Some more Pink and Red Valentine doll dresses…

Yesterday I featured a slideshow of some of my past Valentine dresses for my dolls. (HERE) I hope you’ll stick around to see who was chosen to be featured today. I have LOTS of Valentine dresses so I’ll spread these out while I work on something to actually show you that’s NEW! My life is super busy right now, trying to get ready for our Married Couple’s Valentine Party. I’ve got a good head start on it and it’s at a restaurant this time so there won’t be quite so much to do as when we had it in the church basement.

Anyway, here are a few more dresses to peruse, if you please…

Here’s Lian in one of my favorites from 2013 that I called Minnie & Me. Of course I’m pretty much a sucker for anything with polka dots… this one turned out so adorable and to think… I almost threw it in the trash… I didn’t like the way the 2nd ruffle was looking until I pulled it up and held it in place with the black bows…

Next is Kirsten in a pretty Swedish, or I think, really a Norwegian dress set… Whatever…she looked so beautiful in this one…I made it in 2008. I wonder if the lady who won it still puts it on her Kirsten doll?

Last up for today, you can see my first Kirsten again in a pretty pink Valentine dress set that I made back in 2013. The apron was a vintage hankie as well as the trim. I LOVED this fabric and used it for several dresses. It’s all gone now, but I’d buy it in a heartbeat if I ever saw it again. It was lovely…
I believe I called this one Vintage Valentine too.

Marilyn thought it might be fun to see the dress on Lanie, that I showed yesterday, featured with Rebecca’s dress made from the same fabric… I’ll see what I can do…Here’s Lanie again…

…and here is Rebecca modeling her dress in the same fabric…

I hope you loved the dresses I showcased today… there might be more tomorrow as my day was super busy! I’ll be back very soon and maybe with a surprise! :o)

Thanks everyone,
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “Some more Pink and Red Valentine doll dresses…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    First of all, thank you all for your prayers and concern for my husband. He is doing Much better! Today they removed the naso-gastric tube and he started eating/drinking some this afternoon, clear liquids first, of course, and then they were going to see about getting some “real” food in him. Apparently the obstruction is resolving itself. Best of all, there’s a good possibility he will be able to come home tomorrow!!

    I did drive over (in the snow!) to see him for a little while today, and he looked really good, and was much more himself.

    Linda D. asked where in the Midwest I grew up: Wisconsin Rapids, WI, from ages 1-6 (almost 7–we moved in December and my birthday is in Jan.), and then Stephenson, MI, from then until 1960, when we moved to Seattle when I was almost 15. However, a piece of my heart has always stayed in Stephenson (in the Upper Peninsula), and I go back whenever I can.

    Now…..I really enjoyed these dresses, Jeanne–Lian, of course, is a favorite of mine, and I remember that outfit very well–I still think it’s one of the cuter ones you’ve done over the years. Funny how something as simple as a black checked bow can bring something to life, isn’t it?

    I love Kirsten’s Swedish outfit!! Yes, I think it’s Swedish (but then, so am I!), and it’s really wonderful. I’ve never thought to put my Kirsten in red–she seems more of a pink-and-blue girl to me. (Molly is my red girl.) But I may have to try it, as yours looks so good in red!

    With her pink outfit, her bonnet was made from a hanky, too, wasn’t it? I love how that worked out–really fancy without a huge amount of handwork on your part!!

    Thanks for posting both Lanie and Rebecca in their floral dresses. What a difference it makes, to vary the lace and trims on them!! Somehow it even makes the print look different!! Such fun to compare!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      Wonderful news about your hubby! I bet he can’t wait to get home!

      Lian looks good in anything but I looked at this dress on her and it makes her cheeks look just a little bit rosier!
      I’ve made quite a few dresses in red for Kirsten and she LOVES that color… not as much as blue, but she does love it.
      I like seeing different dresses from the same fabric too. I always wanted to be in a contest where everyone was given the same fabric and you had to come up with a doll dress. Wouldn’t it be fun to see all the possibilities?
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Take care of yourself as you take care of your hubby,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. First, Charlotte, I’m so happy to hear that your husband is doing better! Fingers crossed that he can come home today! What a relief for you and him……..and us worrying along with you!

    Thank you for clarifying where you used to live! Oh boy, UP, that is a place that really gets what we call weather, especially in winter! I have a friend whose son lives there, and it is quite an adventure for them if they go visit in winter!!

    And now to Jeanne! You almost threw Lian’s dress away?? It is adorable, and thank heavens you finally kept it, although I think it would have been perfectly fine no matter what! Her cute expression always makes whatever she is wearing doubly cute!!

    Kirsten just makes my day when you show the dresses you make for her! I always love the way you make her little aprons out of beautiful hankies, and the detailing in Swedish dresses just amazes me! She actually looks good in most every color, as long as it doesn’t overtake her pretty blue eyes. I love to see her in period outfits only, nothing modern. She’s the one doll I wish I had, but probably never will. Have you ever made her a dress that wasn’t Scandinavian or Norwegian?

    Those two, lovely, rose covered dresses modeled by Lanie and Rebecca are so similar, yet, the trims, lace, beadwork and ribbon, give each dress a unique look. Of course a blonde doll versus a brunette also does it! So pretty and lucky ladies who won them!

    I’ll be thinking about you getting the party ready! Wasn’t it just the other day you had a Christmas party?? 😉

    1. HI Linda,
      I DID… almost throw that dress away. I had the 2 tiers of the skirt attached and it just looked too bunchy. I really did almost throw it away. I didn’t think there was any hope for it… but then that silly little tweak of gathering up the top tier and adding a bow worked. Yay!
      It became one of my favorites.. I did it in red too. Maybe I’ll have to show that one.

