Don’t you just LOVE a pretty Regency dress?

Today was a good day! Well, good for staying inside. The wind chill barely made it out of the teens today and the temperature only made it to the low 30’s.
It was a good day…for staying inside AND sewing. I finished enough on Rebecca’s dress that you’ll see a big change since last night.

The snaps on the back were sewn on…

The dress was hemmed, leaving that sweet curved train in the back.

I did something a little different with the bow on the back. It’s pre-tied and attached to the dress so the winner doesn’t have to fiddle with it…

…I also finger pleated the tails of the wired ribbon so it looks a bit fancier than just hanging down straight.

Next I figured out a pretty hairstyle for Rebecca. I pulled the sides back and twisted them, then joined the two ends in the back with a hair band. I took the long part that was hanging down and divided it into two sections and tucked it up and over the twisted part and then down behind. Then I sort of finger curled the ends in a few different directions.

The flowers and leaves are just stuck in her hair loosely using the stems. They aren’t attached to anything so the person that buys this dress set can place them in their dolls hair however they like. Did you see I added just a touch of red? I was hoping I had some little sprigs of holly, but I didn’t. :o(

Now I need to step back and study it just a bit to see what I’ll end up adding next. It won’t be long till we see if someone can’t live without it and some loved doll gets to wear it for Christmas! It will definitely need one of “my” Rebecca’s necklaces!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

22 thoughts on “Don’t you just LOVE a pretty Regency dress?”

  1. Beautifully done. Rebecca looks so happy with her new dress even if it’s just temporary.

    Her hairstyle is just perfect to go with the whole outfit and the touch of red was a great finishing touch

    1. Thank you Lynn,
      Rebecca is one of my very favorite AG dolls. She looks pretty in just about anything, but the green really picks up her green eyes.
      Thanks for your compliments,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Wow, that turned out really beautiful, Jeanne!! The little bows at the sleeves, the fancy bow in back, with the pleated tails…such lovely touches.

    I like what you did with Rebecca’s hair, too, and adding that touch of red to the flowers you tucked in there is really just perfect. It’s a lovely gown, but needed a little splash of color, I think.

    Maybe next a reticule, with a touch of red on it, too?

    1. Thank you Charlotte,
      I appreciate so much your compliments on Rebecca’s dress.
      It had been a while since I fixed a dolls hair in some fancy hairdo, so it was fun for me to see what I could come up with.
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. How perfectly lovely this pretty dress is turning out to be, Jeanne! I love that side view of her with the train flowing out and the highlights of her hairpiece showing, with that sweet touch of a red rose! The bow is just beautiful, and really adds to the dress!

    Her very elegant updo with her hair shows off the dress so well, and yes, a pretty necklace will add a needed touch around he neck.

    While I don’t think people back in those days celebrated St. Patrick’s Day, the buyer might like to dress her dolls in green, and this will fit the bill! So there are two special occasions she can wear this!

    1. HI Linda,
      That picture of Rebecca standing sideways was one of my favorites too. I’m glad you like the looks of this set so much…now to figure out the rest.
      I was thinking the same thing about ladies who wanted to dress their dolls in this dress for St. Patricks day….this would easily work for that holiday too.
      I debated about putting some beads on the dress bodice, but I think I’ll just let the necklace add the sparkle.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. The low 30’s? Oh my, I’d be sitting around in my ski jacket inside I think. Hope your indoor temperature was much warmer. We are again experiencing heater problems. The heater works fine until it gets too cold and then it prefers to only come on occasionally. So we plugged in the electric heater and at least I can warm up occasionally. I actually went shopping so I could warm up in the car. Seat warmers are such a wonderful invention. πŸ™‚
    Loving the simplicity of the lines of this Regency dress. What a great idea to pleat the wire ribbon. It adds so much. I think some delicate beads with a striking centerpiece would look beautiful with this outfit.
    Any decorating plans for the holidays ahead? Keep warm.

    1. HI Joy,
      The sun was out today, but it was still very chilly!!! I think we are expecting the 60”s in a few days.
      I hope you’ve gotten your heater problems solved. When you aren’t used to cold weather the cold weather can really be a shock ro your system!!
      Rebecca is house sitting for some friends of ours so I haven’t even asked her about a necklace, but the first chance I see her, I’m going to nab her and see if she thinks she can come up with something pretty.

