Hmmm… do I really need more fabric?????

Just so it’s clear… my hubby gave me permission to buy some fabric! I may have looked at him with fluttering eyelashes for just a minute or two, but that was all I did! Rebecca and her dad dropped me off at The Golden Needle in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, a really nice quilting store that’s always a treat for me to get to visit. Every once in a while I stop in there and they have fabrics 50% off that have been discontinued or they were used in a quilting class and they have decided not to order any more of some of the fabrics.

I walked in the door, and a sign hit me first thing… All fabrics in classroom are 50% OFF! Bingo! Jackpot! Score! Wheel of Fortune!
Victory! One time they had the same sign but they only had about 8 bolts of fabric. This time look what I saw…

If you like fabric like I like fabric, your heart probably races like mine does when you see bolts laid out like this…AND 50% off! I tried to stay calm though.. I probably walked around the tables 3 times before I picked out a single bolt… just looking and thinking and dreaming… THEN… another lady came in the room… YIKES…what if she gets a bolt I want. So I started looking more seriously at them, trying to narrow it down to just a few… I picked out 4 bolts and decided to get a yard of each… These were my choices…

I put a quarter in the center so you can see the size of the print…

Here is the selvage information…

I love this name… “Pink Chocolate!” Doesn’t it look delicious?

So I hadn’t even made it into the actual part of the store yet… just the classroom, but I knew they always have a table with “orphan” fat quarters…so I went there next… and found 5 that I liked. (2 are the same)

Here is a quarter on them so you can see their size…

I love this fabric’s name… Graceful Moments… doesn’t that sound like a pretty dress?

Here’s one for Downton Abbey….

…and you know what? That piece I picked out called Pink Chocolate… well, lookie here.. a match…and I didn’t even know it till I took pictures of them tonight.

The white with colored dots print and the yellow and red didn’t have any info along the selvage…

Oh, and I can’t forget my blue piece from the antique shop… it’s kind of strange…why would it be 88″ wide? It must be some kind of specialty fabric… hmmm…

Well, that’s my new fabrics that were added to my stash… SOMEONE clearly needs to sew faster! :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “Hmmm… do I really need more fabric?????”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Wowsie! You hit the jackpot, Jeanne!!! I saw lots of fabrics on that table that *I* would have liked to have gotten!!

    Of the four that you chose, that one at upper left (green/red on cream) looks like Christmas to me!! I loved reading the names of the fabric lines, too–especially “Dowager Countess”!! I would probably make a cloth doll (“old lady” type) and use that fabric for her dress!

    Of the fat quarters, my favorites are the two on the left–the yellow with pink flowers and the multi-dot.

    How great is that, to end up with two from the same fabric group?! Pink Chocolate, I mean. I’m pretty sure those will be included in the same dress! (right?!)

    That 88″ wide blue print was probably intended to be a quilt backing fabric–although these days quilt backings are usually 108″–or maybe for a tablecloth or upholstery or something???

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      It’s always fun to see what you can find in a fabric sale…I tried to be good and did okay, I guess. There were “plenty” to choose from this time…usually they have SO many pretty Civil War fabrics it’s mind boggling. I like what I picked out!
      I like that yellow print with the tiny red flowers too…it’s very dainty looking…and I might use it next.
      Whatever the blue fabric is, it will make a nice summery dress or wonderful bodice linings!
      Thanks Charlotte
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. A fabric hunters dream!! George really loves you!❤️
    I see LOTS of Civil War dresses in your very new future! “Gentle Moments “.. sounds dreamy:)
    That blue piece must be for quilt backing since it’s so wide. I bought a gorgeous floral piece at , of all places, JoAnns , and it’s 108”.. sheet width.
    Can’t wait to see all your new pretties?

    1. Hi Shara,
      We have a great marriage…he likes tools and sometimes finds them and I like fabrics and sometimes find them…what a great set up!!

      That Gentle Moments piece will have to be for a smaller doll as there was only one fat quarter of it. :o(
      It is so pretty and I really like the colors in it

      Thanks Shara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Ah, fabric envy!! Good thing I went to Joann’s a couple of days ago or it may have been a worse case. My favorite is in the first group, the cream with green leaves and red berries. I think that one would be lovely for a sweet summer dress as well as something for the winter holidays.
    All I can look for right now are baby doll patterns. Who would have thought.
    We’re playing the waiting game with the other house. Hoping to hear something positive today.
    So, what will you sew next?? 🙂

  4. Hi Joy,
    I’ll have to see which fabric grabs me first for making the next doll dress.
    Baby doll patterns…for Stella May, I presume?
    Boy, they sure are cute little dolls. I love their fair skin with the dark eyes and hair…

    I checked my Informed Delivery this morning and maybe, just maybe she might come
    It shows 4 pieces of mail coming AND one piece that did not have an image! Maybe it’s because it’s a box!! I can only hope…

    As far as who’s next…I think Noel is up next on the list…

    Thanks Joy,
    Blessings, Jeanne

  5. The various designs of material are sensational. I love them all. Most of them look like they’d be perfect for Civil War dresses. Of course that is my favorite era in clothes. Or Felicity’s eta. Good choices Jeanne.
    And I know you had fun looking at all of the material ! What a fun day!

