Hold My hand and walk with Me… Have a very blessed Easter…

I received a sweet devotional book in the mail from Anne a few days ago. It’s called “Jesus Calling ~ 50 Devotions for Comfort” by Sarah Young. I was looking through it and one of the devotions nearly jumped off the page when I read it. This seems like it’s going to be a pretty tough week as my hubby and I go to see his surgeon on Friday. As much as I’d like to skip this week, we can’t, and knowing the Lord has all this in His control makes it okay to wake up each day and get out of bed. It would be a lie to say I’m perfectly at peace about what lies ahead, but I’m better than I was. I will trust the Lord no matter what happens, and I wanted to say that publically! For Easter, I decided to share this page from the book and hope it will be just what you might be needing too!

A few of you sent me Easter pictures and I just didn’t manage to get them posted before Easter… I have them loaded now and will do a post on them very soon… maybe even tomorrow…

THEN… I have a new surprise in my kitchen… you won’t want to miss it!!! :o)

Have a wonderful Easter Sunday and may the Lord bless all of my readers with a great big hug!

See you soon,
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “Hold My hand and walk with Me… Have a very blessed Easter…”

  1. Jeanne, The Lord is with you and will be with you every step of the way. You will feel Him carrying you but when you feel low which at times you will, PRAISE HIM. He’s always there listening, loving and carrying you. We are praying and praising too especially on this day since because of it, we’ll always be together.

  2. Beautiful, Jeanne, and what a comfort to all who read this and place our trust in God! A very Blessed Easter to you and yours!

  3. A Happy and Blessed Easter to all of us. Stay well and warm, especially all of you who woke up to snow this morning. Thanks, Jeanne, for being here at the beginning of another challenging week.

  4. Thank you for sharing those thoughts. We are all keeping you both in our prayers all week.

  5. A Blessed Easter and Passover to you and all my fellow readers. That is a beautiful passage that you posted. I hope this challenging week serves as the beginning of George’s clean health.
    I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s Easter dresses and the update on your kitchen too. Lots of positive things to look forward to.
    Have a great day!
    Take care —

  6. Happy Easter Jeannie and George ??prayers for the tough week ahead .. thank you for sharing that lovely message. I’m sure many will find comfort in those words?

  7. That is a perfect message for Easter. Thanks for sharing it, Anne. We all look forward to your message every day, Jeanne. Prayers for your week.

  8. Thank you for sharing that beautiful message. I love Sarah Young’s booklets. They are so inspiring and helpful in life. As it says, the ups and downs.

    I wish you and your family and all your wonderful writers and their families, a blessed and joyous Easter.
    Always thinking of you and George, especially this coming week.

  9. It’s such a joy to share the glory of Easter with you, Jeanne, and all of your readers who are a part of “Jeanne’s Friendship Circle,” as I like to think of it! Wishing you all the blessings of His gentle love, and may the hope and promise of this beautiful season bring peace and happiness to each of you and all you hold dear.Happy Easter!

  10. Thank you for sharing that with us all, Jeanne. S dear friend gave me the one called Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence. It’s been a wonderful devotional as well
    Prayers for the difficult week ahead and Blessings on your Joyous Easter.

    So kind of you to send the book , Anne and I love that ” Jeanne’s friendship Circle” for that is who we are.

  11. Charlotte Trayer

    What a wonderful and timely devotional, Jeanne–not just for you and George, but apparently for others, as well. Thanks for sharing.

    Prayers continue…..

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