The “Last Little Patriot”

DON’T FORGET… My “Star Spangled Samantha” set ends Tuesday night. (tonight) You can see it by clicking the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

I didn’t make it to your comments yesterday… except to read them. I’m glad you enjoyed the variety… me too! I appreciate how you all take time to compliment each other on what each of you have or are doing or have made or collected or links shared. That’s what makes this so much fun… YOU sharing!

My day was busy and I didn’t get in my sewing room till after dinner, but I did manage to knock out one more sailor hat… It’s for sale if anyone wants it… maybe it’s the missing piece to your 4th of July doll outfit. It’s $10, including postage, to the first person who says they would like it. You can either leave a comment of send me an email by using the “contact me” tab just under my blog header. Molly wanted to model the hat this time, so Nellie had to get back on the dolly shelf.


I’m sorry my pictures aren’t the greatest. I only had one light turned on…

All good things must come to an end, and as much as I’d LOVE to keep making 4th of July dresses, this HAS to be my last set. Navi won my heart again. Actually I was reducing my pattern on my copier, not knowing exactly whose head it might fit… Well, it was a perfect fit for Navi and I really did want to make her another sweet patriotic set, so I decided on a fun navy dress. That’s right Navy for Navi… :o)
I probably won’t call it that but I just thought it turned out funny that I made a navy dress.

I added that vintage rick rack to the hem of her dress and two teeny tiny stars in the front. Her hat looks very cute on her in person. I will probably make another patriotic tulle slip for her and a pair of red shoes. Then I’ll probably list it on the My Meadows Fan Club forum.

Hopefully I’ll find some time in my sewing room and get this finished pretty quickly.

Thanks everyone,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “The “Last Little Patriot””

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Such a cute little outfit for Navi! I love the fabric, also the trims, and of course her little sailor’s hat. I may have to experiment with a hat pattern I have here, see what I can come up with. I’m sure some of my girls would like to have them, too.

    I have made hats for Molly and AbbyRose (both AG) to go with their summer outfits; I made them so they could be reversible, with a different print on each side. Hm, might be time to take a couple of pictures (and of course get them out of their winter clothes! LOL).

    1. HI Charlotte,
      Thanks for your compliments on Navi’s dress set. You should give the hats a try… I spend a lot of time tweaking them but when I get them I mark them and write the dolls name of the pattern. I like the idea of making a reversible hat… I might have to give that a try next time… sounds like fun.
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Originally the hat was just “lined”,not reversible. But I figured out how to finish it in such a way that it became reversible. I’ll have to dig out my pattern and look at my notes as to what exactly I did–it’s been a long time!!

  2. Scary to be up so early today…. but going to golf this AM. Nani is cute in navy and that hat!! It is so tiny and cute and when you see her sitting in your hand it is adorable.
    So what will your next theme be ???

    1. Hi Kathie,
      I like to take pictures of Navi in my hands…it just helps me remember how tiny she really is.
      I hope you had fun holding today.
      I’m boxing up Samantha’s Star Spangled romper and then I’ll figure out who or what is up next.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Love the little hat on Navi. Outfit too. Sweet.
    Here it is the middle of June. Any cabinet painting yet? Not to shove you or anything. 🙂
    Hot weather returning here. Heading out to water.

    1. Hi Joy,
      I keep having intentions of getting the paint can and brushes out, but so far, things keep getting in the way. I had promised myself I was going to have something done by the time Cindy came back…well, she’s coming this Saturday, (Deb too) so unless I drop my sewing for a few days, I’m probably going to break that promise to myself… maybe I could do half and half…hmmm.
      Thanks Joy
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Another adorable outfit for Navi. She looks so cute in anything you make her. I really need to get more into making hats. They do complete an outfit. I have patterns for both a boater hat and a straw hat made with raffia yarn. The boater frame is done with plastic canvas sheets and circles and embroidered with raffia or ribbon. I just recently got both these patterns so I haven’t tried either yet. I also have patterns for sailor hats for some of my dolls. So much to sew, so little time.

    I’ve picked out the pattern and fabric for the dress for my LDs to go over their new sparkly slip. It’s taking precedence over the outfit I was going to do. Can’t wait to see how that turns out. Are you on to summer things next? I just changed my girls from their Easter attire to summer things. It took me two days. They all said they were tired of being so dressed up.

    Can you recommend a good brush for my dolls hair? I looked online but there is so much out there and some of the brushes got terrible reviews.

    1. Dorothy in PA

      Barbara, American Girl (Pleasant Company) makes a wire brush. That seems to work will with doll hair, especially when it is wet. You can find it for sale online.

    2. Hi Barbara
      Once you get to making hats, you can’t stop until you get your pattern exactly like you want! Then DON’T lose your pattern.

      I got the brush I use for my dolls at Sally Beauty Supply. It looks like the AG brush in the magazines. It has soft wire bristles that have little balls on the ends of the wire. It’s actually a wig brush…but it works very well.

      I hope you are enjoying your girls in their new outfits. I think I’m going to switch to summer things and then in July start on Back To School things.
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. This little hat is so summery. It’s so patriotic yet reminds me of fun on the beaches at Lake Michigan on the Wisconsin side. I had a beach bag that was white and it had red and blue anchors all over the surface.
    It was neat to see all the little summer patriotic outfits you made.

    1. Hi Paula,
      Thanks so much…I actually didn’t do too badly on 4th of July outfits…I think I only got one or 2 Easter dresses made.
      Now to figure out who should be next…
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, Navi is adorable. I like the title Navi in Navy.

    Are you planning a Summer vacation and will any dollies go with you?

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      I listed the title on the My Meadow Fan club as The Last Little Patriot ~ Navi in Navy… I just couldn’t decide…so I used both.

      I don’t know of any vacations in our future…I wish, but maybe just a one day trip to some shopping areas…
      Are you going somewhere??
      Blessings, Jeanne

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