28 pictures of “stuff” I’m sure you’ll want to see…

Well, my first Silent Auction was a success. Nellie has to change out of the shorts and top set and give up that fun sailor hat to the new owner. The winning bid was for $50 to Bidder A, so I’ll send you an invoice and then get it boxed up and on it’s way to…. sorry, you’ll never know… unless the winner wants to share! :o) Thanks everyone, for your bids and for playing along! We’ll do it again sometime!

Everyone seems to love it when I share things from other readers, whether it’s dolly related, a project they are working on, flowers, a place they have visited, a dress they are making… whatever, you all seem to take joy and get inspiration from one another. I love that about you!

So today I have some pictures of a little of this and some of that… I hope you will enjoy todays pictures! I checked my email and think I have gone back far enough to get all the new pics in here… We last left off with Kathie’s grandkids having a tea party…

Today we are starting with a robe Joy made for her Stella May doll. She is 16″ tall and has the cutest little face AND body. Joy is following along with a summer sew along and this is what Stella May got this week…

This was another outfit (I think) Joy made for Stella May! I love this dress with the boots and hat! Don’t you?

Linda wanted to get in on the Tea Party pictures too… she sent me these… this is Linda’s granddaughter Annie…

(Oh, by the way… Annie is starting high school this year… just a cute side note!) Thanks Linda!

She also sent me some pictures of what her girls are doing at the moment…

Cecile is going fishing! Linda bought Kirsten’s Fishing dress off Ebay, and got Nanea’s fishing rod for her. She used another hat and pair of boots to complete her outfit. She likes it and looks adorable in it!

Felicity is with her pony, grooming him in her room, of all things!

The 40’s girls are at a farmers produce stand, which really is the AG ice Cream cart. Linda made a little sign for it.

Susette’s pictures are up next. She saw a pop up ad at the side of her computer as she was looking on facebook, showing some yard/inside statures and the person selling them was only 2 miles from her house. She immediately emailed them that she wanted them… I LOVE things like this in a garden and these are exceptionally sweet…

This on is 12″ high and was only $10. She used Felicity’s flowers for the basket and added a frog and the cricket from Kit’s Fishing dress. This is so adorable… I would have bought it too Susette! :o) Susette said when she picked it up, the lady said her husband had asked her what she had done that they were getting phone calls all day long! Susette was thrilled that she had saved it for her until the lady got home from work.

This next 2 pieces are from Home Depot. She found the fountain and the next piece called Llado years ago. You can see these better if you click on them so they enlarge. It’s hard to see where the water comes through the spout.

This Lladro is called “Let Me Help You.”

This is the best one of all… Susette’s grandkids… Riya and Krish! This picture was taken before she had the last stature.

Susette also had a couple pictures of a Japanese doll to share. Dorothy in PA mentioned the Japanese Friendship Dolls. This is Susette’s that was given to her when they left Japan after a three-year stay. She and Ten Ping are having a chat.

This is what the doll looks like when she is opened up…

Paula shared a story a while back about a doll that went “missing” for a year… I won’t tell you what happened but you can read it again for a good laugh. Even if you’ve read it before, it’s worth reading again… We call her Swiffer Girl… Here is what she looks like and the story is HERE. There are more beautiful pictures of her in the story too. (One of my favorite stories, Paula!)

Jillaurellia (Julia) shared some pictures with me of the dresses and aprons she made from vintage linens… She’s working on a maxi dress for her next project. Thanks Julia… it looks like you keep busy, and I love vintage tablecloths, laces, etc. too! Nice job!
The first picture, of the colorful apron is a gift for her cousin. The second picture is a tunic and a skirt from two different tablecloths. I bet you won’t look at a tablecloth the same way, the next time you see one, will you?

For those of you who like to READ instead of SEW…here’s a bookstore sure to capture your attention. Susette sent this link… you should open it up just to see the first picture. You won’t believe it!!! It’s 36,000 square feet of…well, I’ll let you see for yourself! :o)


When I said I was going to make a romper this time, “Another Dorothy from PA” sent some of her favorite rompers. I absolutely have devoured that 3rd picture…I love those old fashioned looking dresses and just might have to try and copy the elements of them… They are so sweet. Thanks for the inspiration, Dorothy. I loved looking at them all…

Aren’t they all just as sweet as can be?

Here are a few pictures of Susette’s Lily of the Nile flowers. Aren’t they gorgeous?

Well, did that make you smile on this Monday morning? I hope so. That’s what I hoped it would do!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “28 pictures of “stuff” I’m sure you’ll want to see…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What a fun post, and wonderful pictures! Thanks to all who shared!

    I won’t even try to comment on everything, but will say that I absolutely Love the apron that Julia made for her cousin!! Just today I came across some vintage linens I had tucked away; now I need to go and look at them again! I’f feeling inspired!!

    That bookstore is absolutely amazing!! Wouldn’t it be fun to visit it, even just for a little while?!

