There’s a new doll in the house!!!

I was going to wait until next week to share my new doll, but decided I just couldn’t wait. I’ve been looking at Caroline’s for quite a while and toyed with the idea of getting her… sometimes seriously…sometimes not. I’ve seen a few that I was interested in but they went too high, or they ended at a time when I wasn’t home and couldn’t bid. So, I just continued to watch and look and dream. Laura gave me some pointers on what to look for…the earlier editions had lighter colored eyebrows which were slightly lower than the BeForever dolls and more color in their eyes. They generally had thicker hair too. I can’t tell you how many I’ve looked at but I’ve been looking off and on for about 8 months.

The other night I saw one, but she wasn’t listed under her name, Caroline… just under American Girl doll with blonde hair and blue eyes. She had on Rebecca’s Movie dress and shoes and had a very pretty face. She intrigued me and so I asked the seller a few questions… but she was a newbie to Ebay and only had 10 transactions under her belt. I guess she was afraid I was a trouble maker, when I was only trying to find out more about her. She seemed to reluctantly answer my questions so after a few days of thinking about her, I decided to go for it! When I tried to buy her, the seller had blocked me from buying her. I tried to get in touch with her saying I didn’t mean to offend her with my questions, but I really would like to buy her. I tried 3 times and no answer… so I thought, well, that’s that! Then one night, I got an email from her and she said, “It looks like you really want her, so I will unblock you. I hope we don’t have any trouble. I was afraid you’d buy her and want to return her if you didn’t like her.”

I assured her I wouldn’t return her and I guess that appeased her, so she unblocked me and I was able to buy her. She arrived today. I got the notice that she was “Out for Delivery” today and when I saw the mailman at my box, I hurriedly put on my coat and went out there… What? Only 2 pieces of junk mail in the box? I thought, maybe he’s going to drop off the box on his way back… but I watched and he zoomed by… I was so disappointed. I was standing there “arguing” with Reuben… Why didn’t he drop her off? what’s going on? Now I have to wait till Monday?” Then all of a sudden I saw the mail truck back at my box… I hurriedly grabbed my coat again and went around the back of his truck. It was a different guy than our regular mailman. I didn’t want to scare him so I started talking as I got closer to the box. I opened it up and there was one of those slips of paper in it saying he had “missed” me! NOT TODAY BUDDY! I gave him the slip and he gave me the box. I WAS HAPPY NOW!

I walked fast to the front door and as I walked in… guess who was standing right there by the table? My hubby! He had been outside doing something but had finished and was standing right there. The first thing he said was, in kind of kiddy voice, “Did you get a new doll?” It was obvious by the long length of the box. “Yes, I did…” I said sheepishly. I put her in my sewing room and came back out like it wasn’t anything that exciting, all the while I could hardly wait to open her box and see what she looked like. He finally did something else and I raced into my room and opened up her box… so now I’ll share that part…

You know how nerve wracking it is to open a doll box. You either bond instantly with the doll OR YOU DON’T! There’s usually no medium ground…at least for me, there isn’t!

Well, I started at the bottom of the her feet and unwrapped her…

…cute shoes…

Then I saw her face, but it was covered with loose hairs. I guess in the travel to my house, she slid around in the bag the seller placed her in and she had quite a bad case of “bed hair” if you know what that is. It was all gnarly and flyaway and for just a second, my heart dropped.

Was she as pretty as she was in the pictures on Ebay?

I had to move her to a different spot in my sewing room to tell. As I carried her over to my sewing machine, I could feel her legs swinging… oops… that might have to be fixed sometime…

Yes, she was pretty, but she sure needed some help with her hair. It was more tangled than any doll I think I’ve ever bought. Kirsten’s hair was kind of a mess, but the texture of Caroline’s was quite different… more delicate like and easily frizzed it looked like.

But, I’m not a quitter and I was ready to get started. Here are some pictures I took of her before I did anything…

There were parts of her curls that seemed shiny and still together in ringlets, but in other spots it was like a cobweb…

I started about 8:00 this evening carefully and gently using just a wide tooth comb with no water to separate the curls on the underside first. It was like trying to untangle a jewelry box full of fine chains. One slip of the comb and I’d find myself catching it on another curl which pulled in a whole new mess of tangles.

I wondered if she’d ever have pretty shiny curls. It was very slow going but about 2 hours later and a lot of perseverance it paid off and she looks beautiful now… Want to see?

The curls are soft and shiny and she looks totally different now.

I couldn’t resist grabbing a piece of fabric to hold next to her and see how she’d look in something pretty. This is a piece I’ve had for a while and it reminds me of Spring…

Well, that’s my new Caroline… I wonder what’s a good way to tell Elizabeth there’s a “new blonde in town?”

