The evolution of a “chippy” cabinet…

I am so glad you all enjoyed the little baking video that Joy shared with us yesterday. If you missed it you must go back and see it… it was wonderful. You can see it HERE.

Thank you Marilyn for that link to those absolutely beautiful Victorian dresses… Marilyn also sent a link to a dress on Ebay that sold for $730!!!

You can see that link HERE.

Did anyone besides me almost faint???

…and thank you Laura for showing us how to open the pictures and look at them larger… WHAT A TREAT THAT WAS! I am copying and pasting yesterdays comments from Laura so you can see how she did it…

I was able to make them bigger! I have a double click mouse and I’m on a laptop, so I did a right hand click on the dress picture and chose “open image in new tab’. Open the new tab at the top and the picture is much bigger. Here’s a few random ones:

Just click on the highlighted word “Dress” part of the link.

Dress 1

Dress 2

Dress 3

I was busy working on slips for some new girls that I plan to list… BUT…someone I know was busy doing something dirty and nasty and fun all at the same time. It was my sister, Cindy.

My mom had a cabinet that she stored things in and it was in her garage. She’s had it for years and years and I’m sure it had never been cleaned out. She got it from our neighbor, who used to have it anchored to the wall in his garage. Well, anyway, when we moved my mom to an independent living place, we had to clear out some things after she moved. Cindy had always loved this cabinet so she took it home with her.

Well, today was the day of its transformation… Now some of you might think, “who in their right mind would want that?” Well, not only did Cindy want it, but she wanted it “probably” to put in her house…

Now hold on… don’t stop reading till you see this all the way to the end…

It had dirt dauber nests (like black wasps) all in the inside…

…gobs of them…

Cindy scrubbed on it all day… here’s the top, looking pretty good…

Of course, when she got one little section cleaned out, she had to stop and do a little decorating… isn’t this pitcher gorgeous?

Here’s a shot of the door before…

…and after…

Can you see how much elbow grease it took to get this cabinet clean?

…another before picture of the door…

…and another after…

As she got lower on the shelves, she tipped it over to make it easier to clean… easier on the back, I’m sure!

She was thinking she was just about done… but take a look at this crazing… it’s wonderful… IF you like crazing!

One more cruddy shot to show you how far it’s come…

…and a pretty shot…

She let it dry for several hours and then moved it into her house… where her fingers began their magic…She put it in her foyer and decorated it this way first…

…of course she had to show a few different ways…

Okay.. I’m trying to get a few more pictures loaded… Cindy likes to “play” with her stuff until she finds the right place and “accessories.” Hope you enjoy some “extra” pictures…

Cindy played around with the cabinet last night, but finally settled on this look…the little picture is one of my mom…

However…she got up on Saturday morning and had to play some more…

Here is a pretty picture of the cabinet in her foyer before she moved it to her family room…

Hope you love the transformation!

Great job, Cindy! Love you!

Have a wonderful Saturday,
Blessings, Jeanne

27 thoughts on “The evolution of a “chippy” cabinet…”

  1. What a transformation, Jeanne! I can’t imagine going through all that cleaning up for a piece of furniture, and having it look like anything to put in my house to make it worthwhile, but Cindy sure can! What can’t she do?
    It never ceases to amaze me how people either have or find something that can turn into a piece of art, just laying around. Well, MY cabinet in the garage is one that my hubby’s parents had in theirs, but it is lopsided sort of, and made of metal, plus the paint is chipping off. Unfortunately, there is NOTHING anyone can do for that to make it presentable to put in any kind of a house!
    I love the beadboard backing of it on the inside. Was it a pie safe originally?
    Well, back to the mid-90″s for us the next couple of days! The cooler weather has been nice while it lasted! Have a great weekend!

    1. HI Linda,
      Yes, it was quite a transformation, wasn’t it? Only Cindy could make that piece look beautiful! I liked the beadboard backing on this cabinet too! Cindy thinks it was probably a jelly cupboard… but not positive. I’m going to try and contact the man who had it in his garage and see if he knows anything about it…
      Some things are just meant to be “left in the garage!” :o) I guess your cabinet is one of them…
      It’s warm out there today, isn’t it? I’m staying inside.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    How great to see all those dresses “up close and personal”, so to speak They look even prettier when you can see all the details!! Thanks to Laura for teaching us how!

    That chippy cabinet…my goodness, one would hardly know it was the same piece, in the “before” and “after” pictures! What a lot of work and elbow-grease Cindy put into that project! Well worth it, too, as she has a nice piece of furniture (with a lot of memories attached) for her home.

    I did share that miniature-baking video on my Facebook page, and my friends seem to like it, too!!

    I actually did some sewing today, Jeanne (I started making a dress for myself). Hope you get a chance to do some sewing soon!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      Yes, it’s a real treat to see those dresses up close… I have to agree. I’m going to look at them all…
      I think Cindy should keep it.. she has an antique booth that she sells things from, and she said she might take it there, just to use it for a display piece, but not sell it… but I think she should keep it in her house.. it fits in perfectly!