    I have a question for “Another Dorothy from PA”–about that aqua check romper with overskirt. Is that an AG-size pattern, or was it a child’s pattern from which you drew inspiration? It is wonderful! Is there smocking on it, or embroidery, or just some trims? Inquiring minds want to know! LOL

    Again, thanks to all who shared pictures!! Hopefully I will be sending Jeanne some pictures soon–today I found a better fabric to bind the little blanket I made for our new great-nephew, so now I should get that done pretty soon!

  2. It was very frustrating to comment earlier, as my desktop computer kept locking up! I won’t be able to write very long right now, but wanted to say that I absolutely loved seeing all the various pictures! They help us to know each other better and I’m hoping that more of your readers contribute.

    I did want to say that Paula’s Swifter Girl looks like she is American Girl #8. She has been retired for awhile, but she certainly does look like it. AG#8 has red hair with bangs, green eyes, and the Classic face. Your doll has a slimmer body indicating she was from the latter part of her run.

    Oh, all the darling rompers! The flowers, the wonderful tablecloth outfits, the darling dresses, etc. I could go on all day, but have no time!

    So glad someone was able to get the darling romper set you made, Jeanne! Maybe we will see it again in a picture!

  3. Oh my, what wonderful pictures everyone sent! All the outfits on the dolls are really neat to see. Joy’s dollies look so cute in their outfits and are ready for summer!
    I especially liked the blue and white romper outfit with the matching skirt Dorothy has on MaryEllen. And the fancy doll outfit above that is remarkable. What a beautiful set. The romper reminds me so much of the 50’s era when I was a child.
    Suzette’s grandchildren are so cute standing together for the picture. The statue is certainly a likeness. Suzette, your flowers are beautiful – and huge. You must have a likeness for statues. They are all interesting and you have them displayed well.
    Linda, all your doll pictures are so neat. Your granddaughter, Annie, is just precious playing with her tea set. Oh my, she’s starting high school ! The little get togethers the girls are having…so clever…and thank you for identifying the Swiffer doll. I bet you are right, i would have never recognized the body and face type.
    I never thought a table cloth could be made into clothing. Very clever Julia. I love the tablecloth made into the apron. How creative. I did once use one of those nubbly American Heritage table cloths for my son when he was little- The children in our family put on a short play of the birth of the baby Jesus at our family get together. My son was either one of the Wisemen or shepherds and used the tablecloth as his coat. It was perfect!
    Jeanne, it was fun seeing everyone’s pictures. Thank you for sharing. I was also hoping someone might recognize the Swiffer doll. Thank you Linda. Now I need to name her.

  4. Congrats on your successful romper auction! So happy for the winner and you too.

    I’ll start with Susette. That photo of the grands is just adorable. That one would make a wonderful blow up on canvas. They keep growing don’t they? 🙂 Great Craigs List find. Love the accents you added and all of the wonderful little details that peek out from nooks in your garden and home. I had to laugh when I saw your lovely blue agapanthus. We have the smaller variety peter pan, but we never get to see them actually blooming because the deer love the tender flower bud. Gourmet dining for them. All we have left are the chewed off stalks. 🙁 What an architectural miracle is that bookstore and not a chair to be found. Dizzying. 🙂

    Linda’s Annie and the tea party are so sweet. High school already? All of your AG scenes are fun to view. What a great use of the ice cream cart to fruit stand. Love the sign. And Nanea’s fishing pole would make that set worth the investment to me. It looks wonderful and of course Cecile too.

    How Paula’s Swiffer doll survived so long in that box was an amazing feat. She is beautiful.

    Loved seeing Julia’s reuse projects. Wonderful how they turned out.

    And the other Dorothy in PA and her romper creations demonstrates great photography and creativity. So many sized dollies too. Great eye candy. 🙂

    We had quite a day yesterday driving an hour south to reach the Larkspur Ferry to Oracle Park in San Francisco. Found daughter and family at our meeting place in the throngs of humanity and entered the park. Wonderful seats provided for eight adults and five kiddies. Matt took the father’s way up above to the Cloud Room as a treat. We all were waving! Then, we got the call to come up too. Gathered everyone and belongings and took the elevator up. The Cloud is the executive room way up high in Oracle Park. There we enjoyed complimentary food (just about anything your wanted prepared) and open bar. There were games for the kids too. The loge seating, cloth napkins, and attendants were such a treat. Oh, watching the game wasn’t bad either and the pulled pork and cob salad were tops. 🙂 When the game was over we said goodbye and ran down the stairs and around the park to the dock to catch the ferry which leaves exactly one half hour after the last inning. On the way home, we got to watch sailboarders whipping by alongside the ferry and see a huge cruise ship coming in under the Golden Gate Bridge. We had quite a day. 🙂

    1. Joy, it sounds like you had an incredibly wonderful family day. I know it’s a day the grands will always remember and share.

