Star Spangled Samantha…

I answered your comments from yesterday, but it was late last night after I was finished with Samantha’s romper.

Sorry…again, I know this isn’t something that Samantha would have worn in the early 1900’s, but “my” Rebecca thought of the title and I decided to use it…at least for today! It fit’s this outfit perfectly. There are no stripes, but LOTS of stars! :o)

I added vintage baby rick rack around the waist and the hem of each leg. Then I added a little cluster of stars at the bottom of one leg. I tied a knot and used that for my front embellishment.

Star buttons were added to hide the snaps as well as a little tie to cinch up the back.

I finished the whole thing, found a pair of fun sandals for her to wear, gave her a pinwheel to hold and then stepped back and looked at it. It’s not necessarily “nautical” but I decided to give her a little sailor hat… There are about 6 rows of stitching on the brim to help “stiffen” it up. The next time I make a sailor hat, I’m going to make it about a half an inch to an inch longer so more turns up…

So here are some more pictures of the set… I was going to add one more thing, but I’ll have to go back to town tomorrow and get it. Hopefully I can get this listed Thursday evening. I will probably make this a Buy It Now too…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

29 thoughts on “Star Spangled Samantha…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Very cute, and you’re right, the “something” at the waist wasn’t what I expected, but I do like it! The sailor hat is cute (but I do agree with you about making the brim a bit wider). It reminds me of a similar sailor hat that I had when I was a girl, and the bring actually did have several parallel rows of stitching (along with some fairly good interfacing inside, I’m sure) to help stiffen it. As I recall, it was white stitching on white fabric. I loved that hat, and wore it for years!

    The pinwheel is just perfect with Smantha’s outfit!! Can’t wait to see what you add tomorrow!!

    1. Thanks Charlotte,
      I might just tweak the hat pattern and make another one… with a wider brim this time…it wouldn’t take that long to do.
      We still have my dad’s sailor hat…love it.
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Hi again Charlotte,
        I’m going through all the comments and letting everyone know I finished the dress and have the accessories for it scheduled to go on Ebay this evening around 8:33
        Just wanted to let you know.
        Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Ah, your ensembles are always so well put together and embellishments are always just right….I think this is a most cute outfit, Jeanne. Well done and so glad you seem to be having much fun with your sewing again.


    1. Thank you Becky,
      It was fun to do a modern, simple, but fun set for a change. I’m glad you like it…
      It IS fun to be sewing again…
      Thanks Becky,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Hi again Becky,
      I am just letting everyone who already commented know Samantha’s romper and accessories is going on Ebay tonight.
      Its listed under Star Spangled Samantha

      Just wanted to let you know.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. This outfit is adorable and very patriotic in every way. Stars and Stripes it is!!
    The bow at the waist is perfect. Her hat is adorable.
    With a July creeping up, perfect timing.

    Jeanne, I had so much fun posing my “Pollyanna” in her outfit. First I tried her chewing on a weed like in the movie but I’d like to find one of those large circle hoops the kids ran with back then. I’ll have to look up what they were called.- Pose Pollyanna with that.

    1. Guess what? Those hoops were apparently called hoops. The sport is usually called hoop rolling or hoop trundling or hoop driving. Hoops were made of wood or metal and the wooden ones were propelled by a stick. Metal hoops were guided by a metal hook. Hoop rolling seems to go back at least to Greece and was universally popular.

    2. Hi Paula, I’ll bet your Pollyanna is adorable. I love that movie. My daughter had a wooden hoop and Game of Graces that we got either in Williamsburg or at a gift shop in Michigan’s UP. I can’t recall which came from which right now. A hoop would be a great accessory. I made a rolling hoop and game of graces for my dolls as my first homemade items. The best thing is they work for Felicity, my Civil War girls, and of course, Samantha.
      Here’s another link

    3. Thanks for your sweet comments on Samantha’s new romper! I am letting everyone who had a comment know the romper will be listed tonight on Ebay…around 8:33.
      I’m so glad you are enjoying your Pollyanna set. I sure loved the looks of it when it was on Kirsten…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Sam is just doing a little time travel in her modern romper. My historicals do it all the time. Right now Elizabeth is wearing short-alls and Cecile has on a very short dress. Neither is correct for their time but boy are they cute. And look at Sam. Super Cute!