Thanks everyone,
Have a wonderful Saturday and I’ll see you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

34 thoughts on “There’s a new doll in the house!!!”

  1. I can tell you’re excited because the blog came through loud and clear without having to go to a previous blog to find it, and it’s even early, arriving before midnight Friday! What you did with the doll’s hair is unbelievable. I had a Caroline doll but gave it to my granddaughter. I’d love to have another blond, blue-eyed doll with the long hair. I’m afraid to take Kirsten’s hair out of braids as I’m terrible with doll’s hair (my own as well). Congratulations on your patience. Kit is my model when sewing as her hair doesn’t do anything but fall right back into place. Have fun centering those circles as I think you’ve found your Spring Fling and the doll to wear it.

    A tip for anyone wanted to buy fairy garden items: Dollar Tree has some cute little items, houses, animals and fairies, wishing wells and bridges, all for $1 each. Garden shops charge far more for the little things.

    1. Hi Susette,
      Thanks for the info about Dollar Tree fairy things and the price can’t be beat. I’ll have to check them out this week. I agree about the garden stores charging far more,

    2. Hi Susette,
      Wow…you were early today! I’m glad you enjoyed seeing my new Caroline..

      I keep checking in my sewing room to see if she’s still pretty. She is!!
      I’ve been digging around in my fabrics to see if there might be something prettier…why do I torture myself with choices???
      We have a Dollar Tree, so I’ll be checking things out!!
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    3. I found the little Fairy items too and got them for my grand nieces. So cute for the $
      Did you get the little double chair made from leaves?

  2. I about fell off my chair to see that Susette already has commented!! Wow, up already and in California too!

    Oh, she is just beautiful, Jeanne! Those eyes!! Those curls!! That sweet face!! I cannot believe the trouble you went through to get her, but now that’s over and you can enjoy her. I can’t believe that you, Jeanne Marie, got BLOCKED by a seller! Little does she know who this lucky girl went to!

    It would be interesting to see Elizabeth and Caroline side by side. What a great job you did with her hair, which by the way, is a reason that Caroline did not do very well with little girls. Her hair was not the easiest to take care of, as you can see! But she is beautiful now that she has been fixed up and I see a lot of sewing ahead for her. Already, a new outfit in the making? What a sweet piece of material for her. It emphasizes her pretty blue aqua eyes, which are unique to Caroline. Go have fun with her, Jeanne, you’ve gone through enough to get her!

    I do believe I know what you are going to be doing tomorrow, and today, for that matter!! Have fun, and bundle up, Old Man Winter is making a comeback with nasty weather once again!!

    1. Hi Linda,
      Yes, Susette was the early bird this morning… or rather the late night owl…
      I might have to show Caroline next to Elizabeth…somebody else asked to see them side by side…
      Yeah, Caroline’s hair would probably not be the best for little girls. It’s totally unlike Saige’s or Nora’s (#55) or Elizabeth’s…it’s very fine.
      Yes, winter is supposed to arrive again sometime in the night and in the morning…
      I hope it’s just a one day thing…
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Charlotte Trayer

    Congratulations on your new arrival, Jeanne! I was first of all impressed with her eye color–fantastic! And you did a lovely job on her hair; it looks just gorgeous! You are going to have a lot of fun sewing for this girl!

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      Aren’t her eyes just the dreamiest color of aquamarine?
      I think she’ll find lots of pretty dresses coming her way!!
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. And why not sew for her now while you think about the Nyssa dress? That would be fun, and you love Regency era dresses. I’m pretty certain that you can hardly wait to get a start on a dress for Caroline. Did you send the seller your blog link? I think she’d love to see today’s blog.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      I was hoping someone would say it’s okay to sew for her first and then do Nyssa’s dress….AND YOU DID!! So I just might!!

      I did send the seller a link to my post today but she hasn’t replied back to me if she saw it.
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Your doll is lovely and you did her hair marvelously. I use Infusium 23 on my doll’s hair when it is so tangled and messy and it takes the fly away frizzies out too. She is a beauty and I can tell you love her. Thank goodness she got a home who will take care of her and her hair the right way. Congratulations!

    1. Thanks Sandra,
      I’m glad you like my new girl…she really is very pretty.
      Thanks too about the Infusium 23…I might pick up some…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Congrats on you Caroline, she is beautiful. I also wanted a Caroline and look on Ebay from time to time – maybe some day. Hard to believe you were blocked because you asked some questions but I’m glad it worked out for you. I had to laugh when you said your hubby was standing there when you brought her in to the house, had that happen before too.
    I would have been extremely disappointed with the condition of her hair but you certainly have the touch and patience. She looks so beautiful – and those eyes!! Can’t wait to see what dreamy outfit you come up with. The swatch of fabric you are showing works very well with her complexion and eyes.

