Pigs and Pants and a little bit Addy…

When you see I haven’t answered your comments you can probably guess my day was busy. It usually is, but sometimes it’s a bit more than normal and today was one of those days. It was late when I finally made it into my sewing room so I decided I’d rather have something new to show you than answer your comments, (sorry) although I did read them and might answer you later.

You remember Sara, my sweet little friend from Colombia, South America? Well, she had a request for me to show her how to fix a pig that was coming apart at the back seam. Her class uses him in a game at school, and his seam was split open about 5 inches. She didn’t just want to try and figure it out on her own, so she asked if I could show her the right way to do it. We managed to get him looking good as new and she can take him back to school tomorrow and probably be a rock star for fixing him! Her mom took lots of pictures but I only took a couple of Sara sewing him up… I thought you’d love to see them.

Then I had a special request from a friend needing a pair of pants hemmed for a job interview tomorrow. It was late notice and they were desperate to get them done… So… I did that too and delivered them this afternoon.

Between the other errands I had to do and dinner, I ran out of time to answer you all.

But, I do have something so show you about Addy’s dress. I decided to make it a 2 piece set. I was reading in one of my Civil War booklets and it said a lot of the time, a bodice was made separate from the skirt…that way if the hem of the skirt got dirty, the whole dress didn’t have to be washed.

I decided to make the skirt a two tied one… with a bit of the yellow lace showing at the scalloped top layer… Then the under tier will be a bit longer with a hem. Since it’s a shorter dress, that probably means I’ll make a pair of pantalettes with it. I already have a pair of pale yellow boots that should look nicely with this set. (and YES… I’ll press out that crease you see in her skirt when I hem that bottom tier!)

Okay, fess up… who, besides me noticed the yellow lace sewn on the scalloped edge has a little section right there in the very front that shows a bit too much of the design showing? I need to stitch it a little closer in on the curved edge and then topstitch it again… I will! :o) I didn’t notice it until I saw it in my picture.

The rest of the set is cut out but nothing was done on it yet. It took quite a while to make the lace go around the scalloped edges. It was just straight lace so I had to clip it about every 1/4″ to make it bend around the curves.

Here is a picture of the dress bodice laid out… it’s an “imagination” picture again…

It’s hard to see, but there are tiny pink dots in the fabric…

I decided to drape it on Addy so you could sort of get an idea of how it will look next to her skin tone…

Well, that’s going to be it for today. Maybe I can get to the bodice Thursday…I hope so! Addy’s anxious to see it completed!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

19 thoughts on “Pigs and Pants and a little bit Addy…”

  1. Dear Jeanne, hello. I am still up from the night before (oh the hours of a night owl – laugh).
    So Sara saved the pig and you saved the pants and Addy’s dress is getting done. Wow!
    You said you wanted to spend more time in your sewing room and you have begun the new year doing just that!
    I think I will turn in now. Goodnight, or should I say good morning (chuckle).

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      I figured I better get started sewing before something popped up and demanded my time!
      It felt strange to be sewing again..but wonderful at the same time!!
      I hope you got a good night’s sleep!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Good for Sara, for wanting to learn the right way to repair the stuffed pig! Looks like she did a good job of it, too. Good for you, for teaching her, and also for hemming those pants for someone; hope the job interview went well!

    Now I have to confess, I Did see that spot on the skirt front, where the lace isn’t quite right. My eye went straight to it, in fact, before I read the works. Well, I AM a sewer, so I guess it stands to reason *I* would notice it! But I also know that it won’t stay like that, because you are as much of a perfectionist as I am!!

    I do like the idea of Addy’s dress made in two pieces–really, it makes a lot of sense, as I’m sure those skirt hems got pretty dirty, no matter how careful the wearer was! Also, when you think about it, for a child/girl, it also makes sense for the dress to be in two pieces, simply because there is more flexibility for growth. I know, dolls don’t “grow” like that, but after all, they Are modeling children, who do!

    I also like the lower edge of the bodice, that inverted V. I’m wondering if you might also edge that with lace? Maybe the points are a little too acute to do that easily, though. Still, I think this is going to be one lovely outfit when you’re done!

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      I would have liked to have seen Sara introduce Mr. Pig to everyone this morning at school, all sewn up and ready to play games again.

      I figured anyone who sees would notice it and you did.

