Noel is in a surprise dress…

Wow! There were actually no interruptions in my day so I was able to finish a new dress for Noel. She’s looking pretty cute in this blue and yellow set. The blue fabric is a seersucker…well, it was…but when I pressed it, it kind of flattened out…it’s still pretty, just not bumpy…

I used one of my tiny appliques and decorated it with some handwork in yellow and blue floss. It’s just a simple little girls dress, but definitely on the sweet side.

The back of Noel’s dress has 3 tiny flower buttons covering the hidden snaps… It opens all the way to the hem for easy dressing.

Underneath Noel’s dress is a pair of yellow and white pantalettes. I added some dainty lace around the legs and they have an elastic waist for easy on and off. They peek out from under her dress just a little bit.

I thought a little muffin hat would look cute with this start-of-the-Summer dress. Noel liked how she looked in the mirror.

A little blue bear was found in the Dolly Toy Box so Noel snatched him up and asked me to add a yellow bow to her neck…

I’ll do my best to get this listed on Ebay Thursday evening…

Anyone have a name that jumps out at you on this one?

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “Noel is in a surprise dress…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Congrats on getting to spend some quality time in your sewing room, Jeanne! Doesn’t that feel good???

    Noel looks positively darling in her lovely outfit. I have always been fond of a blue/yellow/white color scheme–it looks so fresh and summery! The yellow checked pantalettes are a perfect addition, too.

    Name……….nothing catchy really springs to mind at the moment. Maybe someone else will have an idea!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      My goodness, yes, it felt good to be back to sewing! It always does!
      Thanks for your compliments on Noel’s dress. It is VERY summery… she loves it!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Well Noel is looking lovely this morning. Much more spring like than the weather we’ve been having here. Poured yesterday all day. Love the demure dress which brings out the beautiful blue in Noel’s eyes. So cute.
    I had a package which was expected to arrive today. Informed Delivery said yesterday that it had arrived in San Francisco, so I figured it was on schedule. I just happened to check in again later, and found that it had made it all the way north and was out for delivery. Wednesday is our mail carrier’s day off and unfortunately, by noon, there was no mail truck in sight. I didn’t want to miss the special delivery as I had to sign for it. I sent other person out in the rain to scout and check the mail at the other house from the day before. Delivery there is always after 5:00 or much later so often has to be picked up the next day. He came back with mail but no truck sighting. Then it was noon and time to do errands. Reluctantly, I left thinking I would have to pick it up at the post office, a dreaded time consuming activity. Upon our return, still no mail. Around 4:15, I heard a thud and ran to the door. The mailman was already half way back across the lawn heading to his truck. No package on the doorstep. Half crazy by then, I sprinted across the brick patio and out onto the very saturated lawn hoping to catch up with the mail truck. I yelled, I waved, all to no avail. The truck started up and was about to head down the street, when he turned and saw a very drenched old person waving frantically! As I approached, I chanted, I had a package today! I had a package today! He looked around the cab and said, Oh, yes you do, and handed me a not usual doll box shaped box. I was dripping by then as I stood under the sycamore tree. I couldn’t read the return address as I didn’t have my glasses on. Just took the box and ran back through the rain to the safety of the front porch. I didn’t even have to sign for it. It was the right box and for me. A handsome new boy doll was inside and very happy to crawl out and meet the family. I’ll send Jeanne a photo of him whenever it stops raining. So much for sunny California.

    1. I forgot, today starts the Summer Sew Along with free patterns on Wren Feathers. It is a Shirley Temple theme. Cute.

      1. HI Joy,
        Thanks for the compliments on Noel’s dress. But I bet you had “other” things on your mind… and I LOVED your “postal” story… what we do for our dolls… Is it okay if I share a picture of your “newest” tomorrow? Sorry, but I’m rushing around here getting ready for Sara’s graduation tonight…
        Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Jeanne,
    Your attention to detail is simply breathtaking and so finely crafted that it’s an absolute confection.

