Thinking of my momma on this Mother’s Day…

I was pretty weepy Saturday as I was priming the walls in my sewing room. I was here in the house by myself, without the radio or TV on, just thinking about things.
My mom would have loved to have been right beside me, helping me however she could. She will forever be remembered as “loving to do a project!”

I got to thinking about what I was most thankful and grateful for about her. It only took me a few minutes to nail my answer down…

I was thankful that, in the midst of her dementia, she always knew who her kids were!!!

…and I was grateful that the Lord always seemed to let her know how much we loved her.

Here are a few picures…

What are you thankful for about your mom?

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “Thinking of my momma on this Mother’s Day…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What sweet pictures of you mom, Jeanne! I know this will be a tough one to get thru, but you will do it! And Julia, and any others who have recently lost their moms…..

    Hm, what am I thankful for about my mom? I’m thankful that she encouraged my love of sewing! When I was about 8 or 9, my best friend’s mom became a 4-H leader, and June and I could talk about nothing but all the wonderful things we were going to make once we learned how to sew!! My mother very wisely did Not try to teach me how to sew (although she was a skilled sewer, and made almost all my clothes until I was probably in junior high) because she figured–and rightly so–that 4-H methods might be different from hers.

    After we moved out here (after four years in 4-H) there was no 4-H club that we knew of in the area (big city and all), but mom still encouraged me to sew if I wanted to make something. And when I was in my very early 20s, I took my savings bonds and possibly some money gifts from graduating college, and bought my first sewing machine!

    In the early 1980s, I became a certified Stretch & Sew instructor–and mom took a class series from me!!

    She, like your mom, always seemed to know us despite the dementia–even when she hadn’t seen our son in 6 years (he was in KY), she knew him immediately and lit up like a Christmas tree when he walked in her room!

    Miss you, mom…..

  2. What beautiful memories Jeanne, and Charlotte! I must say, that my mother and I were two completely different people. She was very much an extrovert and very social, just everything I am not! She loved to entertain, call on her friends, go shopping, traveling, played golf, etc. and me……, not at all! We lived in a small town about 30 miles away from St. Louis, and she knew everyone in it, not just a nodding acquaintance, but really knew them. She was the secretary to the principal of the grade school, so she knew lots and lots of families through the children she knew from school.

    She was THE best cook, and I have a lot of her recipes that I keep together. She loved decorating,– now that’s something we both share, and she did sew my clothes along with my sisters when we were small. She was our church organist for over 30 years, and played the piano and organ expertly. There always was a sing-along at their house during the holidays. Christmas was her specialty, and we have so many memories and pictures of those happy times. Oh gosh, now you have me crying as I remember all those good times! I do miss her so much!

    Happy Mother’s Day to all of you!

  3. Oh, Jeanne, that was beautiful. I know you would enjoy spending this day with her beside you to do all the special projects. In a way you are. As you sing praises to the Lord, she is too! What’s even better is you’ll get to do that again with her right there. Have a beautiful Mother’s Day. You are greatly loved.

  4. My mom taught me the importance of being honest, for one thing. She taught me to sew and then got sewing lessons for me. She taught me that I could do anything and not to be afraid to try. She encouraged my creativity by thinking of projects I could do for her, for example, when I was taking hand made ceramics, she asked me to make tiles for the fireplace in their new house. This led to a retirement career for me, making them for my home and also selling at craft shows. Her last gift to me on earth was a trip to England and Ireland. 2 weeks after we returned home and I had started a new school year teaching, she had a stroke that proved fatal. I had called her that night before it happened and the last thing she said to me was, “I love you”. This was 1997 and I miss her every day.

  5. Happy Mother’s Day Jeanne. Yours and mine will never be the same without having our dearest Mother’s to celebrate. My biggest thought about my beloved Mother is how she lived her life. She was a Godly, loving, generous, giving and beautiful woman inside and out. As I age, I long to be just like her. I now appreciate her even more that my eyes have been enlightened and I fully understand things I could not while she lived. She lived joyfully and looked forward to our visits and celebrating. I miss her still. We have the unspeakable JOY to KNOW that we will see our Mother’s again and spend eternity together.

