Plenty of sweetness from Noel and Maggie today!

Before I share today’s post…take a look at Linda’s girls… Emmy is fitting in just fine. They’ve even got her selling Girl Scout Cookies! How adorable is this picture!

My hubby is wanting to get the flooring finished in his office and in a small hallway that goes to the basement… so today was sorting and moving day… it’s supposed to be very cold with snow and freezing rain Wednesday and Thursday, so who knows, maybe we’ll get started on it since we won’t be going anywhere.

My day was full, but I did stay up a bit late and get these pictures taken of Noel…

She wanted a “fluffy” hat and a teddy bear.

I hope you enjoy seeing her and “Maggie.”

Well, that’s it!
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

20 thoughts on “Plenty of sweetness from Noel and Maggie today!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Thank you for sharing your picture, Linda! Who can resist a cute little Brownie helping her big sister sell cookies?!

    Sounds like you had a busy day, Jeanne. Noel’s hat is just the right touch for her, and the pictures you took are wonderful. I see she’s named her teddy bear already! (Does she know she’s only borrowing it until some other little girl wins it along with the outfit?!)

    1. HI Charlotte,
      It just started sleeting here and a box of Girl Scout cookies sure sounds good, but not good for me… I just love Linda’s picture of her Girl Scouts!
      I managed to get Noel’s set scheduled to go on Ebay this evening! yay!
      I think Noel’s been around enough to know “the ropes” around here! :o)
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    You did it all, Jeanne, from the top of her head to the tip of her toes! What an adorable outfit! I sure don’t know what happened, but the pink of the jacket isn’t so glaring anymore, maybe the extra embroidery on the jacket toned it down? And the hat! Perfect for taming all that hair! I just can’t believe the magic you do with outfits!

    Oh yes, Emmy is fitting right in and is loving it here! I just wish those socks I ordered for her would get here!!!

    1. HI Linda,
      Yep, I did it! I even got Noel’s set listed to go on Ebay this evening… I think she looks so sweet in these colors.
      I can’t get over how adorable your girls look in their uniforms! That is a great picture!
      Is it sleeting there right now? We are getting pelted pretty hard… and I think it’s supposed to continue until tomrrow afternoon. George is supposed to have an eye appointment in the morning… but not if all this slick stuff is still going on…
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessing, Jeanne

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Yes, Jeanne, it is sleeting and getting pretty slick. Everything is now covered. Tomorrow looks like a good day to stay in!

    1. Linda, it’s always a treat to see your girls and what they’re up too. Hope they sell lots of cookies. A fun and yet helpful tradition for the Girl Scouts.

      Jeanne, perfect time to work on projects when it’s cold outside. Hope it goes smoothly.
      And Noel is adorable in her outfit. Love her hat with the buttons and bows and the teddy bear is a sweet little added bonus.

      1. Thanks Paula,
        I actually have the listing done and scheduled to go on Ebay tonight. Another down and now it’s time to decide who is next! Thanks for the compliments on it!
        Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Linda, your girls are adorable. Golly gee, I was just ready to send you my cookie order (laugh).

  3. Those scouts will be entrepreneurs before you know it! So cute.
    Jeanne I love the bow with buttons on Noel’s hat, really caught my eye.
    Next you’ll be making teddy bears and bunnies.
    Your blog is such a pleasant way to start the day. Thank you.
    Keep us posted on the flooring and the other projects, they’re fun for us too.
    Dorothy L

    1. HI Dorothy,
      I think I’ll leave the bunny and bear making to someone else… I’ll spend my time perfecting my patterns for dolly shoes and boots. I really enjoy that!
      I’m glad you find joy in reading this blog! It warms my heart… especially when it’s sleeting outside like it is now! :o)
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Thanks so much for sharing Linda’s Brownie cookie sales. Fun to see her girls supporting the cause. We just brought home four boxes from grand. They are on the counter. So tempting. 🙂
    Well, at least Noel looks warm this morning. Most everywhere around here had below freezing temperatures last night. Sun coming out, so hope it warms up. We’ll find out if any plants survived this unusual spring temperature flux. Know many out there have had extremely cold weather as well. Here, we had just a few drops of rain, but not enough to even wash off the tree leaves. 🙁
    Wonderful to hear that the final flooring work may take place. Definitely a good way to keep warm with all of that work. Can’t wait to see the floor nearing the finish line. 🙂

    1. HI Joy,
      It’s sleeting here right now and is supposed to keep it up all night and until tomorrow afternoon. Yep, I think I’ll stay inside…
      Well, the flooring was put on the back burner as my hubby was working more in the basement for when the Orkin guy comes… but I did have to give him a haircut, does that count for a work day?
      I can’t wait to get the flooring done too… I am just praying we have enough flooring to do it… 4 boxes at 24 sq/ft per box and 2 planks are all we have… Yikes…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Joy in northern CA

        My thought on the floor, do the hall first and then the parts that show in the office. Like where you walk in, but maybe leave places that don’t show, like under a desk or cabinets or under a rug, without. 🙂

  5. Marilyn in Colorado

    The picture of the bear wearing the coat is the winner. The hat matching the dress and so working with both coats is another winner. Does the bear’s bow match the pink as well as it looks on my computer? It’s perfect.

    Linda’s cookie sellers are wonderful. Emmy has made herself at home and fits right in. The dogs are already minding her.

    It’s -2 degrees here but the snow has stopped — we have only 1 1/2 inches of new snow. It’s probably gathering strength to move your way.

    1. Thanks Marilyn,
      Noel’s hat “bow” is made from a tiny piece of the wool felt, so yes, it matches “perfectly!” Good eye! :o)

      If Linda had a granddaughter selling cookies somewhere, I’d take the dolls along as a great eye catcher and I bet she could rake in the sales! :o)

      The windchill feels like 15 here… and we are being pelted by sleet… and it’s supposed to continue until 2:00 tomorrow afternoon.

      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Your girls look adorable, Linda, and so nice to see have fast Emmy fit in. She will be a lot of fun. Love the Girl Scout and Brownie uniforms and the furballs helping. They deserve Milk-Bones.

    Noel’s outfit is just perfect. The tam is so sweet and the whole thing has been pulled together and is super cute. I, too, love Maggie in the jacket.
    I’m sure you looking forward to having the flooring completed and now in the perfect time to do so.

    1. Thanks for your kind compliments on Noel’s outfit, Laura, I really think this one is very sweet on Noel. It fits her look and the colors are wonderful on her skin tone.

      Well, the flooring didn’t get very far today… my hubby was back in the basement working on things before the guys come back to do that job… but one of these days it will all be done! YAY!

      Thanks Laura, if you aren’t already getting this wintery weather, it’s coming soon. We have sleet, Marilyn had snow…

      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, Noel is a vision in adorableness! I love the little bear.

    Ed (Happily Ever After) has some very pretty dolls by Annette Herrman for sale. I purchased one from her at the UFDC Convention in Baltimore a while back.

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