      As much as you love Kirsten, you really should look for one on Ebay… just sayin…
      You’d have a lot of fun with her.
      I don’t think I’ve ever made Kirsten anything except Swedish and Prairie dresses. At least nothing I can remember off hand.

      Yes, the Valentine’s party sneaks up on me pretty fast. I laid awake last night thinking of things to do, games, etc.
      I have 8 more days to get it finalized!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Great relief to hear that Charlotte’s husband is on the mend. My aunt was born in Michigan, can’t remember the town, but she always holds up her left hand and says it is where the thumb and first finger meet. Hope this makes sense.
    All of the dresses are lovely, Jeanne. I was looking at Kirsten’s pink number and admiring how you designed the little cap to fit so well around her braids. And how you top stitched around the sleeves. All those great details. 🙂
    I was also observing the photography on these great dresses. Everything is sharp and the colors bright and not muddy. And all of the details pop. I really like that lace drape over the background that you used in most of the photos. Adds a special touch.
    Glad the Valentine party is a bit less stressful this year, although I’m sure you are adding lots of finishing touches. Try to take a break for yourself once in awhile. 🙂

    1. HI Joy,
      Sometimes getting a cap to fit nicely around Kirsten’s braids can be tricky. That was my first Kirsten and I never let down her original braids, so they were always something do deal with. My newer Kirsten has had her braids out plenty of times.
      I’ve really been thinking about backgrounds lately and hope to find something new and fun for this year.
      I’ve got a good head start on the party and now it’s just finalizing stuff for it. Last night I found babysitters for the couples who have small children.
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. I can’t believe there are still dresses I haven’t seen or maybe it’s that I don’t remember seeing them! What a wonderful career you have. Thanks for sharing. Glad Charlotte’s husband is doing well.

    1. Oh Yay, you saw something new Susette,
      I’m glad you did, and liked them. I have had a wonderful career of sewing for dolls. I love doing what I do… just wish I could churn them out a little faster. I just found a paper with the number of dresses I had made and sold on Ebay and Etsy and a few special orders up to that date. I’m going to update it and see how many I’ve made now… I think it might be over 1000! Woohoo!
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Dear Jeanne, what beautiful Valentine’s dresses!
    This is making me think of who among my doll children has a Valentine’s dress. Oh dear. I think I may have neglected this holiday (smile).
    I guess I better do some shopping before I hear a grumbling from the masses (laugh).

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      Maybe you can find something in red that you can use for Valentines Day.
      If not, find a red sock, cut 2 holes in it, one for the head and slid it up the legs…kinda like I did for that little Trol doll..and Viola!!! A dress!!
      Thanks Dorothy
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. So glad to hear that your husband is doing better, Charlotte. What a relief that must be.
    The Valentine dresses are lovely. They are all new to me as well. The red on Kirsten is darling. I would hope she still has Kirsten and puts it on her. I know there have been a couple of people at least on the doll board that have sold off their entire collection and moved on. I’ve sold a few things for pet expenses, but I certainly wouldn’t want to get rid of it all. Love, love love Kirsten’s little lace bonnet. Need to look for hankies next time I go the the antique store.
    Wow, Lanie’s and Rebecca’s dresses are almost identical. The bodice lace is different and Rebecca’s has ribbons added, but for some reason I like Rebecca’s better
    Well, we’re expecting an inch of rain tomorrow and Thursday , so I headed out today. Our craft store that has only been here three years is now closing. It’s a Pat Catans and for those who don’t know (as I didn’t), they are the wholesale buyer for JoAnn’s and Michael’s which meant everything there was less expensive. Apparently, all of them are closing. We lost our Joann’s many, many years of years ago when it moved to the next city in a larger development. I guess the owners figured we could drive 25 minutes to that one or 30 minutes to the other nearest in the opposite direction to the larger towns. I’m hoping we get something new as I only go to JoAnn’s a few times a year now as opposed whenever trip when they were here. Meanwhile, I’ll have to check out their going out of business sale next week.
    As far as doll Valentine dresses go, I only have Samantha’s and Nellie spring Valentine party dresses that AG made years ago.

    1. Thanks Laura,
      I’m so glad some of these dresses were new to a few of you…I appreciate your kind compliments!
      I know of sever as l ladies who have gotten rid of lots and lots if their dolls and I can hardly imagine that happening to me…I’d be bawling my eyes out…its all I’ve really known for over 30 years…I’ve only sold doll clothes since 1997 but 10 years of that was at my Local Farmers market.
      Oh how sad you must be to see your only craft store go out of business. That’s really too bad…
      If I lived there and shipped there. I’d really be sad to see them go.
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. I’ve been doing minor medical things today, and then some catching up on shopping. Snow is predicted tomorrow with a night temperature of -2. Not bad compared to the recent temperatures in the Midwest.

    All the pictures are special, and I did enjoy seeing the two dresses together — they were closer than I remembered. But the clear winner to me was Kirsten in red. What a knockout! I thought her hair was especially nice arranged that way. That would be a beautiful Valentine’s dress. Maybe next year if you have similar fabric. You have a year to look.

    Charlotte, congratulations on your husband’s improvement. This is a great recovery — natural beats surgery any day, though it’s nice to have an option if necessary. We’ll all be looking forward to your news.

    1. Thanks Marilyn,
      I’m hoping we hear good things from Charlotte tomorrow that her hubby is home and doing well.
      We are getting rain over the next 2 days and then down to 13 degrees for us. I hope your snow doesn’t slow your plans down too much.

      I glad you enjoyed seeing the dresses today…as I look at the pictures in my archives…I keep thing, man…I’ve made a lot of dresses!!!
      I’m going to try and start earlier next year!
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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