Teaching your dolls to sing…

My sister Deb is visiting and we had a really full day! We started early and played late! This was our day… we hit the old Thrift Store in town, then the Goodwill, then lunch at Panera’s (again) and then we went to Kohl’s (again) then TJ Maxx, then to Kroger and then home… I think we just about wore my mom out! But not enough to go get some ice cream. She wanted some so we went to Walmart and made her happy! She went to bed at 9:00 and we never heard a peep out of her!

As the evening was drawing to a close, my mind started thinking about what I could write for the post on Wednesday…. I hadn’t been home long enough to make any thigh highs for Noel…so showing them was out.

Then I got a text from Cindy… my other sister who lives in PA. She sent pictures… perhaps… yes, perhaps it was something I could use for a blog post… AND IT WAS!

Remember Hannah… my nieces little (growing up way too fast) girl… Hannah? Here she is holding her newest cousin… Thomas! Doesn’t she look like she’ll make the perfect babysitter soon?

Maybe holding the baby put her in a “mommy” kind of mood, because the next pictures I received were from Cindy with Hannah playing with her dolls… From right to left, there is Saige (Cindy bought her from me for Hannah), then Butterfly and then Jeanne Marie… They were singing… Hannah has a wonderful voice so I’m sure she was teaching them…

Then Hannah was working on her positioning them around the microphone better… Aren’t they adorable?

Then Cindy sent me a picture of a cabinet she saw somewhere that reminded her of my mom’s. This cabinet was $880!

This is the one Cindy fixed up! I like it much better!

From this…

To this…

The cabinet ended up in the family room…

Well, that’s it from me… I am going to do everything I can to get in my sewing room Wednesday… I am so close to finishing Noel’s dress set.. I have to find her an “accessory” though… I better let her dig around in the Dolly Toy box… :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

20 thoughts on “Teaching your dolls to sing…”

  1. Cindy certainly DID come to the rescue today, Jeanne, although hearing about your shopping trek, was enough to wear anybody out,—– again, I might say!
    Hannah is really growing up to be a very pretty young girl! So sweet that she is loving being a “mommy” to her new little cousin, and then to those darling dolls! I wonder how she came to the name “Butterfly” for one of her dolls? Kind of different!

    Oh gosh, who would be paying $880 for that chest? Cindy certainly got a bargain when she got to fix up your mother’s. Hers looks fantastic!

    I’m not sure what to tell you to add to Noel’s outfit for an accessory, because I don’t know what you have there, but I’m sure whatever it is, it will do very nicely!

    Enjoy the nicer weather, I am!!

    1. HI Linda,
      I know we probably dragged my mom around too much and felt bad last night when she went to bed early. Truth be told, we were dragging a little bit ourselves!
      Today I’m playing catch-up on things around here.

      Hannah is growing up way too fast for her mommy and grandma! She’s a delightful young lady and is as sweet as they come!

      I knew why she named her doll Butterfly, but I’ve forgotten…maybe Cindy will see this and comment…

      I would buy the one Cindy did, too, but not that $880 one… it was too splotchy for me.

      I haven’t made it into my sewing room yet.. I had a birthday breakfast this morning, but I’m heading that way as soon as I finish these comments.

      I LOVE this weather! I really do!!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Such a great family! Everyone sending pics and just plain keeping up. I for one would love to get a tour of Cindy’s house. When we get snippets they really whet the appetite. Is Hannah who you did that floral dress for a wedding? It had I think large blue flowers? Seems you’re really getting back into the swing of things and your mom is still a trooper.
    Now Unfortunately the blog monster seems to be rearing his ugly head again. The blog started showing up with tiny tiny print, a day late if at all. I just started checking each day for new entries so I don’t miss any. Keep ‘me coming.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      I’d love to do a house tour of Cindy’s house too… I might ask her sometime…it’s especially pretty at Christmas time.
      Yes, that’s the same Hannah I made the big blue flower girl dresses for… Hannah and her cousin, Nora. I’m sure they can’t wear those anymore! :o(

      I wish I could tell you what’s going on with my blog posts… even Leann told me this morning that she didn’t get today’s post… but yesterdays… hmmm… GRRRR!
      Someone has to know how to fix it or make it stop doing what it’s doing…
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Oh yes, I would love to see Cindy’s house decorated for Christmas! She will inspire all of us, I’m sure! How about it, Cindy?

  3. Great to see Hannah again and with Thomas. Congratulations to the family. Cindy knows when to help out with pictures. Always interesting and inspiring. Again you wear me out with all those activities in one day but how much fun! Thanks again for sharing.

    1. HI Susette,
      It wasn’t the greatest picture of Thomas…it was the camera I guess that made the one side of his face all red… other pictures of him showed he was a beautiful baby…

      Cindy did save me again just in the nick of time… I’m glad you enjoyed the post today… I’m feeling a little sluggish today, but I’ll keep going…once I’m in my sewing room I’ll probably perk up… I hope so…
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. I don’t know who is sweeter, Hannah or Thomas, such a little bundle. Both adorable.
    How funny to see another blueish chippy cabinet. I do like Cindy’s better though. And I think I have a table very similar to the one in the front left corner in photo at Cindy’s of the cabinet. Buried in the doll room somewhere. I’ll crawl in there later and take a look. It belonged to Aunt Sophie.
    Whatever you decide for accessories for Noel, it might be festive to have a fall background. Maybe leaf patterned fabric draped or even attempt another outdoor scene.
    Did you pick up anything interesting at the thrift stores? Curious.
    Foggy this morning, but supposed to hit 90 today.

