Thanks for your patience AND your willingness to send pictures to me while I’m so busy… Yes, there will be pictures of Rebecca in her dress as soon as she gives me the “green light!” :o)
Remember, for the moment, until I get it fixed, if you start a comment and then click on a picture to enlarge it, you will lose your comment. It’s best to look at the whole blog post FIRST and click on any pictures you want to see larger, then go back and write your comments.
Anne sent me some sweet pictures…the first one involving a HUGE cake she made… (if you didn’t know, she makes the most beautiful cakes you can imagine!) This is Anne’s grandaughter, Livvie!
Anne said, “she doesn’t understand why she and her parents prefer Livvie or Liv and not Olivia! The big cake I made for her big party, the smaller one was for the family dinner.”
Now, not that Livvie wasn’t cute, but here’s the CUTE part I was talking about in my title…
Anne told me this… “This is my new baby great granddaughter Jahniah with Aunty Sam. She is pretty cute. They currently live in Hamilton which is near Auckland but I am hopeful they will move down here when Narfus has finished his studies.”
Congratulations Grandma Anne! What a cutie… just like I said! :o)
Remember I told you my hubby wanted to get a project finished before we had some company with Rebecca’s upcoming wedding? Well, I thought I’d take a quick break from the wedding stuff and show you what we’ve been doing…
The area for this project is just around the corner from my new kitchen… It’s almost across the wall from my backdoor in the kitchen. There is a small hallway that is about 12 or so feet long, just on the other side of that wall where my cabinets are…the wall where my refrigerator is on… then at the end, on the right, is a door that goes down to the basement and a door closer to the front, that goes up to the attic. There used to be a door there, but we took out the door… however it still had the wall up above the door and just made it look boxed in and dark… This is the area I’m talking about… just to the left of where my hubby and Cindy’s hubby, Tom are working on my kitchen ceiling…
Well, one time Cindy was here and she suggested we might want to take that all down and open up the hallway area! I had been HOPING that someday we would get to it… My hubby takes what Cindy says VERY SERIOUSLY! She has proven herself to him and he knows if she suggests it, it’s probably a good idea! This is the only picture I have of what it looked like before, because Cindy made that suggestion, we walked outside or to my sewing room and when we came back, this was going on!!!
My hubby got his sledge hammer and started knocking the upper walls down! Yippee! Oh happy day! This is what it looked like after all that top area was taken down…
But… it left the sides exposed with the plaster and lathe showing…and it’s been showing for years! MANY years! You can see the area a little better here…
So we finally decided to cover up all the ICKY spots with trim…but it’s been kind of like putting together a jigsaw puzzle… do we put the side boards up first or the top boards? How do we make all the angles come together and how do we pull it all together? It took both of our brains working together to figure it out… and it’s not done yet…but we got some of the harder and trickier things worked out… We used clamps to hold trims boards up to make sure we were putting them in the right order… We had to build up spots with extra wood to cover up spots that were lower…
Here are a few of the pictures I took as we were doing it… this is the stairway going upstairs. We took off the door and decided to recess it in just a bit… it took my hubby 2 days to get this done… the landing at the bottom had to be shaved off because the door frame was crooked from one side of the door to the other… 3/4″ difference… eek!
He got the door put back in and then it was a job figuring out the trim on the sides…
This is a panoramic shot I took, just so you could see how it all looks in one picture. My picture is bowed out because of the panoramic shot…it’s not really THAT crooked…
This is a shot of the ceiling where it took the most time trying to figure out…
I know…isn’t it awful looking? But soon, it will work out, I’m sure of it…
Finally, today we started seeing some progress when we added some trim boards to the ceiling where it joined the ceiling to the sitting room.
If I thought my house couldn’t get any more disastrous because of all Rebecca’s boxes everywhere, and this project started… take a look at what’s in my kitchen? Trim boards being primed and painted…it’s too humid to do it outside or in the garage…
Just stay tuned and (hopefully) you’ll see this turned from “not so cute” to absolutely wonderful!
