Caroline picked a paisley instead….

Good Monday morning everyone,
I hope you had a great weekend. We had ice Sunday morning and it WAS slippery!

Well, good news and bad news… The bad news is… if you liked the fabric I showed with Caroline the other day, you’ll be disappointed to find out it’s not being used for Caroline’s Debut dress. She picked another print. The good news is… it’s very pretty and still showcases those beautiful eyes.

Caroline spotted a piece of fabric on my shelf and wanted me to hold it up to her eyes. I did and she said, “Yep, this is the one I want!” How can I argue with a doll who has great taste! This fabric is called Hannah Bella and I’ve only used it one other time. My “Mommy’s Garden Party” Katie Effanbee had a dress made from it. Want to see?

I’m only using the skirt part…the paisley, for Caroline’s dress. She looks pretty adorable in it already… Want to see her now?

I know it looks like Katie got the better part of today’s post, but I have LOTS more to do on Caroline’s dress so she’ll get plenty of modeling time.

I was studying the Regency era fabrics and found this dress that had a larger floral print. That’s when I agreed with Caroline that we could start cutting out pieces from the paisley.

Here is a link to where I found this picture…

Cotton Regency Fabrics

I hope you like it… so far… it’ll get prettier as we go along…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “Caroline picked a paisley instead….”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    You know, it’s funny, when I first looked at that paisley on Caroline, I thought, is that really the same piece of fabric? It looks so Brown!! But I think it’s one of those that will pick up what it’s put next to, and I was seeing it next to the tan fabric of Caroline’s body, so it looked brown (or at least brownish) to me. When I looked at it more closely, of course, I could see the pinks and the soft sage greens in it–on Katie Effanbee, it looks much more green, because it’s paired with a green-background fabric.

    Can’t wait to see what you do with this one, Jeanne! Paisleys can be so very interesting to work with!

    By the way, we got More snow today!! I think we are close to 10″ now, which is really a LOT for the Seattle area!! I have two appointments and Ron has one this week, so hope the roads are passable by then!!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      I guess I should add, hope OUR road and driveway are passable! The main roads are usually pretty good after a day or two. No, they don’t plow much in our area. We don’t get snow here! LOL

      1. HI Charlotte,
        Well, I’m just getting started on my day… I’ve been working on the Married Couples Valentine party stuff. I had lots to do, even though I thought I had a lot done… my cookies are all decorated, and the games are all figured out. I think tomorrow will be an easy day. Yay!
        Everyone’s getting their fair share of snow now… pretty soon it will be sunshine and humidity! Bring it on!
        Thanks Charlotte,
        Blessings, Jeanne

    2. I thought of you immediately when I saw on the news the other night that Seattle would be getting not just snow, but a lot of snow. I would have laughed, except I knew that was going to be a problem for you. Hope you can make all your appointments okay.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Thanks Barbara. Lunch got postponed. Melting has started. Tomorrow, the post office and grocery store, then Wed. Ron’s doctor’s appt., etc. Life goes on! (I grew up in the midwest; a little snow doesn’t scare me!! LOL)

  2. Good morning, Jeanne! Oh my screen, everything looked terribly washed out, really nothing stood out at all, just one big mass of grayish, greenish color! But when I tipped the monitor screen back, it popped out immediately! Beautiful!

    The one big thing I have against Regency dresses, is that they seem so plain in the front, with no gathers. that picture at the bottom shows gathers in the front of the dress, which give it interest. Are you going to do that? I have never seen one like that before.

    I also wonder what kind of headpiece you will put on those gorgeous curls—a beautiful ribbon, or some kind of hat? I guess we find out soon enough!

    Yes, yesterday WAS icy! No church for us, and accidents all over! Spring can’t come soon enough!
    Did you get my email from yesterday?

    1. HI Linda,
      Maybe the dress will look much better when I get the skirt attached. Most of the Regency dresses ARE plain and flat in the front, but that one I showed really was quite interesting and different. I haven’t decided if I’m doing it that way or not. I could always gather it up and then play with my gathers moving them around to see what looks best.
      Rebecca is working on a necklace for her right now! YAY!!!
      Haven’t decided on a headpiece yet…but I will.
      Yes, I did get your email… I’ll email you about it.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. There is Jeanne, always switching things up. I liked the brown/blue colors in the round Easter egg fabric, but can see that if Caroline has chosen this one, it too will turn out great. Katie’s photos bring out more of the sage green color than Caroline’s. Can’t wait to see what trim, if any because it’s Regency, will be used. Will be fun to see.
    Stay away from the ice and keep warm.

    1. HI Joy,
      Sorry if you were disappointed about the brown/blue fabric… Caroline was adamant about the fabric being paisley! I’m waiting on a necklace from Rebecca before I do any trim… I’m not having a train on this one, so there’ll be pantalettes.
      I’m trying to stay warm and finish up my party details. I’m almost done, I think!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Our book club was canceled this morning. Had a snow storm Sunday morning and now freezing drizzle this morning.?Mother Nature is keeping us home.
    This second fabric is SO pretty! I wasn’t a fan of the other one. This will be a fun one to watch you create. Isn’t paisley interesting the way it combines shapes and colors?
    Have fun with it!

