~ Angelic in Aqua ~ is now on Ebay…check it out!

Well, Charlotte, I wanted to use your title, “Aquamarine Dreams” but it sounded too much like a water themed dress, not so much a Civil War one. I have added it to my list and might use it later on in the summer.

I tried to take some pictures outside but the color just doesn’t come out right. It’s way too dark and I wanted a true representation of the color, so I ended up back in my sewing room. (I thought I still had a few of my outside pictures and was going to show you, but I guess I deleted them…sorry.)

Anyway, I DID end up putting the dress on Addy and Caroline too. They both looked sweet in it and I couldn’t decide who “wore it best” so I asked my hubby which girl he liked best for my Gallery picture. He picked Caroline because he said her eyes seemed to light up when he looked at her. So, even though Rebecca is the one going to the wedding, Caroline got top honors of modeling it on Ebay. BUT.. I let Rebecca get the top spot on my blog post… (I’m going to a wedding on Saturday, so I thought Rebecca should be too, as pretty as she looked. I wish “I” had a new dress the color of hers!) :o)

I’ll show you a few pictures of each girl and then give the link to the auction. (Or you can click on the picture at the right side bar to see it.)

If you want to see the listing, click HERE.

I hope you have a wonderful Saturday…mine is full with a wedding in the middle! :o)

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

8 thoughts on “~ Angelic in Aqua ~ is now on Ebay…check it out!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I’m glad you liked my title suggestion well enough to consider it, Jeanne–but you’re right, it does sound more like a water theme! So, maybe one of these days….In the meantime, Angelic in Aqua sounds just fine for this ensemble.

    Your husband is right–Caroline’s eyes do seem to “light up” when she’s in this dress!! But it also looks lovely on the other two girls. For some reason I especially love the close-up pictures of Addy in the bonnet.

  2. Just beautiful, Jeanne! Oh my, Caroline looks gorgeous, and George certainly knows what works best, although I think any doll you put this ensemble in will look heavenly! I do like the lighter background, which gives a bright, summery look!

    And a bid already! I can even see this dress being one of the wedding party! Just put a basket of flowers in her hand, and you have a pretty flower girl or junior bridesmaid!Clearly, this is going to be a winner all around!

    Have a great time at the wedding today!

  3. Another Dorothy in Pa

    Really lovely. One of the things I like best is how the bow matches the green leaves on the bonnet, doesn’t detract or clash with the lining but is a softer color. Also the brooch matches Caroline’s eyes perfectly. Such wonderful choices and looks great on any of the girls. I think showing different dolls allows buyers to imagine how their own doll would look. I’m so glad you share the creating process with us.
    I’ve also used “goodwill” finds from time to time. Some items still have the tags on them so the fabric is like new.
    Can’t wait to see what’s next! No pressure but We never get enough of Jeanne Marie creations!

  4. As I sit here by the computer, every few minutes the chirping begins again. You can tell when Mrs. Swift has arrived back down the chimney to feed her young charges. I’m estimating five from the sound of their cheers upon the appearance of mom. Other person was up on the roof yesterday with a flashlight peering down the chimney trying to spot a nest. Didn’t see it though. I however spotted the bug catcher high above with the tell tale wings of a swallow. At first we thought a bird was stuck in the chimney somehow as we have had the damper closed for many years. They do not appear stuck, but are in a nest somewhere tucked away. After consulting the Audubon bird book, I found it was not a swallow, but a Chimney Swift. After they leave, we’ll screen the chimney opening as we really do not want them or a flock returning. However, I’d rather have the Swifts than bats which a neighbor has reportedly found inside her house recently. 🙂
    Nice to see a bid on the dress. Congrats.

  5. Just lovely. I must say, I have to agree with George that Caroline is a natural in this dress. H
    er eyes just sparkle. She really is a doll that shines when she is wearing the color that bring out those seafoam eyes.
    Hope you have a wonderful time at the wedding

  6. Another darling ensemble. Do you keep track of how many you have made? It is cute on everyone but I really like your blonde doll wearing it best 🙂
    It is such a great color combination and cute dress and bonnet!

  7. Thanks everyone!
    I’m so glad everyone got to see it on the different dolls. I wish I could have gotten some decent outdoor pictures. As pretty as Caroline is in the pictures I did take of her, they look a bit yellow to me, and not nearly as pretty as they are in person.
    I am heading to the wedding reception right now, but just wanted to pop in and say a quick hello…
    See you,
    Blessings, Jeanne

  8. I liked Aquamarine Dreams — it might make a pretty party dress. Angelic in Aqua is probably a better name for this dress — it does make all three dolls look angelic. I especially liked the last picture of Addy, who somehow looks especially sweet in this color. I’m so glad that the outfit has already attracted a bid and I’m hoping for more.

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