      I only have a tiny bit of that lace left so I’ll have to decide where to use it best…
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. I believe I can forgive you, Jeanne, for not having the time to answer us every once in awhile! I can’t imagine having a blog and answering each and every comment every day! I think I would stress out completely!

    When you mentioned a stuffed pig, I was imagining a little, tiny thing, and it was a jolt to see the size of THAT pig! But, yay, Jeanne Marie came to the rescue!

    That dress, rather skirt and top are just going to be one of Addy’s best outfits, I think! The colors of it look wonderful with her skin, and the soft yellow of the collar looks as smooth as butter! I too, think a two piece is a better option, and will be easier to dress her, whether it is for a real person or a doll.

    Now, just where is this lovely young lady going in this beautiful outfit? That could be the answer to what “else” you might make to go with it.

    1. Hi Linda,
      I was just as surprised as you were at the size of the pig…I was thinking of a much smaller one too.

      I have been thinking of a story line for this dress…but only have s few ideas…as I keep sewing on it, I’m sure something will become clear to me.
      I’m glad you like it so far…now to do more…
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Hi Jeanne,

    How blessed Sara must be to have you help her in such important sewing matters in her life. I can think of no better way to be a witness to one who is up and coming….willing to help, being hospitable, etc. You are a marvel.

    Addy’s dress is exceedingly pretty and so well made so far. I do believe that you bring out the very best in dolls with your creations. After seeing and viewing your work for so long now, you’ve set the standard for me in doll clothing. Your work is admirable and may I add, most inspirational. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend too!


    1. Hi Becky and it’s so good to hear from you,

      Sara is so willing to learn and really wants to learn things the right way. They will be going back to Colombia,South America in May after being here for 4 years. I’d like to teach her all I an until then.
      Thank you so much for your sweet compliments on this dress set for Addy. I do hope it turns out as pretty as how I see it in my mind.
      Thank you, Becky,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Always busy Jeanne, still has time to work on the latest outfit for Addy. I really like the pale sunny collar. Perfect. Two piece outfits are my favorite. I think it would be lovely to see a solid matching blue/gray skirt too as a second clothing option. Perhaps Addy will be taking a food basket to old Mrs. Grundy who has been under the weather. It could include some homemade jam and a loaf of fresh bread. 🙂 I must be hungry.
    Very nice of you to show Sara how to stitch up Mr. Piggy. Curiosity has me as I wonder what game exactly the class plays using the pig?
    We had a happy day yesterday when our heating ducts passed the code test with flying colors! Next, getting a city inspector out to visit. I might get to put everything back in the closet by March. 🙂 But, we are very happy to have heat this morning as we have frost.

    1. Hi Joy
      Thank you for your sweet words on Addy’s dress set. I like the 2 piece sets too…especially when dressing the dolls.
      Thanks too, for your ideas for a storyline… did you find something to eat?
      Sara told me he ripped at the seam because they grabbed him from both sides…I’ll have to ask her the name of the game.
      Congratulations on being one step closer to all things being back to normal!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. And the pig lives on! I think it’s wonderful Sara wanted to try to fix it herself. I’m the go-to person in my family to have things fixed. I’ve never been asked to help someone else fix anything. My grandkids are just now getting to the age they might want to know, but their mother has never held a sewing needle in her hand and has no inclination in that area. I often come home from church with something that needs fixing to be returned as soon as possible. I call it a labor of love. Otherwise it would drive me nuts.

    I caught the lace discrepancy right away and was trying to figure out the problem. Then I read what you said. I couldn’t have left it like that either. I’m an obsessive perfectionist about everything I do. I’m my hubby’s favorite comedy routine. I’ll be crocheting something and be well on my way when I notice a problem back at the beginning. My hubby looks over at me and I will be sitting there with a pile of yarn on my lap where I pulled out everything back to the point where I made the mistake. He often tells me you can’t tell it on a galloping goose when I make something for the grandkids and nearly take it apart to fix something that I don’t like. I tell him no one else may ever notice the problem, but I know it’s there and that’s enough to cause a redo.

