Don’t laugh at my 2 minute doll dress for Ten Ping…

I’m not kidding, it took me a whole 2 minutes to make this dress for Ten Ping! She wanted to show you her new silver boots but didn’t want to model them in that navy and white “Troll dress” so I saw this roll of “stuff” I had and since it was a little bit stretchy, it worked well for her “make do” dress! (It’s just for show… :o)

Anyway, I worked on the THIRD pair of silver boots for her and got them to the “acceptable” range to include them…

They are actually quite cute on her tiny little feet and I’ve made a few changes for when I make them the next time, but for now, these are the boots that will be included with the pink fluffy coat, whenever I get it finished. I thought I could finish both today, but my hubby had some things “that included me!”

The hardest part making boots (at least for me) is getting the leather soles stacked so they look like even “layers” instead of layers of canyon or river bed. I’ve watched a few more videos on making doll shoes and each time I do, there’s a little nugget I take away and store in my “cobbler brain area!” :o)

This is a picture of the boots made from the pattern I bought off Etsy… This is how their soles look… not too far from mine… a bit “rugged” looking to me…

These soles have the look I am striving for… smooth, polished, layered evenly, nice!

See how even the layers of the soles are? I’m sure it’s a matter of finding the right thickness of leather. The black I used was pretty soft and didn’t hold it’s shape very well… Oh well, keep trying Jeanne!

Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m hunkering in my sewing room Thursday! It has been sleeting a good part of the day and it’s starting to turn to snow now… I’m planning on sewing! How about you?

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

26 thoughts on “Don’t laugh at my 2 minute doll dress for Ten Ping…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    That little silver “2 minute dress” actually turned out pretty cute, Jeanne! You could finish the edges and add a snap or two….turn it into a pattern to make out of other knits/stretchy fabrics, perhaps?! Just a thought, since you have “NOTHING” else to do with your time, right?! 🤣

    The boots are looking pretty good. I see what you mean about the soles. I am wondering….could you glue the layers of leather (or whatever you’re using) together FIRST, and Then cut out the soles? You might have to use something more like a little saw to cut them, rather than a scissors, but, with the right blade, you might get the look you want. Or perhaps one of those die-cutting machines (Cricut, etc.), and make your own die for the various shoe sizes you make?

    The other thing might be to sand the edges, perhaps? Use a block of wood with sandpaper wrapped around it and fastened, so it’s a truly flat, firm surface against the side of the sole.

    Well, I’ve been chipping away at some UFOs lately. Recently I found a wool jumper I’d started many years (and several sizes) ago; I finished it tonight, except to add size and care tags. I’m going to donate it, since I know I would Never squeeze into it these days!

    A couple of nights ago, I lost my thimble. Now, for most people that wouldn’t be a big deal; just buy another. But I have really short fingers, so although there are lots of thimbles that “fit”–Around–most of them are too long, and go past the first knuckle of my middle finger! Well, if it’s that long, I can’t bend my finger, and that means I can’t sew! Fortunately, last night I did find it again (phew!), and it’s back in it’s spot on my sewing table. It took me a long, long time and a great deal of determination to learn how to use a thimble with hand sewing and embroidery–and now I have a hard time sewing without one! (It’s actually my second-best thimble; my best/favorite one is in a plastic box with other hand-sewing/smocking supplies.)

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, I am glad you found your thimble. I hate to lose things but I always do. I feel like I spend at least an hour a day looking for something.

      Honestly, I am going to have to fire my imaginary housekeeper as she is not doing her job (laugh).

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Meant to add, congrats on the auction! Nice finish to it!

    Also, Marilyn asked yesterday how many of us have Ten Ping dolls. I don’t have her, but I have Gigi, her little friend (same body mold, different face). I love her!

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    Love that little dress you made, Jeanne! It would take me a lot more than two minutes to do it that well! Maybe a little bolero to go along with it, and to keep her arms warm!

    You are getting better and better with your shoes! Does making shoes give you the same satisfaction as making clothes? Or is it just that you can make and deliver on a complete outfit?

    I don’t have a Ten Ping or Gigi, so I am not in the “marketplace” for getting clothes of that size, but that’s just me! Marilyn’s idea of selling some of the what you call “imperfect” boots to your readers is a good one!

