Want to see a fun doll room?

I’m supposed to get a call from Sarah, my webmaster, today. She’s trying to help me figure out why my posts are being sent so randomly… some people are still getting them a day late, some are getting them 2 times a day and some aren’t getting some of the posts at all. I talked with Sarah after church this morning and we have narrowed it down to the program that sends out the emails to all my readers. So until I get it figured out, I won’t be listing anything for sale (just getting them ready). I can’t list something for sale and then someone say, “I never got to see it” or “I didn’t know you had that for sale.” I can’t have a Giveaway because even on the last one, 5 people responded to it, but they were a day late. I felt awful.

I’ve also been thinking about how to list things…

* I could just list things on Ebay like I have in the past and then anyone and everyone can see it and bid on it if they like.

* I could make it like a silent auction. I’ll show pictures of something on my website and describe it. Then I’ll set my minimum price and have anyone who wants to “up the price” (or bid) email me with your price… I’ll keep a list of those prices and at a certain time, maybe a few days later, I’ll declare a winner. I can let everyone know what the current price is by updating my post… Do you think that might work?

Anyone have any other ideas of how I could do this?

Before I get to today’s post, I wanted to show a picture of my Savory pan again… The kids put together a birthday lunch for me today… (Yep, I’m turning 62 on Wednesday) and I snapped this picture as all the forks were diving into the BBQ chicken that Rebecca made. It was a delicious meal!

If you click on the pictures they will enlarge.

The other day I showed the “Giveaway” slips on the dolls that they went to… and Sandra wasn’t able to send me a picture of her slip until Sunday, so I told her I’d feature her Samantha in her new slip. She looks very pretty in it and I’m happy she likes it! Thanks Sandra!

Paula mentioned her Doll Room the other day and I asked her to send pictures… She did and I wanted to share them… She’s got plenty of room and lots of storage space for all those “accessories” that our dolls need! So let’s see that room…I’m assuming this wreath is on the door into her room.

I’ll use the email that Paula sent me and let her describe the room.

“It’s an oblong room and very difficult to arrange furniture since there is a door on each end. I wish I realized that a storage room was behind the doll room – can you imagine having men traipsing through this doll room to work on the furnace or water heater. Kind of embarrassing.”

The first closet is all dolls- yikes, both sides! The horses and carriage are kept below.

The second closet has boxes of AMG clothes and accessories. I can see I still need to organize several areas. I don’t have many of my personal pictures up yet because of the odd places left to hang them. Something to work on.

A lot of things on the shelves are keepsakes and mementos and of course dolls. The shelves are about the cheapest bookshelves I’ve ever seen but they’re lightweight and so are the items on them.

The staging table and part of my desk are very nice and sturdy. I’ll turn a good movie on or play music while I change doll clothes and “ play.”

It’s a fun room but I have several things I want to do or change. Honey, our toy poodle, always follows me down there too and curls up to sleep on Addy’s bed!

I noticed my big Shirley needs socks and shoes, oh my!

The patch work pillows on the vintage green chair have pink material from my daughter’s blanket when she was little. Makes me smile.

(I’m not sure what this picture is… Maybe props Paula uses? Is that a pop up camper for one of the American Girl dolls? Maybe Paula can tell us…)

I want the theme in the room to be winter/Christmas and it’s another project for one of these days. I must admit I really love this room regardless of the shape and love my dear husband for adding the room to our house plans.

Thanks SO much Paula. It was fun to visit your doll room… I bet there will be some questions for you! You look like you are very organized and everything has a perfect place!

If you can add anything else, please do…

See you soon,
Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “Want to see a fun doll room?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Jeanne, I think some of us are getting double notices of your blog because, when they were being delayed so badly for a while (back in June, maybe?) some of us clicked the button that says “notify me of new posts by email” below the name and email address of our comments. It might be we will have to unsubscribe and resubscribe, I don’t know. The emails have two different “looks”–the one I signed up for originally (which is often late, even a day or two later than you post it) looks pretty much like the blog itself, except for the comments; the second one has the text in a very pale gray background, set into a slightly darker gray background. If you’d like, I’d be happy to forward both to Sarah so she can see what they look like. I don’t know if that will help or not, but just in case.

    Oh, my goodness, I am just in awe of Paula’s doll room, and how organized it all is!! What a joy to have a room like that, both functional and fun!! The luxury of having not one but TWO closets dedicated to dolly stuff….color me GREEN!!! lol

    Thanks fo much for sharing with all of us, Paula and Jeanne!!