    1. Thanks Paula,
      There was a lot of pretty fabrics to look at…the Civil War fabrics are my favorites too!
      I really did enjoy looking at them all…
      Now to get cooking on something…
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. That certainly was a fun day for the two of you, or maybe three! It is so refreshing to see how some families can have their fun together and share quality time. Not like having one play golf all day and the other going out to lunch with friends all the time. Oh, that is fine to do that, but you and George have something pretty special!

    I don’t sew much anymore, so don’t really shop for fabrics just to have more fabric. Only when I need something, do I ever look for fabric, but you certainly did do a great job of buying what you loved and can use. I already see a lot of possibilities in what you picked out. I love the Downton Abbey, Women of Courage, and the red/green berry print. I can’t wait it to see what you come up with for these pretty fabrics, and I’m sure you won’t disappoint us!

    While it’s pretty warm today, you just can’t tell what the sun wants to do! It has been hiding, then popping out every once in awhile. I think I will try to do a few things outside anyway.

  7. I disappeared for a couple days, but I have been keeping up with the blog late in the day. My son, Sean, has been here doing the painting of the wall and molding in my dining area and is now working on the adjoining breezeway. He is doing a beautiful job. Got the ability from his dad who used to paint interiors for a living but has trouble with his neck now and can’t do it for long. The main part of the kitchen remodel was completed in 2015, so I’ve been more than anxious to get the rest finished. I am called upon from time to time to help move things around and in and out. Knowing I might get interrupted a lot, I have hesitated starting the look-a-like dresses for my 18″ and WW. I’ve already made enough mistakes just cutting them out. In addition to that I’ve been gathering things to work on my taxes which I do myself, so I haven’t commented the last two days. I just couldn’t miss three days in a row, especially when you started talking about fabric.

    I felt my fingers tingle just looking at all those bolts of fabric. I love your choices, and how great that two of them compliment each other. I can’t wait to see what you do with those. Your mentioning George’s love of tools reminded me of a couple years ago when on our way to Colorado we had to make a side trip to Kansas because the father of a friend of David’s had passed away and she was auctioning off his things, including some very old tools. David came home with quite a few. I think he should start a museum with all the old tools, etc., that he collects. But I guess it’s the lesser of two evils. He really would like to collect old tractors.

    I too thought the “beautiful” doll for $25 was a bit amusing. The lady I bought my Jane Tonner from loves to take in old dolls and recondition them, but I think this one would be beyond even her ability at reclamation.

    I haven’t been to a fabric sale in awhile. My favorite shop in Houston does end-of-bolt sales every now and then. She used to be on my way to my music lesson. Now it would be a special trip and I have avoided the past two, but I’m feeling the need to make the next one, especially after reading about your fabric adventures.

  8. That is like dying and going to heaven. Look at all those gorgeous prints and you managed so much self control. I would have left with a yard of each and dozens of fat quarters. Fat quarters and scraps of fabrics are perfect for sewing for Blythe dolls.

    I love the red and green in the first picture and the Downtown Abbey ones. You are going to have so much fun drafting, dreaming and sewing. I can’t wait to see what you have in mind.

    I have been reading but not commenting as I was back in the hospital for the second time since Xmas. I think I have spent more time there than home and proof is I found two xmas decorations still up. lol. So needless to say no sewing for me for months now. Gotta change that.

  9. Oh my, what nice fabrics. You were lucky to find so many small prints; sometimes the sales are for larger prints or just plain weird stuff, but you hit the “doll maker’s” jackpot! I have been MIA for a little while due to a busy work schedule, but I am trying to catch up on all the things I missed. I like yesterday’s post with all the interesting antiques. I would have bought that spool cabinet ina quick minute, assuming I could think of some place to put it.

  10. If you go to the top on Informed Delivery and hit packages, it will take you to a sign in and then click packages and you can see all incoming packages. Those that have been sent and are in transit as well as those out for delivery. Anything in the system for you is there. Then on each is the expected delivery date and you can check where they have been and how far away they may be. 🙂 The regular page doesn’t show incoming/those you’re waiting for packages, only what is coming the current day.

  11. How lucky you were to find that sale, especially the two pink chocolate patterns. I can hardly imagine leaving with so few fabrics, but you do have some at home

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