More to be seen from “Graceful in Green”

I didn’t make it into my sewing room until late this evening, but somehow I managed to put this Regency dress together enough that I think you can start to see what it’s going to look like. I’m sure last night it was a bit difficult for you to imagine how it might end up.

It’s not hemmed yet and a lot of the fabric is tucked up under the dress around the front, but I wanted to give you an idea of how the skirt will hang.

I love the looks of it so far and hope you do too… I’ve already been thinking of a new hairdo for Rebecca to show off this dress. The sleeves are similar to the ones on the new Keepers Dolly Duds pattern. I think they are very pretty and feminine looking. They are gathered up just a little past the elbow and have tiny green silk ribbons as accents.

I guess we’ll see what else I put with this dress… but Rebecca is liking it very much…so far! :o)

Well, this was a short but sweet post… hope it was enough to make you smile for today… if not, take another look at Linda’s little Christmas display (from yesterday’s post) with her dolls washing clothes for Santa and the Elves…

I’ll see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

17 thoughts on “More to be seen from “Graceful in Green””

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    That dress is coming along beautifully, Jeanne! I think it’s going to be really lovely when it’s done!

  2. I’m liking it a lot, Jeanne! I like the way it flares out, and doesn’t hang straight down, like a lot of Regency dresses do. I think that’s my main beef against Regency dresses, that they are too plain looking for me. Of course, on people, who are taller, it looks a lot better, but when you have an 18 incher, a straight skirt really looks too skimpy to me. The soft gathers on each side of the skirt look so pretty too. The sleeves are darling, with the little green bows and edged with lace.
    Oh yes, a pretty and elegant up-do on Rebecca will look just perfect!

    1. HI Linda,
      I know what you mean about skimpy skirts… that’s probably my beef against the 1930 and 1940’s skirts… to be realistic, they need to be on the skimpy side…and I don’t like skimpy skirts… so I usually add a few more gathers than what’s authentic.
      I’m hoping to get more done on it today…and I’m thinking about that cape you mentioned! :o)
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Seeing the dress this morning, I immediately thought about what a cute nightie this pattern would make. With the length the same all around it would be so perfect in a flannel or holiday fabric. Perhaps several on different dolls with a festive backdrop. And maybe a sweet nightcap too. It is a very lovely Regency dress too. Those sleeves are so sweet.
    More rain expected today. Yay!

    1. Forgot, but when I tried to click on the Patsy dress, it doesn’t go to ebay. I don’t think it did yesterday either. Why? Don’t know.

      1. Hi Joy,
        I’m glad you mentioned not being able to get Patsy’s dress linked to Ebay. It’s fixed now, but the picture that finally “took” was a bit cropped off. However, if you click on the picture it will take you to the auction. Thanks for telling me. I did have trouble getting it on the other night, and even just a while ago when I tried to fix it, it was giving me a headache! HTML, you know… :o(

        Yes, this pattern would make a sweet night gown for the dolls… hmmm… I’d like to get some made for Navi too… I do have 3 new pairs of shoes but haven’t gotten them listed yet.
        Thanks Joy,
        Blessings, Jeanne

  4. This is so beautiful – soft and sweet. I love how the sleeves gather a bit at the bow. The lace is just beautiful.

    I know you’ll find the perfect hairstyle because you always do when your girls model the dresses.

    1. Thanks so much Paula,
      I think hemming the dress will make a big difference. I hope so… Thanks for your kind compliments on it.
      I need to play around with Rebecca’s hair and see what looks best with the dress.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. This Regency dress is looking very pretty! Love the lace inset:)
    Can’t wait for the finished photos❤️

    1. Thank you Shara,
      I’m so happy you like it. I’m waiting for the finished photos too! ;o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. How cute, Jeanne! I see a late 70’s Empire waist dress! Sweet as can be. The way the lace matches the fabric is really amazing!! Same scrollwork and dots, too! As I think someone already said, ‘it’s as if one was made specifically for the other’. The shade of green is beautiful, as well. What a great start!!
    Love your diorama, Linda! I know how much work and fun goes into doing something like that, and I’m so glad that Jeanne shares the other members work here, too! All your scenes have been wonderful. Here comes Christmas, ready or not, LOL. Hugs, Ali

    1. Thank you Ali,
      I’m glad you like this Regency dress. It’s coming along pretty quickly, which makes me happy… maybe I’ll get some more made sooner than I thought!
      Yes, Linda is the queen of displays… she comes up with some of the cutest ideas! I’m glad you enjoy it when I share the things others do!
      Yes, here comes Christmas…ready or not! ;o)
      Thank you Ali,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. The sleeves are so proportioned to her little arms and I can’t wait for the hairdo and whatever you put on her head. It’s fun to see it a step at a time!
    Everything will come together just right If I know you :0)

    1. Thank you Kathie,
      I do like those sleeves too… dainty in a sweet sort of way!
      As soon as I get her dress finished, I’ll figure out her hair and what else might go with this set. Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. The Christmas green and white are so pretty. Was it Linda’s idea to add a short red cape, and maybe a red hat to match? It would be fun to see this on Elizabeth and on someone dark haired, since this is also Josephina’s period in historical dress.
    You are doing so well — two Thanksgiving dinner (and two preps and cleanups) and a dress that’s on its way to being finished. It should be perfectly timed — it will hit Ebay about the time many of us have paychecks hitting the bank. Not, perhaps, something you consider carefully, but some of us do and appreciate your timing.

    1. Once again, Marilyn, you put a smile on my face with your last thoughts in your comments. I hadn’t even thought about that…but I hope you’re right.
      I got Rebecca”s hair fixed and hope it stays in place till I take some Ebay pictures. I finished a few other things too and now it’s looking much prettier.
      Well, I better get my blog written…
      Thank you Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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