Navi, “The Littlest Patriot” is cuter than cute!!!

First things first… Don’t forget that Felicity/Caroline/Elizabeth’s dress, “Colonial Charm” ends this evening (Wednesday) on Ebay. If you haven’t checked it out, you can have a peek at it by clicking on the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

Okay, now on to Navi. We have had storms going through our area this evening and I see another blob of “red” coming our way… My plan is to at least get these pictures loaded while I still have my computer working… (I have satellite because we are out in the country and the rainy weather usually knocks out my modem.) Then if things are still working, I’ll add some comments between pictures.

Okay, again… I have to tell you I wish you all could own a little Twinkle like my Navi… She is the absolute sweetest, most adorable little 6″ doll you could ever hope to hold in your hand. I am so thrilled to have her in my collection!!!!!

We started out sitting on a little chair…

You can see her little red shoes with a white star (Marilyn and I were thinking of the same thing!) Also the tiniest pair of anklets I have ever made. They were too small to fit on my pinkie finger!

Then she wanted to stand up and wave her flag…

Oh look, a surprise under her dress…a sparkly little patriotic slip… :o) This is so sweet just by itself…

Sitting down again… waving to you all…

Too tired to wave now…

The glue on the soles of her shoes left faint spots on the red checked fabric this time… I don’t know why…

Finally undressed so you can see all the pieces…

I told you she was adorable… :o)

Well, the rain is starting to hit the window where I’m sitting… I’m probably done… unless I add things on my phone…it will still work…

We had a birthday dinner Tuesday evening so I wasn’t able to get Navi’s dress listed. My hope it to get it on Wednesday evening. I’ll post a picture of it at the top right side bar, where Felicity’s is now, when it’s listed and ready to be seen. I’d like to take some outside pictures of Navi, but we do have a chance for rain tomorrow, so I might just have to use these pictures…

Thanks everyone,
Blessings, Jeanne

17 thoughts on “Navi, “The Littlest Patriot” is cuter than cute!!!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, that whole outfit just turned out so cute!! Love her petticoat and shoes, too, and her little socks are adorable!!! Someone will be getting a very special little outfit!!

    Please do remind Navi how important it is to keep the flag from touching the ground when she poses for her outdoor shots. That’s one of the first things we learned in school when I was little, and she needs to learn that, too. (A tiny bit of Museum Gel will help her hold it up, or perhaps a tiny bit of paper tape (medical), which shouldn’t damage the vinyl, I wouldn’t think.)

    I”m glad Joy found my glue-basting tips helpeful!

    1. Hi Charlotte
      I had a talk with Navi and she now knows to keep the flag off the ground… thank you!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Navi looks so cute, Jeanne, sitting there waiting for the parade to start! Every little thing about the outfit is perfect! She can wear this from Memorial Day all through July! I too, was thinking of star buttons on her shoes, and they work! The slip is just perfect too!

    I thought the same as Charlotte about not having the flag touch the floor. I too, remember learning that at school, and we were terrified if it did while we had it. Heaven only knows what would have happened if it did! Mostly it was the boys who got to put the flag up in front of the school, just as it was the boys who got to take the erasers out to clean by banging them together. Was I ever jealous of that! The boys got the best jobs! Anybody remember that?

    We seem to have hit a storm mode here and can’t quite get out of it. Water everywhere! BUT the grass is green and the flowers are blooming, so I’ll take it……….for awhile!

    1. Thanks Linda,
      I’m glad you like Navi’s little outfit as much as I do. It has easily become one of my favorites!
      I did have a talk with her about carrying her flag… :o)
      Yes, I think we are supposed to get more storms again this evening
      I got outside early this morning to take a few more pictures.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      Yes, Linda, I remember! I was a crossing guard for a while (we got to wear a white belt with a single crossover strap–no day-glo or anything like that in the 50s!) but the most coveted job in our school was when the 6th grade girls got to help Mrs. Gidlof in the kitchen!! Mom had to fight for me to have my turn, because I was so small, they didn’t think I could do anything!! But I could wipe off the tables with a sponge, same as anyone else! LOL About the only thing I remember about the job, but we all adored Mrs. Gidlof–she was the Best cook!!

  3. Dorothy in PA

    Dear Jeanne, she is adorable. I am glad you used the title! Navi is her own Shirley Temple.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      Yes, thank you for the title…The Littlest Patriot…it couldn’t be more perfect!
      Glad you like how it turned out.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Aw, just the cutest! All of the details are charming. Anyone with a Twinkle would love to have this for their girl.
    Hope the storms change track. We’re having a hot one today, at least 90, but then it will cool way down for a few days and then back up again. I can take it as long as we get that cool off in between the hot days.
    Wonder what’s next? Any chance those cabinets and paint in mind? 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      I can’t tell you how much I love this set…I just love it…teeny tiny things are just cuter!!

      It’s supposed to get up to 90 today for us too, and then more storms tonight. I did get some outside shots this morning and have my listing ready to go on Ebay this evening.
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Navi’s outfit is darling! So many hard to do details I. A very small space:)
    Just precious ❤️💙

    1. Thank you Shara,
      I’m so thrilled you like her outfit. I can’t wait for it to go on Ebay tonight so I can share it on the Meadow Doll Fan Club.
      It’s the tiniest little bundle of sweetness I’ve ever made.
      Thanks Shara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Hi Becky,
      Thank you so much. I am SO glad to own her too…she is one sweet little doll.
      Have a wonderful Wednesday.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. I’ve been missing from the blog for a couple days but I was keeping up with the development of Navi’s new outfit. Monday was a gap day between the end of school for my grandkids and the day they started their summer day camp run by their school district – nice, so I filled in. Yesterday I switched my winter/spring clothes to my summer/fall. I was tired of living out of two closets and it’s for sure summer all the way here now – to continue till winter, hence the winter/spring, summer/fall, rather than spring/summer, fall/winter like it used to be when I lived up north.

    If I ever get a Twinkle, you will definitely be the one dressing her. I can’t imagine doing anything so small, especially the shoes. This is an adorable outfit and Navi really shows it off. I like sewing for my smaller dolls – not too small – rather than the bigger dolls. For some reason I can make the same outfit for my 18″ MA and my WW or H4H and the smaller dolls always seems to pull it off better. Maybe because they are built a bit more svelte with tiny waists and slimmer legs. The Twinkles are just… tiny.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I switched out my clothes a while back but need to do it again and pack away ALL the things that were “sort” of kn the winter side.

      Sewing for small dolls is a little more tedious but the side seams certainly are quicker to sew together!! :o)
      I enjoy making smaller things and every time I make something I learn something new. I tweak my patterns just a little bit each time too.
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Aww, what a darling little outfit Navi is wearing. I love the little star buttons on her shoes. I can’t even believe sewing for such a small doll, especially shoes and socks. The sparkly slip is so cute underneath. The name Dorothy thought up is absolutely perfect.

    1. HI Laura,
      The Littlest Patriot fits her perfectly doesn’t it? I just love this little set… she’s laying on my cutting table looking up at me with her flag still in her hand! :o)
      Thanks for your sweet compliments on the set!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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