      I was looking at patterns the other day for ME too, Charlotte… I’d like to make something new for myself.
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. I was hoping Cindy would get that great garage piece home and work magic with it. If you remember, it was the piece from your estate/garage sale that I found most interesting. There is something about the color I especially like as well as the shape. With the beadboard backing, I can only guess as to it’s age. I wonder if it is put together with square nails? We have a large shelving unit of similar age that came out of an old retail store. I think it will have to remain with our house if we ever move, because since the time we installed it in a bedroom, we have changed the position of doors in the hallway making removal most likely impossible.
    Love that blue pitcher of Cindy’s as well as how she decorated the cabinet in so many unique ways. Thanks so much Jeanne for sharing this.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. HI Joy,
      I remembered it was you who asked about that cabinet and wondered if we were going to sell it… We actually ended up covering it up, so no one would see it at the yard sale. I’m going to try and find out some history on it if I can get ahold of the man who gave it to momma.
      When Cindy sent me the picture of the blue pitcher in the little cubby hole, I texted her back, “Beautiful pitcher!!!” and she said, “What about the cabinet???” I said, “Oh, yeah, it’s nice too!”
      I hope you have a nice weekend too!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Dear Jeanne, your sister is so talented! I love the before and after shots you took. Cindy could have her own decorating show!

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      I know for a fact she could have her own show… or blog…or store… she’s extremely talented and really has an eye for things that work together or things that will sell.
      I’m glad you enjoyed her pictures. I sure did… It was fun tagging along with her all day as she sent me picture after picture of what she was accomplishing.
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Your welcome, Jeanne. I hope other people enjoyed looking at the dress pictures larger as well. That’s the way I always do it to enlarge pictures. It works almost all of the time unless the poster does something to prevent it. .
    Cindy’s old new cabinet looks great and goes very well with the rest of her furnishings. She is obviously undaunted my wasps nests etc. and can see easily past how something is, to what it can become. I like the beadboard backing as well. It makes it very pretty when the cabinet is open. The cast iron basket of flowers is beautiful. I have a cream colored dog that belonged to a dear family friend.

    1. HI Laura,
      Thanks for telling us how to make the dress pictures larger… I’m going to sit down with my ipad and look at every single one of them…
      Cindy’s house is kind of a Colonial style so the cabinet works well with all her stuff. I think it looks great in her house!
      I’m glad you enjoyed it!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. The before and after I want to see is Cindy — what did she look like at the end of the day? I saw the picture of her painting your kitchen and she looked neat and well organized. I suppose she looked just as neat and well-organized at the end of the cleaning process.

    When I tried the method you described on the doll clothes picture, I got the frame but no photo, only the words “not found.” I wonder if the poster now prevents enlarging. Your enlargements are beautiful.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      Cindy didn’t send me a picture of what SHE looked like at the end of the day but she said she was pooped and that shower felt so good washing off all the crud she’d had her hands in! I bet she slept well too! I didn’t ask.
      I haven’t tried looking at the rest either… but I’ll give it a try and see what I come up with.
      The kids planned a birthday lunch for me tomorrow, so I’ll ask Kristoffer to look at them and see if he has any suggestions too. He fixed something on my phone today that the guy at Verizon couldn’t even fix… He said I’d just have to dismiss the thing that kept popping up… should have known Kristoffer to the rescue!
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Hi Marilyn,
      Actually, that was my method and Jeanne just posted my comments on how I do it. It works on my PC as well as my laptop. The reason I’m saying this is because I’ll
      try to help you see them enlarged. They are really beautiful. First, do you have a two button mouse? Do a right button click on the dress picture itself. Six lines down are the words, “Open image in new tab”. Chose this with a left hand click. A new tab will appear at the top of the screen. Open that tab and the picture will be much larger. Are there particular ones you would especially like to see? I can cut and past them here.
      I’ll do the first two rows :

      Have a lovely evening,

      1. One of the things I found out by accident with this poster, is that if you back out the last part of the Url, for instance on the last one you posted here Laura, you will get a folder with multiple pictures. I was then able to open each photo and look at multiple views of the outfits. This one was interesting to me because of the lace treatment on the bottom And this one makes me want to do something similar in velvet for one of my historical dolls I wouldn’t have imagined these colors together but they are lovely in this outfit

    1. HI Marilyn,
      Well, well, well… it just so happens that I found a lady selling a little 6″ Navi doll by My Meadow and I bought her… I didn’t sleep a wink all that night after I told her I’d take the doll. Yikes… what have I done?? But I can’t wait… she’s coming from Canada and will be shipped out on Monday… She has been painted by what I’m told is a pretty well known artist.. April Norton… The doll is very cute and she had on a red wig… I HAD to buy her… :o) I’m really excited to see her and hope my pattern for Ten Pings shoes fit her…as well as all the patterns I drafted for Riley… maybe some minor adjustments will be needed, but I hope nothing major.
      I’ve been working on slips for more dolls… plus alterations for Rebecca…
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Well, Jeanne you are in for a beautiful surprise.
    Click on vinyl repaints, all beautiful, I think the very blonde darling at the very bottom is a Navi.
    I am working on little Effner dolls at the moment. Almost finished a couple of 8″, and have ordered up 3 BooBoo’s.
    We will have to compare 6″ sewing.

