Before I start today’s post… here is Honey, Paula’s dog… laying on Addy’s bed in her doll room… I wanted everyone to see her…
Today is my birthday and I’m 62 years YOUNG! YOUNG…I tell you, Young! Maybe if I keep saying it I’ll feel like it! Some days I do, some days I don’t, but I’m very thankful and very blessed to be celebrating 62 years of living on this earth. I really do have a wonderful life and love my hubby and kids and family with ALL my heart! They are the most important people I see in person! I don’t see HIM in person, but He’s there, right beside me, every single day… walking and guiding me each step I take. It’s the Lord, if you haven’t guessed. He’s the glue that keeps us together as a family! Thank you Lord, for these 62 years you’ve blessed me with…
This was me as a wee baby…
As I was pondering about what to write for this post, I wanted to show something that would have lots of pictures… SO…I counted up the dolls I have owned and there are just about 62… so I’m going to have a slide show and pick one outfit for each doll that I’ve owned…I think you’ll enjoy it… I’ll try to pick a picture that showcases that doll the best.
Most of my pictures will enlarge if you click on them.
1.) 7 1/2″ Skateboard Riley, by Helen Kish
10.) Mommy’s Garden Party Katie Effanbee
11.) Scotty Girl Katie Effanbee
32.) 7 1/2″ Tulah, by Helen Kish
33.) 11″ Millie, by Kaye Wiggs
34.) 13″ Isabelle, by Dianna Effner
35.) 13″ Lian, by Dianna Effner
36.) 13″ Janie, by Dianna Effner
37.) 13″ Emmie, by Dianna Effner
44.) Essential Ellowyne Five Green eyes
45.) Essential Ellowyne Five Brown eyes
(She’s never modeled for me…)
46.) !6″ Four Seasons Kish Winter
47.) 16″ Four Seasons Kish Fall
52.) 8″ Ten Ping by Ruby Red Galleria
55.) 14″ Nahji, a Hearts for Hearts doll
56.) Willa, an American Girl Wellie Wishers doll
59.) Holly, a Boneka repaint
(I couldn’t find my pictures of her)
60.) Amanda, a Boneka doll
(I haven’t shown her yet)
62.) I wonder who will fill this slot???
Well, that’s 62 dolls for 62 years… I hope you enjoyed seeing them all!
See you soon,
Blessings, Jeanne
Have a great day birthday girl.
So many dolls in beautiful dresses. I bet that number 62 is heading down from the north – right now.
(Clue, she won’t take up much space)
P.S. What a very cute wee babe you were.
Hi Jane I wrote a group comment down below if you wanted to see it.
Happy happy birthday, dear Jeanne!! I hope you have a wonderful day, filled with the things and people you love most!!
I so enjoyed seeing all your dolls!! It was fun to compare the #1s and #2s of some of those dolls, too, and see which ones *I* preferred!! (your first Molly, your second Kirsten, second Josefina….) Of course, I love the Little Darlings, and those Ellowynes are so pretty. One of my very favorite outfits was in the first picture, with little Riley. I have a Riley with hair like that; perhaps it’s why I liked that picture so much!
Thanks for showing us Paula’s Honey, lying on Addy’s bed, too. So cute!!
Hi Charlotte,
I wrote a group comment down below if you wanted to see it.
Blessings Jeanne
Happy, happy birthday, you sweet girl!! You deserve a day of doing whatever YOU want, and a day that makes you feel special, because you are! What a darling baby you were,— my goodness, all that hair! You certainly were not a bald baby!
Honey looks like she is right where she belongs! Thanks for showing that cute picture!
I am so glad that you didn’t end with “What doll do you like best”? Good grief, I haven’t got the time for that! All those darling dolls in darling outfits just made my day!
Hi Linda,
I wrote a group comment down below if you wanted to see it.
Blessings Jeanne
Happy Birthday Jeanne! Thanks for sharing these pics of all the dolls you’ve had! They are all so pretty, not to mention how gorgeous their dresses are. I am curious what doll(s) you had as a little girl? You may have mentioned this in a post that I missed (I was a late bloomer finding your blog!)
Have a wonderful day!
Hi Linda,
I wrote a group comment down below if you wanted to see it.
Blessings, Jeanne
Happy Birthday! And what a present that was. It must have taken you a few hours to put that show together. There are several dresses there that I still want. Don’t some of them inspire you to make similar ones?
