wasn’t sure. Her body type is more mature but somewhat closer to Sara. The Wiggs girls here are closer in size to Sara. šŸ™‚
    I was always curious as to how to make a wig with no cap fit on a doll. Your idea works perfectly. Both the bob style and the longer version seem to work well for her. At 6″, I have no idea how you could remake such a tiny wig. It would be great to find a wig that matches her eyebrows, but with the bangs you can’t tell anyway. Fun project and good to hear that ceramic curling iron works so well. I wonder what kind of hair it is? Acrylic or human? Don’t think it is mohair. I think I like the reddish auburn the best, but I’m sure Bailey will let you know. šŸ™‚
    Yesterday I had to look up the dollhouse that Barbara shared awhile back. Lovely. I definitely want to find some plastic furniture for the one still in the garage around here. We’ll see when I get to that project.
    Frost again today, but sun is out. On to a new week, and St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner. šŸ™‚

    1. HI Joy,
      I think the wigs are made of something close to the synthetic mohair. It’s actually pretty nice to work with, once you get all the tangles and the hard parts combed out. The wigs on the dolls remind me of Isabelle’s wig quite a bit. Isabelle’s is softer, but curls about the same way as these do. I was very happy that they didn’t shrivel up under the heat of the ceramic iron. I did make another one today for my Chocolate Bailey… you’ll see it in tomorrow’s post.

      We are in the freezer today again… hovering in the 30’s and tomorrow night it’s supposed to get down to 17 I think! BBBRRR…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Itā€™s always fun to see comparison photos for doll sizes. The wigs turned out so cute! I never would have guessed it was possible. Thanks so much for that demonstration. I must have a ton of those little ā€œwigsā€ that the pack rat in me canā€™t throw out and will definitely be trying that. I especially like the little braid and how easy to change ribbons for a new outfit or fitting a different hat or hair accessory without a complete redo!! Sometimes little dolly hairstyling sessions are so time consuming and end in frustration.
    Have a great day all and pray for peace.

    1. Thanks Dorothy,
      I’m glad you enjoyed seeing the wigs being made and I do hope you give it a try!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Iā€™m convinced there is NOTHING you canā€™t do! Those wigs are very difficult to work with and style and just look how cute they are! That is a super cute doll! Meadow does capture their own look and each one has its own personality. Canā€™t wait for tomorrow!
    Charlotte did you take pictures of what you made the new baby?

    1. Oh Kathie,
      You are so silly… there is PLENTY I can’t do… wigs were just something I never really thought about, but I enjoyed it very much… almost as much as cobblering! :o)
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, oh my goodness, the wigs are amazing! I am in awe at how you can “see” how to create things. I would never have thought to buy a wig at Goodwill and fix it so it could fit a doll I had.

    I am glad you have a Kaye Wiggs Hope. Maybe one day she will have a dress made for her.

    55 days until May 1. Get the Maypole ready (chuckle).

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Already planning the Maypole photo shoot. I’ve chosen the eight tiny dolls who will participate based on the size of the Maypole I have, and they are choosing their favorite spring dress to wear. Now if I can just figure out how to get them to “pose” like they are actually weaving the Maypole. I wish I was good with computers then I could do a video like the one introducing the RRFFs.. I hope others will do Maypole photos too.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Barbara, hello. Yes, it will be fun if others can take photos of their dolls dancing around the Maypole. I remember this from kindergarten.

    2. HI Dorothy,
      I guess I’m always thinking “outside the box” for everything I do! I Hope everyone gives it a try… I made another one today… you’ll see it tomorrow!
      54 days till May 1st now… :o)
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Joy Lynne Carter

    Wow Jeanne! Great job with those wigs! Each one looks great. The first part of the post made me cringe,… about the eyes, but I sped by that partšŸ˜‰ and finished by seeing those lovely hair dressing jobs!

    1. Thanks Joy,
      I enjoyed making the doll wigs… something new… something fun!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Congratulations on your latest doll, Jeanne. Amazing job on the wigs. The sweet little bob with the braided top and bows is my favorite by far. Well, we all know whose up for a new dress next.

    1. HI Laura,
      I like the bob wig too… and actually made another bob today… you’ll see it…
      I left the other wigs longer because there was enough good fibers to do so… I’m hoping I can braid them in a short braid, or maybe pig tails… but that will expose the elastic in the back… but who’s looking back there? Not me! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Marilyn in Colorado

    Hope is quite beautiful. I wonder if the fabrics that suit Addy would suit her or if Josefina colors would be better for her. I’ll hope for a Hope dress soon.

    Actually “honey” is not a bad name for your new doll. I also like the “starting with a B” idea or possibly ending with a “lee” sound.

    The wigs are terrific. The doll in the glass idea was as cute as it was practical. And now you have 2 dolls for the Meadow/monkey contest. Have you figured out what they’ll be wearing?

    1. HI Marilyn,
      Maybe I WILL do a dress for Hope soon… she certainly has been neglected big time! I think I’ve only made her 3 or 4 outfits… Maybe I can at least show what I’ve made for her in a slideshow! :o)

      I’ll have to pick a name soon.. .I’m tired of saying Dumpling Bailey, or 11″ Bailey or Twinkle Bailey… I just need 2 different names…

      I have some fabrics laid out for the Monkey contest, but nothing yet… just ideas…
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Susette from Southern California

    I have to share a place to buy a tea set for a little girl. Someone on The Art of the Table website shared that Target has an FAO Schwartz tea set. Every store for 50 miles around was not shipping and not having store pickup. So I took a chance anyway, called the store thatā€™s just a couple of miles down the road and the fellow found one left in the store room. I got there in record time and bought it for $19.99. Itā€™s more the size for little girls than AG dolls but great for granddaughters. It doesnā€™t have a creamer nor sugar bowl, but what little girls will be serving wonā€™t really need them. Iā€™ll send Jeanne a picture if sheā€™d like to post it, but even better, ā€œenterā€œchild tea setā€ on the Target website. Have fun. šŸ„°

    1. HI Susette,
      I already had my post written before I saw this, but remind me in a day or 2 if you see I have forgotten… it’s such a cute little set… someone else might want one…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  12. Barbara in SE Texas

    I must admit as you were explaining things and I was scrolling down through the pictures I was saying to myself, yeah right! So no one was more surprised than I to see that once again you managed to turn a sows ear into a silk purse. I would have never seen the potential. The wigs are adorable, especially the one with the braid and bows. And what an adorable new member to your family. Bailey is one of my favorite Meadows but I did not want one so tiny. I wonder if they will do another Dumpling Bailey. I doubt anyone that has one would want to resell her, and if they did, I probably couldn’t afford her that way anyhow.

    1. HI Barbara,
      I had no idea if it would work either, but I thought for $2, it was worth a try.. I have been back to Goodwill 2 more times.. and then today, I just went and bought 6 more dolls… because I might need to make a wig to go with an outfit… who knows… I may never see those size dolls again… and the wigs really did work well… if you don’t peek under the back…

      I don’t know which doll is up for a pre order next.. but I won’t be watching either! :o( I am maxed out on dolls right now.. in fact, I have a few on the chopping block, coming soon!
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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