    Congratulations again and have a fun weekend.

    1. Thanks Leigh,
      Oh, I hope you find your dream Caroline doll soon!!
      Those hubby’s of ours are sometimes just in the place we wish they weren’t aren’t they?
      I just picked that fabric on a whim but I just might have to use it…it would be fun to see what I came up with…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Oh, she’s beautiful, especially after Jeanne’s special spa treatment! Her hair is now perfect. I do believe you could start yet another profession, restyling dolls sent to you from afar. You know, Jeanne’s Beauty Parlor.
    That really bothers me about asking questions of a seller. I do that all the time, and never would have thought that I could be blocked. Should that ever happen again, is there any recourse of going directly to Ebay? I’ve heard they read correspondence somewhat. Just curious for reference.
    I loved the mailman story today too. That would be me stalking from the window. Fortunately, our mailbox is at the door though. I too have chased a mail truck in the past. And finally getting that long slim box in the door and running smack into the last person you want to see. Why are doll boxes so obvious? Couldn’t they pack in a square box? Or a box with Chewy dog food on the outside? Anything for a disguise. I was trying so hard Thursday to be outside and meet the mailman before he came all the way up the steps to the door, but that was not be. I saw the truck parked, and thought I would have a moment to slip outside, but no, he was already jolly on the spot and at the door. Actually, knocking loudly on the door as well as ringing the bell! Woe is me. And I had to sign for my newest little one too. As I turned to go back in the door, there he was, other person staring at me saying, “How much did this one cost?” A girl can’t cut a break around here. šŸ™
    I love the brown/blue fabric for Caroline. Wow, her eyes really pop with that blue color too. For some reason, I see round Easter Eggs which might be special for the late holiday this year. I would love to see a photo of Caroline and Elizabeth together. Just for fun.
    Have a great weekend and welcome Caroline!

    1. Hi Joy,
      I have “enough” professions to keep me busy.
      I’ll just do my own dolls hair…no Jeanne’s Beauty Parlor!
      I’ll keep asking questions of Ebay sellers and hope they won’t block me from buying!!
      It seems we ALL have a story or 2 about those doll boxes arriving at the most inconvenient times!! Yours was great!!
      I might have to at least start with a dress in that fabric, just to see what it looks like… scale wise.
      Thanks Joy,
      I’ll try to get a picture of Caroline and Elizabeth side by side…
      Blessings ,Jeanne

  8. Why why why do we feel sheepish about anything doll related? Iā€™m the same way. Hubby can buy golf and bicycle gear and he just goes about his day after it arrives. His hobby stuff is not cheap, believe me! I just automatically go into subterfuge mode when I am expecting doll stuff. Sigh. Jean, your clothing sales have surely paid for your dolls many times over. What possible difference could the dollā€™s cost make?
    Your Caroline is very pretty. Those curls look gorgeous! I have Cecile and her curls terrify me. ? She certainly is not my go to fit model. AFTER I finish something I very carefully dress her and that will stay on her a looong time ?

    1. Thanks Jillaurellia,
      I’m just like you…a doll box comes and I want to sneak it into my sewing room…I’m getting better at it though.
      Well, it may seem I could pick any doll at any price but I can’t…the money I make has to help pay bills so it doesn’t all go into my dolly account…I wish!!!
      I use to have a Cecile doll and I too, was very careful with her curls…
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Iā€™m so happy you got a Caroline! It was interesting hearing the story of what you went through to get her. I too donā€™t understand the problem with questions – to me that would be understandable and expected at times.

    Regardless, you have a lovely Caroline. Iā€™m very picky about any of my dolls hair, so I congratulate you on re-doing her hair. Itā€™s anazing considering how fly away it became. That type of hair is really hard to work with.

    It will be exciting to see what plans you have for her future clothing designs.
    And if I may make one comment about the obvious doll box we girls cringe at when it happens to arrive with hubbys standing around- Donā€™t wish for box disguises like my red headed doll came in – the swifter box – put away in a closet by my son, making me think my new doll was lost in the mail or stolen and discovering this a year later! Thereā€™s no obvious safe solution for disguising those doll boxes that I know of!

