I’ve been sitting at my computer for the longest time, staring at the blank page that I normally write my posts on. I don’t know what to write. 20 minutes later…Okay…here goes… It was just a few days ago that you all were filling me in on your favorite flowers and I LOVED the responses you gave!!! I mean… REALLY loved them! If you happen to read my post from the page that comes in your email (the one with the blue title), you missed a wonderful set of comments from everyone. (You can see the comments anytime you want by just clicking on the blue title when it comes in your email.) That takes you directly to my website and the comments are at the bottom. They were all so good!! I’ve read them 3 times and enjoyed them SO much! If you saw the post, but missed the comments, I’ll add the link to that post… and you can see the comments for yourself… Click HERE.
I wanted to thank you for the emails and cards and words of hope so many of you sent as we left on Friday to see my hubby’s surgeon. I’d LOVE to tell you everything, but truth be known, we are kind of in limbo again… almost like at the beginning when this all started. In the natural, things don’t look great but we have to wait on the results of the PET Scan before we know what happens next. I thought for sure I’d certainly run out of tears, but nope, they keep coming; and in the most inconvenient places; like when I’m in the underwear or the fruit aisle in Walmart. I’m not very good at this season we are going through but we are still trusting the Lord for good things… that’s all I can say right now…I just can’t talk about it now…
New subject please….
Kevin is coming back Monday night to set my base cabinets in by the frig. YAY! I have got to make up my mind on a paint color for my cabinets. I want them to be white, but seriously, there must be 500 different shades of white… I have it narrowed down, (miraculously) to 3 colors… and tonight I painted those 3 colors on 3 different cabinets on the frig wall and the window wall. (well actually on the old cabinets that we’ll rip out.) I’ll have to wait until morning to see what the colors look like though the day. I have a lot of light that comes in my kitchen window and across the room are 4 tall dining room windows, a front door with a window and the living room has a long 9 foot window that lets even more light in. Paint colors change in the different lights, and I really don’t want my white to turn pinkish, or peachy, or be too cool looking or look green… I guess those are my standard no-no’s. So, we’ll see what tomorrow brings.
Here’s what my “old” cabinets looked like tonight… It’s going to be impossible for YOU to see the differences in them…my lighting wasn’t great at 10:30 at night, but I think the one on the right side is too yellow. I also finished priming my new wall over the sink…tomorrow I’m going to start painting the insides of my cabinets with polycrylic to give it a nice smooth finish.
I’m wanting a white that’s not too cold looking, but one that goes with my white dishwasher and new stove…
Well, I’m heading to bed now…
I’ll see you when I can,
Blessings, Jeanne
Oh dear Jeanne, I am almost ashamed to say I am envious of your wonderfully emerging kitchen. I also live in an elderly (farm)house.
I applaud your wonderful helping friends.
But the real focus must be how blessed we are to have been born and lived our lives in a golden time of plenty.
May George’s medical health professionals make all the right decisions and fantastic health be ahead.
Enjoy your new kitchen, you really deserve it.
Hope Spring is in your area.
You may be able to take the door off your stove (they usually lift off for cleaning) and take it to the paint store to have them color match it. Have you considered doing a light white wash type stain on the new cabinets instead of painting?
Jeanne, don’t be embarrassed by tears at “inappropriate” times–they present opportunities for people (even total strangers) to comfort you, and the opportunity to give like that is a gift in itself! I speak from experience.
Now, as to your whites, yes, the one on the right does seem too yellow to me, also. Not really Yellow, more like a yellowy cream, you know–nice enough, but not right with the DW, etc. I’m having trouble seeing the difference between the other two at this point. I like Christal’s idea of taking the oven door (if it lifts off) with you to the paint store, and perhaps they can match it with their special color-reader thingy. (Note the use of the official term….)
I, too, am a bit jealous of the lovely kitchen that is emerging in your house. I love a white kitchen, and mine has altogether too much Brown in it!!! Brown appliances (the stove is original to the house–from 1968!), dark cabinets, etc. One of these days….!!
As always, dear Jeanne, prayers continue. Limbo time is only fun if you are dancing it!
The white old cupboards look so much fresher, I can’t wait to see the new ones once they are installed and painted. Good luck with the white choice. I agree with the ladies above who suggested taking the oven door with you so the paint people can match the white.
I hope the most recent round of tests brings you and George results that you are hoping for.
You are in my thoughts every day.
