How do you feel about a Christmas Regency dress?

I hope you feel okay… because I already have it started. I don’t even remember my last Regency dress, so I thought it was time for another one. This one will be a pretty green print with a beautiful ivory lace trim. It will be a long dress with a train and hopefully very elegant. I’m also hoping (my) Rebecca can make a pretty necklace to go with this low cut neckline. It would show it off very well.

I don’t have a lot of pictures to show you, but Regency dresses usually come together pretty quickly so you should see more shape to it the next time I show it.

I’m sorry I didn’t answer your comments Saturday… I was super busy and when I finally sat down at the computer, it was almost midnight, and unfortunately, (for you) I opted to read them, but then go to bed.

So here are some very “vague” pictures of the dress “to be!”

Since that wasn’t very much to show you, I have a picture from Linda. She’s getting her dolls ready for Santa and I thought you might like to see her little scene. I give her an A+ for it!

This is how she explained it to me…

It is supposed to be Mrs. Santa *Susan), a reindeer (Molly), an elf (Betsy) and Cindy Lou Who from the Grinch movie, (Ruthie) washing Santa’s and the elves clothes before heading out on Christmas Eve.
Linda bought a little clothesline already decorated from Pier 1, and used Kit’s washing machine.

That should give you something to look over… click on the picture to see it larger.

I’ll see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

20 thoughts on “How do you feel about a Christmas Regency dress?”

  1. Oh I think this regency dress is going to be sew pretty and the lace you have chosen is amazing. I also like the sleeves being long. Can’t wait to see it finished

    1. Thanks Lynn,
      I’m not 100% sure I’m going to use these sleeves… I was thinking maybe of the mutton sleeves but I’ll have to wait and see how these look when I make them up. They were going to be just past the elbow…
      Thanks for your compliments on this barely started dress.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. The new dress is going to be just lovely, Jeanne, and in my favorite color too….green! I just love how crisp and clean green and white look together, and still they are festive and a touch of red can make it look Christmasy, while by itself, it can be for other times of the year. By a touch of red, maybe just a bow in her hair, a necklace, etc., just some little thing, not actually the dress itself. I can see you making white lace fingerless gloves to accent that beautiful piece of lace on the bodice!
    I’m getting carried away, just thinking a white fur cape would be so pretty with it too! Or, maybe a fur headband with some pretty bow or fancy button attached? I think I’ll stop thinking now and let you finish this up!! No matter what you do, I will love it and will wish it was mine!

    Oh, by clicking onto the picture I sent, really helps to see it more clearly! It seems a bit too crowded in a picture, but in real life, you can see it a lot better than the picture!

    Have a good day sewing today, Jeanne, looks like a good day to stay in! Brrrr!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I knew you’d like the green color! I made a dress for Felicity from this fabric and had to look it up… I made it back in 2006. That was 12 years ago…It’s high time I used this fabric again. It is very pretty.
      A white fur cape would be lovely with this style… hmmm… I might have to take a look at making one…
      I knew everyone would love your little display… they always do!Me too!
      Yes, it’s a good day for staying in and sewing… it’s very cold out there today.. the wind chill factor here is 23 degrees!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Charlotte Trayer

    That lace is just elegant, Jeanne, and looks so rich next to the fabric (or maybe it’s the fabric that looks so rich next to the lace!). I think it’s a fantastic combo, anyway.

    Love Linda’s picture, too–so cute! Thanks for sharing!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I’m glad you are liking the looks of the dress so far… it’s really pretty in person… I hope to get some done on it this afternoon….right after I go to someone’s house to fix their sewing machine…
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. The Regency dress will be so elegant looking. The green material and lace are beautiful together. Linda’s suggestion of a faux fur coat/jacket of some type would be beautiful with it.

    Enjoyed seeing Linda’s scene of happy Christmas girls getting things ready for Santa. Love the reindeer hats – the brown dog looks so cute in one of the reindeer hats too.

    1. HI Paula,
      Thanks for your kind words about Rebecca’s dress so far. I do like Linda’s idea of a jacket or cape too… that makes 3 of us now! :o)

      There’s plenty to look at in Linda’s display, isn’t there. I think she has quite the imagination with her dolls… :o)
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Excellent choice. When I used to have to try to stay awake in meetings, the design on the green dress is what I’d doodle. It’s always been a favorite design. I too like the idea of long sleeves. And green. I like Linda’s idea of some touch of red that can be removed — two purses, one with a red bow and decoration, one with a cream flower? Hats to match? You probably have something nice already in mind.