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne
Anne, thanks for sharing your pictures. You granddaughter Olivia is lovely! Those cakes are exquisite….way beyond anything I could ever do, I’m sure, especially now that I’m older. I used to decorate cakes (although nothing like what you do) for family birthdays, but my hands can’t squeeze the bags of frosting so easily any more–they end up hurting! And congrats on your darling great-granddaughter!! Jahniah is a real cutie! Nice to see some of your family.
Oh, my, Jeanne, what a project you have going on there! Just what you need, so close to the wedding day!! But I’m sure it will get done just fine; already a lot of progress has been made.
Ingrid, thanks for your concern. I went to the doctor today for a follow-up and found out a couple of things: 1–the UTI is gone (and hope it Stays gone this time!!). 2–the CT scan showed nothing of concern, just little tiny things, but it was good to do it in light of that one wonky blood test I had. 3–she thinks the blood test (which indicates inflammation somewhere in the body) was high because of the UTI (there is, after all, inflammation in the bladder and urinary tract with such an inflammation), and not anything serious (esp. since the CT scan was good). So looks like I am once again in good health. Thanks for all the prayers and concern, everyone!
Hi Charlotte, I’m so glad to hear it’s all good news. I’m sure it’s a huge relief for you as well. hugs
Oh my goodness, Anne, what a gorgeous cake!! Where did you learn those skills? You are a very creative person, for sure! Your granddaughter, Livvie is beautiful and I am also one of those that can’t figure out why parents name their children one thing, and call them another! But she is a darling and lucky young woman to have you for a grandmother! And that little Jahniah is a cutie pie!
Ingrid, I did see your comments, and thank you very much!
Well, Jeanne, that house of yours is a never ending project in itself, but what are you and George going to do in your “golden years”, when everything is finished?😊. Oh wait, I think you will find something!! Thanks for keeping us apprised on what is going on, and we are anxiously awaiting “your” big day, and I don’t mean September 5th!🥳🎂
Dear Jeanne, now don’t do any more major projects before the wedding. Pinky swear that you will sit down and only work on wedding things.
I am glad you are having some sister time.
Anne’s granddaughters are adorable. Children often like “cool” nicknames names. Livvie is a cool name.
I missed commenting yesterday. I loved the wedding photos.
Here I thought all you had left to do was the flooring in several places. Wrong. Well, this project is really going to pay off. What a difference it will make even though it is only a hall/door/entry way. I can certainly see all of the measurement and finagling that it required. And once the trim is on and everything painted, (looks like the ceiling needs paint in the hall too), and matching flooring, everything will looks so cohesive. What a lot of work. Since that area is visible from several rooms, it will be lovely when complete. Hope to see it all finished sometime soon. Know you must have a lot of added stress with this. I can just see your wall of “to do” lists. Hope you can take a break though now and then. Glad Cindy’s idea worked. 🙂
Anne’s great grand is adorable! And lucky Livvie (love that name) received such amazing cakes. Can’t imagine how Anne can make them stick together when they are so high. I’m sure mine would be flat as a pancake. Anne is so talented. 🙂 Also very happy they have strict Covid rules/guidelines in New Zealand. If we had those here, I don’t think we would be where we are right now. Can’t wait until vaccine is available for those under 12.
Off to the dentist this morning. 🙂
I have missed commenting on several of your posts, Jeanne, but I’ve read them all when I have time. I’ve been really busy through most of the summer, which is almost over, and I still have things to do, so I can only imagine what you’re going through- especially adding a wedding.
I’ve enjoyed hearing about the wedding plans. It’s been interesting to see what Rebecca has in mind for certain things.
Also, it’s fun seeing all the wedding pictures of some of our sofa sisters’ families. And really nice seeing pictures of some of our sisters in those pictures. Anne, Livvie is a beautiful girl and her large cake is amazing!! Such detail – you are truly a talented lady!!