    1. Thank you for the link to April’s website, Jane.
      I spent quite some time looking at her things… lovely to say the least.
      I have drawn out a picture just on paper of the size of Navi and hope some of my Riley Kish patterns that I drafted will work for her… I guess we’ll see in a few days. April sent me a picture of the box with Navi inside and said it will be shipped out tomorrow. It’s coming from Canada… I don’t know how fast that will get here… but I hope fast! :o)
      Thanks again,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Your post wasn’t there on the 25th when I looked so am late responding. Hope they get that fixed as that has happened quite a bit over the last few weeks.

    Cindy did a fantastic job! That is A lot of work and effort but it is apparent that she has an eye for a diamond in the rough and loves transforming those old tired pieces. It is really unique and beautiful and I enjoyed seeing all the different ways she displayed it. I think it might be a jelly cupboard too. Pie safes usually have pierced tin or screened panels as they were used to cool pies without pesky flies landing on them.

    Also thanks to Laura for the computer tip. You can also use the “snip it” tool. I know it is in windows 10. You need to open a blank word doc then go back to what you want to copy; click on the snip it tool (I have it pinned to my task bar for easy access) a little window pops up in upper right hand corner; click on new. The page will sorta white out and you start drawing the snip it box to encompass what you want to copy. When done it will appear in another window; right click on the copied item and choose copy; then paste in the opened blank document. You can then use your picture tools to adjust the size to whatever you want. I’m sure Laura or your son can explain it better but this tool works when others won’t. Since I learned of it I use it all the time – very handy.

    Congrats on your new Navi doll, can’t wait to see her.

    1. HI Leigh,
      I’m tired of the posts not reaching my readers either… I hope I have an answer after tomorrow…when Sarah calls me…
      Cindy just sent me a picture of one she found on the internet… it had that same turquoisy color in it…only it hadn’t been cleaned up at all…it was filthy… and the price??? $4800! I told Cindy… “SELL YOURS!” She said she wouldn’t but she could sure give the new owner directions on how to clean it. I told her, “I had the blog post to prove how bad yours was!!!” :o)

      Wow… I like the idea of the snip it tool too… I’m going to have to look for it on my new Windows 10 computer… I thought I hated Windows 10, but maybe I need to give it a second chance! :o)
      Thanks Leigh,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Wow $4,800? Would be very tempting to part with it but I also have the problem of parting with family treasures – just ask my husband!

        I sure know what you mean about Windows 10, it’s a love / hate relationship especially with the never ending updates. Good luck.

  9. Hi Marilyn,
    Actually, that was my method and Jeanne just posted my comments on how I do it. It works on my PC as well as my laptop. The reason I’m saying this is because I’ll
    try to help you see them enlarged. They are really beautiful. First, do you have a two button mouse? Do a right button click on the dress picture itself. Six lines down are the words, “Open image in new tab”. Chose this with a left hand click. A new tab will appear at the top of the screen. Open that tab and the picture will be much larger. Are there particular ones you would especially like to see? I can cut and past them here.
    I’ll do the first two rows :

    Have a lovely evening,

    1. Thanks Laura…
      These dresses are so much nicer to look at in BIG form, than teeny tiny! I’m going to look at them all, but thanks for the ones you’ve shared with us…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Congratulations on your new doll, Jeanne. From the link she looks very cute.
    I thought you were downsizing though? LOL Well, I guess in a way you are, inches that is””
    🙂 🙂

    1. HI Laura,
      Thanks for the congrats on my little Navi… the link that Jane sent didn’t have the doll I’m getting.. There was no picture of Navi on that page. She’s a tiny little 6″ doll, and yes, I’m supposed to be downsizing… and I am… But she is the hottest thing going right now and I decided to go for it… I have 7 or 8 dolls to sell… I think…Every time I get one ready to sell, I look at her and think, “Why am I selling her…she’s so adorable?”

      I guess we’ll see… Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Hi Jeanne,
    Wow what a nice job Cindy did. I wondered as I was reading along what color she was going to paint it. Looking at the end result I’m loving it! Cindys home is beautiful and that cardboard looks wonderful in it. She has some serious decorating skills! I’m pretty sure some of us were drooling on our keyboards. ; )
    I looked up My Meadow Navi and she is adorable! I can’t blame you one bit for falling for her.
    Thank for sharing all those neat photo’s … Happy Monday!
    Hugs and prayers

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