“Regency Romance” for American Girl dolls is listed on Ebay…

Wednesday, my hubby had a oral surgeon appointment right smack dab in the middle of the day so I was scrambling in the afternoon frantically trying to get this set listed on Ebay! I did it, but it’s ending a little later than normal for me. It will end at 9:37 Monday evening. Great for you “western states” people! :o)

Elizabeth is proud to show you this set…and you can tell that from her pictures. We took several more this afternoon and she is just SO beautiful in this… I really had a hard time narrowing it down from the *ahem* __#__ of pictures I started with! Needless to say, this might have the most pictures of any listing I’ve ever had on Ebay… I think there are 34 that I just had to include. :o)

You can see the listing HERE or you can click on the picture of Elizabeth at the right side bar… Now Nora is the sad one being moved down a notch.

Well, it’s late and I need to get my dishes done… but here’s some eye candy to sweeten your Thursday!

Now, you can go check out the auction…
Thanks everyone for your kind comments on Holly… She’s enjoying some “love” from me!
Blessings, Jeanne

26 thoughts on ““Regency Romance” for American Girl dolls is listed on Ebay…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    This is just such a lovely outfit, Jeanne. I hope it does very well for you!

    Yesterday you said you wondered why there was no Wednesday’s child in the Boneka line. I would imagine it has to do with the poem. Note the third line:

    Monday’s child is fair of face,
    Tuesday’s child is full of grace,
    Wednesday’s child is full of woe,
    Thursday’s child has far to go,
    Friday’s child is loving and giving,
    Saturday’s child works hard for a living,
    But the child that is born on the Sabbath day
    Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay!

    Perhaps Dianna didn’t want to design a “full of woe” face? That would be my guess, anyway.

    1. I love this poem, but I do wish the Wednesday’s child “expectation” could be changed. Both of my children and myself are Thursday’s children. My husband is a Monday’s child.

      1. I was a Thursday child and you don’t get further than from one side of the world to the other. My dad was a Saturday child and you don’t get them much harder working than Dad. Poor Sam (my daughter) was born on a Wednesday she was obviously doomed from the start poor thing! Those who have been following her saga will understand. My youngest son also Wed and the other two boys were Thursday.
        Choosing the photos to use must be the hardest thing. I hope she does well. She is really beautiful.
        One of the dolls I bought(Sammy) was a bit disappointing as her head was quite wobbly. I thought I would be ok with it but it was beginning to irritate me so i looked on YouTube and although it didn’t have instructions for the OG dolls it did for AG and it seems they are both constructed the same way. With some trepidation I cut the Zip tie around the neck and suddenly I could see how it worked. I followed the instructions and got her head back on but she was still not quite right so found some left over polyester batting that really should have been thrown out and stuffed some of that down her neck. Now she is perfect. You have inspired me Jeanne!

        1. Hi Anne,
          Congratulations on fixing your floppy dolls head!! Way to go!!!
          I don’t know what day I was born on…guess I need to look….
          Thanks Anne,
          Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Hi Charlotte,
      Well, I’ll be…I never even put two and two together and thought of that poem… silly me…

      I have seen few dolls who looked like they were full of woe… poor little girls.
      Thanks Charlotte, Jeanne

  2. Elizabeth looks just beautiful in the listing, Jeanne! What surprised me was the set of buttons you added to the dress, that I never saw before. They really do something to the dress! Just four tiny buttons! Love them!

    Every doll looks amazing in that outfit, and it would be interesting to see what doll the buyer puts it on. I just can’t get over how beautiful the back of the jacket looks!

    Charlotte, I have known that nursery rhyme, and always loved it! Of course, how could you not if you were born on a Sunday. like I was? I remember being in the hospital having my daughter, and it was Thursday. I thought she would never get here, and was dreading having her on the next day, a Friday the 13th! But she was born on that day, Thursday, and supposedly has “far to go”, but it is better than being a Friday the 13th baby, or so I thought! Interesting enough, I have two grandchildren born on a Friday the 13th!

    1. Looks to me like Friday the 13th is actually your lucky day. I was born on a Thursday and I think the “far to go” refers to actual distance for me, since I started out in Pennsylvania and ended up, so far, in Texas. If hubby has his way I will go further west still to Colorado. It’s all in the interpretation.

    2. Hi Linda
      Actually that 2nd row of black “things” is a row of snaps…they just look like buttons… :o)

      I love the back of the jacket too. And definitely will be making it again…I’m glad you like it…

      I always wonder, too. Which doll will wear the dresses I make. Maybe I’ll have to get the winner to send me a picture of who won out…

      Thanks Linda
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Regency Romance is absolutely one of your most beautiful outfits ever! Best wishes for a high auction!
    I hope this Adorable Spencer will show up in future Empire styles!

