I accomplished 3 important things today… ALL sewing things!

Emmie’s dress set will be finished very shortly!!! Rebecca and I went shopping today so my sewing time was cut short. That’s also why I didn’t get to your comments…until very late! I read through them I was glad to see that the move to the blonde wig and the white flowers on the bonnet were accepted by everyone.

I did manage to work on a few crucial parts of this set…

…the pantalettes were finished off with the same blue floss being run through the beading on the lace trim.

…a pretty little white tulle slip was made to hold out the dress instead of it looking a bit droopy.

…and last, but most importantly, the bonnet was decorated with sweet white flowers and a silk ribbon was added so a charming bow could be tied under the chin.

I hope you like it so far. There is nothing quite so fun as seeing your vision of a dress come together. I really like this one and hope to show you pictures of the whole set tomorrow.

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “I accomplished 3 important things today… ALL sewing things!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    The slip will be perfect under that dress, and I’m glad to see the touch of blue on the pantalettes trimming. But the hat!!! It’s absolutely perfect! A real Easter bonnet, I think!

    1. Thank you Charlotte,
      Emmie likes her new slip and bonnet! She keeps asking me, “when is Easter?”
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Oooooh, I want that hat, Jeanne! SO pretty and decorated on both sides too! What a treat to see that, and the pretty ribbon tied under her chin! What a lovely set, and we don’t even have the dress showing today! Love it!

    You have Lady Bugs? Keep vacuuming, so they don’t come over here!! We have had them in the past, and it’s no fun!

    1. HI Linda,
      I want a blue hat too!!! :o) Emmie does look very pretty in it. My picture colors were a little bit off last night…
      YES… lady bugs galore… Today they weren’t quite so bad…
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Can’t wait to see the whole outfit together. Love the pretty blue. The hat is so sweet on Emmie with those adoring eyes. How would her bangs look parted in the center and swept to the side? I don’t think they wore bangs much in the old days. 🙂
    As to the lady bug infestation, I understand that one can put a paper towel in the vacuum where the hose hits the bag and simply bring them back outside. Or, if you use a hand vac, they would be in the cup and again can be released. 🙂 Whatever the case, I understand that they do leave a messy yellow stain if disturbed. Ick.
    I’ve been having computer/photo problems again. I had them, the photos and now I don’t, so I couldn’t send you the photo of my latest Meadow girl in her new dress. I’m having fun with the 20″ size. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      I’m glad you are liking Emmie’s new dress set. Maybe I should have left her bangs longer…UGH… maybe I goofed…
      The ones we have here have this awful musty, dry, sickening smell. It you just barely touch them, or even flick them, you can smell it… It was driving me nuts.
      I did receive your picture of Ardyn and she is such a cutie. I guess she’s queen of your clan, isn’t she? I’m glad you are enjoying her.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. I love Lady Bugs, but definitely not on the inside of my house. Every now and then I set off a fogger in my outside storage building to get rid of spiders and cockroaches. One year I went in there after I fogged and saw I had destroyed hundreds of Lady Bugs. I was so upset. I’d never had them in there before and didn’t give them a thought.

    The hat turned out beautiful. Maybe you should make another one sometime and let us bid on it. I know I’d go for it. The completed outfit is going to make some lucky Little Darling very happy. It’s the sweetest.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I like them too, but not in MY house either.
      I AM going to make another bonnet one of these days too. I even have an idea for “window shopping for hats” that I’m hoping I can pull off.
      Thanks for your sweet comments.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, Emmie is adorable in that hat. It was definitely made for her. I think you are going to have to make another one because I have a feeling she is not going to give it up (chuckle). I can’t wait to see the whole outfit.

    This is a month of celebrations. Yesterday the Japanese celebrated Hinamatsuri, or girls’ day, and, here, we are celebrating Women’s History Month. St. Patrick’s Day comes later in the month and Spring begins soon. May is right around the corner. Joy, joy, joy!

    1. HI Dorothy,
      Now, I’ve already had a talk with her and told her if she gives this hat up, I’ll make her another one as soon as I can. She smiled!
      All this celebrating and I KNOW you like it when it gets close to MAY! So bring it on, I say!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Oh gosh…this is shaping up to be another favorite outfit. The white flowers on the blue hat are just the right thing! The slip and blue thread on the pantaloons will be so cute.
    I think I’m going to get out bunnies and spring put away snowmen. Usually that brings on another snow storm but that may be ok…it is so dry. I heard today that a year ago the frost line was 24” down and this year the ground is already thawed and has been for a couple weeks! No one will miss all the flooding we had last spring….it was so awful and still many levys and homes need more repair.
    Keep up the finishing details🤗…are these
    It’s done with your camera?
    Joy…you have a 20 inch Meadow doll? Cant wait to see that!

    1. HI Kathie,
      Yes, put those snowmen away! Bring on the bunnies! I was just telling Rebecca yesterday I’d like to put away my winter stuff, but every time I do, it turns cold again. I might just put away my heaviest and thickest things…
      I’ve just been using my phone for these latest pictures. The color was a little off last night. Somehow when I see them on my phone, they look perfect, but when I get them transferred to my blog, they seem to change a little…a little more drab. I have been using something to set my phone on, to steady it and that does seem to give me a more crisp picture.
      Thank you for your sweet compliments on Emmie’s dress. It has been fun to make.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Such a sweet feminine outfit, Jeanne. The hat/bonnet is so neat. I marvel how easy you make it look when you make your hats.
    You are truly talented and so craft minded. I have other talents I’m grateful for but one is not sewing or crafts. Ha ha.

    Have a lovely day, Jeanne. Blessings.

    1. HI Paula,
      Thank you so much for your kind words. I do love crafts of all kinds and these little bonnets are pretty close to the top of my list of things I like to do. They just take more time than I’d like them to. Maybe if I did more, I’d be faster…
      Yes, you have other talents… one is the talent of being an encourager… I like that!
      Thank you Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne
      P.S. I haven’t forgotten about your red and white panties… I woke up 2 or 3 nights ago and they were on my mind…

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