    It is snowing here like crazy, so another day at home! I’m going through drawers today, and my closet too. I made a big pot of chicken noodle soup that will tide me over for the next few lunches, so I’m all set! Made a batch of brownies too for Michael. Maybe I’ll try one of them, actually, I already did!!! 😉

  4. Dorothy L near Pgh Pa

    Your little silver dress is adorable! And so Jeanne to have a couture stitch at the neckline. Lol! Just think what a wonderful surprise for the winner of the coat to get that little dress, I know I would.
    The boots are ALL great. Have you tried using a Dremel to carefully sand the edges? I use mine for a lot of things.
    I don’t have Ten Ping but I do have Ishara by Ruby Red, same body as Ten Ping.
    I wish I could learn to use a thimble, I’ve tried but need the secret instructions!
    Have a great day all.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    I vote for a pattern for that dress for Ten. It is cute and looks like most of the things I make with that pin in the back. I hate to sew on snaps. Might be fun to see what everyone comes up with using the same pattern. 🙂
    Glad Charlotte found her favorite thimble. Kind of like me when a needle disappears. I have my favorites. 🙂
    Ten Ping’s new boots look sweet with her little shift dress. The dress is perfect for her diminutive self.
    For Marilyn, from yesterday, I have Ten Ping, Jar Lu, and one of the little ones whose name escapes me. They are cute.
    I too wonder if the Dremel, as Dorothy mentioned might work to better smooth the shoe sole edges? I’m pretty sure that the maker of the red shoes uses something to smooth the soles and the leather also. All of the leather straps and edges around the throat appear to have been smoothed with something. Wonder what the secret might be?
    If anyone is into beading, Lee & Pearl, has some great heart necklaces that would be so cute on all of our dollies. Pattern is free too. They can be made for humans also. 🙂 Definitely something for the snowbound to work on. Here, I had to water potted plants yesterday. They aren’t looking very good. Poor things.

    1. Hi Joy, Thanks so much for the Lee & Pearl link. I’ve enjoyed other free things she has shared on the doll board.

  6. Sally from Colorado

    Better and better, Jeanne. Perseverance and determination factors are very high in your household. Way to go, and that little dress is so simple and sweet. I love “clean lines” myself.

    Charlotte, glad you found the thimble. I never stuck with it long enough to find it essential. Good for you.

    Dorothy in PA, very pleased to hear you are all right and still hitting the tea party circuit. Good luck with the writing.

    It was -11 when my hubby got up. It has “warmed up” 4 degrees in the past 3 hours. And no Ten Pings here or dolls of that size except for a few Kish kids.

    Stay warm, everyone and if it’s a sewing day for you, have a ball.

    1. Hi Sally, I’ve only seen most of the first episode, but if you’re looking for some other Julian Followes series to tide you over until the Downton Abbey movie comes out, there is a new one called “The Gilded Age”. So far, the costumes and decor are fantastic.

      1. Sally from Colorado

        Hi, Laura,
        Thanks very much for the tip. Is it on Netflix? HBO?
        We saw the movie poster for the next DA movie for March. It didn’t mention Henry Talbot….maybe his appearance will be very minor like the first movie. Appreciate your mentioning this, and have a wonderful day.

        1. Hi Sally, I’m actually watching it online on a site that people download/upload videos to. We don’t have cable anymore. Not worth the cost since we don’t watch that much tv.

  7. Kathie from Omaha

    A nasty cold day here too but we are north of the nasty storm . If that dress isn’t the cutest thing! The gathering at the neck is perfect and the A line just right for under the coat . I have a Gigi and she has a bit bigger feet but she looked over my shoulder and saw them and liked them a lot!
    I haven’t perfected the thimble thing either but will have a quilt to bind so it would be good😉

  8. Susette from Southern California

    The little dress is darling. I do have Ten Ping. As a matter of fact, two of them. I’m afraid I left one out where Max, my son’s family’s wonderful Goldendoodle puppy, got a hold of she and one is lacking one arm. My own fault, but I ordered a replacement. Maybe Kathie could reattach the arm on the injured one? I made a very complicated dress my granddaughter designed for herself, her Molly doll and Ten Ping for Christmas one year.

    I know it’s expensive to live here, but the average temperature for the next ten days will be 74/45. Saves on the electricity and gas bills. It’s only been below 32 one time where I live in over 30 years, but we desperately need the rain where I live and snow in the mountains 70 miles inland. Please share.

    I think there’s a special leather working tool that smooths and rounds the edges of pieces of leather before assembling the shoe. It comes in different sizes and results are kind of like a bullnose finish on granite. Forgive my strange comparison.

    Stay safe and warm and enjoy the views.

  9. Barbara in SE Texas

    Really cute dress on Ten Ping. I don’t have Ten Ping but I do have other dolls her size. You’ve got the patience of Job doing all the things you have to do to get the shoes “just right”. I’ve got a lot of shoe patterns but haven’t tried any of them yet. I bought shoe soles from Pixie Faire for 18″ and Wellies. Also some of the shoe patterns call for mini-braid (of all types and colors) for around the soles. Probably not appropriate for all types of shoes but it does look nice on dress shoes and some more rustic sandals. I have all the materials I need to do the shoes and I’m building up courage so maybe soon.

