The Dolly Sales Room at the 2021 Modern Doll Club Convention

Happy Saturday everyone,
Dorothy, from PA and the world, sent a link for the Modern Doll Club Convention. Allison Hernandez (Munecas Poupees and Dolls website) posted a video of the salesroom from the convention. I looked at the beginning of it and there are hundreds of dolls shown. If you want to get your “Dolly Fix” in for today, take a few minutes and watch this… All these little sweeties are looking for new mommies!

I’m not sure if anyone watching can buy a doll from viewing it, but if not, think of this as the SAFE way to view new dolls…

Dorothy thought all the Sofa Sisters would enjoy it! I agreed with her! It is 27 minutes long, but you can watch a little bit and then come back to it if you like…

We both hope you enjoy!
Blessings, Jeanne AND Dorothy

28 thoughts on “The Dolly Sales Room at the 2021 Modern Doll Club Convention”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, what fun, and thank you, Dorothy! I am going to have to come back to it later, as I need to get off the computer and into bed pretty soon. Tomorrow I am judging 4-H sewing–it is entry day (fair hasn’t started yet) and one of my favorite things!! We didn’t have any fairs last year at all, so I am thrilled to see what the kids have made this year! (And a little aside: One of “my girls” from a number of years ago is now the Superintendent of the 4H sewing/needlework department!!!)

    Will try to allow time to watch the video tomorrow night, if at all possible!!

    1. Sally from Colorado

      Hi, Charlotte,
      I bet you had the best time today, and how rewarding to have a former 4-H student of yours becoming the superintendent! This is all wonderful and I hope you will tell us more about it…maybe share some pictures?
      You should watch the video. I found the doll clothes incredible.
      Sending a hug,

  2. Joy in northern CA

    Unfortunately, there are no online sales at the convention this year. So, one had to be there in Louisville, KY to purchase anything, but so many cute dolls. Most of the big events/dinners have been available to see as well so it has been fun watching the opening of the latest convention dolls. Lots are immediately listed on Ebay right after the convention too. So there is always that route. Thanks to Dorothy for sending it.
    I was thinking last night about the time for Rebecca’s wedding but didn’t know.? Thought I’d check a long range weather forecast. Hoping she has good weather. 🙂

  3. Susette from Southern California

    Dorothy, you did it now, but it’s a good thing. I ordered the Maya doll from She looks remarkably like your Lila. If I’m not mistaken. Maya was possibly designed by Dianna Effner? Thanks for taking her for tea.

    I watched the video but felt like some of the dolls need to be rescued. The video is very well done. I tried to find the beautiful small felt hats shown at the very end of the video on Etsy and eBay. I’d buy them just to display on a hatrack next to my mannequin with the hats that Jeanne kindly shared on the blog. Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Susette, I may have found a Suzette! Not for a gazillion dollars. Let me know if you are interested.

      I am glad you liked the video. I was drooling for sure.

      1. Susette from Southern California

        Yes, I’d appreciate it. Please send the info to Jeanne to forward or you can get my email address from her. Thanks.

      2. Sally from Colorado

        Dear Dorothy,
        Good for you for finding a good Suzette for Suzette. As is wrote to her, I have had this doll on my eBay search since forever. There is one currently for $800 without her original wig or clothes. Ugh.
        If you ever find another out there that will be less than that, please let me know.
        Thank you for this video. I had fun watching it, but must admit the only dolls that truly spoke to me were the LD’s and all of the outfits and hats. I really loved the steampunk outfits. They made me think of my two Jan MacClean steampunk dolls out in storage. I could fill this whole house with my dolls. Sad that most of them are boxed up. I should get them out to enjoy and pack up most of my AG dolls. I am hoping my DIL will agree to sell a lot of my stuff on eBay so when we move back east, this entire collection is not crossing the country again!
        We all LOVE your wonderful contributions to this sisterhood. You’re just great, Dorothy! 😁🥰

        1. Dorothy in PA and the World

          Dear Sally, Little Darlings, new from the Artist, go for just less than that amount.

          Some people sell them on ebay for double or triple their worth. I think this is sad.

    2. Sally from Colorado

      Hi Suzette,
      Like you, I found those hats at the end of the video were just the greatest, and I also saw they were priced at $20!!
      Congratulations on ordering Maya. She is so spunky and cute, but she is sculpted by Ruby Ho, who, I believe is the CEO of RR Galleria.
      Also, congratulations upon getting a lead from Dorothy for a Suzette. I have had her on my eBay search for the longest time. There is currently a Suzette on eBay that has had her wig removed and substituted with a very lame one, some so-so clothes, and does not even include the original wig and outfit, for a mere $800. No thanks! So I hope this one is good for you!

  4. Joy Lynne Carter

    Thankyou for this window into ‘dolly world’. I’ll definitely come back to see more. Such creativity.