    1. Hi Paula,
      I really think it was because she was a new seller…she just wanted people to buy her things, pay quickly and leave positive feedback…
      That Swiffer box story with your doll in it has to be one of my all time favorites…
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. I got ā€œCaroline Feverā€ a few years ago just as you described;) I haunted the listings as well , ā€œwatched ā€œ several, but they went too high for my budget.. then.., magically.. MY Caroline showed up with a BIN price I couldnā€™t resist! She was very mint.. those golden curls still intact:)
    I appreciate your mini tutorial and detangling….Iā€™ve had a few wigs that Iā€™ve tossed in frustration,rather
    than try to get rid of the ā€œfuzzies ā€œ

    I canā€™t wait to see what you create for this Regency besutyā¤ļø

    1. Hi Shara,
      I think when Caroline first came out, everyone had fever for her. Glad you found your dream doll too! Do you sell your things on Ebay or Etsy, Shara? I don’t think I ever asked you…

      I’m ready to make her a dress…gotta figure it out perfectly because I want her first one to be so pretty.
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. I laughed my whole way through your blog today. What we gals go through to “sneak” in our new family members is often hilarious. David, my hubby, has a very expensive hobby. He brews beer and mead. His fermenter cost as much as the Dumpling doll I want. But he goes out and works with the boys doing A/C work to support his interest. I get a pitiful pension check from when I worked at Shell (I took early retirement), and I consider that mine to spend, since we have other means for household support, but I need to start selling on Etsy. Perhaps then I will feel less guilty – or just get more dolls and dolly-related stuff.

    Paula, thanks for the reminder about what we don’t want to use to disguise our new family members.

    My latest acquisition wasn’t a doll but a bicycle for my 18″ MA doll. It’s a Target Our Generation bike, since their stuff is less expensive than American Girl. It is the cutest bike and Gracie is looking forward to having a nice day to ride outdoors. But when the big box came from Amazon and I opened it on a day when hubby was around, I swiftly grabbed the bike box, opened it, took out the bike and ran the box out to recycling. He will see it eventually, because she’s sitting on it on the top of a cabinet in my sewing room. He has a very close relationship with our dolly children and always notices a new item, outfit – or a new adoptee. But I’ll just tell him how much the bike cost and then I’ll tell him how much I could have spent on one.

    I’m in the midst of a dilemma right now. I really want a Dumpling, but last time I checked one wasn’t the current doll for sale. Is there a way to get on some kind of list to be notified which dolls are for sale or do you just have to keep checking the website – which I forget to do? In addition, I would like another Magalie Dawson Little Darling. But I’m afraid if I put a deposit on an LD and then a Dumpling comes up for sale, well you get the picture. I can’t afford both at one time. Dianna Effner’s site is not accepting orders at all right now.

    Your new Caroline is so lovely and you did wonders for her hair. I panic at the idea of having to fix my dolls hair. I have a 1950s era Ginny doll. The wig on her head when she arrived had suffered badly from dry rot. I found a beautiful wig for her. After I got it situated properly on her head and glued it, the beautiful hairstyle had gotten a little messy. I really need to tidy it up a bit but I’m afraid I’ll make it worse. It’s tolerable now. But hearing what others have to say about fixing dolls hair is giving me some confidence to go for it.

    Maybe there will come a day soon when we can all compare notes about the beautiful spring weather we’re having. I will probably be first with that, but end far sooner than most others. Then I can share my heat and humidity, which is often 100 degrees with 100% humidity. We call it “air you can wear”. So far the Red Bud trees are not blooming, so I guess we’re still in our winter phase. In the 40s today, in the high 60s tomorrow.

    1. My Meadow Dumplings
      The next preorder will be for the latest Dumpling, Lolla. It begins Feb.14th. Just go to the website to order. However, it can take up to 8 months for them to arrive. Another way to receive a Dumpling, is to go to the Face Book page and post for what you are looking. Like a Patti or Tella etc. Often someone will want to sell one that they have especially if they have duplicates. Probably the best way though is to go directly to Meadow and ask her if she has any of the dolls you want available. You can contact her through the My Meadow site or PM her directly from the FB fan page.
      Hope this helps. šŸ™‚

    2. Hi Barbara,
      I just had to comment on your statement ” But Iā€™ll just tell him how much the bike cost and then Iā€™ll tell him how much I could have spent on one.”
      That is too funny and a great way of justifying your purchase. It reminds me of the movie “Life with Father” when Vinnie justifies her purchase of the new suit by returning the pug dog and end up with money form her husband from some other random purchase. Somehow she convinces him something was free. I think I need to watch that one again.

      1. Laura, I love that movie too!!! Perfect comparison! So funny, I did see it again not long ago & enjoyed it all over again. Thanks for the memory! Cindy (Jeanneā€™s sister?)