    1. HI Joy,
      Thanks for the comments on Hannah and Thomas AND the cabinet Cindy redid! I like hers better too… I hope you find your table buried somewhere and bring it out to use… Aunt Sophie would be so happy to see you using it! :o)

      It’s too breezy outside for pictures today, but I’ll try to find something maybe Fallish…
      I only found socks… Deb hit the jackpot with clothes… She said it was worth the trip here just for that… but then she had to clarify that “visiting” was her real purpose for coming! Thanks Joy, We aren’t even supposed to hit 80 today.. I’m loving it!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. I love Joy’s idea about a fall background. My friend Ricky always remembered a scene from a Shirley McLaine movie set in New England, with McLaine in blue against the fall colors. Probably early technicolor.
    Consider the work Cindy did on her cabinet. $800 was probably not that unreasonable. My dad would have volunteered to smooth out the chips and give it a nice paint job so that it would look nearly new. I would have had to say that I got it for free just for hauling it away. Distressed objects were never his thing. I have a piece of Roman glass that he volunteered to polish out for me. I don’t think he was kidding.
    The dolls are darling. I think Jeanne Marie looks a lot like you, and that at some point, you might have had a similar outfit.
    The picture of Thomas and Hannah is charming. Thomas looks like he’s planning to be a force to be reckoned with. Hannah is smart to be establishing her role as loved, smart, and respected older cousin. She can help him now and he can help her 50 years from now, like my nephew Morgan does me.
    I am so glad you and your mom had this great break with Deb. All of you deserved it.

    1. Thanks Marilyn,
      We really did have a great time.. short but great!
      I like distressed furniture SOME of the time.. but not always. I wasn’t too sure about the cabinet Cindy took home, but she always loved it and knew she could make it prettier than the way it looked when it was in momma’s garage. After Cindy got finished with it, I think I could live with it in my house… I guess I’m more of a “refined” distressed look… not so much like it’s a piece of junk…

      I don’t think Jeanne Marie’s outfit was one I made her… she must have found that somewhere. I remember when she told me she was naming the doll Jeanne Marie… talk about feeling honored… I was! :o)

      I’m so proud of the way she is growing into such a sweet young lady.. she really is wonderful and is very talented… Maybe sometime Cindy can send me a video of her singing or reciting a poem and share it with everyone.

      Today it’s back to normal life again.. which is good because I’m ready for some normal life… too many late night hours and long days…
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. What a beautiful family. sounds like you had fun with your sis–long day but sounds so FUN!!! I am very close to my sister too- she is my best friend and I love it when we get to catch up so I know how special this time was for you. Hanna and her dolls was a very cute pic. I can’t wait to see Noel’s finished set. Have a great day and God bless! Carole

    1. HI Carole,
      We did have a lot of fun, just being sisters with a momma tagging along. Deb made it home and I already miss her…
      I’m working on Noel’s set this evening and hopefully will have something to share tomorrow…
      Thanks Carole,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. What wonderful pictures of Hanna and her dolls (and of course her baby cousin). It sounds like you and your sister had a nice day together. I’m sure you mom enjoyed it too. Keep us posted on what you were able to make for Noel!

    1. HI Carolyn,
      We did have a great time and I’m sorry it was such a short visit, but I’ll take whatever time I can get with either of my sisters. We always have fun together!
      I’m working on getting Noel ready for some nice pictures… hopefully tomorrow it will all be finished! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. The blog posts are fine for me, they show up in my inbox at precisely 2:02 AM (of course I don’t read them then)
    Wow, what an incredibly crazy fun day Deb, your mom and you must have had.
    What a sweet picture of Hannah cuddling her baby cousin and the pictures of her dolls singing is very cute as well.
    I can’t believe someone with actually pay $660 for that cabinet. I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t pay $8.80. Sometimes things I see in antique stores I wonder how the owner expects the amount on the price tag. There are times I think you would have to pay ME $ fill in dollar amount to take it off your hands LOL
    The weather has been colder and rainy here. The sun came out just in time for me to have to go in. 🙁

    1. Thanks Laura,
      I’m glad you are receiving your posts like they are supposed to come to you… I went to breakfast with some friends this morning and Leann (the birthday girl) said she hadn’t received today’s post yet… hmmm… and I think it was Dorothy who was having troubles too… it’s kind of aggravating not to be able to know what’s wrong or how to fix it.

      We all had a fun time and even though we were pooped by today, I wouldn’t trade a minute of it for anything.

      I am just like you with some of the things I see in stores… but there’s always “somebody” who will take a chance on it… I don’t like junk… but everything I like doesn’t have to be brand spanking new… I like some old things… just not ratty things…

      We have had a cooler spell in the weather and we are loving it! It could stay like this forever as far as I’m concerned.
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. What a whirlwind day you Deb and your mother had. I am exhausted just reading it. Sounds like a fun day for the shoppers. Top the day off with yummy dessert, ice cream (which I don’t like) but sounds like fun. Poor Mom she just might have to spend the day relaxing on the sofa.

    Hannah is a pretty young girl and the baby is just too cute. Looks like she had a fun day playing with her dollies.

    I can’t wait to see the completed outfit.

    1. Thanks Sandra,
      Well, I’m almost finished with Noel’s outfit.. I just need to take some decent pictures of it and it will be ready to list on Ebay…
      It’s really sweet looking on her… I wish I could sew faster…or maybe I wish I had more time to devote to my sewing… I love it when I finish something and get to share it on here.

      Thanks so much Sandra,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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