Hope you have a good day
Take care —
We certainly understand your tears, and Charlotte is right about showing your concern.
You were very wise to paint the doors in the different colors. It is interesting how yellow the right door looks. The middle one looks the best to me, but you are there to decide. That’s a wonderful idea Charlotte has to take the door in, but if it doesn’t come off, take a picture of the door with a piece of standard white paper taped to it and take the paper and the picture along to the store as it may help the people at the paint store to match it.
We are with you in praying and hoping for the best. Please thank Kevin for all of your faithful readers for his hard work on the cabinets. He is, indeed, a true friend in need.
Dear Jeanne, we know things are so hard for you now, tops turvy, and everything else, but know that we are hear to console and comfort you when you need it most. Nothing more to say on that front, and we are xo scantly praying for you and George.
The cabinets are getting close to what your kitchen will look like when it is finished. At least they are white, not that darker brown! Yes, like everyone says, the far right white looks too yellowish. Of the two remaining, they both look pretty much the same for me, but I do prefer the first one, since the second one looks too cold, at least to me. But you know best when you are there in your kitchen and see it firsthand in different light all through the day and night in artificial light what looks best. You know what though, once you figure it out, you will wonder why you spent so much time trying to decide. It will look just fine and other things will take over the room.
When you showed that wall with the fridge and cabinets, I was thinking the top cabinets WOULD look good if painted a different color, like a soft gray. Sometimes I think an all what kitchen looks almost too antiseptic , but you can fix that with a lot of colorful things in the kitchen if you don’t want or can’t do that. You are lucky enough to have those options now, since the kitchen is still in the planning stages.
I’m looking forward to seeing what is next in the kitchen and hope it turns out like everything you want. Take care, and hugs to you!
Oh boy, my iPad wrote out “xo scantly” all by itself, apparently! Please disregard!
I am new to your blog considering all the other ladies here and I don’t know you that well or your husband. But my heart aches for you and your husband and family right now. Sometimes words are just no enough and that is how I feel right now. Like I said the other day, the not knowing is the hardest. Once you have all the facts and the shock wears off whether it’s good news or not, you, your husband and his team get come up with a game plan. Tears are good and healthy. Much worse for you to keep this bottled up inside so let them flow. I’ve done my share of crying over the last year and like you in places I normally wouldn’t. A good healthy, loud scream does the mind good also. I will light a white candle of healing for your husband and let it burn until you get all the results.
Now to the kitchen. I am horrid with colors. My favorite is black…it goes with everything and the world is much safer than having me put together any color combination. Decades ago I had moved into a new place and spent the day putting the living room together. One of my children walked in the door after school and gasped. I asked what was wrong? In his 6 year old filled with knowledge and wisdom said, “you really aren’t going to put that color in that room with those other colors?” I said yes. He said not if I am going to live here and up to his room he went. My color challenged self thought it looked great until the rest of the family arrived home. White is my least favorite color and I know many women love it but it’s just too cold and somewhat (sorry) boring for me. I once painted my kitchen in high gloss Chinese red. So giving advice on which one of those are the best I’ll let my opinion out. But there is a great tool that you can use. It’s called Chip It. Much easier than taking off the door. You can take a pic of the floor, the counter top, the stove, the range and anything else (like curtains fabric) and it come up with colors even whites. I think you need to take into account all those colors. Not just that you want a white kitchen. I also with Linda as far as a accent wall or door color to break up all that white. A grayish/brown that would pick up the floor color maybe.
The tool is from Sherwin Williams and you will be able to save the choices. My daughter’s and I use it all the time. Here is the link: http://staging243.letschipit.com/.
Keeping you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh, I so wish you had a pic of your red kitchen to share. I’m sure I would like it. I too love black as an accent.
What a good idea to paint your cabinets your favorite whites and then watch to see what they look like as the light changes in your kitchen. My friend Nikki has often combined a cream called Pearl something with white very successfully, but it’s not a combination I see a lot of. She tends to accent with black — black baker’s rack, and so on. I like white kitchens, but, really, if you look at pictures, there are hundreds of great combinations. All you have to do is find something that does justice to your beautiful floor, your stunning ceiling, and chandi. Maybe instead of matching the oven door, you should look for paint that matches your ceiling. I’ll bet Cindy would tell me that since the ceiling is at a different angle, the colors would look different in any case. Or, since Reuben blends so well with the floor, maybe the lower cabinets should match some of his prettiest fur. Explain that to your visitors, or, worse, to the people at the paint store.
