Happy Thanksgiving to all…

It’s a little before midnight, and I really should be in bed, but I just had to wish you all a Very Happy Thanksgiving today!
May you find lots to be grateful for and thankful for friends. I hope everyone can be with someone today, because LOVE is one of the greatest blessings on earth!

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving to all…”

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to All! We are very blessed that we will have 27 with us today. Traveling from CT and ME. And two babies that were born in 2021. We have a 36 lb. Turkey that will be cooked outdoors.
    Hope everyone has a wonderful day and Merry Christmas to you Jeanne and your Family.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Sounds like a wonderful day for you and your family. We’re too far flung to pull that off so it’s text and duo for us and in person with our son and daughter-in-law and three grandkids. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Happy Thanksgiving, Jeanne and family, and to all the sofa sisters, too!

    A brief update: we heard from the neurologist’s office, and apparently it’s not that unusual for someone on “therapeutic levels” of anti-seizure meds to have the seizures at times, especially at night. They did request we keep a log of any seizure activity from now until Ron sees him a week from Friday.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Charlotte I’m sorry to hear that Ron may have to continue to experience these seizures. Hopefully the neurologist can figure something out to resolve this in some way. Happy Thanksgiving.

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, I am happy that the doctor shared this information with you so that you will be able to better assess the situation.

      Happy Turkey Day!

  3. Karen+from+Kentucky

    Happy Thanksgiving, Jeanne and to your family and to all the Sofa Sisters! It is supposed to be rainy here today. We’ll be celebrating with Joseph’s dad this year.

  4. Dorothy near Pgh

    Happy Thanksgiving to all. Thanks to all who have shared pictures and dolly enthusiasm. Having my morning coffee and a Jeanne Marie fix with sofa sisters of like mind is awesome.
    We haven’t heard from Alina and I hope all is okay. There is a lot going on in her part of the world. Take care.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    How fun to see the connections to PA yesterday. Thanks to everyone. Next person who goes to Lititz, must snap a photo the resting place of my grandfather. My mother’s cousin worked in the office for Hershey’s, I think it was, for many years. My PA roots go back to sometime before the revolution. I think they were part of the German Palatine migration and lived in some valley. Can’t remember the name. Great information. 🙂
    Hope everyone has a fun day today. And Jeanne has already started on the next holiday. I would love it if our tree was up and running. 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Yes, learning about all the PA connections was a lot of fun. Many of my mother’s family still lives in the area where they settled, around Bloomsburg. My stepfather’s family still pretty much lives in Pottsville. As for my more immediate family, II only have one cousin who lives in PA. Many were planning to move back at times, but life intervened and that didn’t happen. But I still have friends there.

    2. Debbie in North Carolina

      What a coincidence! My family predates the American Revolution. Mennonite on my father’s side and Palatine migration on my mother’s side. We could be distantly related!

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Jeanne, and to my many sofa sisters. We’re getting ready to head for Sean’s for dinner. It’s rainy today and the temperatures will be going down as they day goes on. The high “was” 67 at 9 a.m.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to Jeanne and her family and all the sofa sisters!! It’s windy today but sunny. We are not able to be with family but will share Thanksgiving dinner with dear friends. Hopefully, we can FaceTime with our children back home at some point.
    Glad we’re going to someone else’s home as I have Christmas decorations and Christmas storage bins sitting everywhere waiting to be placed somewhere here this weekend.
    Everyone, enjoy this holiday, and the long weekend!

  8. Susette from Southern California

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I’m thankful today because one of my grandsons was just hired as an immuno-histology chemical specialist in his hometown of Santa Barbara. I woke up to winds of 23 mph this morning. Glad I won’t be traveling today.

  9. Sally from Colorado

    Happy thanksgiving to all, wherever you are, whatever you do. Be happy, thankful, and in good health and humor. A hug to each of you, and Reuben, too.

  10. Linda in St. Louis

    Happy Thanksgiving to one and all as we celebrate Thanksgiving once again! May you all have good health in the year to come and here’s to many more happy “chats” on the blog!
    I am so thankful for the many sofa sisters and friends here, thanks to you, Dear Jeanne Marie!

  11. Alina from Krakow, Poland

    Hello sisters from the sofa,
    Everything is fine with me, the fourth wave of the virus passes like a bad dream. All my relatives are healthy. I make sweaters and outfits for Christmas. We do not have Thanksgiving, I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. I thank God every day for each day. Fortunately, He is the Lord of history. Regards.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Alina, I am glad that you are alright. I hope you have a very nice weekend. And yes, we all have much for which to be thankful.

  12. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Jeannie. May GOD Bless You all Abundantly. GOD Bless, Rebecca

  13. Thank you, everyone, for your kind wishes to me and all the other sofa sisters who read this blog. I’m forever grateful for the friends I have made on here and love each of you.
    May the Lord bless every one of you and may we all find peace in Him.
    Blessings, Jeanne

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