I know I’m forgetting some pictures but I truly enjoyed them. Oh, Linda’s dolls for the first day of school- So so cute. We appreciate seeing their outfits for the various events. That’s a lot of work but so enjoyable!
Charlotte, glad your tests came out okay. Yay!! What a relief. I now have several tests due because of my once a year wellness appointment. At least, these inconveniences are for my own good.
Jeanne, your house is really coming along. Each project has been a test of endurance for yiu and George but the results are beautiful and someday soon, you’ll be finished! Like Joy said, then what will you do!! 🤔😉
I hope I can get this added to today’s messages.
Have a blessed day everyone!
Good morning, “sisters”!
Wow. First, ANNE. That Livvie is one knockout-looking woman. Yikes! Her facial structure and long neck (I barely have a neck myself!!) are over the top incredible. And how lucky to have a grandmother that can create such fabulous cakes. Just beautiful. Some cakes are so lovely, like this one, and the one in Susette’s wedding photo yesterday, it almost seems a sin to cut them up. Brava, Anne.
And without getting too much on my soapbox, because that makes me nearly rabid, I congratulate your country for its sound science-based Covid practices. I am so sick of hearing about “my freedoms” and “my rights”, that I am in danger of acquiring a permanent “stink-eyed” grumpy facial expression. Grrrrr. We have three sons. Two live in this town. One that lives in town, our middle son, has long decided to go along with his wife’s refusal to get the shots. Makes me so crazy….they are the ones with our two granddaughters. The oldest one, 16 and a senior, going off to college next year, desperately wants the shots. In CO, you need parental permission under 18. You better believe that girl is so motivated to get out of that house, it makes me rather sad that she is giving up some of her childhood because of a wacky mother. And, I guess I have to admit, her father, too. Enough said. But thanks for sharing your gorgeous granddaughter and cakes, and boy, I am going back to those pictures of little Jahniah because woppsed over babies just fill me with glee. What a sweet little pudding pie! Thanks so much, Anne.
CHARLOTTE, hurray! Must feel great to know you feel great! Ta-dah! Have a glorious day, my friend, and do something to celebrate.
JEANNE, JEANNE, JEANNE! Gasp!!! Holy crow! You guys just can’t cut yourselves a break. I am so very glad, though, that you and George have had Cindy and Tom there to help you figure out this next pickle of a renovation. I am worried about you with all of this going on top of a wedding that is just over a week away. You’ve got to find some time to chill out. What comes to my mind, after saying that, is getting in your car, leaving the house, and go somewhere that sells incredible ice cream and have a treat. Cold one. Out of the house. And nuts to calories. Humph! That’s my two cents. (However, I will add, that doing this project is going to make yet another area in your home look fresh and pulled together.) But you and George be careful, please.
Everyone, have a super-duper day. Jeanne, get that ice cream and get away from the house even for just a little bit. Eating ice cream in the house seeing all that topsy turvy won’t do. Got it? Hugs to you, superwoman.
Anne, Livvie is so pretty! So is the 👗 dress! That must have been quite a party. I had to enlarge the pictures to check whether they were real flowers or icing as they look so real. Icing! You truly are a cake artist. The baby is so cute. Please forgive me if I’m way off base, but is that Daddy in the background? Nice looking fellow whoever he is.
I can’t believe George is wanting to do all this right now after living with the house the way it was for decades. You both do a such a nice job. You’ll have years now to enjoy it. Good to get it done before the aches and pains set in, Ha, ha. Will Reuben be going to the wedding?
Susette that is baby’s uncle in the background, her Mum’s brother who is only 13 but taller than everyone.. Her Papa who is called Nardus not Narfus as I must have sent to Jeanne) wasn’t able to get leave to come down. Lucky it was only a week or so before Lockdown!.
Your granddaughter, Livvie, is just beautiful, Anne and wow, those cakes are absolutely gorgeous. That was also a really neat backdrop for a photo. Your great granddaughter, Jahniah is a cutie and it’s nice to see Sam and put a face with a name.
