My tiniest little girl, Navi, is getting the next Christmas dress…

DON’T FORGET: “Victorian Charm,” the red plaid dress set for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends dolls, with the 2 different hats, ends this evening. You can see it by clicking the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE. Just a little info… there have been 624 views on the set and there are 52 watchers!

My tiniest little girl on the dolly shelf is getting a new Christmas dress. Navi looked at me with those sweet blue eyes and I just said, “Okay…you can be next…” What else could I do?

I made the green shoes out of some Ultrasuede Kathie sent me and that was the start of this set. They are teeny tiny; shorter than an inch and they just slip on. I’m planning on making her some tiny thigh highs to go with this dress too. Boy, it sure seems like I’m using the word tiny an awful lot in this post… I guess that’s what happens when you sew for a little 6″ girl.

I thought I would make her a green dress but all of my “Christmas greens” were the wrong shade of green. However when I found this fabric, and held it up to the shoes, it complimented them, so I decided to go for it.

I don’t have a lot done, but the hardest part is over…that would be those tiny (oops, there it is again) little sleeves. The elastic in the sleeves just fits around my little finger…that’s how tiny they are…

Tomorrow I plan to get the skirt sewn to the bodice…

My hubby had a doctor’s appointment out of town and we didn’t get back until almost 7:00… I haven’t read your comments yet, but I will when I get in bed. (It’s 12:51) yikes…

Thanks everyone,
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

20 thoughts on “My tiniest little girl, Navi, is getting the next Christmas dress…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    That is the perfect little print for Navi; I’m sure she’s going to look adorable in it! Sometimes a “match” isn’t the best solution; a “blend”–where the two colors “play nice together”–is better!

    I noticed that your Victorian Charm now has NINE bids!! WooHoo!!

    1. Debbie in North Carolina

      I hope all of today’s doctor’s appointments go well today and the neurologist has some answers to Ron’s seizures,

  2. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, Navi has such a sweet face. I think she will be happy to model your Christmas creation.

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Navi is such a cutie. I’d like to see the dress skirt at knee length rather than ankle so that her shoes and tiny legs can be shown off. And it would also be sweet to do a photo of Navi standing on the chair in her finished dress. Such a cute prop. Maybe she can be trying to reach a star on the Christmas tree. 🙂
    My RRFF Christmas girl Jennifer, is supposed to arrive today at last look. We’ll see how it goes. 🙂

    1. Susette from Southern California

      Mine arrived yesterday and is adorable. Not the least regretting buying her. These dolls have such happy faces. Have fun dressing her. Much easier than extracting the doll from having been wired into the box!

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Congrats on your newbie. One UPS said before 9:00PM and another between 12:30-2:00PM. Clueless as to when she might arrive. 🙂

  4. Marilyn+in+Colorado

    I asked for another Christmas dress and I’m getting it. The shoes really bring out the green in the dress.

    I liked your December 1 column a lot. Molly’s dress was a favorite and I always love Elizabeth’s Julie dress — you can’t show that one enough. I’d love to see you re-make the Pollyanna dress because I think your pattern-making skills have developed and you could make a whole series for Samantha and Nellie, extending over maybe 6 dresses in 2 years. Wouldn’t that be fun for us? Funny how I can always think of great projects for other people.

  5. Debbie in North Carolina (was in Tennessee)

    The dress for Navi is going to be very special. The blue background brings out her eye color and the red buttons compliment her beautiful red hair. She is tiny, and sweet. Good luck with tonight’s auction. It will be a winner! Now back to those pesky boxes. So far only one had dolls. Hubby wants the Christmas tree up tomorrow and I still can’t see the floor.

  6. Navi looks so cute in the upper part of her dress. I’m sure she’s excited to model the whole dress soon. Her shoes are adorable and Jeanne, you are becoming quite the cobbler.

    I loved seeing all the girls wearing your fabulous designs. Love the Pollyanna outfit! 😉 I always love seeing all your creations.

  7. Navi will look sweet in her tiny little dress. She was lucky to be chosen for the final Christmas dress. I like Joy’s idea of her standing on a chair trying to place the star on the tree.

    1. Theresa in Indiana

      Final Christmas dress?? It’s only December 3rd… 🙂 I’m hoping for a Little Darling Christmas dress, or maybe one for Kaye Wiggs Nyssa…

  8. Linda in St. Louis

    I’m finally here after getting my house decorated, well, about 75% of it, and even a shopping trip! Little Navi looks so cute in her “half” dress, and I too think it would be a cute picture of her standing on a chair with her complete dress, trying to put the star on the tree!

    The tiny shoes are perfect for her! And yes, a shorter dress would show off her shoes better!

  9. Barbara in SE Texas

    Navi’s dress is going to be so adorable. And her shoes are the cutest.

    I was hoping Sean could help me assemble my tree today. It’s only three pieces but they are heavy. But David has him on a much-needed project to make his life easier after his surgery next week. They got a late start today with a before-surgery COVID test in Katy this morning and PT in Sealy immediately afterward. Sean has a class related to his A/C company Monday and Tuesday so they will not have those days so everything needs to be completed before Sean leaves today. If we don’t get my tree up today, it will be next Thursday before we can get to it. Sean has an A/C change out Wednesday which is a blessing, since A/C work has dropped off with people fearing to spend any money and parts often being hard to find. But it does look promising that I will get my tree up and decorated at least by Christmas.

    But I do have most of my Christmas shopping finished and so far have had no trouble getting everything I ordered and actually some things are arriving before the anticipated date.

  10. Sally from Colorado

    Oh, SO cute!! How tall is this little tyke? As for the start of the ensemble, A+, Jeanne.
    Maybe this weekend I can get to look at the old blogs from yesterday or the day before. I saw the first couple and when I went back to them, I saw the comments about George and his port and I thought, “Whaaaaaat?? What have I missed?l” and kept going back to previous posts until I saw they were all 2016 I think. Then it dawned on me. Duh!
    Good luck on the auction tonight.
    Hope things are sorting out for you and Ron, Charlotte.
    Congrats on Jennifer to Susette and Joy. Good luck getting her inside Joy!
    Spent 5 hours today doing the tree and house. Lots of trips up and down the narrow, steep, uneven cellar stairs. Pooped. Barbara, hope you don’t have to wait a whole other week for yours.
    Debbie, keep on trucking…those girls will probably extend their patience as they wait in their boxes. Hope you’re pleased with the new home so far.
    Hugs all around!

    1. Debbie in North Carolina

      Thanks Sally! I have to carve out a niche for the tree. Hoping the lights are in a box in the “doll room”. We are certainly enjoying the balmy December weather. It was in the 70’s today.

  11. Alina from Krakow, Poland

    Hello, all the couch sisters. I am currently watching the VICTORIAN CHARM auction. How Jeanne makes a single project an event. These creations come out lovely. I make different clothes for my AG and RRFF. Soon I will send the photos to Jeanne, maybe he will use them. I kiss everyone.

  12. Sally from Colorado

    Alina, great to hear from you! Hope all is well with you, your family and dolls. We send you hugs and kisses too! 🥰

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