What are you going to do today? Here at least it looks beautiful. I hope it’s as nice for you. And I could get the blog at a reasonable hour. That’s a present for me.
Have a super day, followed by a really good year.
Hi Marilyn,
I wrote a group comment down below if you wanted to see it.
Blessings, Jeanne
Happy Birthday, Jeanne! Wishing you a wonderful
Enjoy every moment ??
I recognize the sweet little sacque set you were wearing in your baby photo! Its by Carters and had machine smocking around the neck. Pink rosebud print. I was having my babies in thr late ‘50’s and early ‘60’s.. i still have the little Carters matching set in baby yellow check knit. I had several boys first who wore it. By the time my daughter arrived in 1960, I was finally able to go “full out pink!” Lol
Your parade of dolls and their beautiful outfits are a trip down Memory Lane.. all so pretty! I loved sewing for 11” Bitty Bethany too!
Hi Shara,
I wrote a group comment down below if you wanted to see it.
Blessings Jeanne
Happy Blessed Birthday Jeanne!!! Enjoy your day and may it be filled happiness and many blessings. Your baby picture is adorable. You look so sweet and innocent and those little hands that became hands to help others, and hands that cooked for family and hands that made beautiful clothes for people and dollies and hands that worked hard to create a beautiful home- may they be hands that are blessed even more!!
It was neat to see all the dolls who have stood as models. That was a lot ! Yesterday I went to the doll room and looked through my dolls. To this day, when I examine the outfits you made, I’m still amazed at the detail and how really exquisite your hand work is. Jeanne, your sewing and design and material choices are phenominal and I’m so happy I have them. Thank you.
And thank you for sharing my picture of Honey. As they say, poodles are delightful and demanding but so devoted to their people. When she “talks” to us, we ask her, “ What’s wrong in poodle-bills?” After all, she really is from the Poodle Planet!
I realized if I went to the bottom of your blog and read the various posts, I realized I could find articles you’ve written but I never received. I’m so happy I found that. I never saw Cindy’s cabinet refinish and today’s post and a few others. I was thrilled.
Happy Birthday!!
Hi Paula,
I wrote a group comment down below if you wanted to see it.
Blessings Jeanne
And the star of the show is…Honey! Thanks for sharing the photo. What a lucky doggie.
What a beautiful day for a birthday. You have only become more lovely since your baby photo. You were just the cutest little thing!
The dolls around here who are looking over my shoulder, would love to have dresses similar to the ones An Mei and Isabelle are wearing. What size you ask? Anywhere from 6 1/2″ to 16″ and in between. It is pretty crowded around my computer this morning.
Thank you so much for the “62” doll parade. Very fun.
Hope the day treats you well and you have wondrous surprises.
Happy Birthday!
Hi Joy,
I wrote a group comment down below if you wanted to see it.
Blessings Jeanne
I meant to say “ poodle- ville?” My phone changes words on me all the time. It’s embarrassing if I don’t catch them.
Hi Paula, I know what you mean. We just got smart phones about a year ago and before we got them we wondered what on earth our daughter was talking about most of the time!! Too funny and it happens to all of us.
Your little Honey looks so adorable. We had a “Honey” dog in our family too but she was a big yellow lab.
Have a wonderful day.
Paula, that happens to me all the time too! You aren’t alone in that!
Happy Birthday to my one-year-older-than-me birthday twin! I loved seeing all your girls in their adorable outfits – you are such a talented seamstress – what a wonderful gift to have! Something I noticed – coincidentally – #57 (the year I was born) is wearing a dress I bought from you.
Hope you have a great day!
p.s. Love the baby picture. I had just as much, if not more, hair – and very curly!
Hi Theresa,
I wrote a group comment down below if you wanted to see it.
Blessings Jeanne
Happy Birthday, young lady!
Would break out in song but that is not something you would actually want me to do…I can’t sing. Hope you have a wonderful day surrounded by the people that you love, great food and a huge cake. Birthday’s are about the cake. lol.
Wow, just wow! How lucky are you to have owned all these amazing dolls. Thanks for sharing and I think I might have drooled. haha! They are all gorgeous and dressed so beautifully. Happy you didn’t ask us to pick a favorite as I would have had to say all of them.
Very cute baby picture and I spy a Carter’s Layette set. Love them and all my children wore them from baby to toddler sizes.
Happy Birthday and Happy Doll #62.
Hi Sandra,
I wrote a group comment down below if you wanted to see it.
Blessings Jeanne
Dear Jeanne, oh my goodness what a great posting!