Jeanne, home renovations are difficult enough. I can’t believe George needs to combine a wedding with them. Your house will look lovely when that area is finished though. Can’t wait to see the finished result.
The comment monster removed mine… 😳
Thanks everyone for your stories😉
Removed mine too Kathie… I guess I’ll have to try again later sigh
I’m still drooling over the beautiful cakes Anne made. I’m a cake addict and those cakes look too good to just look at. For obvious reasons, I avoid eating cake most times, only at grandkids’ birthdays (luckily I have one more occasion now), but I’m sure I could not refuse a piece of these. I can’t imagine what it takes to makes these. I tried cake decorating once for my son’s birthday. It was a clown mold. I got so tired of trying to do the decorations with the squeeze bag that I just took a spatula and frosted the cake like I usually do. Problem was the cake had crumbs on it and the clown ended up with a huge case of freckles. In a way it was cute and the kids didn’t care. It tasted fine.
Anne, your granddaughter, Livvie, is absolutely beautiful. And I do love her nickname. I’m a nickname person myself. My daughter’s name is Andrea but we always called her Andi. It actually fit her better. Sean never had a nickname but when he was little we called him Seanniepoo. For obvious reasons it did not last long and if I called him that now it could well be the end of our wonderful relationship. Your great-granddaughter Jahniah is precious. What an interesting name.
Charlotte, I am so glad you’ve been given a clean bill of health. It’s always good to know there is nothing to worry about. And what a relief to finally have your UTI gone. I never think of UTIs as being contagious but I’ve talked to several people lately who have had them. My friend in Scotland has a young granddaughter who had one for months. It was not being treated properly and would not go away. Finally her mother got her in to see a pediatrician after waiting weeks for an appointment and she was put on antibiotics. That did the trick but that poor child was in misery for a long time. For some reason the doctor she had been seeing could not prescribe antibiotics for her, only the pediatrician could do that.
Nothing like the stress of a home remodeling project right before a major event. But it’s one less thing you’ll have to do later on and will give you another thing to be proud of in your home. I agree with Susette that it’s good to get those major projects out of the way while you’re still young, which compared to many of us you still are.
Barbara, I know several have said they like Livvie and Liv but I am not so keen. It isn’t so much the shortening of the name, I have a Sam, a Rob and sometimes a Russ but Olivia is so pretty. Poor Sam, she hated her name (Samantha Louise) and it was so much worse because her brother is called Darren and ‘Bewitched’ was a very popular TV show at the time she was at school.
What a wonderful post today! Sweetie pie baby, good health reports, beautiful cakes to celebrate with, compatible soapboxes, lovely young lady sharing a favorite name, just enough renovation work for father of the bride to show he shares wanting every sight line perfect for the occasion. How blessed we all are. Now if Jeanne will just take the pinky swear seriously. I for one am not really looking forward to “just dolly things”! Love this blog and keep safe all.
very cute, Baby Janiah.
That’s some post. Olivia is stunning and the cakes are worthy of her I’m glad she got such a treat and more glad that you have such talent.
I know this wasn’t entirely the best time for the latest house project, but how super to have it done. It’s going to be so worth it. And to have Cindy’s husband there helping is completely wonderful.
Speaking of wonderfulness, little Janiah looks like a lovely baby — and she’s growing up in a country that takes the right to health seriously. We may get there, but the process has been expensive for a lot of families.
Stay well, everyone.
Thanks everyone for your kind comments. Livvie isn’t terribly well organised and didn’t actually get around to telling me what she wanted for her cake (I thought it was only one at first) until the Tuesday evening and then I find she wants 2 cakes and the first for Friday night! Her Mum helped out a lot with the shopping, I wouldn’t have had time for that as well.
I have to say that one of the reasons I love making quilts and such like is the fact that they last! People can enjoy them for longer. Cake Decorating takes so long and so much time and then it is gone!