  6. Bonnie Sullivan

    Thanks Jeanne for the pictures. Have a blessed mother’s day. Take care be safe. Love you all.

  7. Doreen Crabtree

    Dear Jeanne,
    Such great pictures and momma memories. Blessings and hugs to you on this special day. My mom has stayed strong since my Dad’s passing in 2007. On phone calls we both can’t believe she’s done so well. Teaching us gals to sew must have been a duty back in our growing up years. She delights in all my current projects and she dresses in many of her own clothes creations from the past. She always looks lovely and gets many compliments. My daughter Lindsay has been gifted her 1970’s party gowns and has worn them to many a Marine Corps Ball. And the compliments come her way as well. Of Mom’s three granddaughters, Lindsay, is the only sewer in the group. So traditions do continue and new memories are always there to be made.
    Happy Mother’s Day to all, Doreen in Arkansas

  8. My mom taught me to sew. That has been a life long gift to me. She would tackle just about any crafty project.We refinished an old desk when I was in jr hi. It was left in the basement of our house and was in pretty bad shape. We brought it back to life and made it look pretty good. I still have it. She was fearless and I have some of that from her.

  9. I thank you for sharing pictures of your mother. Her childhood picture is adorable. It was always nice to hear about your mom and see pictures of her over the years that we’ve known you , some of which you shared with us today.

    I miss my mother in so many way – like her sweetness and kindness and gentleness toward us, her children , and others. She was a hard worker in keeping her family cared for and stable. Her example of faith in God taught us as well how to live throughout our lives. I loved listening to her stories about her childhood and her younger years of meeting my dad. For some reason today, I still recall how she and my dad would often dance in the kitchen to their old songs ( the dances from the 40’s) while they prepared holiday meals- even as they got older. There were so many happy times with mom and dad.

    It broke my heart when in her dementia, she no longer spoke or knew who her 5 children were, but I knew she was already visiting with God. I’m grateful for the many things she taught us kids and how she was never shy about showing us her love. I miss her so.

    Happy Mother’s Day to all of you !

  10. Sweet pictures of your mom, Jeanne. Hope you have a nice Mother’s Day with your children.
    I usually make my mom a special dinner and cake for Mother’s Day. I told her yesterday we will have to improvise this year. I don’t have any cake flour as I forgot it on my list when I went to the store five weeks ago. 🙁 She’s like I am in that we’d rather have a perennial flower than a bouquet. This year we couldn’t go to the garden store to choose something. It’s raining and quite cold, 51 degrees. I think we’ll spend the day planning where the seedling will go in the garden.

    Wishing everyone a lovely day!!

  11. What sweet pictures! It’s painful but I’m thanking God for good times to remember

    1. Hi Joy,
      Before I forget, yes, you may have some fabric scraps…any particular size print or color?
      Happy Belated Birthday too!! You are one sweet friend!!
      Love you, Jeanne

  12. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I didn’t realize you would be posting today so I almost missed this.

    What wonderful photos. I love the one of your mother as a girl. She was so pretty.

    What I am remember most about my mother was how she would try to help others. The neighbors were always welcome to drop in for coffee or a meal, it they needed one. Mostly them came because my mother was a good and compassionate listener.

  13. designdreamer

    Ooooooh! Weep! I think we’re about the same age Jeanne, but I lost my mom 22 years ago!!! Hard to believe that I’m now not much younger than she was when she passed. So, so sorry for your loss. God bless you.

    1. Thank you so much! It’s strange to think of her
      not being here to celebrate some things going on. Neither of my kids are kids are married but I bet they’ll have a hard time when the time comes and their grandma won’t be there.
      Thank you for your kind thoughts.
      Blessings, Jeanne

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