    1. Thanks Charlotte,
      I’m going to print out what you said about the posts coming to you…how one is slightly different from the other one, and share that with Sarah.
      I just knew Paula”s doll room was wonderful enough to share. So glad you enjoyed it!!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. My dolls share a room with my sewing/embroidery/etc. (my dba is Concoction Creations and it fits, I work on whatever strikes my fancy). They occupy the three shelves at the top of a bookcases as well as the top of my electric fireplace/entertainment center. I often have to ask them to please move if I’m watching something on the TV. I have a closet in there and have added tension curtain rods for the hangers for my Madam Alexander 18″ doll and my Build-A-Bear bunny. The rest of the dolls have their wardrobes in plastic boxes with labels on them. The other day my grandson, Skyy, and granddaughter, Jaiden, were visiting. I was in my doll room and opened the closet door to get something out. My grandson saw all the doll clothes hanging in there and he called out, “Jaiden you’ve got to come see this”. I loved it.

      I wish I had more room. I would love to set up scenes but I have so many boxes of items for my creativity all over the place I have no room for mini-furniture. My husband made me wonderful cabinets but I need more. Unfortunately the size of the room won’t allow for more. If the girls go to the pool, I have to set it up in the living room. I told my husband the other day I needed a playroom.

      1. HI Barbara,
        I know just what you mean about needing more room in your sewing room! You aren’t alone…those of us who are blessed with a sewing room “think” we need more room when in reality, we probably need to pare down our stuff. Those who don’t have a sewing or doll room can only dream of a room to sew and create in.
        It sounds like you have a pretty nice set up…
        I liked the part where you said if the girls wanted to go to the pool, they had to go to the living room. :o)
        Thanks Barbara,
        Blessings, Jeanne

  2. What a treat for the eyes today, Jeanne! First, yum, that dinner looked wonderful, and I could almost smell it from here! I can’t believe there would be much left over for another day!
    Sandra”s Samantha looks so pretty in her new slip! She certainly has a beautiful Samantha, love her hair!

    I will ditto what Charlotte says above about the blog. I have exactly the same experience, but, for the last couple of blogs, I have only been getting one, not two, like before. It’s crazy, but at least I am getting one!

    Oh, that doll room! Paula, you did a wonderful job on it! First, I love the light, airy look of it, and the sweet colors you have there. They certainly do show up the dolls and furniture you have. Your closet is wonderfully organized, and I love those bookshelves, that have all different shapes in them! It must have been fun to decide what goes where! Do you rotate what dolls come out of the closet (!)?
    That desk is just perfect, did you have it custom made for the room? And what is the size of it? You really do have a lot in there, but it doesn’t seem stuffed at all! And lastly, do you have children or grandchildren play in there?

    Thank you for sending these darling pictures to Jeanne, and to Jeanne for showing them!

    1. HI Linda,
      Last night there were 4 drumsticks left so George and I shared them for dinner. It really was good!!!
      I sure hope Sarah can help me figure out what’s going on with my blog…it’s driving me crazy and I bet it is all my readers too.

      Paula’s room certainly looks like she has everything all under control. I (personally) don’t think I’d let kids play in there…especially after I had everything all organized and in its place.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. 1. Duplicate posts
    I am continuing to receive duplicate posts. One arrives usually on the correct morning and then another the next day. And they are like what Charlotte says, each a bit different in format. I had to re subscribe awhile back to assure getting the blog on the correct day. And also, each day to post, I have to type in my name and email at the bottom. Not automatically there.

    2. Listing items
    Perhaps giving readers first crack on your items would be nice, but not get you full value if you mention a set price and first to respond calls “mine” or whatever. Also unfair across time zones to bidders.

    Listing on ebay gives you a much wider item view and higher prices, but then there are those pesky fees. I know Etsy has fees too, but are they less?

    I do like the idea of a site auction where you set a minimum and then readers can email with a bid. I know this takes your time too. Posting the current bid amount is an excellent idea too and good so that someone doesn’t overbid by too much.

    3. Sandra’s Samantha
    What a lovely doll. She looks so happy with her new slip. Our daughter reminds me often that she always wanted Samantha when she was little. Good thing I have quite a few AG’s for her daughter to acquire in the next few years.

    4. Paula’s Doll Room
    What a fabulous place for dolls and their accessories to live. It is a happy cheerful room. I would love to have some of the special pieces in your collection. The showcase bookshelves are delightful too. Love all of the closet storage and great organization. The Christmas/winter theme all year around sounds like a good thing to me. Would love to see a pic of Honey in Addy’s bed. Thank you so much for sharing the photos and to Jeanne for posting.