Jeanne I can’t believe you are still doing renovations so close to the wedding, I would be tearing my hair out and panicking. Congratulations on your fortitude! Your house is going to look wonderful.
We find out this evening (Friday here) at 4pm whether we stay in Lockdown longer or whether we move to another level. There is a News Conference on TV every day at 1pm with the Director or the Deputy Director of Health and the PM or the Minister in charge of the Covid response, except on days when they are deciding how to proceed like today when it is moved to later. We already know that Auckland will be at Level 4 until 11.59pm Tuesday but since we had 68 cases yesterday, all but two in our biggest city, I think there is a strong possibility that they will be at Level 4 a bit longer. There are still no cases in the South Island so I think we have a good chance of moving to Level 3 which, to be honest isn’t much better unless you want to buy stuff on Click and collect or you want a coffee from a hole in the wall! Amazingly Coromandel (a peninsula near Auckland and a very popular holiday spot) seems to have dodged a bullet. The first case we knew of had spent the weekend there.
Sally we have people here who would agree with your DIL, fortunately not too many. The lady who does my garden is one. She says she has done her research and won’t be getting the jab until 2023 when she feels the proper trials have been done. She is too young to remember to Polio outbreak in the 1950’s but I was old enough to read newspapers then and I remember it well. I also remember my Mother’s relief when the Salk vaccine became available.
We had 20C the last 3 days which was lovely and my dog really appreciated it but Spring isn’t ready to take over yet even though the daffies think it is time. Raining today.
Hi, Anne,
I remember polio very well and the iron lungs. But people lined up, grateful for a chance to eradicate that scourge. Our oldest son is an MD and he tried to talking to his brother and SIL. He was hopeful, temporarily, but then she latched onto becoming an acolyte for Dr. Mercola, one of the top twelve (according to the NYT) dissemintors of misinformation because he has his products to sell. And she has bought them all. Have mercy! So she, like your gardener, got their instant online medical degrees. I wonder if your gardener will change her mind now that our FDA has approved at least Phizer. Hmm. What a world.
BTW, I love the older names, too, though I have been a great nickname giver. I agree, Olivia is beautiful name, but I guess younger people think it formal.
You’re an awesome grandmother to come up with those splendid cakes so quickly. Good heavens! Brava! 👏
Hi Jeanne,
After reading all the comments I had to go back and reread your post. The way I read and understood was that while Cindy and Tom were there a few years ago helping with the kitchen ceiling, Cindy suggested taking the door way out completely which then George did while you and Cindy were out. When you came back it was done leaving the edges open and not finished. Now after a few years George has decided it’s time to finish up the project. Maybe I have it wrong… wouldn’t be the first time. Case in point, all day yesterday I thought it was Thursday! lol I even wished everyone a happy friday eve.
Anyway, It’s quite the project to tackle just before the big day. I’m certain it will be completed and beautiful way before company arrives. There is something about expecting company that lights a fire under our husbands I think… I recently received a brand new floor in my kitchen. Thanks to your floor posts we found something similar. I’m very pleased.
Anne, Olivia is a beautiful young woman. Ah to be 21 again! LOL I completely agree with the name thing. My grands all have nick names… Elizabeth is lizzy, Fredrick is Freddy and Bethany is B-Rose. Your great granddaughter is a cutie pie and Sam looks so pleased with her new grand baby! Anne, you have been blessed with such creativity, your cakes are to pretty to eat! Stay safe!
hugs to all
I just wanted to say… I met another Josefina today!!! I was at Once Upon a Child and the store was closing in about 5 min. And I looked up high and I could see part of her dress and I pulled her down and it was Josefina!! It was so nice to “meet” and see her in a sort of thrift store!! If only for a few seconds! She was $80!!! 😳 not much of a thrift store price! There was another American Girl doll by her too but I didn’t see a price on her. There is a doll show on Saturday I hope my husband will let me go to with the girls… I hope…