Thanksgiving Dinner #2

Well, I survived Wednesday in the kitchen with Alba and Sara preparing for both of my Thanksgiving dinners and lived to tell about Dinner #1 and today I’ll show you Dinner #2!

I may never want sweet potato souffle, or corn casserole, or green bean casserole AGAIN!!! I’m full of food and think I might give up eating for a day or two! Seriously! I’m that full.

It was definitely easier today getting things ready… I had the same number of people today that I had yesterday, eight, so I knew how to set my table, how many plates, etc. to get out. I knew which dishes to use for my food and cooking the turkey was a piece of cake today… just make it like yesterday.

Kristoffer and his girlfriend came over about 4:00 and Alba and Edgar and Sara came about 4:15. I still had several last minute things to do, and Kristoffer brought over stuffing, a green bean casserole and some cheesy potatoes. I had made the turkey, some gravy, corn casserole, sweet potato soufflé, crescent rolls, and put out sliced jellied cranberry, and Rebecca made some German green beans with bacon.

Believe me, we had SO much food! You can see that from our table… (it must be the lighting over my table, but my food looks a bit bland. It was a really colorful table in person.)

We had a nice dinner with lots of laughter and stories and catching up on things. We just put the food in the middle of the table and reached across to fill our plates. It was just easier than passing around the hot dishes… We used our manners but still stood up to fill up our plates…

Reuben even joined us for a little while!

I surprised Alba with a Turtle Pie and we put sparkly candles in it, because we were celebrating her “belated” birthday too! She was very surprised! We had pie and coffee and laughed some more.

Don’t you just love good times with good friends! I do!

That’s the end of dinner #2… not too exciting, but memories were made once again… memories to last a lifetime.

Hope those of you who went shopping got just what you were looking for!

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

8 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Dinner #2”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Another successful T-day dinner for you, Jeanne! Everything looks wonderful, once again! I know what you mean, though–when you eat like that two days in a row, you do kind of feel like you don’t want to look at food again for a while!

    I didn’t go to any stores at all today, although I might tomorrow. I stayed home, did laundry, a little cleaning, some sewing, etc.–and baked a small ham for our dinner. I also fixed steamed fresh spinach and baked potato. Yum! That would have been our T-day dinner if we hadn’t gone out yesterday. Now we have enough ham for at least two more meals, and the bone will go into soup next week one day!

  2. How nice to see that you had yet ANOTHER wonderful feast, Jeanne, so now you can relax a bit, and just be thankful!!
    Yes, I’m sure you do feel as stuffed as a turkey today! While I didn’t have two dinners like that, I too feel “stuffed”, since we still are having the dressing, turkey, and sweet potato casserole, plus leftover pumpkin pie, so you might as well say I had two of those dinners too! I think maybe today I just might have a big salad with cucumbers, lettuce and tomatoes!
    It was good to see everyone around the dinner table, even little Reuben, Rebecca looks as charming as ever, Sarah, Alba and Edgar, such lovely people, but where was Kristoffer and his girlfriend? Maybe they were camera shy, or is that his girlfriend in the corner next to Rebecca? The host and hostess are MIA too!
    I was just thinking, if you had an island, you could put the food there and have people fill their plates from the island, and then sit down at the table. That’s what I am able to do now that we have an island. Just less hassle. Then you cold have a pretty flower centerpiece, maybe with candles too, on the center of the table!
    That last picture, well, all I can think of is you had a lot of dishes to do!
    I did no shopping yesterday, just got my dolls fixed up, and besides, it was a rainy, blah day, so I was happy to stay in.
    Have a wonderful, RELAXING Sunday!

  3. Send that clear oval platter to me. I’d even wash it after it arrived if you don’t want to bother.
    Your lighting didn’t do your meal justice, but maybe you can re-create a plate for us in your photography area. I think it was brilliant of you to bring things to the table in the dishes they were cooked it — the food stays hotter and you have fewer dishes, and everything was beautiful just as pictured. It was definitely worth having two Thankgivings in a row.
    The picture of Reuben looks like a painting, and I’ve never seen a picture of Rebecca when she looked more like you. This bodes well for her future.
    Thank you so much for sharing both dinners, and I join Linda in wishing you a wonderful, RELAXING Sunday.

  4. Food, Fun, Friends, Family, Frolic (that’s for Reuben). Can’t ask for more than that. What delicious looking food you had too. Now, hope you can rest up a bit and not catch a cold or anything else today.
    I’m definitely with Linda on the kitchen island, centerpiece, and candles. I’d probably throw in some twinkle lights too. 🙂 An island is perfect for serving food although a side table would work too. It was wonderful seeing Rebecca and a glimpse of someone in plaid? 🙂
    In our family, the tradition was to pass the dishes. I can remember my uncle, now 91, calling out “counter clockwise” so everyone would pass the same direction. And someone always asking, “pass the butter, please.” With all of the cousins in years past we had over thirty at two large tables one year. I have inherited the 30 plus matching English dinner plates which are awaiting another big gathering. I have fond memories of one of my grandmothers presiding over the coffee service brought out after the dishes were cleared. Everyone awaiting dessert which included homemade mince, pecan, berry, pumpkin, and pumpkin chiffon pies. My cousin taking orders for dessert. Some had small slices of each, or just their favorite. Always accompanied by vanilla ice cream, of course. Things have changed though. Now everyone gathers with their own families as we did this year. I wish I had a picture of the perfectly, carved by son in law, turkey slices laid out on a platter. It was Martha Stewart to perfection. And other person here tried his first pecan pie. He loves it.
    With all of the beautiful rain we’ve been enjoying, I haven’t seen many lighting displays yet. I’m sure they will be going up today and tomorrow though. Daughter had the tree already up with lights at her place. I’m sure it will be decorated soon by anxious grands.
    Hurray, now the next holiday is on the way.

  5. Both of your Thanksgiving dinners looked yummy and the company of all of you together, the best. It’s nice to see the families we’ve met before in your post. My, the children have grown including Sara. That was a lot of baking and cooking. Everything looked so good and your table was beautiful.
    My husband and I had a very unusual Thanksgiving this year without our kids and other family members. It was still nice and we only did a pot roast. We are thankful for so many blessings. Our Christmas will be different too but we’ll make new traditions perhaps. The kids will fly out in January to celebrate a late Christmas with us. Thank heavens for things
    like FaceTime and immediate texting in the meantime.
    Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving this year. Blessings to you all.

  6. So maybe a good ole hamburger will taste good after all that Turkey? Stretching out the holiday is fun too. You got quality time with both families and your kids.
    I did some on line shopping yesterday…love it when the postman brings those packages to the door.
    I hope to get some quilting time in today after I send off my Christmas doll swap.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  7. Dear Jeanne, I hope you get to take a long nap today. You deserve it after hosting two incredible Thanksgiving banquets.
    On to Christmas, which is just a month away.
    I feel like I was just dancing around the Maypole.

  8. Happy Sunday Jeanne!
    It looks like T-Day 1 and T-Day 2 were great successes… Yeah for you! Now it’s time to relax. I completely understand not wanting traditional T-Day fare for a while. After three days of T-Day goodness I need a break too!
    I pray you have a lovely Sunday.

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