First: Bon anniversaire, Feliz cumpleaños, Felix natalis, Buon compleanno, Siku ya kuzaliwa ya furaha, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Second: What an adorable baby picture. I just want to say “goo, goo.” (laugh)
Third: The doll photos were excellent. I think they need a title. How about “The Dolls of My Life.” I am sure you get the reference (chuckle).
Blessing for a wonderful day, a fantastic year, and an enriched life!
Hi Dorothy,
I wrote a group comment down below if you wanted to see it.
Blessings Jeanne
Hi Jeanne;
Happy, Happy Birthday to you!! Hope you are having a fun filled day with loved ones and your favorite treats. Your baby pic is so adorable, at first I thought you were showing a pic of a baby doll as I am such a visual person and I just can’t wait to see what you have posted sometimes I scroll down all the pics then come back to read. Anyways, what a beautiful baby – perfect in every way and oh my what gorgeous hair.
Really enjoyed viewing all your dolls; they are all so lovely and unique and I also could not pick a favorite. I agree that was a lot of work uploading all the pics so thank you so much for sharing.
Happy Birthday Dear One
Hi Leigh,
I wrote a group comment down below if you wanted to see it.
Blessings Jeanne
What great fun this post is! Happy Birthday, Jeanne, and hope you are having a wonderful day, month and year. I’m sure you will be back to sewing soon. I can’t believe all of the outfits you’ve made. Thanks for inspiring me to collect a few dolls myself. You look so cute in your baby picture and in picture of you taken recently. I can’t believe I have 15 years on you, Yikes! Thanks for being our friend and including us in your life. Cute puppy shot. We need another picture of Reuben. He’ll be feeling left out.
Hi Susette,
I wrote a group comment down below if you wanted to see it.
Blessings Jeanne
HI everyone,
My birthday has been kind of uneventful, but that’s okay…I’m beginning to go for those kind of days.
I woke up to a card from my hubby, then a card from Rebecca…a Jacquie Lawson ecard from one of my readers, a call from my sister in law singing me happy birthday, a sweet card in the mail from another reader, a new cookbook in the mail from my sister Deb, a call from Kristoffer, a few texts from friends, an invite to lunvh tomorrow, and I feel like some kind of celebrity with all the Facebook wishes and now all these wonderful comments on my blog!!
Everyone should have this many friends who care about them!! I love you all and am so blessed to have you in my life…
Blessings and love for everyone, Jeanne
Aww, Honey is adorable, Paula. Thanks for showing off your furbaby.
Happy, happy birthday, Jeanne. What a cute baby you were, and with so much hair!
Hope you’re having a wonderful day.
That was so enjoyable to see all the dolls you’ve owned over the years and it’s interesting that you had two off some of them. What a beautiful array of dresses as well. I wonder who #62 will be as well. Do you already have a new doll on the way?
I agree we haven’t seen Rueben in a while.
HI Laura,
Thanks for the birthday wishes! I really do have such wonderful ladies on this blog…you all are SO kind!
Sometimes you just see a doll and think she’s in a little bit better condition than the one you have so you upgrade!!!
It “could be” that I know who #62 is!!! You’ll have to stay tuned….
I’ll have to see about a new Reubens picture!!!
Blessings, Jeanne
Happy Birthday sweet Jeanne! 62 beautiful girls to commemorate a beautiful womans 62th birthday. Wishing you all the best.
Hugs and prayers
Thank you Ingrid,
I wrote a “group” comment a few up from yours… Thanks for the birthday wishes! I’ve had a nice day!
Blessings to you, Jeanne
Happy Birthday! May there be many many more. Love the 62 collection, and as long as I’ve been reading along, I have to say you continually amaze me with your lovely doll outfits. Addy’s outfits in particular struck me as very lovely in this post.
I have loved dolls for a long time and coveted my childhood friend’s hand-me-down doll set from her mom & grandmother since it had its own case, with a large amount of hand sewn custom couture type clothes and accessories including fur coats, capes, muffs, jewelry, hairpieces and tiny hairpins. And of course that friend didn’t really like dolls. LOL I’m glad to have found others who enjoy them as well.
You don’t have to reply to me, I’m fine with the group post & I also enjoyed Paula’s tiny poodle Honey in Addy’s bed. Just the thought of it made me smile yesterday because I imagined my big 65 pound boxer girl trying to fit into one of the doll beds. She takes up almost the entire loveseat behind my computer chair and alternates between staying with me and comforting my husband (whose boy boxer died in March). We’re waiting for another from a friend’s next boxer puppies this fall or next spring.
