My tiniest Patriotic dress EVER…

I have made quite a few Fourth of July dresses for my dolls. I’ve made them for the 18″ American Girl dolls, my Dianna Effner 13″ Little Darlings, for 10″ Patsy Tonner, 7 1/2″ Riley Kish, and now my littlest one… Navi. She’s a tiny 6″ sweetheart from My Meadow dolls. She was next on my doll list and I thought I better get started on some red, white and blue outfits or it will be another holiday that slips by and I don’t have anything to show you.

I looked back at some of my previous dresses and got an idea for Navi’s dress… The inspiration (or actually the “copying” of it) came from Janie’s Patriotic dress a few years ago… How many of you remember this one?

Well, let me introduce you to Navi in her look alike Patriotic dress…

I still have some things to do before it goes on Ebay, but I wanted to show you what I have been working on.

Her little jacket is lined with white tulle so it’s not bulky at all and light as a feather.

In case you can’t imagine how tiny 6″ is, how about this?

You’ll have to come back tomorrow to see what else I have added to this tiny little set… Navi is happy to be in the spotlight again.

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

21 thoughts on “My tiniest Patriotic dress EVER…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What a cute little outfit for Navi! I like that you lined her jacket with tulle–it’s soft and lightweight, but will still help protect her vinyl from any possible dye crocking, and leaves nice finished edges all around.

    The rickrack and button trim on her dress are darling! Can’t wait to see what else you’re going to add!

    (Not sure if I remember that dress of Janie’s, at least not the original post. May have been a bit before I subscribed.)

    1. HI Charlotte,
      Thanks for your sweet compliments on Navi’s dress set. I’ve had fun making this one… she’s such a little dream boat to sew for…
      I might have so show Janie’s dress again… all the pics for it… I think I had just gotten Janie because she’s in the wig she came in…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. What a darling little outfit for Navi, Jeanne! Now all she needs is a tiny flag to hold, and maybe a pair of shoes! Sewing tiny things is something I am not good at, and so I give you kudos on that! That was genius to have tulle for the lining, and I’m sure it makes a difference in the feel of the jacket.

    No, I don’t remember Janie’s dress from the past, although I have been with you on the blog since day one. You have made so many darling, beautiful, charming, and who knows what else ensembles, that I can’t remember them all!

    This is the perfect time to start making 4th of July outfits! June is now here and the year is almost half over, can you believe?

    1. HI Linda,
      Well, Navi got both things you thought she should have… a flag and shoes.. well… almost shoes… :o)
      I thought I was doing great getting started on 4th of July dresses…till Rebecca mentioned I only had about 3 weeks to get things listed… *sigh*
      thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Navi is very cute in her sweet little look-alike outfit, Jeanne. It’s wonderful to see yet another creation from you.

    Bug bites are impeding me these days. I’ve been getting some allergic reactions (not bad but tiring like allergies). The recent lovely weather though is a boon to my spirit.


    1. HI Becky,
      I’m allergic to mosquitos and bees and hate getting bit by them… I hope your bites go away quickly…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. She needs marching boots. Surely you could make some in this tiny size. Maybe with stars on the side.
    Fantasy aside, it’s a pretty day here with rain predicted but sun now, and the yellow iris a really putting on a show. I suppose Navi’s about the size of one iris blossom.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      Little marching boots with stars on the side would certainly be lovely, but I opted for Mary Janes this time…sorry… :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Patriotism in teeny, tiny form. So completely cute! Your little doll is adorable. Will she be getting a hat. Redheads burn easily and need extra protection. 😉 Are your other Meadow dolls this small? Sigh. I want one.

    1. Hi Jillaurellia,
      Well, since I have a redhead myself, I know a thing or two about brimmed hats…that’s just what Navi got!
      Navi is 6″ tall and is called a Twinkle. Bailey is 11″ tall and is called a Dumpling. They REALLY are fun and probably the hottest dolls on the market right now… There are SO many to choose from… but there’s that $$$ thing that gets in the way. A preorder for a 16″ doll ended yesterday… but ladies have them on the Meadow Doll Fan Club page for sale all the time.
      Thanks Julia,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. What a fresh outfit for Navi! She’ll be the first in line for cupcakes at the July 4th picnic. 🙂
    Do you have a special foot to apply rick rack? The smaller sizes or flat braid just slips all over the place for me.
    You have been busy. Me, working on week three of the sew along which is actually going backwards. Forgot to make Stella Mae’s top 1/2″ narrower so ended up back at the beginning. Hope this one fits.
    So much happening in June. Can’t wait to celebrate Father’s Day at the stadium.

    1. Hi Joy,
      I don’t have a special foot for applying rick rack… I just try my best to stitch down the middle and go a bit slower as I do it. I sort of hold it down with my fingers pretty close to the presser foot…
      I’m hoping to get some more 4th of July dresses finished…
      Thanks Joy,
      blessings, Jeanne

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      Joy, I use a product called Roxanne’s Glue-Baste-It; mine is in a bottle with two lengths of “needle” applicators. It can apply a Very fine line of glue (which washes out later, and does Not gum up your needles), and has saved many an outfit for me, I can tell you! I couldn’t sew without it.

      Here’s what I do: Lay the garment out on the ironing board, and lay a short line of the glue where you want to apply the trim. As you press the trim down, stab-pin thru the trim and garment, and into the ironing-board padding; then move on to the next bit. I usually glue-baste about 2-3″ at a time. After a few minutes, you can carefully remove the pins (they just help keep the trim from moving until the glue dries a bit). Wait until all the glue is completely dry before you take it to your sewing machine. If I’m in a hurry, I will sometimes press it with a warm iron to help it dry faster!! 🙂

      Hope that helps!!

  7. I almost giggled when I saw how tiny that little outfit is….omgosh how do you get in all those tiny places!
    The red you chose goes with her hair too…and that’s hard sometimes. She’s adorable in it.
    Tiny accessories to come I’m sure.
    Happy Monday!

  8. Melody Martin

    I will be watching for this on ebay! I have a dear sister of the heart with both a Navi and a Pukifee. I think she might love this for her girls. 🙂

  9. Dorothy in PA

    Dear Jeanne, she is adorable in that outfit. If you are looking for an ebay title, I suggest, “the littlest patriot.” That’s a play on the Shirley Temple movie, The Littlest Rebel, although that terminology might be too controversial now days.

    I might not be keeping my Tonner doll now that I took her out of the box so I will hold off on sending a photo.

    I am looking forward to attending the Madame Alexander Doll Club convention in Winston-Salem this month.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      I might just use that title… The Littlest Patriot!… works for me! And I guess you! :o)

      Sorry to hear about your doll… some of them looked a bit “wonky” in the eyes to me… I debated about getting one a while back.

      Thanks Dorothy,
      blessings, Jeanne

  10. First I want to say how lovely Felicity’s dress turned out, even though I sadly didn’t see most of it until after the fact. I also think it looks absolutely fantastic on Caroline.
    Navi’s little dress set in just precious. I love the combination of gingham checks, stars, and ric rac trim. I agree with Linda that she needs a tiny flag. I’ll bet the paper ones for cupcakes are the right size.
    The phrase ” I fought the lawn and the lawn won” absolutely applies around here. I’ve tried to get ahead of things, but to little avail.

    1. Thanks Laura,
      I’m glad you like the dress on all the girls… It was work changing them all into the dress, but I love being able to show how each girl wears the dress!
      Navi got her little glad today…cupcake sized! :o)
      Sorry the lawn won… been there, done that… and it’s NO fun!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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