Yellow and Red and a dog named Darby…

My day was filled with catch up things but I did leave a comment at the end of yesterday’s post. I know you all have to set a record for leaving the longest comments on any blog around! Thanks so much for carrying on even when I’m not around…

I guess you’d have to own a My Meadow Dumpling to know why they are so fun to sew for. Bailey won my heart again and I just couldn’t resist making her a second outfit.

This time I am making her a little bit shorter style top with her capris…I just have the basic part of the set done so there are no embellishments on it…except the pants were hemmed with a decorative stitch in yellow. The rest of the decorating will be done shortly.

I used that Kanawild carrot red wig wig and braided it. I think it looks pretty cute on her…

I also took pictures of Bailey holding Darby, the new dog I told you I found yesterday. They make a cute pair…

Oh dear, it must have been too dark in my sewing room when I took these pictures, because they look really dark and kind of drab…in person it’s bright yellow with that red… so don’t judge too harshly until I take the final pictures in some decent light… sorry about that…

Maybe I’ll get it finished soon…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

17 thoughts on “Yellow and Red and a dog named Darby…”

  1. Dorothy in PA

    Dear Jeanne, I am so happy that the doctors have an idea of what is going on with Alba. We will continue to pray for her.
    Bailey is adorable in the wig and outfit. I can see that she and Darby are great friends.
    World Doll Day will be celebrated on Saturday, June 8. I am trying to decide how I will commemorate the day.

  2. Oh gosh, that is adorable, Jeanne! Bailey looks so cute in that wig, and the braids are the perfect accompaniment for a cute little play outfit! The decorative stitching on the pants is just the touch, not too frilly, but something special. I just love gingham and flowered prints used together! She certainly has the “pixie look”!

    So sorry to hear about Alba, but at least we now know she is being taken care of. I will be praying for her as she goes through next week, which will be quite a challenge for her. It’s enough to have to go through a dissertation, knowing you also have a health challenge, plus the fact she isn’t even in her own country.

  3. Charlotte Trayer

    Very cute outfit on Bailey! Perfect for playing on the jungle gym! She looks quite happy with her new little pal, too.

    Thanks for the update on Alba; prayers continue. Hopefully she will be well enough to give her presentation as scheduled, then; let her know lots of people are praying for her, that she will be able to get thru the presentation with a minimum of physical discomfort, and with the confidence that she knows her subject thoroughly!!

  4. Dumplings are so adorable, it’s easy to see why you succumbed !
    Darling braids.. so real little girl.:)
    The fabric is perfect … can’t wait to see it done

  5. I just read yesterday’s post and comments and have said a prayer for Alba. I really like the Capri outfit. It’s the perfect thing for Bailey. Of course, no outfit is complete without a dog! Darby is really cute and the perfect size for Bailey.

  6. Hi everyone – been mia with family health issues – able to read posts when I can but no time to comment.
    First of all, praying for Alba and her family. I can’t imagine the pressure she must be under but know she has an amazing support group with her family and yours.
    Jeanne, I can see why you are so captivated by your Bailey! You did such an amazing job with painting her face – she is just adorable! You are talented in so many ways. I love her in this outfit with her Darby and her little bare feet. Just so sweet!
    I do not travel with my dolls or my handmade teddy bears; just me & my husband. But if I were attending a doll or teddy convention I sure would.
    Thanks to everyone who shared info on where to buy wigs & shoes, good info to store away for future use.
    Prayers for your Mom & Alba

  7. What an adorable outfit!! What type of fabric did you use? I love mixing patterns and yellow and red is a good color combination. I’ve used that myself. I love Bailey’s expression. So impish. And the braids just add to the overall picture.

    I’m so glad that Alba’s doing better. I know it was a really scary thing that happened. Sara must have been beside herself but she kept it together and called you. Amazing little person! I know Alba doesn’t need another thing to worry about with defending her thesis and preparing to return home, but if it is fibroids, she’ll have something else to deal with. I will definitely be praying for her.

  8. Bailey looks so pleased with her play outfit, and Darby is a cutie. She’ll be already to hit the sandbox or ride her pony in her fun new duds. 🙂
    I’m thinking that Alba & family may have to extend their stay a bit so that she can receive medical care/treatment before flying home. Not sure how altitude may affect her condition. She should definitely ask her doctor Tuesday. After the ultra sound, hopefully, they will know more. I’m sure we all will be holding Alba’s hand across the miles during her presentation. Wishing her the best.
    And I just tried once again to view the Maypole post and still remains the same. Only downloads gibberish. Maybe Sarah can fix. Other posts are just fine.

  9. So glad Alba’s very serious health issue has been identified and treated. My first thought was that she was both here and not on an airplane on her way home. Hope all goes well with the defense of her dissertation. Thanks for updating us as we all were worried.

    Your combination of prints always amazes me. So much fun and inspiring to see what you put together and it is sometimes totally unexpected. The doll is truly adorable and credit your face painting for much of the charm.

  10. That wig and that outfit are great together….yellow and red are so cheerful!
    Yikes, poor Alba.. she will need help and prayers for sure! That little Sarah was certainly on the ball…she must have been so scared!
    Hope all goes well for her presentation and her health.

  11. Another Dorothy in Pa

    The outfit is going to be delightful! Love the braids, the fullness around her face is so cute.
    I am so glad Sarah had you to call. It must have been quite disconcerting for her and really rocked her world. Let her know how proud we all are of her and how great she has handled going thru this. Please tell Alba that if she has to defend her thesis she’ll do great, after all she did all the work, research, conclusions, writing, she really does know it all inside and out. She may be a little weak physically from being sick but she’s a strong, smart, woman and can do it. We’re all behind her. Love to all.

  12. Well ladies… no sewing for me today…I’m back in the ER today…this time with my momma. Not sure what’s going on with her, but I do know my sewing machine won’t be seeing any action today…
    I read quickly through your comments…thanks for your sweet compliments on Baileys new set…I can’t wait for you to see it in the right lighting…
    See you,
    Blessings, Jeanne

  13. Late to comment but wanted to say I am sorry to hear about your Mom. Hoping that she is a quick recovery and back settling into her new place. Take care of yourself.

    1. HI Sandra,
      My mom is better now… she had a really horrible UTI… and it did a number on her…
      I got the crud too but I’m better today and I’m gonna make it! yesterday morning I was wondering!
      Thanks Sandra,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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