Antique shopping in search of bedroom furniture…

I managed to get Kirsten’s dress set listed on Ebay Tuesday evening. If you want to check it out, you can click on the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

Rebecca didn’t have to work Saturday, so my hubby suggested we head a little bit southwest about 50 minutes from here and go to Cape Girardeau, Missouri. (Just for your information… we took the car and were just “scouting” out things, so there was no pushing and shoving me into the backseat this trip!) Thank the Lord! There are quite a few shops there and we thought “just maybe” Rebecca might find something for her bedroom. She’s still looking for a queen bed and a night stand and possibly a smaller armoire than the one we picked up from Gloria.

Oh, by the way, Rebecca and her dad set up the Eastlake Wardrobe in the sitting room because he’s going to add some shelving to it and doesn’t want to do it in her room.

If you click on the pictures I think they will all enlarge.

No… we don’t have pretty flooring down in the sitting room, but we DO have 2 different kinds of tile and plywood! :o) One of these days we will!

I finally got those pictures to download that showed how the piece came apart and how it was put together. It has little 1″ dowel like rods that snap into place and the whole thing can be taken apart or put together without even a screwdriver!

Okay…now to our antique shopping… The first place we went to had TOOLS… you know what that means? It means my hubby was “arrested” by the smell of them… he loves tools in case you didn’t know it! This was HIS area…

Rebecca and I wandered around the store and when we came back to where he was… Rebecca said, “Come on mom, I saw enough stuff, you can probably get a blog post out of this store alone!” She was right! Here are some of the things we found…

Then she got pretty good at not only spotting the dolls but also furniture for them… she found the Wolverine stuff… :o)

…”Hey mom, here are a few more…”

There were other things in the store… anyone need an antique car? (Actually I don’t think it was for sale.)

Do you see her? There she is again… looking through the fabrics for me… :o)

I spotted an old Salesman Sample book with fabric swatches in it…

…and I would love to have this cabinet to put my dolls in…

…um…yes, please!!!

I spotted this booth… and found one piece of blue fabric for $1.60 before the 10% was taken off!

We stopped at a fabric store on the way home and I found a few treasures for 50% off… gotta love those bargains. I’ll wait and show you those tomorrow.

See you then…

Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “Antique shopping in search of bedroom furniture…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, what fun you all had! Love all that doll furniture (and the dolls….). Did you notice, it’s a KENMORE range, so I suppose those were sold in the Sears Wish Book that came out every fall!

    The fabric and notions were intriguing, too–such fun! And I’m glad that George found some fun stuff to look at, too!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I DID notice it was a Kenmore… but it’s very similar to the Wolverine ones…
      I got the one piece of fabric and he got a few things for less than $5.00. He was thrilled with his treasures! Rebecca found nothing here…
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Forgot to mention, how nice that wardrobe looks in your sitting room. It’s just fascinating, how it can all come apart and pack into a relatively small space for moving!

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      I like having the wardrobe in the sitting room too… It’s like it’s always been there. It is great the way it comes apart and can be put back together in about 10 minutes…
      Thanks again, Jeanne

  3. Oh my goodness, what a treasure trove of pictures to look through, Jeanne! I just love looking through antique stores, just not loving them in my home, but oh, the memories you get when waking through them!

    First, the beautiful wardrobe looks brand new to me! It makes a lovely addition to your home. Are you putting the top decorative piece on it?

    Oh, the antique stores and all the pictures from them! I loved looking through the old dolls! The first one with the short rooted hair looks something like one that I had, although mine was a boy doll and dressed in a little pants and shirt outfit. That beautiful 1975 Effanbee doll for only $9.00 looks brand new, except she has no shoes. I certainly don’t think of 1975 as antique anything!!! I had to laugh at the doll that was practically falling apart, and listed as “Beautiful Doll”!

    Oh, the Wolverine kitchens are so neat! I had some as a little girl, and now have some for Molly’s kitchen! I too, noticed the Kenmore name on the stove!

    Love that white cabinet too, but where to put it? Yes, I spy Rebecca, right by those green metal outdoor chairs my parents used to have! And the coat sample book, that’s what coats looked like when I was a girl! And you always got a winter coat, matching hat and leggins!
    I could go on and on, and I need to get going, but thank you for showing us everything.. Such a nice day ahead, so more outdoor things to do! Might as well get to them when you can!

    1. HI Linda,
      I’m glad you enjoyed tagging along with me in Cape… Do you ever go to those stores when you visit Cape or do you just go to the eating places… We visited a few of those too! :o)
      Rebecca got a kick out of that “beautiful doll” tag too! Hence the picture!