The only really important thing that’s happening is happening to George. I hope you get the results you are waiting for soon, and I hope they are as good as they possibly could be. I’ll say more prayers for that.
I just looked out. The rain has turned to snow. Time to make tea.
Dear Jeanne
All I can say is my heart is with you and George, praying for God’s healing hand.
Okay, here’s my take on the color scheme. Don’t bother trying to color match the appliances to your paint color. Just pick a white you love and get on with the work. The white will be fabulous. No one will look twice to see if the appliances match. What, are some trying to match stainless steel to their cabinets? Or how about those black appliances? And most of the varying stainless appliances do not match either. Each company has their own stainless color. Who knows, perhaps the latest trend may bring back 70’s harvest gold. Oh, I hope not! And should you change your mind and paint the lower cabinets greige, you wouldn’t have to match the appliances at all.
Didn’t know you had planned to paint the new ship lap either. I do like it painted as it makes the kitchen much lighter. I like white white myself, so the cream is not my favorite. Depending on what handles you choose, that could make quite a difference in your color choice. Have you figured that out yet? Brass is very popular right now and I think that will be my choice should we ever get as far as you have on your remodel. Can’t wait to see what you decide on. So fun to follow along.
Did the PET people tell you when the scan would be read? Because, I understand that it can be done while the patient is still there. No dreaded wait time. Hopefully, the surgeon will receive the results today and get back to you. I would suggest the “glad game” and do some positive thinking. Have you read Norman Vincent Peale’s, The Power of Positive Thinking? I have my grandmother’s copy. Just know my thoughts are with you both in this journey.
Continued prayers for George?May God continue to bless you both and the doctors . Tears just mesn we love so much
Looking at the photos of the cabinets, the one on the right is too yellow , and will only get more so as it ages. The cabinet on the left is a very stark , hospital white and will reflect the light much more. I favor the middle cabinet shade as it has more gray/cool in it, making it more neutral. I’m sure you will select the perfect shade though:)
Your kitchen is becoming who it was always supposed to be!
Thinking of you and George. Wish I could hug you. It doesn’t matter where you have emotional moments, Jeanne. Stay strong – our emotions help us stay strong. Blessings to you and George.
I love white kitchens. They always look so crisp and smart looking. I battle over off white and white … I find the off white (unless that’s what I want to incorporate in with other colors) isn’t as easy to blend in as the white.
Dear Jeanne, I agree with Joy. The color doesn’t have to “match” it just has to “go with” the other colors. I learned that from watching the TV show What Not To Wear. Stacie and Clinton were always saying that (chuckle). You have excellent taste. Whatever color you select will be fine.
We are all continuing to hold your family in prayer. Please take good care of yourself. Don’t worry about us. We will all still be here. Your sofa is a cozy place for us to wait.
Dear Jeanne, don’t feel concerned about tears at inappropriate times. I’m naturally an “wear your heart on your sleeve”emotional person, so if I’m under stress, I can find myself with tears rolling down my cheeks in public. Praying for George that you may have answers soon.
Your kitchen is going to be so wonderful when it is finished. White is so clean and crisp. I just received the latest issue of “Victoria” and the cover is blue and white with a bit of yellow. I love that combination as my sunroom is blue and white and gets yellow in the spring and summer and orange/red and then red alone is the fall and winter. It was a wise choice to paint cabinets in the choice colors and then be able to look at them over time to decide.
Hi Jeanne,
The Kitchen’s looking wonderful. It’s painting time, how exciting! I love picking out paint color! Many many years ago I worked at a Sears Hardware Store. I think they are mostly closed now but I was in charge of the paint department. Do yourself a favor and don’t take your oven door in for a scan, it’s to big and awkward to get a scan on and because of the finish and color it wouldn’t be a true read anyways. Instead grab color cards, lots of them.
Make a bigger sample by taping 4 or more of the same color together. Wall paint isn’t really made to go on hard working surfaces even if it says it’s scrubbable. A white wash would be so pretty, I love seeing the wood grain but that’s me. If you go that route topping with a satin poly finish will make the cupboards washable and much more durable. Rustoleum makes a product that is made for furniture but it’s not available in custom colors. Good luck and enjoy this stage, it’s nearly finished!!!
Keeping you and George in prayer. I find tears to be a great stress reliever… sometimes it’s whats needed.