HI Christal,
Thanks for your comments.. I at least wanted to acknowledge you!
So sorry to hear about your hubby’s boy dying… I hope the new little pup makes his heart heal!
Blessings, Jeanne
Hi Jeanne,
Today is August 30 and I am just now receiving this post. Happy Belated Birthday and may God bless you with many more. Amazed…. 62 dolls in your collection and each one so different and beautiful. I love seeing yours and mine give me so much fun and joy dressing them. I LOVED #16 Elizabeth in that beautiful red and white fabric, so pretty. Please make another of this style dress, I would definitely bid on it. Question about the hat. I am looking for one and am having a hard time finding them. Can you email me with a source where you have found them. I would love to have one with white ribbon and flowers that would go with all of my outfits; I know a girl cannot have enough hats, but I simply have to have one of these.
Hi Laureen,
Sarah is trying to get the “posts” problems figured out… I hope it’s soon.
I don’t actually have ALL those 62 dolls now… they’ve just been with me through the years… some stayed and some had to be sold to make room for new dolls.
I too, loved that red and white dress on Elizabeth and it’s one of MY favorites too!
As far as the straw hats go, if you sent me a picture of a hat like the one you described, maybe I could make it for you?
Thanks Laureen,
Blessings, Jeanne
Blessings to you on your birthday, a day later. Thank you so much for sharing your love of Jesus and of life. God has blessed you with many talents. Keep on using them and grow even more. I loved seeing all of your doll pictures! It was a treat to compare the dolls that you had two of and hard to contemplate which one I liked better. Your outfits seem to so specifically fit the dolls you sew for. What a gift to be able to pair things together. May God continue to bless you in the year ahead and may it be a year of sweet renewal and peace.
HI Lynn,
Thank you for the birthday wishes… a day later just made me enjoy my birthday even longer!
I’m so happy you enjoyed seeing all the past and present dolls dressed up. Even I enjoyed seeing them again!
Thanks so much for your blessings over me!
Blessings to you, Jeanne
Joyeux Anniversaire Jeanne !
62 is just quite nice , and I am not far behind you, I will be 61 next 20th of september.
But !….. I don’t own 61 dolls !!!! Just 18 ….. Poor of me……ah ah !
You were a lovely Baby, I lové that kind of photo, will ask my mother to give me my old photos.Surely find one of that kind.
Thanks Jeanne for all your posts on this blogsite, they make my day (as you say in english).
Thank you for the birthday wishes, Sophie!
Well, truth be told, I don’t own 62 dolls NOW… just counting the ones I used to own and the ones I have NOW makes the 62… I think I have 23 dolls on my dolly shelf… they keep me busy!
I’m so happy to make your day with my dolls and talk of sewing!
Blessings to you, Jeanne
Sorry I am late Jeanne. I hope you had a wonderful Birthday!!! I love looking at your pictures of the dolls. So many pretty ones. Can’t wait to see how you fix the hem on yur doll dress. You are so creative. Once again Happy Belated Birthday!!! Carole
HI Carole,
I’ll gladly take belated birthday wishes! Thank you so much!
So glad you enjoyed looking at the dolls all dressed up too!
Todays post is about fixing the dress hem… I hope you get that post today.
Thanks so much Carole,
Blessings, Jeanne
Love seeing all your dolls and a very Happy Birthday to you Jeanne!!!
Thank you Christine! I’m glad you enjoyed seeing my parade of dolls!
Blessings, Jeanne
That parade was wonderful! Each outfit was so perfect on the doll…fit,style,color,trim,accessories…all of it!
There is no way you look 62….
Thanks for that nice little trip through dollyland!
Thanks Kathie,
It’s even fun for me to see all the dolls I’ve owned at one glance! Glad you enjoyed it too!
Well, I AM 62… no way around it!
Thanks so much Kathie,
Blessings, Jeanne
Happy birthday to you
I am 62 too, and, yes, we are really young !
The parade of your dolls is beautiful, the clothes are superb.
(You give me an idea for my 63rd birthday, hey hey hey !!)
Hello Guyloup,
Thank you for the birthday wishes… and YES… we are YOUNG! It’s all about your attitude isn’t it?
Oh, you’ll have to tell me what your idea for your 63rd birthday is… I’m curious! :o)
Thanks so much,
Blessings, Jeanne