“Fall Fever” Finally Finished…

Another dress set is completed and Noel has picked out her accessory. She dug around in my Dolly Toy Box and couldn’t decide if she wanted a light brown bear or this orangish colored one. She stood in front of the mirror and held each one up next to her navy dress and finally decided on the orangish one. She said she picked her because she matched the buttons on her jacket. :o)

I finished her thigh highs and she said they made her legs warmer since the weather has cooled off a bit.

I just love this little 10″ girl and think she makes the cutest model…

Linda and someone else said she needed a bow for her hair when she took her hat off… so… here you go…

Here is some more eye candy for today…

The plan is to get this set listed on Ebay Thursday evening… I hope it happens. :o)

Thanks everyone,
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on ““Fall Fever” Finally Finished…”

  1. What a wonderful outfit for Noelle–she looks adorable in it!! All the parts just work together so very well!

    I’m glad she chose the little orange teddy bear–just in time for Halloween, too!!

    I’ve been working on Nyla’s outfit, but it’s not done yet. Maybe tomorrow night….

    1. Thank you Charlotte,
      I like how it all came together too. Noel is very happy with it and thinks she gets to keep it.

      I hope you get Nyla’s dress finished soon…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Everything worked out to perfection, Jeanne! I love every single thing about it, from the darling hat and bow, down to the shoes and stockings! It all works so well together, and the little teddy bear is the perfect thing for her! While the dress is adorable without the jacket, this is the time of the year where we need a jacket one day and a sleeveless outfit the next. You never know which one, or it is both in one day! 🙂

    Oh, I was meaning to ask, is that edging on the felt jacket and hat machine or hand sewn? It looks so precise and perfect!

    What’s up next??

    1. Thank you Linda,
      I liked the dress just sleeveless but when it has the jacket over it, it’s just so sweet. Like you said, the weather lately, can change from one moment to another.
      The edging on the jacket is done on my machine…kind if a slanted applique or blanket stitch. It’s my favorite edging on felt.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Noel is a darling model and her outfit.. and choice of teddy.. is adorable!
    Bet she loves how you tamed her wild curls with that sweet bow.
    Know whoever wins this auction will have the happiest little Boneka in the USA!

    1. Thank you Shara,
      Noel is a pretty little model..I totally agree.
      I hope whoever wins this set loves it as much as I loved making it.
      Thank’s so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Lovely set for sweet Noel. So, now I’m wondering, have you tried the outfit on Patsy? Don’t they wear the same size or close? Maybe I’m completely wrong on this. And my Meadow Doll Dumpling kids can wear Ann Estelle/Tonner Patsy outfits. Wonder if it might fit them also? Only pants are a little short but the tops/dresses fit my Maddie, Tella, and Tansy just fine.
    I would love to see the outfit Charlotte T. is making when complete. I’m sad that I haven’t sewn anything in a long time. Other priorities.
    That MDCC doll convention next September in San Antonio sounds like a lot of fun. Sign up open now. I’m in the thinking stage. 🙂

    1. HI Joy,
      I haven’t tried this dress set on Patsy, but now I will…and maybe Elin too. It would be great if it fit on all of them.
      I did see the MDCC was already in the works for next year…have you ever been to a doll convention before?
      Thank you Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. I’ve never been to a convention. But, they look like fun, although pretty expensive. You can have a table in the sales room, but have no idea of the price. I’m sure there are lots of sales with everyone in one place who likes dolls and accessories. It is also possible to enter a doll in competition. I think the profits go to a charity. And, if you go to the luncheon, you get a doll, if ordered. Like that darling Nicco which was available to order if you signed up for the convention. Still thinking.

  5. That’s a darling outfit. Linda was right about the bow. It gives Noel 3 looks in one outfit and the perfect spring/fall outfit. I think those are some of the cutest tights ever. Noel is going to hate giving up those shoes.
    Deb is home, you and your mom are rested, the store windows are done — what’s next?

    1. HI Marilyn,
      Thank you for your kind compliments on Nole’s dress set. It just might be my favorite outfit for her so far. I love how it turned out!

      I’d love to get my kitchen curtains lined and the new rod put up! That’s what I’d like to do next.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. The whole outfit and all the pieces are just darling. Love the tights and the jacket. I’ll have to try the edging stitch on felt. I wondered what that stitch would be for when I saw it on my machine. Hope it works as it sure looks very professional. Thanks again for sharing.

    1. Thank YOU, Susette, for your kind comments. I just listed it on Ebay and now it’s time to turn my attention to Felicity I guess. I do need to straighten up my sewing room a bit and maybe see if I can’t get my curtains lined before I start. I’m tired of seeing that piece of muslin over my pretty curtains…
      You should give the edge stitch a try… it takes a little bit of practice around the curved and the back of the neck, but you’ve got experience in little things and I know you can master it!
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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