  5. What a wonderful collection! You do have fortunate and talented readers. Of course the real children are so cute and special, and I remembered the Swiffer Girl from earlier. I think she deserves an extensive wardrobe and would have looked great in the silent auction outfit. Congratulations to your winner. I’m looking forward to more of those hats, now that you’ve perfected the pattern.
    I’d take that apron any day, and my aunt, who was married in the 20s, wore a dress with a handkerchief hem for her wedding. Much fancier than my mother’s WWII era blue suit, but my mom had a very pretty hat — and less than a week to get ready.

  6. Oh, Jeanne, this is not fair! So many things to digest and comment about and all of them wonderful! I’ll start at the top.

    Joy, I love your Stella Mae doll. She is absolutely adorable and the outfits you made for her are precious. She’s lucky to have such a caring and talented momma to keep her in lovely wearing attire.

    Linda, your granddaughter is the cutest playing “mother” at her tea party. Love to see a picture of her these days. And haven’t your dollies been busy having fun. They all look wonderful. I hope the horse is housebroken.

    Susette your garden statuary is beautiful as are your two precious grandchildren. I love the idea of the friendship dolls. And the bookstore, totally breathtaking. Two things that make my fingers tingle – a fabric store and a bookstore. I love your Lily of the Nile flowers. I can’t remember where you live, so I don’t know whether or not I can grow them here. They would be perfect for a spot where I’m needing something.

    Paula, your story will always tickle my funny bone. It is nice to see the lovely Swiffer Girl free from her confines. I imagine her therapy is costing a fortune though. Maybe not. A lovely outfit should probably make up for her months in the dark.

    Jillaurelia, I love what you’ve done with the tablecloths. Never thought of that. Simply lovely. And I definitely will not look at a tablecloth in the same way ever again.

    Another Dorothy I love all the rompers you have created. All so different and so cute. The one with the romper and the skirt reminds me of when I was little. People didn’t have a lot of clothes so many items were double duty. Pinafore dresses that turned into a simple dress and a summer sundress, rompers with skirts so they served for play or dressier occasions. Who is the darling little tyke with the bear hat? Cuter than cute.

    Time for true confessions, I won the auction. I needed a Jeanne Marie original and this outfit was too cute to resist. I know Gracie will love it.

    As soon as I make a dress to go with the slip I just bought for my LD dolls, I will be sending a few pictures of things I’ve done recently. I’m terrible at getting pictures taken and time seems to pass so quickly and I’m on to other things.

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, what wonderful photos from the blog family. I loved seeing them.

    All of the children are adorable.

    Speaking of adorable children, any word from Sarah and family?

    How can we be anticipating the 4th of July when we were just talking about dancing around the Maypole? Is there some type of time warp going on (laugh)?

  8. So much to comment on today but I’ll chime in tomorrow. Thanks for the kind comments today.

  9. What a lot of interesting pictures! All the grandchildren are adorable, and I love the beautiful flowers. My Lily of the Nile plants are about bloomed out as the weather gets hotter and hotter and are shedding all their blooms. For some unknown reason, my Irises didn’t bloom at all this year.

    I have a small collection of vintage linens and really like Julia’s outfits. Oh, and the darling rompers. The one with the overskirt from the vintage pattern is just so cute. I love them all!

  10. Oh, my goodness, what a fun and varied post today. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to comment on everything, although I love it all.
    Joy, what beautiful outfits. the blue one is so pretty.
    Linda, your granddaughter, Annie, looks so sweet in those pictures. She seems to be concentrating very hard on being the perfect hostess. I had to laugh when I saw Felicity grooming Patriot in her room, but with Posie already there one more animal doesn’t matter.
    Nellie’s romper was just adorable. i hope that winner will share pictures.
    Susette, your Lily of the Nile flowers are gorgeous. I love, love , love blue flowers. I guess in Ohio I would have to have them in pots and bring them inside. My grandmother had a crepe myrtle and oleanders that she had brought from her home in Texas when she moved to Ohio and married that she dragged into the greenhouse every year.
    Another Dorothy from PA, those rompers and dress are beautiful. I love Kit’s and, like Jeanne, think that third picture is amazing.
    Susette, your grandkids are lovely and I really like you fountain. I have a fish pond in the yard, but would love to add another water feature.
    Paula, your “Swiffer girl” is adorable. I’ll bet you’re thrilled to finally find and enjoy her.
    Julia, what a talented use for vintage finds. Our one antique store has a bunch of vintage tablecloths and napkins. I love the idea of re-purposing some that might be stained into a lovely apron.

  11. I love looking at all the different dolls and outfits and tea sets. Most of all I love the adorable little grandchildren!

    The various rompers got me thinking, but I don’t have romper patterns. HA. I looked through my pattern files. I have 3! I am inspired now. Maybe a romper with a skirt over it. After I finish the next piece of my vintage tablecloth wardrobe.

  12. Love all these rompers and it brings back wonderful memories of me and my sister and my daughters.

    I love the romper with skirt on Mary Ellen, the aqua plaid. I have been searching for a year to find a copy of that pattern with no luck. If anyone on here has the pattern and would be willing to sell me a copy I would be very thankful.


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