      We didn’t put the top decorative piece on the top because George knew he’d be messing with the cabinet, opening and closing the doors when he figures out the shelving unit for inside, so he left it off for now.

      It looks like it’s going to be wonderful outside today…. George is helping tear down a porch on one of the buildings on the church property. He’ll be gone, Rebecca is getting ready to leave for me, so it will just be me and Reuben… wonder what I can find to do? :o)
      Thanks Linda, Have a good day,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. What do we do when we visit Cape? Mostly college related things! Since Michal and I met there, we like to go back for Homecoming and just walk around the campus, revisiting our old haunts, and feeling pretty old, after trying to walk all over the campus like we used to, and getting pretty winded!
        We also have relatives there, so visit with them too. We haven’t really gone to antique shopping, mostly because of no time!

  4. The Eastlake armoire does look lovely in your sitting room. I had to look twice because I thought that you had removed your new flooring. When you add shelves, it will look almost like our house. It really is great storage space.
    I’ll be looking back later to catch all of the details at the antique/thrift place, but was curious about the piece on the floor in the tool area. It kind of looks like it was used in shoe making, but it has a name plate which I couldn’t read. It is a what’s it? Love trying to figure out things like that. And that poor cracked doll has definitely suffered from a dampness issue. We have a similar one that belonged to other persons mother in the same condition. Stored for many years. Sad. The Kenmore pieces are sweet. I would love to have all of the pieces like Linda’s. All we have here is a stove. But looking. 🙂 And that spool cabinet is adorable, but the price out of my league.
    Looking forward to seeing fabrics tomorrow.
    Have to check my incoming mail today in case something might be arriving early.

    1. Hi Joy,
      First thing I did this morning was check my mail…waaa… still no Bailey…I guess I’m too anxious..
      I have no idea what that thing in the tool section is either…im sure my hubby might know but he’s gone right now..
      Oh. I hope Mae arrived today!!! She is a little sweetheart!!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. That looks like an interesting display of glass behind the pretty doll under the ladder. It’s always fun to imagine the spirits of so many of us following you into the store. If Rebecca finds a smaller armoire, will the sitting room remain the home of the Eastlake armoire? It looks completely at home there and would hold extra sets of dishes beautifully. What a nice trip. I hope you also had a good lunch.

  6. Hi Marilyn,
    Yes, the armoire would stay in the sitting room if Rebecca found something else. It really could hold a ton of stuff with shelves from tol to bottom. I could do away with a lot of little pieces and just have one massive storage piece. I kind of like that idea.
    We did have a nice lunch and 4 hours later w had dinner. Eep!! I think we worked up an appetite with all that looking!!!
    Thanks for letting me drag you through another day of antique shopping!!
    Blessings, Jeanne

  7. I actually like looking at old tools., I guess it’s because I remember working with my grandfather is the basement workshop. He could build or repair almost anything. He also had a wonderful assortment of old tools, some of which I’m lucky to have. George would LOVE our one antique store. The guy has an entire booth filled with wonderful old tools- saws, planes and levels all of wood and the levels have copper where the glass tubes are fitted in.
    What a fun assortment of antique dolls. Those are always enjoyable to browse through.
    I really like the spool cabinet as well. Glad you had such a nice time.

  8. Hi Laura,
    My hubby LOVES looking at tools, new, used, antique, it doesn’t matter…he just loves them..and has more than his fair share of them!
    Some of the dolls were sweet and some not so much… Rebecca thought the Penny Bright doll was the creepiest!
    I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures.
    Blessings, Jeanne

  9. What an amazing cabinet you have in your sitting room. It is in beautiful condition
    Your shopping trip looked fun. Everyone has interesting treasures. It is enjoyable to sift through all of it and find some gems,
    I do love cabinets as well. You are right, the white one and the spool cabinet are beautiesr

  10. You saved me a whole day of antique shopping! Vicarious shopping was almost as fun. Those dolls were such a sad lot…except that wax over compo..have never seen that. Nothing that made me want to ask for the name of the shops and call them. :0)
    You will find something I’m sure.
    When we were looking at the farm house we bought years ago the lady who lived there let me measure the windows so I could get started making curtains..(it was a 2 month wait)
    Surprise, surprise…when we moved in the one bedroom had 3 windows, not 2, because the big armoire had been in front of the third window. Luckily I had enough fabric to make another pair! I wondered how that huge armoire fit in that doorway…I’ll bet it came apart like the one you have. Did you treat it or wax it or Scratch cover it? The finish is so rich and perfect.
    Kirsten’s dress is lovely..I missed a day. She looks so sweet in it!
    What blue fabric did you buy?

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