    1. HI Ellen,
      What nice things to say about my work. I appreciate your comments very much!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Blue Skies for Boneka…
    Spring into Summer…
    Summer’s on the way…
    What a nice surprise for us today. After several tiny outfits, an AG one is going to feel like you are making a dress for a human sized person. Maybe you should move to an LD dress first.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I picked one of your titles for Noel’s new dress. It’s going on Ebay this evening, but you’ll have to guess what the title is… :o)
      When I do get back to the AG’s, it truly is going to feel like I’m sewing for myself… Good idea on the LD dress… kind of break me back into the bigger sizes… slowly… :o)
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Noel’s outfit is really adoptable. She looks ready for a picnic party! I would like to see a yellow hair ribbon for when she might not have her hat on. Either matching her bear’s ribbon or her pantalettes. So sweet.
    And Joy, at least after being soaking wet your expected package had arrived, just think if it had been something for other person. LOL

    1. HI Dorothy,
      I might have to see if I can’t find a yellow ribbon for her hair after you mentioned it… :o)
      Wasn’t Joy’s story a hoot? Loved it!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. What an adorable outfit and you completed it so quickly. It’s amazing what we can do when there are no interruptions. Really sweet fabric and I love the colors. Those tiny appliques are wonderful. I’ve done searches to see if I can find them and can’t anywhere. You were so fortunate to find those.

    Loved Joy’s hilarious attempt to receive her elusive package. She’s a great storyteller. I just hope she does not have any ill effects from running around in the rain. Maybe it’s only sunny in southern California. Can’t wait to see a picture of Joy’s new family member.

    Right now I’m trying to decide my next project. I’m having to leave the dolly clothes realm for a short while. I need to start using my Accuquilt Go Big or my hubby will think I don’t appreciate my gift. I have a lovely piece of butterfly fabric so I’m thinking of making a pair of little girl shorts with a t-shirt with butterfly appliques of the butterfly fabric. I have the butterfly die. Like anything else, using a new piece of equipment for the first time can be a bit intimidating. I remember when I first got my embroidery machine. I’d read so much on machine embroidery and everything seemed so complicated. Things I now do without thinking. I’m sure it will be the same with my Go Big, once I’ve used it some. I hope to do some quilting in the future, but mostly I wanted it for doing applique work. I love to do appliques on children’s clothes.

    Offhand I can’t really think of a name for Noel’s outfit but it reminds of a mountain meadow in springtime. Lovely and refreshing.

    1. HI Barbara,
      It does sometimes go quickly when I don’t have an interruptions… as I’m sure you know! :o)
      I think I found those tiny little appliques at Hobby Lobby or Joann’s… can’t remember…

      I DID love Joy’s story… can’t we all just see her chasing after the mail truck? I would love to have seen a video of that… success though… that’s what really counts.. when it comes to getting a new doll!

      I picked one of the names Marilyn mentioned… you can see which ones she mentioned and imagine which one I picked.. The listing is going on Ebay this evening, so give them a try and see which one comes up… :o)
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Joy you write such interesting and visual posts. I could picture all of what you went through in my head! So funny but I’m sure heart wrenching to you that your package might not have come as they said!
    Believe me I’ve been in similar situations- waiting, waiting for that special package- either a new doll or an outfit from our own Ms. Jeanne!!
    Thoroughly enjoyed reading your story.
    Jeanne, this little Noel looks adorable in her new outfit. I like how you’ve used yellow this year. My favorite color. Light yellow, not bus yellow!

    1. Thanks Paula,
      Maybe we ALL can relate to Joy’s story… again,, what we do for those dolls and dresses! When we know they are coming, time stands still till we get it in our hands…
      I remember you liked Blue and Yellow… glad you liked it.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. What a sweet little dress set Noel is modeling. The name that came to me first was “Under Blue Skies”, very close to Marilyn’s blue skies. I love the blue, yellow and white combination. I also love how you cut the pantalettes on the diagonal so that the checks are slightly different.

    1. HI Laura,
      I already picked one of Marilyn’s names but I wrote yours down and will use it sometime. That’s very pretty!
      I like checks on the bias too! Thanks for noticing!
      Blessings, Jeanne

      I’m off to Sara’s graduation and then out to eat somewhere… I’ll be home late..

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