    Charlotte… I just read on one of the Effner’s groups that Dianna DID do a Wednesday’s Child sculpt but it never went into production… I’ve never seen her face so I don’t know if she’s “full of woe” but maybe something pouty? Her vinyl dolls are based on her many porcelain molds though so maybe we can find out one day:)

    1. Thank you Shara,
      I think the pictures if Elizabeth are some of my clearest and she really does look pretty in this set. That peplum backed Spencer definitely will show up again sometime… I really like it too…
      Thats interesting about Dianna’s Wednesday child…I might have to investigate a ittle…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Oh, beautiful Elizabeth. The perfect model child. 🙂 And I see there is already a bid. Sweet.
    I’m sure everyone is sick of my mentioning “the tent”, so I promise to keep quiet after this until it is finished hopefully soon. I did manage yesterday to cut the side windows and sew on the bias tape binding. Still have to sew it down and add the screens. Each step takes so long. 🙁 Lots more sewing and fitting to go. I really wish I had taken tailoring in high school. Definitely would have helped. You know, tailoring a tent. I certainly wish Jeanne lived closer as I’m positive that I would have packed the tent into the back of the Honda and arrived on her doorstep begging for help. And probably hoped to receive input from her sisters too. Like what color should be chosen for the tent tie straps?
    Can’t wait to see the next dolly creation. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      Yes, the bid came early this morning as my day was starting…Yay!!
      We AREN’T sick at all of your tent talk…we’re just curious!!
      Oh wouldn’t we have fun if we got together to finish this tent? I’m thinking your windows might look something like the doggie carrier I made for little Sara a few years back…
      Thanks Joy
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Elizabeth just looks stunning in her outfit, Jeanne! The whole design and the choice of material go so well together. Her bonnet is beautiful and I too love the black buttons you added to her dress and jacket. ( I can’t remember what you call the jacket- sorry) .
    I know it will do well on the auction.

    Joy: I can’t wait to see your tent. It sounds like it will be one special creation and feat!

    1. Thank you for your kind compliments, Paula,
      I’m glad everyone seems to like this one..
      It’s called a Spencer just to let you know…

      You and al the rest of us are waiting on pins and needles to see the tent!!!
      Thank you again
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Regency Romance is a really beautiful ensemble. I haven’t checked the auction yet but definitely will. I know this one will go fast.

    Joy, I love hearing about the evolution of your tent. Really can’t wait to see the finished product.

    Looking forward to your next creation. Charlotte, my Boneka, is really hoping Holly will be your model.

    1. Thank you Barbara,
      A bid so early in the auction is a good thing..for me…Elizabeth doesn’t think so…
      I decided on something for Holly’s dress…now to get it made…
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Looking forward to seeing Regency Romance do really well for you. The back of that jacket is just soooo pretty. Everything fits so well and it just puts a sparkle in her eye.
    Now for the next pretty outfit.
    Off to the annual Historical Society Garage Sale. Gloves and mask in hand. They always have fun things and at least they didn’t cancel it. Is it just me or do you think some things are canceled using the virus as an excuse?

    1. Thank you Kathie,
      I appreciate your kind compliments on this set.
      The “next pretty outfit” has been cut out… :o)

      I hope you found some treasures at the garage sale… :o)
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. I did take tailoring in high school. My teacher had no taste, but her techniques were good. I used one to help alter a wedding dress and others to shorten the sleeves of a military coat. A co-worker was trying to get her hands through the sleeves of a bought-on-consignment second hand Air Force coat. She had just turned the sleeves up and tacked them down. I told her to wear another coat the next day and bring the military coat to me. I took it home and cook the ends of the sleeves apart, and there it was, everything I had learned in tailoring, exactly as learned. It was thrilling. It was also fun to duplicate everything after I shortened the sleeves. It’s so much fun to do something just because you can. By then my tailoring class memories were 30 years old. I’m always surprised at what my brain thinks is important enough to remember.
    Nice memories. Thanks for reminding me.
    So Regency Romance has its first bid. Monday night is going to be interesting. I’m so glad you showed the outfit on several dolls. That is a spectacular pattern and a spectacular outcome. It would be fun to see a Regency Christmas version.
    You made a white Regency dress once. That would go on my list of extreme favorites as well. I wonder what outfits other sofa sisters have on their favorites lists.

    1. Your story reinforces why I should have taken tailoring! Loved the memory. Oh well, back to the Little Old Tent Maker. 🙂

    2. hi Marilyn,
      I had a great tailoring professor in college too…teacher AND techniques…
      Yes, Regency Romance has its first bid…probably because of that “fabulous” name!!! Thank you!!
      I wrote down that idea of everyone’s favorites for a future blog post… thanks for that too…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. This is such a striking ensemble. The black accents are what really make it stand out. Elizabeth is gorgeous and one of my favorite dolls but I still think this was meant for Addy. The eBay pictures illustrate that once again. I hope the buyer has Addy and she gets to wear it. ♥️

    My husband, my son, and I were all Saturday babies.

    1. Hi Julia,
      Addy will get another dress ALL her own next time…
      I’ll let you know if this goes home to an Addy doll…. :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Dear Jeanne, I saw your comment yesterday to me about Eden’s gray felt bonnet. I, for one, would LOVE a tutorial on how to make one with the little turned back brim, Simply darling!
    I love that poem, Charlotte. I have it in my set of Hilda Boswell books. I’m a Thursday’s child.
    I see that both of your lovely creations already have bids. Wonderful! All the dolls look beautiful in the Regency dress. It’s one of those color combinations that favor all hair, eye, and skin colors. The spencer is truly striking. I absolutely love the peplum. The little black button on the dress are such a tiny detail, but they really pull it all together.
    I’m sure Holly is all smiles now that you are probably planning to have her model something.

    1. Hi Laura
      Great… I’ll write making a felt bonnet down as a future blog post… :o)
      Holly IS thrilled to be on the cutting table with fabric pieces draped over her.
      Thanks so much, Laura
      Blessings, Jeanne

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