Eggs and Pickles and Coffee Cake…

Hi everyone,
Linda sent me a recipe for a breakfast casserole and I thought I’d pass it along today. I know tomorrow is Mother’s Day and maybe you already have your day planned with going out for lunch or you’ve got a lovely brunch prepared, or MAYBE you are hoping for breakfast in bed. Well, whatever is happening at your house, you can’t go wrong with an easy casserole and who says it HAS to only be eaten at breakfast. My hubby loves breakfast foods at dinner.

Here is Linda’s Country Egg Breakfast Casserole… followed by a few more… that just might come in handy for Mother’s Day! :o)

Spray bottom of a 9 x 13″ dish with Pam or similar spray
Line casserole dish with slices of sandwich bread
Top bread completely with diced ham (you can buy it already diced) or sausage, well cooked and drained
Beat together 8 eggs and 3 cups milk, and pour on top of ham or sausage
Top with 1 and half cups of shredded cheese (Country Cheese or 4 Cheese by Kraft

Cover with foil and refrigerate overnight
Set your oven to 400 degrees and bake 30 minutes with the foil on, then about 20 minutes without foil
It will look fluffy!

Next up is Linda’s Amish Refrigerator Pickles… They can be found on Pinterest but it’s easy to just use the recipe here instead of searching for it. I’ve shared these before and made them many times and they are EASY and only take a few ingredients that you can easily find in your grocery store… basically cucumbers, onions and green peppers and 2 quart jars. The recipe says to wait 24 hours to eat them, but I can’t usually wait that long, so I’ve made them in the morning and had them with dinner that night! :o)

Amish Refrigerator Pickles

6 cups of cucumbers, sliced


1 cup green peppers, sliced
1 cup of onions, sliced


Mix them all together…


Use two quart sized jars, put cucumbers, peppers and onions in each jar


Mix the liquid ingredients in a large measuring cup, stirring well–(sugar does not dissolve)

1 cup cider vinegar
2 cups of white sugar (actually, I think you don’t need all that, maybe 1 3/4 cup)
1 teaspoon celery seed
2 tablespoons salt


Pour the same amount in each jar over cucumbers, peppers and onions


Then finish with water to top of jar– shake the jars and put them in the refrigerator for 24 hours before serving


I wish I had a beautiful picture of this delicious Jewish Coffee Cake that I love to make… I’ve made it several times but keep forgetting to take a nice picture of it when it’s whole and not devoured!. But I think the picture of it almost gone gives you some idea of how delicious it is…

It came from a friend of mine at Christmas and it is hands down the best coffee cake I have ever eaten… This is Carla’s recipe card… lovingly used, as you can see…

It’s very simple to make… make the cake batter…it’s pretty thick when you are mixing it up… then you make the filling and add it in between the layers and on top… then swirl it with a knife. (I DID USE LESS CINNAMON… maybe 1/2 tsp) When I did mine, I used a bundt pan so when I took it out and flipped it over, there was kind of a crust on the actual top part of the cake. The bottom looked better with the sugar, cinnamon and nuts, so I left mine upside down. If you need a special yummy cake… this is it! I baked mine 50 minutes and probably could have taken it out at 45.

Oh YAY… I did find a picture of the cake before we cut into it…

Well, I hope if you need a new recipe for tomorrow, these might help!

Happy Early Mother’s Day!
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “Eggs and Pickles and Coffee Cake…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Well, now I’m hungry! Everything sounds wonderful–thanks to all who shared their recipes!

    I do have a question or two for Linda, regarding the breakfast casserole. Is that a 3-quart casserole you use, or a 9×12″ cake pan-type dish, or ??? And in lining it with bread, do you just like the bottom, or do you bring the bread up the sides, too?

    Also, how much ham or sausage?

    Sorry for all the questions, but I’m one of those who usually has to have a precise recipe, and I’d like to try your casserole out for our next year’s Easter breakfast at church! Thanks in advance!

    I hope everyone has a lovely Mother’s Day. I’ll be taking flowers to the cemetery tomorrow (to me, it’s still Friday night), and then will go up to church to work in my classroom and also practice the piano. We don’t have any special plans for Sunday other than our usual SS and church; our son has been very busy at work, and no days off for about 2 weeks, so I’m not sure if we’ll see him or not. Hopefully some of the grands will call! They all live at least Some distance away, and two are 2000 miles away, so I doubt we’ll see them. I sent cards to their moms, though.