    3. Hi Barbara
      We DO go through a lot managing our girls, don’t we? I’m glad I’m in good company!

      I wa reading your comments when we were in the car… I read it out loud to my hubby…he just smiled when he realized he wasn’t the only one there when we opened our “boxes.”

      I know how hard it is to want something and you just can’t hsve it…been there done that…
      I hope you figure out what to do…
      Thanks Barbara

  12. Dear Jeanne, she is absolutely stunning now that you have worked your magic. I agree with the suggestion to make an outfit for her right away.
    That is too amazing that YOU got blocked by a vendor. It truly must have been a new vendor. I would think that a seasoned vendor would welcome questions.
    I think you are right about how we bond, or do not bond, with our dolls right away.
    I know someone in one of my online doll clubs who has her dolls sent to a friend’s house so her husband won’t see them arrive. Now that is funny.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      So glad you like my new Caroline. Me too!!!
      I read my blog post to my hubby because I told him he was in it…
      He laughed when I read the part about us “bonding” with our dolls!! He thought I was kidding!!
      Smart lady friend you’ve got there…sending her dolls to a neighbors house.
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  13. So glad to hear that she has finally arrived and you fell in love with her at first sight. That’s the way it was when I found MY NRFB Caroline on Ebay. I thought she was lovely in the pictures, but when she arrived she was perfect. I still remember unwrapping her box and admiring her face with her eyes closed. When she opened those gorgeous seafoam eyes, I was smitten. It would be interesting to see Caroline and Elizabeth side by side. I actually had an Elizabeth. This was when I had first joined AGPT and was deciding on doll #3 after starting with Samantha and getting my 1991 Felicity. So many commented on have beautiful Elizabeth was. I had picked out the prettiest one I could find, but just couldn’t connect to her . Not the doll for me. It really is instant love or not, and if it’s not, back they go, I’m obviously drawn to the decal eyes (Samantha, Felicity and Caroline) or unique OOAK (Caroline and MG).
    Yes, why not get started on a Regency dress for Caroline while you think about Nyssa’s? That fabric is lovely and reminds me of decorated Easter eggs as well. Caroline could have a beautiful bonnet to go with it.

    1. Hi Laura,
      It’s nice to finally have her home…I really do think she’ll fit in nicely as a model for me…
      I do like my Elizabeth but she’s been with me a really long time and I think I’d really miss her.

      I will show Caroline next to Elizabeth so we can see the differences…

      I might go ahead as and make the dres from that fabric I she. I just grabbed it and wasn’t necessarily meaning it was what I was doing to use…
      Thanks for all your help Laura,

  14. I mentioned to a friend that I was going to sell some of mine after all our little girls moved out of state with their AG dollies and cases I’d given them. I sold 3 dolls, then she (the dear friend) asked about buying some for herself (and her granddaughters). She was the person who got me into AG dolls (as I helped find some for her on eBay for her grandgirls). She gave me her list, and I admit I had no qualms about letting go of some on the list as they were duplicates or in one case a custom with multicolor hair. But Caroline, Elizabeth, and Kaya were on her wish list and I wasn’t ready for them to go (still aren’t). So I scoured eBay until I found 3 at a decent price (but sold for less to her because she is a very very good friend). I ended up sending her my Elizabeth and keeping the eBay one (she had nail polish on that was hidden in photos which I will eventually deal with). I spent hours fixing my Caroline’s hair and kept her, and sent my friend the eBay one, which was noticeably nicer. I also sent her an eBay Kaya who I braid sprayed the tangles out of and 2 nice outfits for her. So my doll lineup is still quite large, and I still need to decide which collection to start selling from because I need my guest room back. I think I’ve made up my mind, then I change it. I’ve all Kirsten’s collection, and all but 1 item for Josefina (missing her piano music) and Addy (missing her Cape Island dress ribbon, but I have a lovely alternative). I have a lot for Samantha, Caroline, Kit, Molly, and Elizabeth and but nowhere near everything. It’s funny there are parts of some AG collections I could care less about or I just want something similar (or more like what I envision for that doll like a wooden ironing board instead of plastic). We like what we like.

    1. Hi Christal ,
      I’ve been trying to decide which dolls of mine will be leaving soon too. I really hate to see any of them go, but I don’t have the room or the time to sew for all the dolls I want to so a few are going to have to go.
      I bet your friend was thrilled to get some of your dolls and how nice of you to send her the better dolls!! I think dolly lovers are some of the kindest people around.
      Thanks for sharing your story, Christal

      Blessings, Jeanne

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