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    What a wonderful video! Thanks so much Dorothy for sharing and Jeanne for posting. Glad I wasn’t there though. Way too much temptation.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Definitely agree about the temptation. 🙂 There was one Connie Lowe cutie that spoke to me. I’m pretty sure Connie sold out completely. Love her dolls. 🙂

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        I don’t have any Connie Lowe dolls but I saw some in the video that were so cute and different. Wouldn’t surprise me if she did sell out completely. And there sure were a lot of Meadow dolls. I’m sure that would have tempted you beyond your ability to say “no”.

  6. Thank you for the video, Dorothy. I will definitely come back and watch that later.

    ALINA, yes I have kitties! We had dogs in the past and now kitties. All except one are rescues, but I do have two black ones. Congratulations on your little black kitten. Can’t wait to see photos and learn his/her name.

  7. Linda in St. Louis

    What an array of dolls,Dorothy! The clothes are amazing, and I wonder how much time it was to set all those dolls up! I loved that .Snow White display, more my type of doll! The fairy costumes were particularly darling! I had no idea there were so many so called character dolls! I’ll stick with American Girl and Betsy McCall though!
    Thank you for sharing!

  8. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, thank you for sharing the video.

    Dear Sofa Sisters, I am happy to share what I know about dolls and tea. I don’t cook or sew or craft. Sharing about tea and dolls is my little contribution to the conversation here on the sofa.

    The salesroom had some incredible dolls. I was so ooohing and aaahing.

    1. Hi Dorothy
      I was about 10 minutes into the video when I discovered all those dolls were not Meadows…are they the name on the round seal in the bottom corner?
      So cute! Thanks so much!

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Kathie, no the dolls are made by many different artists. The seal at the bottom is the logo from Allison Hernandez’s YouTube Channel. She posted the information and I wanted to be sure she got credit.

        If you are interested in a doll, you can describe it and I will tell you who made the doll.

        There are several Little Darling dolls. You may recognize them as Jeanne sews for them. Modern Doll had a tribute to Dianna Effner, the artist who created the Little Darlings.

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      Actually your contributions are wonderful and much needed. You keep us up on conventions and things like dolly celebration days, which would totally elude me if not for you. And, of course, tea things. Believe me your contributions are huge.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Barbara, thank you for your kind words. I try to keep up with the talented Sofa Sisters. This is truly a remarkable group of women Jeanne has assembled!

  9. Anne Coldron in New Zealand

    I will have to watch the video it sounds as though it was worth watching. Thanks Dorothy.

    There were two big events in Auckland at the weekend before the virus was detected and at one of them a barman has since tested positive. My best friends husband is a contact of someone who was at the event and we were together (Sam as well) on Sunday and Tuesday. Waiting to hear if we all have to isolate for 14 days. Age has its privileges, I had my second shot at the end of last month. Sam and her husband had their second just over a week ago (courtesy of Delta Community Centre), Margaret (my friend) has just had her second but I’m not sure about her husband. Sam worries about Ashley, she is still to young to be vaccinated but gets severe asthma if she gets a cold! Unfortunately as you know, it is possible to get the virus and be infectious even if you are vaccinated.
    It’s an ill wind as they say. There was a big Gourmet Seafood Conference scheduled in Nelson for this weekend. When we went into lockdown all the food had been delivered so rather than waste it it was donated to Community groups in the area. Contactless delivery of course! Personally I’m not big on seafood, I like fish but not the other stuff but Kiwis love it, it is a staple food for Maori in particular (before Pakeha came there were no mammals only birds and fish for Maori to eat) so I am sure it was appreciated by a lot of people.

  10. Karen from Kentucky

    Thank you for sharing! So far in the video, my favorite looking dolls are by Dianna Effner. They seem realistic and beautiful and are peaceful to look at. I wonder what the range of prices are for the dolls.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Karen, the Little Darlings begin around $550 bought directly from the Artists who paint them. You would put your name on a waiting list and have your doll custom made. You select the skin color, eye color, wig, etc. You receive your doll when the artist has completed it.

      Some artists post dolls for immediate sale on ebay or on their personal websites. These dolls are not custom made and they sell for more than the standard price.

      Some doll collectors sell Little Darlings from their collections. The asking price is often two or three times the standard price.

      If you want more information, let me know.

      1. Karen from Kentucky

        Thank you, Dorothy in PA and the World! The price from the artists sound reasonable, but beyond the budget. Too bad other people raise the prices.

  11. Charlotte Trayer

    I finally did get to watch the video–what fun! Those felt hats were lovely–kind of reminded me of what Bill Jones used to make years ago–in fact, I have one of his…somewhere!! Then I think there was a woman who used to make hats, too, but I don’t remember felt ones.

    I’d also like to know who had all those cute roller skates (about 20 min. in)!! They were fun.

    Thanks again, Dorothy, for sharing the fun. I only wish she hadn’t move the camera quite so fast…but then it would have taken longer to watch!! I guess we can’t have everything!!

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