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I revised the post to show it was a 9 x 13 pan and also the meat was supposed to cover the bred completely…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Jeanne, I thought I mentioned the dish was a 9×12 or 13 inch regular cake pan, but maybe you forgot, or maybe I did!! I not see that mentioned so thought I had better add that to my comment. And, Charlotte, I buy those already cut up ,diced packages of ham, and I can’t quite remember if I used just one, or one and half package, but you COMPLETELY cover the bread, which is only on the bottom. It is so that you don’t even see the bread underneath, not just a piece of ham here and there. You can always use the extra ham you might have leftover on something else if two packages is too much. I have never made the casserole with sausage, that’ s the way the recipe read, so I guess you have to eyeball it and make enough to cover the bread. I much prefer the ham, since it is so much easier to do. I’m not the kind that likes to spend hours in the kitchen, although it seems like I do!! Next time I go to the grocery store, I will check on the size of the package of ham for you Charlotte, since you aren’t in a big rush, and let you know. I’ll probably make it myself before next year.

    The Jewish Coffee Cake looks wonderful, and sounds like a new one for me to try! Thank you for that recipe, Jeanne!

    I’m wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day Jeanne, and to all my friends here on the blog, mother’s or not!

  3. Good morning Jeanne,
    Thanks to Linda and to you Jeanne for sharing your recipes. They all sounds so tasty.
    Happy Mothers Day Jeanne and to all the Mom’s reading your blog. I hope you all enjoy the day!

  4. Thanks for sharing those wonderful recipes. Like Linda D. I don’t like spending much time in the kitchen so these recipes are perfect for me. Can’t wait to try them all.

    Our annual tradition around here for Mother’s Day is first church. My son and his family go to the same church so this part is routine for us, but my stepson will join us tomorrow. Then afterward we go to Benihana’s for lunch. It’s one of my favorite places and the grandkids love it. We have been doing this for years with only one missed year when no one was available. My daughter lives in Loveland, CO, and I will be anxiously awaiting her call later that day. The rest of the family will share Mother’s Day wishes on Facebook. So many people in so many places.

    Happy Mother’s Day to everyone on the blog. Hoping you have a lovely day with great weather. Tomorrow will be our only day of sunny weather in days with more rain expected next week. But the wind is from the north and that’s a real blessing for us. Low humidity.

  5. Hope someone snaps a picture of that great sounding breakfast casserole. Sounds wonderful.
    Jeanne, have you made a dolly raincoat? I saw one from a LD on a Dumpling that was a pretty good fit. I need to find a pattern as I have cute fabric from last year. Always behind around here. 🙂
    We’ll be visiting the grands and family tomorrow. Taking everyone out for lunch as their house is still in remodel mode. Can’t wait to see the master bath progress since last visit.
    We finally had some sun yesterday, but today is back to being overcast and gloomy. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

  6. Dorothy in PA

    Dear Jeanne and family and blog family,
    I wish you all a wonderful Mothers Day in honor or you and your Mother.
    I will be going to my favorite tearoom for a Mothers Day celebration of Afternoon Tea. I am planning to take along one of my Gotz girls. Tea and dolls, pure bliss!

    1. Hi Dorothy – Your Mother’s Day plans sound delightful – how about sharing some pictures? Have fun.

  7. Thanks for the recipes, can’t wait to try them. Spending Mother’s Day with my 90-year-old Mom, Daughter, Granddaughter, Sister, Neice, and my super Hubby! Wishing you and your family and wonderful Blog friends a great Mothers Day.

  8. Happy Moms Day to all! We are going on an adventure tomorrow with our adult son. A nearby state park has a bison herd and I hope to see calves! Son refers to them as furry boulders with little fuzzy boulders. They are massive! Then we will go on to a city park that has a farm animal petting zoo. Alpacas, dairy calves, goats, chickens, maybe other animals. Last year we went hiking. In years past we’ve gone on bike rides. Always fun and we have ice cream or frozen yogurt later. I hope tomorrow is a bit nicer. Today is gray and chilly with rain possible. Even if that’s what tomorrow is like it won’t stop us. We bundle up under our rain gear. We’ve been rained on before. No one has melted yet! 😆

    1. HI Joy,
      I’m not sure how the coffee cake got its name, but I got the recipe from Carla at church, who got it from her mom, Barb… Maybe they know…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Yes, happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers and people who take care of other people,, which is pretty much all of us. The recipes look wonderful and I know Linda’s pickles are, since I’ve made them several times. The lilacs are coming out here, so I know it’s Mother’s Day.

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