      Well, we put up my mom’s old Christmas tree. We got her a small one last year and I took hers. It’s undecorated but very pretty…one of these days…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Duh! It’s wire ribbon. I was trying to figure out how you pleated that ribbon. I have a tendency to pull the wire from wire ribbon so I can use it for sewing. I never thought of actually leaving it in and doing something intriguing like this. It is a truly beautiful dress. I love the train and the sleeves are gorgeous. I love fancy sleeves. Her hairdo is very nice and elegant and the flowers in her hair really set off the whole ensemble. By the way, I have a new addition to my dolly household on the way. She’s a Tonner 14″ child Jane. When I got my Sunshine Sofie there was a card inside with a picture of child Jane and 16″ Fashion Jane. I’m not much into the fashion dolls, but I loved the child Jane. I found the cutest one on e-bay at a very good price (since I’m really getting to the bottom of my dolly bucks). I involved my hubby on this one because he always brings in my packages and I wasn’t sure how he’d react to another dolly daughter so soon. He thought she was cute and he liked the price of $55. He actually breathed a sigh of relief. When I asked his opinion before I showed it to him on e-bay, he thought it was another doll that cost a bunch. He was so relieved he said go ahead and order her. No arm twisting needed here.

    1. HI Barbara,
      Wired ribbon wonderful for tying bows on sashes, on hats and for making hair bows. I hope you’ll give it a try next time you use it.
      Thanks for your sweet compliments on the dress. I’m glad you like it.
      I didn’t know who 14″ Jane Tonner was…so I had to look her up on Ebay. She’s a cutie! Congratulations!! Also congrats on getting your hubby to be on Janes side and be okay with you ordering her.
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. I have a Tonner Jane. She is sweet and the same size as Betsy McCall. Congrats on your new girl. πŸ™‚

  6. J u s t b e a u t i f u l !! Jeanne, you never cease to amaze me. This dress is just beautiful softly sweet and elegant!!
    I love the extra touches you manage to create.

    1. Thanks Paula,
      I’m glad to hear that you think Rebecca”s is beautiful….I’m really liking it too. Now to get it finished.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Barbara’s story has made my day, and it needed it. My cold is not going away without a fight. I had to cancel having the gutters cleaned, so the man who cleans them and mows the front lawn showed up with oranges, cough drops, Vick’s Vapor Rub, and chicken noodle soup (3 cans) in spite of my reassurance that I had plenty of food.

    I’m agreeing with Barbara that the sash is intriguing — I love the ways you use wired ribbon, Jeanne. Pantalettes? Would it be a waste of lace to use the same lace as on the bodice? I am especially loving the shade of green you chose for the dress. And I agree with everyone about the red flower. Tomorrow is going to be a good blog day.

    1. Marilyn I’m saying prayers for your cold to be over soon. My hubby and I are just getting over ours. I sing and have rehearsals and concerts the next two weeks and really don’t have time to be sick (who does – especially at this time of year). One of the things I suggest is that, assuming you don’t already use it, get some sinus rinse. I use it regularly but especially when I have a cold. And I spray my throat with sore throat spray. Between the two it keeps things from getting worse and with that and my cold medicine I’m at least functional. My cold started last Saturday and today I joined my son in doing some much needed yard work. Before my current regimen I would often be down for the count for about ten days with a cold.

      1. Barbara,
        Thanks for all your cold and sore throat treatments! Maybe someone besides Marilyn can use your ideas!!
        I’ve said the same thing before…”I can’t get sick…I have too much to do!”
        Blessings, Jeanne

    2. HI Marilyn,
      OH how sweet of your handyman to bring you some “get better” items! What a sweet man he must be!!
      I’m sorry you are under the weather…it’s crummy when you feel bad. I hope you feel better soon.
      Thanks for the compliments on Rebecca dress. I’m enjoying this one but still have plenty to finish for it to be completed.
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Love the hairstyle you created. It’s amazing to me since I have no talent whatsoever with hair, mine nor doll hair. It’s a beautiful creation.

    So glad you had time to sew. The dress is beautiful, too. You always create something wonderful using the same basic patterns we all have who are seamstresses. Congrats on another winner. Can’t wait to see the rest of the ensemble. The winners certainly get value for their bids.

    1. Thanks for the compliments on Rebecca”s hair, Susette. I do like fiddling with doll hair and I was pretty pleased at how this one turned out…
      Thanks too, for the compliments on Rebecca”s dress. I have enjoyed seeing this one come together and I hope I don’t disappoint with how I finish it up…
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Hi Jeanne,
    I for one can definitely tell you right now “I can’t live without this dress.” LOVE the fabric, LOVE the finger pleated bow and LOVE the hair creation. The Regency Era dresses have my full attention because I would have loved to wear these dresses and live in that time period. Keep working your magic Jeanne; can’t wait to see this one finished. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  10. It’s so pretty and I swear that dolls expression changes when she gets to model the latest dress. Her hair is wonderful. The bow is a great shape for that dress too.
    If for some reason sewing doesn’t continue to be fun you could always do hair for weddings and proms :0)

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