    What a weird weather world I live in. Yesterday it was in the 70s. Since I have not done any serious grocery shop in a while (I don’t like grocery shopping) and we were running out of everything, knowing the next few days were going to be very cold and I would have little inclination to go out, I went and did that yesterday afternoon. These days doing that is a workout, but I got it done. When I got up this morning it was about 37 and the temps will be dropping all day. It will be 32 at 4 p.m. and in the 20s for several days. Unusual for here. I must admit I’m a bit gun shy after last year’s weather event. I’m not sure exactly what efforts have been made to make sure that losing electricity and water for days does not happen again. Usually here you may have a couple freezing days and then it will warm up. We haven’t had weather like this for a long time and I was living in Houston at the time and we didn’t lose electricity or water. Chorale rehearsal was cancelled for tonight because we would be going and coming in the evening with freezing temps and wet possibly icy roads.

    Sweet Heart Kayla came yesterday but is still hiding out in her box. Right now David should be coming in for lunch so I’ll wait until he leaves for his shop after lunch. Then I will release her and put her amongst the many others and he’ll never suspect we’ve had a new addition to the family..

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Good hearing from you. Thought you might have bad weather. Guess it is coming though. Stay safe.
      Congrats on your SH Kayla. My Hanna is “Out for Delivery”, so sometime today before 7:00PM. Wish that time was more exact. The girls will have to share a wave when they are let out of their boxes. 🙂

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        Hopefully you will get your Hanna soon. Just got back from lunch. Dang it’s cold out there.

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        Thanks, Sally. Well Kayla is out of her box but I still need to dress her. Just love her shoes.

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      The best laid plans of mice and men. The cat is out of the bag. Okay, enough for cliches. I found the downside of keeping my study too tidy. David came in for lunch and came into my study to tell me something. His eyes immediately fell on the two boxes sitting in what I thought was an inconspicuous place. It appears you have a couple boxes that need opening, he said. Would you like some help with that? Then he adds, the one box looks conspicuously like a doll box. After berating him for his nosiness I gave in and allowed him to release Kayla from her confines. He said as long as he has to support her he has a right to make her acquaintance. He did say he thinks she’s very pretty.

  10. Ten Ping’s little silver dress is cute. She’s sparkly from head to toe. No, I don’t have Ten Ping. All mine are PC/AG, one RRFF, and various ones that are mine or my mom’s from childhood.
    A dremel tool might work. I use to use one on my Collie/ Samoyed/ Keeshond toenails.
    Weather is nasty here and bitterly cold. I managed to get the ice chipped off the driveway prior to yesterday afternoon’s snow and overnight’s freezing rain. Of course, better to have the ice on top of the snow than the other way around. Every car that is parked outside is glazed.

  11. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I love the dress! It looks so sweet with the shoes.

    I am sure that soon you will have a line of dollies cued up at your door wanting to have exclusive shoes made by Auntie Jeanne. Of course you will have to take all of them in and feed them and call their Mamas so they know that their children are safe (laugh).

    Did any of the Sofa Sisters get Victoria from Un Bonheur de Colibri in France? I read that she will be shipped soon. I really wanted her but I got to the site too late. I emailed but they don’t have any more and won’t be getting any more made. I would love to see a Victoria if someone is getting one. She is in the Fashion Friends line.

    1. Sally from Colorado

      Hi, Dorothy,
      I am sorry you did not get either version of Victoria. Mine is the original one and just adorable. I loved the outfit on the second one as much or better, but I am very grateful to have received one of these girls. Mine looks like the pictures that were done by RR. Sometimes those pictures are wanting.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Sally, thanks for that update. Do send Jeanne some photos of Victoria so we can see her. She is adorable.

  12. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Hi all
    Jeanne the little dress for Ten Ping is great, would take me a lot longer than 10 mins! I love the little boots you are so good at cobbling. It is really hard to cut the soles so they are perfectly smooth and exactly the same size without a die. I think you do an amazing job.

    Wednesday here we had the rain Joy and Susette so badly need. Unfortunately it was also 28C which was horribly uncomfortable. yesterday the rain stayed away but the temp stayed up at 28C so still very humid but at least I got my washing dry. Today it is raining and supposed to be 17C. One of the down sides of living here on the East Coast of an Island who’s nearest neighbours are Antarctica to the south and Australia to the north, our temps go up and down with the direction of the wind. I think I told you before when the children were younger one Saturday we decided to go to the beach to see a friend who was holidaying there. We had to do some chores first which was hard as it was 33C. By the time we got there the wind had changed and it was 15C!!!

    Stay warm everyone

  13. Marilyn in Colorado

    It looks like several people have Ten Pings or dolls of similar size — time for an auction or a raffle? It would be too bad not to get some good out of those shoes.

    How long would it take to produce a finished version of Ten Pings cute dress? The design works and it would be nice to have an “under coat” design for all your coats. We’ve gone from -6 to +4 — definitely still coat weather, and people do want them — an ideal match-up.

    Stay warm, everyone, and if possible, stay home and safe.

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