Featuring Friday Favorites From Friends & Family…

I’m so far behind on answering some of my emails…so I thought I’d show a few things here… I hope something you see brings a smile to your face today! There’s not much to show on my kitchen right now… the board housing the dishwasher is attached, I cut a shelf for the top section of my pantry for my baking things, all my drawer insides are being polycrylic-ed, my sink is supposed to be ready for pick up Friday morning, so there’s not much new to show that’s interesting…

When Cindy and Deb were here visiting a few weeks ago, Deb sent Cindy home with some doll furniture… As you can see, it was well received by Hannah and Nora…(Cindy’s granddaughters)

I’ve been wanting to show these kitchens for a while now. Back when I was trying to figure out what I wanted for my kitchen, Cindy was sending me tons of pictures to look at… Then she sent me these… and her text was, “I don’t think a man lives here!” Ya think?

The only link I could find to the above picture was HERE.

I tried to find a link to the picture above, but was unsuccessful. If you’d like to see some more “shabby” kitchens (as if you didn’t get your fill of pink and lace), you can go to Pinterest and type in “Shabby White Kitchens” and tons of pictures come up. I used to think I liked Shabby, but I don’t think so anymore… some elements, but not too many.

Here’s a picture of a kitchen Susette sent me…not quite my taste, but I bet the lady who lives there loves it…

Susette also found this picture of a kitchen from 1908. It was the dream kitchen built for the founder of Magic Chef line of kitchen equipment. The funny thing is… Linda said that exact kitchen is in the Magic Chef Mansion in St. Louis…It’s somewhere close to the Missouri Botanical Gardens… Okay, so let’s all give our opinions as to why there is a TV on top of the frig…

…and 2 more pictures of what “might” be Molly’s dream kitchen! See what you think…

Joy sent me a picture of her two My Meadows girls…Tella and Maddie… aren’t they the cutest things? Love those sunglasses!

Linda sent me some pictures of her girls working hard…shopping and sewing…

Here’s Susan and Ruthie grocery shopping…

Here’s Molly sewing… I’m sure she’s making a new dress for herself…

Thanks Linda… they were adorable… as always!

Susette sent a few emails and this one was the “creepiest” of them all… a Permanent Wave Machine from back in the 1920’s. Yikes is all I can say! Susette “may or may not” have had some experience from one in the 40’s.

She also sent this picture to me… of the cutest sewing machine lamp… it would be darling in a sewing room… if you had room…not mine!

Well, I hope you found something interesting in today’s featured pictures…

See you when I can,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “Featuring Friday Favorites From Friends & Family…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What a fun post, Jeanne!! Loved seeing Hannah and Norah playing with doll house furniture–reminds me of myself, when about that age, and my aunt would let me play with Her doll house furniture! She didn’t have a dollhouse, but two rooms of furniture, and I had to wait until the “little boys” (my cousins) were sleeping before she would get it out for me. I suppose her daughter has it now.

    My favorite of the “real” kitchens is the first red and white one–lots of white, with punches of red. Really cute! I remember those table/chair sets–they came in different colors, as I recall. I did like that pink kitchen, too, but perhaps not all that kitschy ice-cream stuff on the walls! I wouldn’t mind a pink kitchen one little bit!! (Anything is better than brown…)

    I loved seeing Joy’s and Linda’s pictures, too–thanks for sharing!! Linda, where did you ever find that sewing machine for Molly??? My girls are Soooo jealous!!

    Looks like Molly will soon have a new dress to enter into the 4-H fashion review!!

    I’ve seen pictures of those perm machines (and even saw one in a museum once)! I suppose you had to sit very very still while it did the job. Not for me, thanks! I’ll put up with the stinky perm solution instead! LOL

    That lamp is certainly cute, and would look wonderful in any sewer’s sewing room!

    Happy Friday, everyone! (Prayers continue…)

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      As I looked at both of these kitchens, especially the first one, I wondered what the rest of these ladies houses looked like…it would really be interesting to see…
      I was one who endured the “stinky perms” too…that machine would have made me claustrophobic I think!!!
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Today’s blog brought smiles to my face, Jeanne! I loved seeing Cindy’s granddaughters playing with the dollhouse furniture! That was me a loooong time ago! I just loved anything tiny that had to do with dollhouses or dolls! Still do!

    Those kitchens, well, I do like the one with the table and chairs that are like Molly’s. How could anyone start the day off wrong eating breakfast in that one? The others are, well, either too frilly, gee, I don’t think my hubby would even want to come into that first one! It’s for little old ladies for sure!

    The kitchen with the ice cream cone that Susette sent in, well, it could work in an ice cream shop with a 50’s vibe, but out of that, no way!!