    Two Christmas dresses already. Your life is moving ahead. You’ll have time for three or even four if one is “a simple little girl’s dress” for an LD. What I really want for the 4th is one of those dresses where you call George in to watch because the price is going up so fast and everyone bidding knows it’s worth it. The only things is you never can tell which dress will do it, but that’s part of the fun.

    Linda’s scene is great — they always are. Betsy looks like an elf. Remember those washing machines and the way our mothers were always worried about the more curious of us getting our fingers stuck in the wringers? Linda, I especially love the cat on the railing of the dolls’ house.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I wish I still had a picture of the dress I made for Felicity 12 years ago. I still have the description but not a picture of it.
      I was thinking about what you said with the purses having a red or a green bow… and I thought it might be kind of novel to have a reversible purse… green on one side, red on the other… hmmm….
      You are too funny in your thinking about my making dresses and having George over my shoulder watching as it ends… that is my favorite part… well, at least ONE of my favorite parts… I like to make them, I like to see what they go for, and I really like to see who wins them.. to see where the dress will be traveling to.
      I had to go back and look for the kitty on the railing… cute, cute, cute… as always!
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. I think the Regency dress will be a royal smash. I picture a library scene with stacks of books as the backdrop. A beautifully decorated tree and a young girl holding a candle wearing a dreamy green dress. Will be perfect for the season. Looking forward to seeing the details on this one.
    I immediately was drawn to Linda’s lovely scene. How fun to see all of the action. I too saw the hanging laundry and thought, how cute, what can I do with that? But, it disappeared in all of the advertisements. Now I’ll have to see if I can find a set too. Looks so festive. How fun to see everyone so busy. Probably a good thing to do to help contain the excitement as the preparations begin. Love it.
    A new girl arrived here Saturday. Her name has yet to be revealed, but she is an adorable one. 🙂

    1. Joy,
      You have quite the imagination with props, don’t you. I’ve been discovering that out about you since you did the motorcycle shot and the paper hats… That might be my favorite, but that one with the girls flying by on that motorcycle just cracked me up every time I saw it. You really should keep a scrap book of those great shots!

      I’m sure looking at Linda’s scenes, makes your mind race for what you could do too.

      So you got a new girl? Any hints you can give up and we can guess who she is?
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Dear Jeanne, yeaaa, a Regency Dress! Perhaps Mr. Darcy (in the form of Colin Firth) will appear when the dress is completed. Now that would be something. I will have to put Pride and Prejudice on my “must watch” DVDs for this week.
    Linda’s girls are adorable. I wonder if she can send them this way. We can use some help getting ready for the holiday.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      I’m glad the announcement of making a Regency dress met with your approval… It just kind of popped in my head when my eye was caught by that green fabric. I knew exactly what lace I would use with it and it worked wonderfully.

      Linda is an inspiration to all who are dressing their dolls for Christmas… Just keep looking at her picture and it will grab ahold of your creativity!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Linda’s Christmas scene is so happy. Love the Betsy as an Elf…she’s perfect. And that wringer washer is so realistic!
    The green dress is going to be Wonderful! The lace is just the right width and looks like it was made to go with that Fabric!
    It will be pretty with a Rebecca creation too.
    Have a good week!

    1. Thanks Kathie,
      Linda’s scene IS a happy one, isn’t it? The ringer washer is a really fun prop! Leave it to Linda to think about washing Santa’s and the elves clothes! :o)

      I’m glad you like the dress so far… I hope I can make it in my sewing room later on…
      It will be especially pretty with Rebecca’s green eyes… I sort of picked her for that reason.
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Yes, Linda’s scenes are always so detailed and so much fun. She always gives me ideas and then I sometimes run around trying to “find one like it.” This time it was the little clothesline. Betsy is so cute.

    What a beautiful selection for the dress with the pearl-embroidered lace. Can’t wait to see it finished and see the accessories. Have fun sewing.

    1. HI Susette,
      After seeing Linda’s display, there just might be a run on that little clothesline!

      My day has been too interrupted…I am just now getting in my sewing room….ugh! But I’ll do what I can before it’s too late!
      Thanks so much, Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. It looks like I’m late to the comments again, but it was a busy day. I think a velvet ribbon at her neck with a cameo style broach would be lovely along with a dark green long cape (wool or velvet) with a dark fur collar along with a matching bonnet similar to the hat with Caroline’s short Spencer jacket, with a bit of holly as decoration on a green ribbon for the hat. And a dark fur & satin muff would complement it nicely. Extras could be a Christmas cloth for her basket, and gingerbread people in the basket.

  11. Or there could be a freshwater pearl drop on the necklace since her family lives on the water and might see those in trade goods. And I think some warm knit stockings and boots. As you can tell, I’m cold today and thinking of “warm” things.

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