    5. Birthday Lunch
    So sweet of your family to make a special early birthday lunch for you. Yay, Jeanne on soon reaching the so young age of 62. You have many more miles to travel and lots of fun ahead.
    Hope you have a wonderful birthday week.

    1. HI Joy,
      The mystery about the posts continues…and it’s stranger than ever. My sister said she hadn’t gotten today’s post and a friend told me this morning that it had been 4 or 5 days since she’d gotten one…ugh!!!
      Thanks for your thoughts about how to list things…it’s kind of a dilemma about what to do…
      I’d like to see Honey in Addy bed too…

      So 62 is young huh? I guess I’ll keep it then!!!
      I did have a girl at the Thrift Shop here in town tell me the other day I looked younger than her 44 year old mon. It was senior citizen day and 10% discounts given…she almost didn’t believe me…I told her she made my day… :o)
      Thanks so much Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. I always check for you blog — this morning by 8, nothing new showed up. I can get to the blog, and in the past I could get it right after midnight. Now the new entry doesn’t show up for hours, though it does at least show up on the right day. It would be lovely to find a solution. Also, our names used to be filled in at the end of our comments. Now we have to fill them in. No big deal, but the pre-filled-in style was more convenient.

    Given the present situation, I was lucky to get Willa. I’ll have to think about how best to sell, but I do agree that you can’t sell until the computer situation is fixed and until we figure something out about being fair across time differences.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      Thanks for telling me about your “posts” situation… every little bit of information I can give Sarah just might help.
      It’s awful to just sit her and not be able to do anything… I just want it fixed, back the way it used to be..
      I’m glad you got Willa too… I hope Anna loves her…..when she gets her! :o)
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. What fun it was to tour Paula’s doll room and see all the wonderful dolls and display items she has. I spotted at least four Jeanne Marie dresses on dolls including that lovely gray and black Civil War dress on Caroline and the green and burgundy on Felicity..
    Those white bookcases are really neat with the irregularly shaped spaces.

    I like your little lighthouse figurines. I love lighthouses and anything and everything to do with the sea. The tall one looks just like Point Prim on Prince Edward Island. If it isn’t, what one is it? We took a wonderful vacation to PEI in August 2001 and had to go and see all the “Anne” and “Road to Avonlea” sites. The lighthouse we had to search the hardest for was Gus’ which was Sea Cow Head.
    I’d love to see Honey in Addy’s bed as well. Our little Yorkie, Nellie Rose , always slept in Addy’s bed as well. She would lie on her back and my daughter would pit Kirsten’s quilt across her.

    1. HI Laura,
      I believe I saw 7 dresses.. :o)
      Paula does have a very nice doll room…we all agree and we’ll have to get her to send me a picture of little Honey in Addy bed. I can see it now…a post called “Dogs in Doll Beds” where I feature everyone’s dogs in doll or “regular” beds… that might be fun!
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Oh my, forgot to wish you a Happy early Birthday, Jeanne, So sorry about that. I think most of us just went straight to Paula’s doll room and got lost in all the goodies.

    And Sandra, your Samantha is lovely in her new slip. If I’m not mistaken, you have one of the early PC girls.

    1. Thank you for the early birthday wishes, Laura. I totally agree about getting lost in Paula”s doll room…I love to look at everyone’s doll stuff… :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Dear Jeanne, Happy Birthday! I hope that when you make a wish on your cake the Birthday Fairy grants it immediately.
    I love the photos of the doll room. I hope other folks send in photos that you can share. My collection is very small and my dolls are in my china cabinet.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      Thanks for the birthday wishes… It’s wonderful having all of you ladies as my friends! That is the best gift ever… now if I could just get this silly computer/post problem solved… I’d really be happy!
      I’m glad you liked the pictures of Paula’s doll room… it really is a wonderful room…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. I am late to the post (I am sorry) but still early enough to wish you a happy birthday!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day/week/year!!
    Paula, your doll room is wonderful.
    Hope you have a great day!
    Take care —

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes, Charlotte!
      I appreciate you being such a faithfull reader.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Good morning! Jeanne, I hope you have a blessed birthday and that you can spend it in a way you like. The meal Rebecca made looks yummy and the picture was so cute with all the forks going in. You sure don’t look like you’re turning 62! If I didn’t know your age, I would’ve thought you were mid-fifties.

