I think I’m pretty “Patriotic!” 42 ways to prove it!

This evening (Wednesday) my Civil War dress, “Angelic in Aqua,” ends on Ebay. If you’d like to watch or be a bidder, you can see the dress by clicking on the picture at the right side bar, or you can click HERE.

I printed out a “report” that listed my doll dresses in order from the beginning of when I started making and listing them on Ebay back in 2006. Unfortunately I lost most of those 2006 pictures either when I switched cameras, changed the software on my computer or just deleted them accidentally. I really wish you could have some of my first dresses for Felicity… Some of my Polonaise dresses were wonderful.

But…starting in 2007, I had a VERY good year and actually managed to get 15 patriotic dresses listed on Ebay. My life must have been much simpler than it is today!

So let’s get started…here are my 2007 Fourth of July dresses in the order that I made them…

This is Felicity in White Ruffles

Molly was my next patriotic model…

Katie Effanbee was next…

Okay… I’m going to have to change this… I guess maybe bad weather is coming, but it’s taken me almost an hour to get these 4 pictures loaded…. my satellite keeps getting disconnected…I’m going to have to just go through my list of dolls in their patriotic dresses and have a slide show or we’ll be here till school starts! :o) Sorry about that. I wanted to have them in order, but it’s just taking TOO long.

I WILL tell you who the dolls are, but just not by the years they outfits were made.

This is 7 1/2″ Riley, by Helen Kish…my pictures were taken on an older camera and I didn’t know a thing about lighting… as you can tell!

Next up is 11″ Bitty Bethany, by Helen Kish.

I made this next set and 3 of my girls could wear it… Wren Kish, Isabelle, and Nyssa…

This is Wren Pistachio again…

Molly… just recently…

Okay…I’m switching it up again…my modem is flashing and if I don’t get going on these pictures a little quicker, I’m going to be up till 3 a.m. So I’m just going to look through my pictures and any that are patriotic, I’ll just list… I’m sure by now you know most of who my dolls are… if not, just ask…

I’m just checking to see if you notice this… I used to decorate little kids overalls all kinds of different ways and ran across this picture. I didn’t even know I still had it.

I’m sure I missed a couple, but I’m calling it quits. I think I counted 41 outfits/dresses in the red, white and blue theme. 42 if you count the overalls. I think that officially makes me pretty patriotic! :o)

Thanks everyone. I hope you enjoyed that!

Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “I think I’m pretty “Patriotic!” 42 ways to prove it!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, what fun, Jeanne!! I love that first dress for Felicity, and most of Kirsten’s dresses are high on my list, too )esp. the one with the pretty white apron!). I also love the little cowgirl outfit (AG), and of course the Little Darling ones always catch my eye. Those overalls were pretty cute, too!! Thanks for sharing. Hope your satellite connection is working better for you now!

    1. Thank you for your compliments, Charlotte!
      I wasn’t sure my post was going to be published so I was glad to see that it was right before I got in bed.
      Thanks again and have a wonderful Fourth of July!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Wow, what a lineup! It looks like Molly is queen of the patriotic dresses! I think if someone had bought each Molly outfits, she would have a wonderfully complete wardrobe for her! I also love that red, white and blue Kirsten dress, so sweet! Where did you get the tiny little baby doll that Kish, Isabelle and Nyssa are holding? So cute!

    And I DID notice the child’s overall set that you embellished! I would have put that on my daughter in a minute! Addy looks amazing in the red outfit, perfect colors for her!

    Yesterday, Barbara asked me about Betsy’s navy and white polka dot dress, did I make it? No, it was given to me by a dear friend, and has a cute little pinafore that goes with it decorated in a strawberry print. I wanted to make the grouping I had for the Fourth just be navy and white polka dots, so left the apron out. It’s nice that it can be two different dresses.

    They are predicting heat, humidity, and thunderstorms for us here in St. Louis, what’s new? Happy Fourth everyone!!

    1. Hi Linda,
      Back in the early days, Molly did get her fair share of dresses….and several of those dresses were patriotic. I think she was “made” to wear red, white and blue. :o)
      I honestly don’t remember where I got that little baby doll…

      I decorated so many of those overalls and shortfalls. I should see if j can’t find more pictures of them. I really enjoyed making them.

      I haven’t looked to see what our weather is supposed to be tomorrow. I still don’t know what we are doing… Rebecca has to work and I bet Kristoffer will too.
      Have a great Fourth,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Fantastic designs, presentations, sewing…..thank you for taking so much time and energy to show us these great ensembles that you’ve made along patriotic themes. You’re a marvel!


    1. Thank you so much Becky…
      Just doing what I enjoy!!!
      Blessings and a Happy 4th of July to you!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Delightful seeing the show. So many fun details. We may or may not have a 4th parade around here. If everyone cooperates and quits wiggling, it is a go.

    1. Hi Joy,
      “IF” there “does” happen to be a parade in California, I hope you’ll get lots of pictures!!
      That’s all…except have a happy 4th!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. What an amazing post!!! Your creativity is boundless! The Kish doll is so cute, especially the one dressed up like a cowgirl. What a wonderful collection. There is such a variety of prints, combinations and accessories. Thanks for having the patience to put this post together, especially when your computer is acting up. Happy Fourth of July tomorrow.

    1. Hi Susette,
      I use to think sewing for Riley was about as small as I’d like to sew for, but Navi is about an inch and a half smaller..somehow I managed to figure out a simple pattern and the rest is history.
      It was my pleasure to gather up all these patriotic pictures. I sometimes enjoy seeing the dresses all together in one post too! Not just all of you!
      Thanks Susette…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Wow! I couldn’t pick out just one to like. They were all so lovely and so many different styles! I have something to do right now, so I went through them rather quickly. I will go back after I’ve finished my chore and really enjoy every little thing about them. What a wonderful addition to celebrating our upcoming holiday.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I’m glad you enjoyed seeing all my dresses…
      Thank you for the compliments!
      I hope you had time to look at them a little more…
      Have s great 4th!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. I forgot to mention the cute overalls. I love them. That’s why I enjoy making clothes for small children. You can have so much fun with fabrics and embellishments.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      Embellishing the overalls used up lots of little pieces of trim and lace…I loved decorating them.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I love all of the ensembles. As Charlotte noted, the Little Darlings always catch my eye. My vote for cutest, though, goes to Navi. She is such a sweetie pie.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      I just love Navi too!!! She is SO much fun to own!!
      I’ve startd a new Little Darling outfit…but don’t have it finished yet…
      Thanks so much!
      Have a great day tomorrow!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. You are a patriot indeed, and a patient one to keep working when your computer wanted to give up. It’s a lovely show and, as always, there are some I haven’t see and just love. You could spend the rest of your career just duplicating favorites — but I’m glad you won’t.

    Barbara, I recognize Linda’s blue dress. It’s from a Canadian seamstress — try pimpernickledollclothing.com She’s not OOAK, like Jeanne, but she does nice work.

    I loved the Kirstens in their regional dresses from the other day and was surprised at how many Swedes there are reading the blog. For those who love handwork, there is a lovely book on Swedish mittens and gloves — it’s called Handplagg and is hard to find and expensive, but well worth asking your library to locate it for you. Lots of big color photos.

    1. Thank you Marilyn,
      It’s fun every once in a while to do a themed slideshow. I’m glad you liked it.

      I think that might be pumpernickeldollclothing.com…a u instead of an i… and she does make wonderful doll clothing.
      I’ll have to look up that book…for inspiration!!
      Thank you Marilyn!
      I hope you have a wonderful 4th tomorrow!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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