What would a Patriotic outfit be without a flag?

I answered your comments from yesterday but it was late… and I just mentioned one or two things to each of you…

Just as several of you mentioned, I already had in mind those cupcake flags and sure enough, Hobby Lobby didn’t disappoint! I don’t know how many were in the package, but I have enough to probably make Navi a new Patriotic dress with a flag for the next 20 years! :o)

I also picked up some more of those little star buttons at Joann’s… I was running out of the medium size blue buttons and added one to the hem of her skirt and on her hat. (my picture doesn’t show the one on her dress very well…)

I also spent some time trying to get her hat just right. Rebecca decided it should be a hat with a brim and not a muffin type hat. I couldn’t seem to get it right making it from fabric instead of felt this time… Anyway, after a few tries, I finally managed to turn one out…

Things were coming along splendidly and I decided to go for it… a pair of red Ultrasuede shoes. It’s been a while since I made a pair and couldn’t remember which was the last pattern I had used for them. I finally figured THAT out too and got them “almost” finished, but not quite. It won’t be long…

I’m debating about a half slip in that tulle I have with the red and blue stars on it… hmmm… think I’m going to go for this too…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

10 thoughts on “What would a Patriotic outfit be without a flag?”

  1. Dorothy in PA

    Dear Jeanne, she is so cute! I love the hat. The star buttons are perfect on it. That tiny outfit has much “attitude” and is just lovely.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      If you think she’s cute now…wait till you see her next time…oh my goodness, I love this little girl!!!
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    This is turning out So cute! I love her little hat and shoes. I’m glad you found some little flags, too. Hm, maybe you’ll need to make a few cupcakes for your family this July 4th!!

    Joy, if you look on yesterday’s blog post, I added a reply to your comment, about applying rickrack, and a product I’ve found to be a big help. I never could get rickrack on straight either, until I discovered this!! https://idreamofjeannemarie.com/2019/06/03/my-tiniest-patriotic-dress-ever/ is the link, if you want a quick peek!

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      Thanks for the heads up about sewing on rick rack and other trims…I love anything that makes sewing easier.
      I wish I had some mini cupcakes…I mean dolly sized ones…
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Another “cute” from me! Navi is going to be the star of the Fourth of July Parade, waving her little flag! I bought a package of those tiny flags years ago, and still have some left! So a flag, hat, and shoes, and now a pretty slip? One thing leads into another, doesn’t it, and just adds to the cuteness! Everything worked out so well!

    I won a slip from you with the red, and blue stars on it, and know that would be just the perfect thing for you to make for Navi! That will be so cute peeking out from her dress while seated on the bench!

    By the way, is there any flooding in your area? We have a lot here in St. Louis, and it isn’t getting any better, with more rain in the forecast. Of course, you are farther downstream then us, and really not that close to the Mississippi. but those small rivers and streams can get flooded quickly. Lots of roads here are closed due to flooding, and Alton, well, that’s a mess! How is Gloria faring?

    1. Hi Linda,
      Oh wait till you see the rest of her set… she looks so adorable… I just love her to pieces…

      We don’t have any flooding here, but I did see some pictures of places not too far from here that looked awful.
      I haven’t heard from Gloria so I’m not sure how she’s faring…
      thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Just read yesterday’s replies and saw Charlotte’s glue info and now the link. Thank you Charlotte. 🙂
    Rebecca was right on with the hat design idea. Love this hat. Need you to start selling patterns or open a hat section in your Etsy shop 🙂 After seeing the great outfit, my Twinkles are giving me the eye in exasperation as I have not made them a single thing. Bad me.
    We’re in for a few days of warm weather. Must get watering done early.

    1. Hi Joy,
      If you like the hat, wait till you see this little sparky slip…
      I have a birthday dinner to go to tonight so I don’t think it’s going to get listed on Ebay this evening, but oh, how I wish!!!
      Well, its May’s time for new clothes…
      The more Mae’s I see, the cuter she gets…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. The cute red shoes are a good substitute for the boots I suggested, which would have been hot for the 4th of July. Maybe for Christmas. Stars on the shoes, or would that be too much?

    How is your area for flooding? Here clouds are keeping us reasonably cool, which is nice, but I see that the clematis is starting to grow faster. Time to tie it up. There’s always something, and usually more than one something.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      We were thinking alike on the shoes…you’ll see…
      Here in town we have no flooding but about 45 minutes from here there is…
      I have s couple of Clematis flowers right now and my dinner plate hibiscus is growing like a weed!!!
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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