    About the Magic Chef kitchen, one of these days I’ll get there, but I do think the TV on top of the fridge is more of a video thing, that plays while people are touring, and explains things about the kitchen. I’m old enough to remember when the first TV’s came out to the general population in the late 40’s, and we had one, but it sure wasn’t when that kitchen was state-of-the-art!

    Tella and Maddie look like they are having oodles of fun! Joy, where did you get the blue car? My dolls are jealous!

    Charlotte, I got the sewing machine from someone on AGPT (American Girl Playthings) that she was selling. It actually is for a real little girl, and works! I wanted a sewing machine that would work for a 40’s girl, not the old fashioned ones. I used to have a little one myself to use on the kitchen table to sew doll clothes, so I jumped at the chance to get Molly her very own sewing machine. I’m sure you could find one on Ebay.

    I too, had a permanent wave on something like the picture Susette sent in, also in St. Louis! Scared me half to death and I ran out of the shop! Never could stand the smell of ammonia that the place smelled like, or those horrid, hot curlers! Must have been in 1948 or something. After that experience, my mother used Tonette Permanent Waves on me, and I loved the paper dolls they came with!
    That lamp is just darling, and so different! Thanks for sending that in, Susette!
    As always, I’m thinking and praying for you and George, Jeanne. You are never far from my thoughts!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I was always intrigued with miniature doll houses but only had the Barbie doll house. The girls do look like they are having so much fun!!

      Maybe those kitchens are set up in an antique booth somewhere…who knows… the first red one does look very cheery and she must get lots of comments on it…

      I’m glad you enjoyed seeing AND contributing to today’s post…
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Hi Jeannie!

    Loved the Grandies playing with the doll furniture.. it warms my heart that generations can find the same pleasure in the same little pieces:)

    I find, as i get older, that Shabby is too fussy for my taste. I used to think it was to die for, but the realities of dusting and keeping everything clean have converted me into a minimalist:)! Lol
    That little sewing machine lamp.. I love it!

    Happy for you that today is “sink day!” Small treasures make our lives:)

    Have a great weekend ❤️

    1. Hi Shara,
      I like to see little girls playing with simple things like doll houses too…
      I used to be the exact same way…ruffles, lace, feminine, doilies, etc…I never was into the geese stuff, but I loved the pretty chintz stuff…

      Now I’ve changed and SO glad…I do like things more simple…
      I picked up my new faucet and can’t wait to see it put in… :o)
      Thanks Shara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Love the pic of Cindy’s grands and their furniture too.
    What a treat to see all of the kitchen varieties. There wasn’t one I didn’t like. However, like Shara, all of that stuff can be a chore in itself to clean. Maybe just a few vintage finds as an accent would be more appropriate. Very fun to see though.
    Linda’s photos were great. How perfect that the produce in the cart was even bagged. Great shoppers. And every time I see those kitchen appliances, it reminds me that all we have is a stove. Definitely need some other pieces if there was a free spot somewhere. I know the dollies would enjoy.
    The permanent machine looks so dangerous. I’m sure many went home with crispy hair if any was left at all. I too had to endure the Tonette home permanent. Nothing like a Saturday morning with stinky stuff and hated rollers stuck on your head. Wish I still had the paper dolls. I liked my blondish hair straight and longed for a pony tail, but it didn’t turn out that way until I hit junior high and finally put a stop to layers and beauty shops in general.
    The little blue car is by Xonex. There are lots of vehicles available as well as boats, planes, and fire engines. They come up on Ebay regularly and can often be found at a bargain. Thank you Jeanne for sharing the fun photos today.

    1. Hi Joy,
      I agree, the kitchens are fun to look at but give me a simple kitchen and I’ll be super happy.

      Thanks for sharing your pictures with us Joy…those 2 little girls of yours are so cute. It doesn’t matter what they are doing….and thanks for the car information…maybe some new dollies will get a car!!!

      I bet you’re right about the “crispy” hair… so glad we don’t have that machine nowadays…

      Glad you enjoyed today’s post, Joy!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. What a lovely cheerful blog entry this is! I’m taking a break from weeding and this just what I needed. Yesterday I had the blog set to the lilacs in your window. That was nice too and lovely on a rainy day.
    I like china and I want to see all the china much closer. I’ll have my chance at the Strawberry Festival 2 weeks from now. The tables from the first red kitchen are available there too, in several colors. My sister is always tempted. I think I’ll take the second red kitchen. I want those chairs. And the copper pans, and the stand under the window, and most of the rest of it as well.
    The blonde My Meadows doll looks a lot like my great-niece Maddy. That’s a great car, and the wagon is great too. It looks as if Molly is working on duplicating my First Communion dress, though my mother made it using one of the old treadle machines. Molly is a very lucky girl to have this much more modern machine. The scissors are nice too.