    Sandra’s Samantha is a pretty Samantha. Once in awhile some of the newer dolls aren’t as pretty as the older dolls, although I don’t know if this Samantha is an older one or a newer one? I’ve yet to get a Samantha

    Jeanne, I thought I sent a picture of Honey curled up on Addy’s bed. Since I was having trouble sending my pictures, it’s possible it didn’t get sent. I’ll try again. She is so funny and pleasingly spoiled. She can’t hear anymore and it’s sad to see the changes she’s had to endure with age. She’s 13.

    The dark picture is of the camping pop- up tent and Kit’s table and chairs. They are under the staging table. I skid lean my AMG scene books at the end of the table.
    The table I’m guessing is 46” long and 2 ‘1/2 “ wide. It’s been awhile since I got it but I had to keep in mind the size of the rooms and where the door was to the tabke’s side. Then adding the desk meant I had to go sideways but that allows me to view the staging table or swivel my chair to see the rest of the room. I just wasn’t able to get the two shelves away from each other with what wall space I had. The table and desk and chair were from Ikea. I want to remove the house items for a bit and put up the Seaside lighthouse cafe set but just haven’t gotten to it yet.
    I keep my AMG’s in the closet at all times unless I’m changing outfits. I’m also going to start covering them with tissue paper to protect them from the dust. Everything on the bookshelves stay where they are with a few changes here and there. I do have to dust those items and that doesn’t take too long. But it’s unfortunate to expose some of those dolls to everyday dust. Music or a good movie makes the work go faster! Lol.
    Laura, the two light houses: one is good old Marblehead on Lake Erie and the other one is Whitefish Point Lighthouse up on a point off of Lake Superior. The museum is wonderful, including a few items from the infamous Edmond Fitzgerald.
    It’s funny how little doggies like your Yorker, and our poodle, assume anything little with a mattress or pillow is for them!

    Thank you for sharing my doll room with everyone, Jeanne.

    1. HI Paula,
      Wonderful… I love it when people guess I’m younger than I am… Thanks for the birthday wishes!
      Poor Honey…but I bet she’s loved all the more because of her disabilities!

      I think you’ve done a wonderful job on organizing your doll room. It looks like you know exactly where everything is and that’s called “efficiency!” You are truly a doll lover and it shows in your whole room! I’m so happy you sent these pictures for all of us to see.
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. I haven’t been a blog member long enough to know what to expect, but I do seem to have days when nothing shows up. I also always seem to be late to the party a lot, and was wondering if it was a time zone thing or what. And sometimes my posts don’t post so I do it again and end up with two that say much the same thing but not exactly.

    While I was writing today I happened to think of something. My husband and I go to Cedaredge, CO, every year in late summer after the grandkids go back to school to get out of the Texas heat. They have a wonderful museum there with a whole building full of dolls. I love it. In addition, they have the most amazing dollhouse I’ve ever seen. Most doll houses are not fun to play with because they are made so simplistic to make it easier for children. This one has it all. I’ve never had the inclination to build one on my own. If anyone has the opportunity to be in the Montrose/Delta/Grand Junction area of Colorado, take a side trip up toward Grand Mesa and visit the Cedaredge Pioneer Museum. It’s a great experience and the doll building is totally amazing.

    1. HI Barbara,
      You aren’t alone in missing some of the posts… something is going on and some ladies are getting them the day after they are supposed to be viewed, and some ladies are getting posts 2 x a day… a friend is trying to get it all sorted out for me… as I don’t have a clue how to fix it…
      Thanks for the heads up about the Doll museum.. It sounds like a lot of fun and an all day event if you are a doll lover!…which I think we all ARE! :o)
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    We are not fond of getting older but it’s nice to still be on the green side of the grass. ,☺️
    Enjoy everything you love this year!
    I almost hate to say it but after having had problems forever to post on your blog I haven’t had any problem since we got an I pad. I can post… I do have to sign in each time. ( I’m knocking on wood!). My daughter thinks odd things happen when you haven’t updated your software when an update happens. I was always told to wait when an update happens in case there are bugs…but so far every update has been fine. Idocheck the notify me of new emails. So that’s my experience?
    Paula….what a wonderful doll room but those cute dolls look so sad when the closet door shuts! Love the way your shelves have different shapes…that makes your display so much more attractive than just straight shelves. Love your colors too! Yes, please resend the picture of your poodle in the dolly bed…that has to be so cute!

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