    No problem with not answering. I always check just to make sure. I would love to have my own blog. I have much to say and it would probably force me to get more done if I were sharing it. But the idea of having to do it daily would cause me great stress because when I get up in the morning I have my day planned and by noon someone has other plans for me. I don’t really have a high-maintenance family but I do have a high-expectation family and they often don’t tell me they need something until the last moment. Like the time my grandson needed a t-shirt for career day at school. I got handed an old t-shirt but felt it needed something nicer so I went to Wal-Mart and bought a new shirt and embroidered a fireman seal on the back and a junior firefighter figure on the front. It turned out really cute and my grandson was so pleased, but the plans I had for the day became my “tentative” plans for the next.

    I love Addy’s dress (I have a good imagination). The colors are scrumptious and the fabric is so perfect for a Civil War dress. Can’t wait to see the finished product.

    1. Hi Barbara
      That’s what I say too..a labor of love or doing it unto the Lord! I’ve come home with many an item too..
      I’m just like you with my sewing…if “I” know it’s wrong, it’s gotta be fixed..
      My days seldom go as “I” have them planned…I guess I’m used to interruptions by now!!
      Thanks for sharing, Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. What a well rounded life you have! I love reading about all if it, after all as they say as you make plans life happens. The fabric for Addy’s dress is one of my favorites from your “new” stash so I also was really glad to,see your choice. Every time I see one of your,wonderful civil war era dresses I want to make a similar one but I can’t seem to find a pattern with the dropped shoulder. And I have spent days looking on line, but, when they arrive they don’t have that shoulder. It also would be great for some medieval designs. So did you modify a pattern (if so how) or do you have a pattern with that dropped shoulder and if so can you show a picture of the envelope? I looked on Keepers Dolly Duds but don’t which pattern and they now only sells via pdf and that’s not an option for me. Even if you can’t help I wanted you to know how awesome your dresses are and the joy and smiles your blog gives, but we all know you’re a giver! All the sharing from your followers is almost like having friends nearby or a coffee clutch. Love to all.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      Yes, life happens… and sometimes it happens all at once.
      The pattern for part of the dress was the Keepers pattern I show in the black and white picture. Eve has it in her Etsy shop…its a nice pattern with the drop shoulders. She has it as a pdf pattern so you can download it instantly…

      I just read your comments again and saw that you can’t download a pdf file? Eve used to do paper patterns so maybe you could request one from her or have a friend download the pdf file for you. Hope it works…
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        The main problem with pdf patterns is, not everyone had a printer! I don’t. If I want to print something, it means a trip to the library, where we are allowed 70 free pages every week. They used to allow 10 pages per day (which of course is the same amount per week) but I guess finally realized not everyone is there every day, and just doing a weekly total was easier all around!

  8. It’s so nice that Sara is interested in sewing and learning the right way to repair things. That pig is certainly large, I, too wonder what game is played with it.
    So happy to see that a Civil War dress is the first up for the year. I’m sure Addy is delighted to be the lovely model for it. I really like the fabric and trim you’ve chosen. I do have to admit I also saw the spot you didn’t sew quite right even before I read the words. I’m not surprised you caught it though and of course, would fix it. I tend to see fine details on things in general. It will be a beautiful outfit for Addy. and I look forward to seeing the rest of it. You’re getting a very early start making dress for the year. Yeah, that just means there will be many, many to admire.

    1. Hi Laura,
      I knew your vote would be for a Civil War dress to start the year off. Addy is loving all the comments from everyone. I just finished the skirt so now it’s time to get started on the bodice…
      I hope my year of sewing will be more productive than last year…
      Thanks for your compliments Laura!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. I loved Eve’s pattern when I saw it, and so did many of the people who sew and sell on Etsy. This is lovely — you are using some of her ideas, but the outfit is going to be quite different and original. And lovely.
    You know the expression about giving someone a fish and he’ll have food for a day, but if you teach him how to fish, he’ll have food for a lifetime. Sara will go home in May, but part of you will go with her — she’ll have what you taught her forever. It’s a great gift for you both.
    Yesterday people were talking about Sylvia Natterer dolls. Here’s the website I liked best https://www.pinterest.com/grammyksm7/sylvia-natterer-dolls/?lp=true

    1. Hi Marilyn
      Yes, that pattern of Eve’s certainly is a popular one and its seen a lot on Ebay and Etsy and Pinterest. One time Eve called me from Nova Scotia and asked about my collars, saying she always loved the way mine looked. I told her I’d send her my pattern… so I wonder if that’s my collar on her patterns? :o)

      I hope you are right about Sara using all the things she’s learned from me as she grows up…

      I’ll give your link a look…thanks!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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