    Hannah and Nora — what wonderful names. Deb found such special things to send them, and I’m enjoying the pictures of the girls enjoying them. Everything today was special and wonderful except the horrible hair curling machine. How glad I am that those disappeared so quickly. I’ll go through these again later and find a hundred new things to like. I’ll bet the second Shabby picture is an antique store — I’ll bet I’d really like browsing there.

    Thanks for a very nice blog full of good things. It makes a fine start to a lovely sunny day.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      I’m glad my post gave you a fun break from weeding today!!
      I love the chairs in that second kitchen too! It would be fun to have guests over for dinner in either of those kitchens. Strawberry shortcake for dessert…most definitely! !!
      Wouldn’t you loved to have heard the chatter between Hannah and Nora as they looked at all those fun little pieces of dollhouse furnitute? I bet it was priceless!
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Yes, I did have a one-time experience with a version of that awful perm machine but, believe me, only once. She only caught me once under that scary machine, like Linda, in about 1948. My Nana owned a beauty school in Downtown St. Louis and supported three families during the Depression. Then a lot of men came to the school on the GI Bill after WWII .
    It’s so nice to see Nora and Hannah again and see how much they’ve grown. Darling girls. I know Riya would love playing with them. Reminds me to take mini things when I visit. Loved seeing Linda’s wonderful collection as it’s so complete, and she is a true stylist when setting up the scenes with all the details. Loved seeing Joy’s Tella and Maddie. The car is great. Thanks for letting us know the brand. I have a wagon that came with Curious George as a Christmas ornament, so one might look at ornaments for items. Thanks for sharing all the great pictures.

    1. Hi Susette,
      I bet one bad experience was all most women endured with that permanent wave machine. I still think it’s creepy…
      Yes…take mini things to Riya…little girls love little things!!
      I appreciate all the pictures you send my way… thanks so much and glad you enjoyed the post today.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Dorothy in PA

    Dear Jeanne, all of the photos made me smile. The frilly kitchens were so pretty that they would have to be only for show. I would be afraid to enter them. I would be afraid I would spill grape juice or something (smile).
    The red kitchen reminded me of my grandmother’s house. She had a red table and chair set just like the one in the photo.
    My favorite house style is the Arts and Crafts Bungalow. I love those kitchens!
    Happy May!

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      After you mentioned about the Arts and a crafts bungalow kitchens being your favorite, I had to Google them and saw some beautiful pictures if kitchens. ..now I have a whole new series of kitchen pictures to look at!!!
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. My first post didn’t take and I don’t have time to redo the whole thing.
    The dollhouse furniture is very cute and I’m sure Hannah and Nora will enjoy it.
    The kitchen pictures are interesting and certainly reflect the owner’s tastes. I do like the first red and white one.
    Joy’s dolls are adorable and I love the sunglasses.
    Cute scenes as always , Linda. I’m amazed at how many you set up and with such detail.
    The permanent wave machine looks scary. i had a couple of perms back in the late 1970’s into the 80’s when feathered hair was in, but then I turned to using a curling iron each morning before school. It was better than that horrible smell and sticky solution.

    1. Hi Laura,
      Kathie is having trouble with her comments not going through…sorry you lost your first comments.
      It’s fun that there are lots of different styles of kitchens…something for everyone. I’d like to take a tour of that first red and white kitchen…I bet it’s prettier in person.
      I’m with you on how scary that permanent wave machine looks…I use a curling iron almost every other day…haven’t had a perm in years!
      Thanks so much Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. My mom was a beautician and she said the first boxed perm kits were often the incentive for the home stylist’s clients to head to a real beauty salon to fix their do after they’d been frizzled. I like the last kitchen (mostly because of the food displayed — I must be hungry — and the table and chairs). My own kitchen is orange with a lot of natural wood along with stainless steel appliances and dark charcoal countertops made of concrete with interesting fossils, rocks, and a brass airplane embedded into it. My husband and our ex-son-in-law made the countertops, and my daughter painted the kitchen. My husband wanted a bright cheery room. It is definitely bright. My favorite parts are the Wolf 5 burner gas stovetop on the center island, my huge row of pantry cabinets, the deep sinks, the cabinet pullouts, and the self-closing drawers. (Too bad it’s not all self-cleaning.)

    1. Hi Christal,
      I bet your mom was really busy undoing lots of frizzy frazzled women!!

      Your kitchen sounds very interesting…not just anyone can get by with an orange kitchen…
      You’ve got to send me some pictures if you can…we want to see your fossilized concrete countertops…and all the rest!
      Thanks Christal,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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