    1. Hi Jillaurellia,
      Yes…that’s it..Samantha is a time traveler…
      I just didn’t have the heart to tell her she couldn’t model it for the Ebay listing…which is scheduled to go on Ebay on about an hour…
      Thanks Julia,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Historical dolls deserve a summer break. Sam must feel really good in this outfit. She looks happy and her pinwheel is just perfect. So is the knot embellishment at the waist. Nice work. If this sells quickly, why not produce 2 or 3 more play outfits? They are quick, fun, and cool. And I’ll bet you have some perfect fabrics.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      Somehow it seems we always think alike… not only does Samantha “feel” good in this outfit…she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and knew she “looked” good. I totally agree. I redid her hat and added a few more things.
      I managed to get it scheduled for Ebay…it will come up in about 50 minutes.
      Here’s the part where we think alike…I already have another play set cut out… and hope to get something done on it. Yay!!
      Thanks so much!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Culotte or romper dress, I love the lines on the skirt front. Gives it a nice tailored look. You’ll laugh, but other person was doing some closet cleaning yesterday, because it has been too hot to do anything outside, and discovered his old sailor uniform. He sucked it in and fit on his sailor white shirt! Still has his ship name patch and all. I think we have his sailor hat around here too. Anyway, Samantha looks perfect for picnic fun.
    Hope you can get some outdoor pictures or maybe add that wooden backdrop you have for fun.
    Keep cool. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      A BIG congrats to your guy for still fitting into his sailor shirt!!!
      I made a new sailor hat, added a few more accessories, took some outside pictures, and got it scheduled on Ebay for 8:33 tonight! AND managed to get another play set cut out! I hope I find some time to sew on it s little bit!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, what a cute outfit. The pinwheel is just what she needs. “Three cheers for the red, white, and blue!”

    I agree with the other blog family members; it’s alright for dolls to time travel. Maybe they are just playing dress up in the future (laugh).

    I am trying out my new name today so Dorothy in PA is now Dorothy in PA and the World (unless I change it back because it doesn’t feel right – chuckle).

    1. Hello Dorothy in PA and the World,
      Your new name works for me!
      I actually got Star Spangled Samantha pictures taken outside, a few more accessories added, and the listing is going on Ebay in about 30 minutes! It’s been a good day for me!!
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Another Dorothy in Pa

    Really cute outfit, especially if you have what I think are called “just like me” dolls. Did Rebecca give you any ideas about what she meant by popular rompers? If I can figure out how to add pictures there a some I’ve seen pic’s of that I liked. They inspire me, too bad they don’t motivate me! Lol,
    Another Dorothy in Pa

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      Rebecca did give me a few more ideas on the rompers. I’ve cut out another play set…not necessarily a play set, but I think it will be cute.
      I did get your pictures, but haven’t had time to really look at the details.
      I wanted to let everyone who left a comment know Samantha’s romper is going to come up on Ebay in about 35 mjnutes… thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. What an adorable play outfit Samantha is wearing. I love it! The bow at the waist is perfect. And the pinwheel is the cutest. She is definitely ready for the 4th of July.

    I finished the outfit I was making for my granddaughter the other day so decided to start doing some patriotic doll stuff myself. I have tons of patriotic fabric and “sailor” dress and other holiday outfit patterns for nearly everyone, but somehow I ended up in a whole different direction. Cute summer look-a-like shorts and tops for Gracie and Camille and a cute dress with some embroidered butterflies for Camiille. She needs clothes. Maybe if I get these all made quickly (they’re pretty easy) I can still do a sailor dress or two.

    Speaking of yesterday’s comments on glitter. I have a beautiful dressy twinset that I used to wear to the Burn’s Supper in Houston, which doesn’t exist anymore. It’s black with silver glittery stripes. I felt I needed to wear it somewhere so I decided to wear it a couple years ago to church on Christmas Eve. I felt after years it would no longer be shedding glitter. Not! I’m still finding remains of it around our choir loft and the carpet has been replaced (leaky roof during Harvey) and the chairs vacuumed and it’s still there!!!

    1. Hi Barbara
      I redid Samantha’s hat and added a few more accessories AND it is scheduled to go on Ebay at 8:33 tonight.
      I actually have another play outfit cut out and hope to get some sewing done on it. It’s fun to make play outfits every so often.

      I took my bag of glitter balls back to Hobby Lobby today…I really don’t want all that glitter around here!!!
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Thank you Terri,
      I appreciate your kind comments about my sewing!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Now that is so perfect for any summer day..4th of July especially. That bow in front couldn’t be ant cuter. Could I order that outfit in a large please?. I remember wearing one like it fo several summers and loved it….in the early 70’s?

    1. Hi Kathie,
      Thank you for your sweet comments! I’m glad you like it so much! I redid the hat and like it much better!!
      I made a similar outfit for myself when I was probably a freshman… loved it too!
      Samantha’s romper is scheduled for Ebay in about 15 minutes… I added a few more accessories!!
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Samantha’s looks really cute in her romper. Actually, Samantha is very versatile as far as some decades (those in which bangs are plausible and actually she shouldn’t have them) go and there was a AGOT not Samantha ( I don’t know the number offhand). The romper could pass as a turn of the century swimsuit although lacking the required sleeves of the period, but I always view her as a slight rebel (but in a great way) in wanting to help Nellie to read etc. The sailor hat is really sweet. The pinwheel is the perfect accessory to enjoy on a breezy summer day.

    1. Hi Laura,
      I like Samantha in this set and so glad I picked her to model it.
      I made her a new sailor hat and Luke it much better…plus I added a few more accessories to go with the set. It’s going on Ebay in about 10 minutes!! Yay!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  12. Hi Jeanne! Saw the Ebay post which is great and now am worried. Can you legally send sparklers? Combustible I would think. They can’t be sold anywhere around here because of the fire danger. I don’t think the P.O. accepts them either. But, I can be wrong. Just nervous Nelly here because of our high fire danger. 🙂

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