    1. HI Kathie,
      Since you are staying home, are you sewing? This is one of the prettiest paisleys I’ve ever had in my collection. It’s a very clear, precise and beautiful color combination print. I’ll have to get some really good pictures of it.
      Thanks, Jeanne

  5. Poor Nyssa. I think we all saw the writing on the wall when Caroline arrived. Hope it doesn’t create hard feelings between the girls, because Nyssa was so excited about a new dress and then . . . Jeanne I’m sure you’re able to explain to Nyssa and all the girls about making Caroline feel welcome, and we all know what a good heart Nyssa has, after all has she ever said a mean word about anyone?
    Anyway the paisley she picked is perfect and so pretty so far. I don’t know very much about the American Girl dolls so when you said the seller described her as blonde with blue eyes and when you showed her pictures I thought my eyes or computer needed adjustments! Glad to know she DOES have beautiful green eyes, and I can cancel my optometrist appointment. LOL
    Everyone have a great day.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      The problem with Nyssa’s dress may have been ME KNOWING that Caroline was on her way to my house. I was kind of torn about what to make for her and Nyssa at the same time. Fortunately, it was “determined” that it was OKAY to go ahead and move on to Caroline’s dress and then come back to Nyssa’s. I hope that helps.

      Caroline’s eyes are actually like an aquamarine color. They are decal and just beautiful. Yes, cancel your eye appointment… :o)
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. I’m glad Caroline found a new print. The new print is very pretty. Even though the blue circles on the first choice of material matched Caroline’s eyes, the print seemed less of her era.? The circles didn’t seem right- not that circles didn’t appear on clothing in that era, it just seemed like a print for a different dolly.
    Caroline looks lovely in the new choice.

    1. HI Paula,
      I’ll have to figure out a different doll for that brown and aqua circles fabric. I love it, but was a bit mystified by it. I’m glad you are liking Caroline’s new paisley choice. Rebecca is in her room making a necklace for the dress. I’ll take my cues for how else to finish the dress from it.
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. I have small great nieces in Seattle. I’ll bet they love the snow Charlotte is talking about. It seems deeper when you are short and you don’t have so far to fall, so it’s more fun.
    I seem to be getting good color on my computer screen and I think the dress will be lovely. You often use lace on the bodice of your Regency dresses, but this print is so elaborate that wouldn’t be necessary. A spencer jacket would be nice, or a pelissse, if you really wanted to go all out for February and March. A bonnet would be pretty, with a shawl and a reticule. Whatever you decide will be lovely because that’s the way your work is and because Caroline seems quite decided in her preferences. Tomorrow we’ll see what direction you both have decided on. In the meantime, I’m sure Nyssa is sending resentful looks at you and hoping you’ll make a decision about her fabric.

    1. Your first comment reminds me of a story my mother always told about when I was little. She was carrying me down the street after we’d had a snowfall. My mother slipped and fell and I fell on top of her. She had on a fur coat so my landing was soft. When she got up and picked me up to go on our way, I said, “Let’s do that again. That was fun!” I guess from a child’s perspective that was true.

    2. Hi Marilyn,
      You always think of the details… when I never do. I loved that you mentioned about the girls being shorter so it wasn’t such a distance if you fell in the snow. I never would have thought of that! :o)

      Yes, Nyssa is not too happy, but she’s laying down on the table now, so I can’t see her eyes glaring at me. She’ll get over it soon I hope, when it’s her turn again. I have her looking straight up at the ceiling and not at Caroline on the cutting table.
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Dear Jeanne, I love all things Jane Austen!!! The Regency dress will be lovely. If Mr. Darcy, Colin Firth, comes calling, I swear I will swoon (laugh).

    1. OH Dorothy,
      I see we are a pair of Regency lovers. I love all things Regency too…the fabrics, the laces, the flowers, the simple lines, the hairdo’s, etc.
      I better look out or I’ll work myself into a swoon! :o)
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. When we were discussing “sneaking” in our purchases yesterday, I thought of a funny one from my family but forgot to mention it. My grandmother raised six children during the Depression, so she didn’t get to buy much for years. When it was over, she felt she should be given a little leeway to buy some new living room chairs. My grandfather told her there was no room in the budget for new chairs, and she appeared to drop it. Evidently she saved up money from her household budget until she could buy the chairs but she wasn’t ready yet for my grandfather to come home and find them, so she had them delivered to a friend’s house until she could think of a way to get him to agree to them. I don’t remember exactly what she did but whatever it was it worked and it became part of family history.

    Paisley. I love paisley and have a lot of it, but I don’t seem to use it much for doll clothes. I tend to be a plaid-floral-polka dot person. I can’t wait to see the dress when it is finished. I love the start. No matter, what, we do need to do what our girls ask us to do. I have some that are adamant about color choices. I throw up my hands and say, you’re the one who will be wearing it so your wish is my command. I can tell they’re right because of the pride they have when wearing an outfit.

    I didn’t have any preference for either fabric for Caroline. I love all fabrics, which is proven by my ridiculous fabric stash. I will be reducing a lot of it come the next few months, but I just see that as a chance to go buy more. I’m hopeless.

    My girls want to send their support for Nyssa. They say they’ve all been in her position – time and time again. They say she’ll be stronger for her great sacrifice.

    1. HI Barbara,
      Your grandmother was one smart cookie… she knew how to makes things work! :o)
      I love paisley’s too, but so many of them are too large to use for the dolls. I’m pretty sure this one will work okay… I’ll be glad to see what it looks like when I get the skirt attached.

      Yes, I guess Nyssa made the ultimate sacrifice of giving up her spot of the “newbie” girl in the house. But Nyssa knows how much I love her, so we’re good!
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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